you idiot
megaman isnt gay u fuck tard make flashman kiss dr.willy god dam noob
Its been awhile since I submited a cartoon to NewGrounds. This is called Megaman X "Secret Lovers" There is Love, Hate, Fighting, and some twisted stuff. Hope you enjoy it.
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More VG Parodies in the works.
you idiot
megaman isnt gay u fuck tard make flashman kiss dr.willy god dam noob
that was very disturbing i always knew dr.wily was gay but megaman he's not gay this was wrong in so many ways
why did u use amegaman sprite to make x and on another topic how can they make babys 0_o unless omfg wilys a woman and x a man in a robotic suit:O
4 years ago...
When I first saw this I was 10. I remember being really homophobic. I would go and always give this a 0 hoping that one they it would be blammed. Now I'm 14 and I have become more tolerant with the world around me. =) *Gives the submission a 5*
Man at first it seemed that it was going to be nice but try to do anykind of flash without making confusion or you dont know to do some stuff? well i dont like to see myself like a homofobic but this was too much but otherwise it was pretty original