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Baby Marcus 3

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Dream sequence.

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Good stuff!!!

This was a nice little short movie.. it has some very nice graphics.. and it had some pretty good music as well!
It was decent, nothing in comparison to some of your other works though.
You know what Im talking about... =D

So so.....but stop with the anal jokes already:)

I liked the ending song, and the superman style start, but the ending didn't really add anything to the animation but a cheap bit of toilet humor.

I even liked the whoring the woman out to get money bit. But fucking children, even in cartoon form, is just not right. And anyone who says otherwise must have rocks for brains to get a laugh out of this type of comedy.

A hick in the woods could laugh at a dead bird, but that doesn't mean it's funny....it just means the hick is stupid, and therefore has no sense of humor.

Ta-BEE 1.2.3
This stinks worse than poop, and I only gave it a 3 vote because I liked the song and beginning.:P Lolz.


........................................................... .......nice...

great flick

cool this was a nice flick.. good graphics.. and like the last guy said .. good music.. and it was like that other reviewer said also waynes world waynes world waynes world hahahah....

Good luck with your future movies

Good music
great style
Very funny

Credits & Info

4.25 / 5.00

Jan 12, 2001
1:32 AM EST