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January 30, 2007 –
November 21, 2016
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

A teen takes his girlfreind out duck-shooting with him...

UPDATE 2010: Sequels will no longer be made. Confused by this? Its about



Purgatory and learning the seven life lessons, the first stage is searching and leaving nature. This is why the girl trips on the tree root, both shaped like mothers. The rest is down to interpretation since I made it so long ago. Even I cant remember it all.


I looove creepy stuff like this.
You draw beautifullyyy;)
i hope i see more.

The concept & style were interesting. The characters voices were quite hard to understand and ear grating so I was glad for the subtitles. Their movements could use work though, it seemed like you sort of just wanted to finish them quickly instead of it being a stylized sort of action. I bit of polish on this and it could be really good. I'll keep an eye out for part 2.

I can't say I really understood it. But what I followed was, two kids going to shoot ducks with a handgun? Even if I didn't get the story, the graphics are very well done, the style, well I have never seen it done at Newgrounds before. Good job :D

You know, the animation had potential. It was kind of strange to animate it like Olive the Other Reindeer.....but it wasn't terrible.
but WHY did you even bother to name it "Searching??" Who was searching? And for what?
Where was the story?
Next time, accually write a story before you go and put together a bleedin animation. Its easy to end something with an old man, a phoney voice and a threat to some shite with a cane in his arse.

ok i will take the sandwich approach. First, your style is unique. I liked how your art resembled a painting. Nice touch. Who were you inspired by, Dali? Because it has that very Dali Surreal kind of feel. Second, its seems as if you got frustrated or ran out of time because it starts out strong and then completely falls off. With art like that you need to have a compelling storyline. It's almost as if the art was wasted. The ending was totally weak and actually ruined the rest of the short for me. I would recommend thinking the entire plot through before starting a project. Then I would do a bit or research, because you aren't gonna go duck hunting with a hand gun, nor would you go duck hunting in a pond. Now from a Surreal point of view I could accept this in the storyline if your plot was much more solid. As a writer you need some work. and if you didn't write the story then you need to stop working with whoever did. You want a story that is driven, not one that drives off a cliff. Plot is where I feel that you fall short. The conclusion of a story should be as strong if not stronger that the beginning. You don't want to disappoint you audience. and Finally I think that your art work has great potential and a very unique feel. Don't seel yourself short with weak stories. Good Luck.


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