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need artist(s) to draw my comic for me

hello! i make a very bad comic called 'worldwide west,' the first two chapters of which can be read in my gallery. here are the three main characters at the moment:


it is based on a tabletop role playing game me and my brother did a few years ago. the characters and events are adapted straight from the RP campaign. with minor changes to make it a better read.

the trouble is, i can't draw fast enough to make this comic in a timely fashion (i don't enjoy drawing very much), and there is a LOT more content to adapt from the role play. probably a good fifteen or twenty chapters.

so i need people that can draw in a low-effort but kinda charming art style decently quickly. NOTE: i will do, and have done, all of the storyboards for the chapters. so that means panel placement, shot composition, dialogue, speech bubble placement, etc., is all handled by me. all you would be doing is the art itself. taking my messy storyboard sketches and adapting it into art.

think of it like a long string of low-effort, low-stakes commissions. and feel free to bring your own personality to it. that's what i want. if you look at what i've drawn already for the first two chapters, you'll see i don't have a very high bar for quality. i would like whoever i hire to be able to draw at least marginally better than i can, but even that isn't a requirement.

another thing i would mention is that i don't need you to draw all of it. i can do some of it, and the work could be split between several artists. you just draw however much of it you wanna draw, and i'll pay you for what you get done.

this is a paid gig. message me if you're at all interested. don't be a stranger.
