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Need music? / wanna collab on music?

To be brief, I'm looking for anyone who wants to collaborative with a musician. I specialize in guitar and bass (10+ years), but am more then capable of producing with midi. If you'd like to hear a quick portfolio of my stuff click here now!. I'm down for anything regardless of style! I have plenty of ideas and demos to share, that could use other instrumentalists (rhythm or lead), or singers. I'm also totally in to add layers on to your ideas!

Oh, you say you have a game, or an animation that needs soundtrack work? I Would love to be a part of that action! Here's a link to a playlist that has some extra instrumental stuff, the previous playlist does not.

Link to playlist on Newgrounds

Ultimately I'm looking to engage more with the Newgrounds community, so if you have any other ideas! ( I.E. mixing, SFX, audio editing, etc etc) Please reach out! I can't wait to make some magic!!!


cheap music commissions

i make video game soundtrack-like music, and i love MIDI. i can offer a wide range of instruments: realistic, midi, chiptune, orchestral, and any soundfont you want.

you can see examples of my work here: youtube, portfolio, bandcamp, and i'm on spotify

my prices (which i think are reasonably cheap,) are here: my website

these are extremely flexible.

i can also make soundtracks for shows, and there's more info in the link above

thank you


Music Commissions and Collabs

I am willing to make music and sounds for any projects that you see fit, including animations and games. I am not 100% looking for professional/commercial level works, but if you have an idea that I like I will do what I can. I am not really worried about payments, I more or less am just dipping my toes into working with other people and seeing what I can do to get closer to achieving my dreams as well as helping other people out, in other words as long as I'm credited IDC about money. As for the kind of works I do, I make a lot of ambient N64 era sounding tunes but I have also delved into chiptune and classical a bit (Soundtracks like Goldeneye 007, Terraria, and Battleblock Theater). If you want a taste of my works you can click here for my YT.

I suppose that's all I have to say. If you're interested you can email me @journeynetmusic@gmail.com or just message me on here, please include the genre/mood you want as well as instruments. Thanks for reading looking forward to working with y'all.