Newgrounds Background Image Theme



Price Rundown:

Traditional Sketches - $15
- $5 per extra character
- $5 for BG

Digital Lineart - $ 20
- $5 per extra character
- $5 for BG

Digital flat colored - $25
- $7 per extra character
- $5 for BG

Digital shaded and colored - $30
- $8 per extra character
- $5 for BG

Stuff I can do:

Ponies: It's what I do mostly.
Humans: I can draw humans too, though I don't as often anymore.
Anthro: Watch me be awesome!
Gore: Despite my art being mostly cutesie, I love gore cause inside, I'm a sick puppy.
Cover Art: I really like doing cover art, cause it's super fun.
NSFW: I like what I like

Stuff I won't do:

Vore: No.
Certain kinks: There are some weird kinks out there...
Um... I don't know.

If interested, please send me a note with clear instructions on what you want. Please don't send me a note asking if you can have a slot. IF you want to ask, just comment it below.

I only accept payments from paypal. I have no need for points or art.

Note: I retain the right to refuse any request for whatever reason.