how does he do that?
how do you do this? i need to know to do this can you help me to do it?
The following movie contains a shitty drawed stick in a shitty drawed place where he's trapped. Don't bother to hate mail because I've already warned you about that it is a stick movie. It's your fault if you watch this and think it's a waste of time.
how does he do that?
how do you do this? i need to know to do this can you help me to do it?
learn to rite ur own movies
you stole this from another site...i cant say which coz my account will get deleted if i do...but its stolen.
What the hell are you talking about!? I didn't steal this movie. If you are referring to that I have this on my homepage, I AM THE OWNER OF STICKDISASTER.CJB.NET, I didn't rip anything.
love it
It is fun to watch the stick get compressed and crushed like that.
MWA HA HA HA! Its funny because its EVIIIL!!! >=)