seen better seen worse.
you should have made it longer
iam pretty mucha n00b at this, ive only been doing flash 5 for about 6 months now, iam still learning how to draw good and shit, i have to fix this comic up a bit
seen better seen worse.
you should have made it longer
Stick isnt cool man you gotta put some efort into things you drew better people y didnt you animate them.
I didn't even watch your movie
but you know what?
if you're going to write comments about a movie, don't call yourself a made up word used by technogeeks world wide.
ok nice intro, movie was wank (dont say can you do better because i know i cant anyway) i liked the ideajust needs better graphics, and lower eye brows i mean WTF is up with them brows man? anyway, twas good, i would like to see part 2 *thumbs up*
i didnt really get it though...
well i dont get the morphing stuff...
it was ok but then it was well quaint
that part is the terminator, how T-1000 can mouprh into different people, he can mourph into a stickfigure