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3 - rd 25 Points

Complete the game in 500 seconds

2 - rd 50 Points

Complete the game in 300 seconds

1 - rd 100 Points

Complete the game in 150 seconds

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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Author Comments

10 hardcore levels. A platform with interesting mechanics: each background block you pass turns into a solid block if you leave the background. Who will pass 10 hardcore levels faster than anyone!

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Cute game

I like the puzzle mechanic style here and a really good concept I do think a larger view/play screen would be a plus, the visual graphics are simple but the game mechanics are nice, I think some added detail within the art would be a plus, it does well all on its own keeping the creative elements together and flowing well and those are the good submissions i love seeing, simple and fun game here


i really like the reconnect to ng and get a medal options although the platforming really wasnt that hard and clipping into the open space was off i could literally grab pellets without setting off the red blocks.

this game should go die

This little puzzle game is quite fun and concept is quite original. Could have had more levels.

A bit dry, but neverthless has a unique and clever puzzle mechanic that I've never had the pleasure of dealing with before! Had fun going through it, though the level design did seem a bit slapdash and random at thimes, but did make for a fun amount of variation. Could definitely stand to have a lot more juice and pizazz to it, such as music, sound, special effects and such not only to make it more fun and inviting, but it could also be used to illustrate the mechanics better and guide the player.

kbvpneofit responds:


Credits & Info

3.14 / 5.00

Feb 9, 2020
11:19 AM EST