That was kind of random...
LEAVE A REVIEW ok i hate it when someone votes a 0 or a 5 and does not explian why
That was kind of random...
Hahaha, another awesome music thingy by T K!
Although this one wasnt as funny or long as the "other" music vid (if this was a music vid) u made, i still luved it cuz it was a little less excessivev and cute...? Anyways, i admire your skillz. And who can forget about the 6 inch tall pink elephant in for success? Keep it up, cuz this made ur way to my fav. authors list.
U Rule T K!!!
P.S: I like that u didnt abuse me (Tails) ^.^
-Your fan
Tails Prower =)
people who blam without watching are dickheads
it was funny how knuckles shot the blast at the choa and the chao was replaced by mario and he blew up
Great music:)!
Seriuosly man. That was cool. And how Sonic fell way to fast in the begining and how the Chemical Plant Remix switched to the 3d Blast intro. It was great^___^!
I liked it alot.... allllllloooooot
Thou art like thus olot. if thou shankest thy fist au this, then fuck you in the goat ass.