WEB VERSION: http://home.houston.rr.com/gfoxcook/
History of the Quad/PentaList: This list began on November 27th, 2003 in an attempt to rank all Newgrounds users with experience, blam/protect, and/or post counts above 10,000. On January 6th, 2004 it expanded to include reviews despite no one being near 10,000 reviews as of that time. Finally, that QuadList format switched to the current PentaList format on August 8th, 2004: b/p was split into separate blam and save counts henceforth. Thus, a list of people with exp, blam, save, post, and/or review counts above 10,000 was solidified.
None of the 32 original bumped people have rejoined the list this time (meaning 15 are back overall and 17 remain off the list). There are, however, four new additions: welcome to Thobbe, Jen_the_Great, Cyberdevil, and JustinTheDevil. No clarifications necessary today as I didn't fudge anyone onto the list for a change. Less work = yay!
No new doublelistings to report, no new triplelistings either. This is getting to be an inactive period in the history of the pentalist, but things are looking bright for some doublelistings within the next few weeks, so hopefully that's about to change. Good luck to Yoink, Jen_the_Great, Fizzle/soulrifter, etc. etc... all of whom may doublelist soon. Now... on to the list stats, list additions, double/triplelist section, and the list update itself:
COMBINED Stat Totals, (Percentages), and [Averages]
(E = Exp, B = Blams, S = Saves, P = Posts, R = Reviews, T = TOTAL)
Full-List E: 1,655,693 (37.13%) [9302 exp]
Full-List B: 1,533,128 (34.38%) [8613 blams]
Full-List S: 0,681,637 (15.29%) [3829 saves]
Full-List P: 0,520,106 (11.66%) [2922 posts]
Full-List R: 0,068,513 (01.54%) [385 reviews]
Full-List T: 4,459,077 [25,051 points per person]
List entry due to exp (0): N/A
List entry due to blams (3): Thobbe, Jen_the_Great, Cyberdevil
List entry due to saves (0): N/A
List entry due to posts (1): JustinTheDevil
List entry due to reviews (0): N/A
Doublelisted people (25 total):
gfoxcook (blams, saves)
Recon_Rebel (blams, saves)
fixit (blams, saves)
MPA (blams, saves)
thisisasignin (blams, saves)
YoinK (exp, blams)
leeboy105 (blams, saves)
D0GMA (blams, saves)
Crono- (blams, saves)
RyoHahn (blams, saves)
XwaynecoltX (blams, reviews)
biteme2514 (blams, posts)
NemesisM66 (exp, blams)
Captain_Bob (exp, blams)
_altr_ (exp, blams)
poxpower (exp, posts)
Wylo (exp, blams)
Stormwarden (exp, blams)
Shrapnel (exp, posts)
nimmer (exp, blams)
staphita (exp, blams)
DrMSM (exp, blams)
dl_Monk (exp, blams)
format (exp, posts)
Tanner (exp, posts)
Triplelisted people (4 total):
ramagi (exp, blams, saves)
bila (exp, blams, saves)
TheJoe324 (exp, blams, posts)
alexsmolik (exp, blams, saves)