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I can make simple games, help making them or just make fun stuff together

Hey ~

I'm looking for collabs with other game developers (and also with everyone who is related to game development), but solely for simple 1-2 week HTML5 (JavaScript only) game projects - I probably won't be as reliably reachable for longer periods of time unless I'll get a reason to quit my main job.

I can do everything but I just don't think it is as cool to work alone. I'm here to have fun.

I can do:

  • Multiplayer (p2p, client-server);
  • Implement some of complex 2D/3D algorithms;
  • Make sandbox games;
  • Deal with physics including physically-based characters;
  • Particle systems;
  • Setup and work with Node.js for server;
  • A little experience with Cloudflare;
  • Game design, balancing, level design;
  • I have a little bit of experience with Stripe integration;
  • Some game engine-based realistic rendering;
  • I can do some modelling, sound design and some art but I'd rather not;
  • I can make Level Editors;
  • I can optimize stuff;
  • Security checks;
  • Testing;
  • Moderation tools.

In exchange I'm looking for:

  • Revenue share;
  • Fun;
  • Being part of something great;
  • Influencing players' lives positively.

So basically you can contact me even if you need just a side opinion or suggestions for your project. You can DM me here on Newgrounds too, better to do it everywhere.

I'm up to trying to do some twitch-related or any else streaming service related plugins too, especially if there is an API (ones you can add in OBS).

I communicate over Discord, chat only.


