that was awesome, but i only got to shoot....3 guys?
This is the demo of the full game. There are 4 weapons. Switch them with 1 2 3 and 4. Enemy will only come from the right. Also, because this is a demo there is no backround (sorry)
This was completly combined by two people, I do not know how to give credit, so just remember this was not just done by me
Thanks for the good reviews. For the 2 or 3 people who said that we will not finish this, you can rest asure we will. The reason why we submited a demo was to get more ideas for the game, like the ability to duck and hide behind crates.
that was awesome, but i only got to shoot....3 guys?
finish pleez
it is good demo finish pleez
roblem the gun sound are a bit well off i dont no why they just don sound righr
Please finish
this game is awesome the 4 weapons are
1.dual pistols
2.dual uzis
finish the game
best game on newgrounds my favorite gun was number 4
1:dual pistols
2:dual oozies
3:shot gun
4: i dunno but its the best ever
good game really good.but wtf its 2005 and ur not finised with the real fucking long is it gonna take u.I CANT FUCKIN WAIT WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO