LOL philadelphia.
you made an piece of work that tells that people must think of their reviews. very nice drwing BTW. (its because i suck at drawing.)
Excuse the sloppy drawing. Sketching with a pencil is one thing, with a mouse it's completely different.
LOL philadelphia.
you made an piece of work that tells that people must think of their reviews. very nice drwing BTW. (its because i suck at drawing.)
O.K.You need to calm down.You don't have to kill people for that.It's what people think.Thats what you called the movie,Think.Now you need to think.You will learn something!(you might)
I like the sketchy style of your cartoons... but Im not sure that being a "bad reviewer" is a valid reason to get your throat cut. sounds like someone needs a nap..
hey i liked this one! that guy looks like the same guy in attempted. ha! that was funny, great art though i think it is cool.
Ehh.... NO!
Yes you are poorly reviewd, see what someone with an I.Q. higher the 12 would have wroght was. Learn to use Illustrator or the tools that come with Flash, this ink pen shit sucks.. dude you look like you have alot of skillz in the drawing department, put it to some good use. Illustrators has alot of cool drawing and coloring tools you can use, and there is hundreds of help sites out there to teach you different techniques in COLORING! by the way good job on the sound dude, and excellent job in pointing out that guy Alex's shortcomings I gave you a 10 in humor for that!