Newgrounds Background Image Theme

Collaborate with me!


hey, most stuff here on collabinator is pretty serious, but anyway... hit me up for your average, run of the mill, garbage, or not so much, ideas.
don't have an idea? screw it let's just talk and make one up
i just have a lot of free time
send help

i do Music (https://soundcloud.com/ningow/glitched https://soundcloud.com/ningow/redemption-vsts-test https://soundcloud.com/ningow/brainless https://soundcloud.com/ningow/brainfreeze
will happily do dumb stuff like this> https://soundcloud.com/ningow/the-real-doki-doki <will happily do dumb stuff like this)

Art (https://www.instagram.com/p/Boh6x4QhapH/ this is the most recent stuff i have online)

and kinda do some nice voices but never really tried voice acting