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Ultimate Pre-loader Tute

April 15, 2004 –
September 25, 2017
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

Hey, this tutorial goes into great depth in showing and explaining to you how to make a working cool pre-loader. Have fun and maybe learn sumn, enjoy!


Damn this is really usefull,

I can't really comment much about the content of this tutorial (just as with its previous submissions) because I'm not an animator and simply wouldn't know. I'll simply suffice it to say that as far as tutorials go it was above average. The layout is simple, but not 100 percent user friendly (you have to at least have an idea of what you're doing to understand the tutorial). The material is short but to the point (good for a tutorial) and the background music choices aren't half bad.

And while this isn't really a flash, its certainly a decent piece of work in general.


Now, that being said...

Dude we all know you can write decent tutorials (you already have a good one that's made it into the portal, and the others have been alright as well). But c'mon! You've resubmitted tutorials with this layout but on different topics how many times? Move on to some actual animation! You obviously know more than enough to do a flash better than half the submissions NG gets daily. Show us what you have!

And what's more if you did make a good flash your tutorial's rep. would go through the roof.

I'm not saying I think your tutorials are getting old so such as that if this one doesn't make it, maybe you should try something else.

It's just a thought

not too bad, as long as you kinda know how to use flash... the music was kinda lame... but whateva.


Why? This is one of the bestest tutorials!!!
I´m glad that you re-posted it! ! !

Why did you re-post it?


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