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January 30, 2007 –
November 21, 2016
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

A teen takes his girlfreind out duck-shooting with him...

UPDATE 2010: Sequels will no longer be made. Confused by this? Its about



Purgatory and learning the seven life lessons, the first stage is searching and leaving nature. This is why the girl trips on the tree root, both shaped like mothers. The rest is down to interpretation since I made it so long ago. Even I cant remember it all.


usually i dont get into the abstract art n stuff....but you pulled it off in flash really good.... little advice, with the duck beeing the log thing, it took me a couple of go's to realise wat it was, but i do understand the concept of it........and yeah for all those dickheads that are giving you poor reviews cos it had no nudity or violence or humour, how bout you like look for something different for once??? flash doesnt have to mean boobies blood and humour ^^

I didn't vote on this one, because I don't feel I'm qualified or educated enough for some reason. Maybe it's because the characters kinda nauseate me. Except for the ducks - they were nice. If you gave me a choice of who to have a conversation with in that movie, it would be the ducks. Unless I was a priest, in which case I'd feel duty-bound to exorcise the old guy.
Speaking of him, despite that fact that he scares me, I like him. He Defends the Ducks. He does it by being possessed by Satan, but in the twisted, dark and demented world of this flash, I'm guessing that's the best a Defender of the Ducks can do. But if the old guy's got Satan, who do the two twerps have?
Also, how well can those poor people smell with their noses all gajumba'd like that?
Have a nice day.

It was ok... interesting style you got there...

And to the last poster... Ok... let's see you do it. I know I can't just "sneeze abstract onto paper". Sneeze for us. Let's see what you got.

Yeah, cause you know that everything on NG is supposed to be funny.

I thought it was...decent. The art style was good and although it wasn't exactly a coherent story, it didn't fall apart. I was kinda expecting the ducks to attack the teens after they ate the bread (you know, cause the old man's voice was deep and demonic).

looked like it had some potential, but im not sure where you were going with it. just looked sorta unfinished


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