The graphics look good, especially the bloody words. This animation seems more steady. Your skills have definitely improved from your last movie. It would of went over better if submitted on Halloween.
This is my second movie. Much better, I would say, than my first movie, An Outrageous Act, that apparently I have learned everyone hated. Can't promise you'll like this one any more but I'm trying. Thank you.
The graphics look good, especially the bloody words. This animation seems more steady. Your skills have definitely improved from your last movie. It would of went over better if submitted on Halloween.
An improvement from your last flash.
There's a big improvement in the graphics, the backgrounds are nice and stylish and the colors are nice and visually appealing. Again, I feel like this would be much better with sound. Great for an old flash though.
Needs some improving
Cute flash here, its very ghostly and has alot of good things going on, now as old it is, i still i liked it maybe alittle longer next time, also there are a few things you can spice up on this, like adding a preloader, menu page, and even a stop action code so that it doesnt loop over and over, these are just a few ideas that could make this alot better then it is, even adding some sounds wouldnt hurt either.
Great start for an older flash, you can work on a few things like, preloader, menu page, and even a stop action code so that it doesnt loop over and over
It was a graveyard Smash
A bit of a step up. I would have given this a three, but the beginnning warrented this a better score. The drawings were certainly good to look at until after the mummy where they only got worse. MS paint could have probablly done that.
All there is to say is that everyone had a good time. WIth the certan themes of the characters. It is really short. Maybe a little step up from "An Outrages Act", but not by far.
I liked the text you used in the beginning. Old English that is bleeding? Bravo. Like I said in the last review, get a voice act. That spooky haloween narrorator would have worked there. Hell I'd say it might have made this flash gotten somewhere in the 2.00-2.60 range.
Very cool.
this is a very cool flash, maybe it could have been a little longer but maybe next time, anyways great work keep it up and dont listen to the naysayers with zero flash experience, everyone has to start somewhere. Great work keep it up and hang in there. 4/5 and 7/10