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Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

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Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-17 22:51:54

Oh, forgot to post about Clock Day, I just realised. And I think I'm done with catch up for this weekend (partial, as often happens...), so... time to wrap it up.

For those who don't know (anyone who wasn't reading my profile or Bahamut's userpage news posts on Clock Day... which is probably everyone but Bahamut, me, NEVR, and this newbie dude who was posting a lot on my newspost around then), I rigged my sleep schedule where I loaded up on sleep on Thursday (and then on Saturday) so I could stay up for all 24 hours of Clock Day (and then some). Ended up staying up for 30 hours. Approximately from 8PM Thursday 8/14 to 2AM Saturday 8/16.

Voted on at least 1382 entries (that's how many are still surviving in the portal as we speak) in a span of 1464 entry #s between the above wake-up/sleepy times....

Tried to blam at least 15 entries with gfoxclock. Only got two blams (and both were from late 8/14... both pre-Clock Day... once Clock Day hit... it was pretty much hopeless. Almost all the things in the graveyard that day were either not submitted on Clock Day or were removed with scores above 3.00 by the authors. #;-}>

As for gfoxcook...

Well, when I woke up on Thursday night, I had 28,669 saves... when I went to sleep on Saturday morning, I had 29,771 saves. That's a total haul of 1,102 saves (1,008 of them were actually from the 1,334 entries submitted ON Clock Day itself, NG time).

I think I had a fairly successful Clock Day 08, compared to only 542 saves Clock Day 07--technically, only 465 during the 24 hour period itself... again, had some just before the first midnight, and some just after the second midnight... though I didn't stay up for all 24 official hours last year, and that's the main reason it was so "unsuccessful" (relatively speaking, of course)... so anywho, yeah. I basically doubled my haul this year, even though the actual # of submissions during Clock Day dropped from 1638 to 1334.

In short: SWEET! Almost to 30,000 saves, the halfway mark of my 24k to 36k re-retirement push. #;-}>

Also: Clock Day 2007 + Clock Day 2008 = responsible for over 25% of my total haul of saves since un-retiring from saving alone in 2007 (maintaining my 2005 blamming retirement, of course).

HOW MANY PENTAPOINTS DID YOU FINE FOLKS RACK UP thanks to our ol' NG tradition, eh?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-18 00:00:16

At 8/4/08 04:33 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:24 PM, Corky52 wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: I am the user that posts the most a day. :P
Worship me!
I rather post one time a day with my quality of posts then 1,000 times with your quality. You post for the hell of it and you are really annoying when you go about it actually. I even know that your on a couple of mods shit list for spamming all the time. Like the time that you came in here and posted in almost every single thread saying stuff like, "I don't know". Maybe you should actually put effort into your posts like it's suppose to be.
Huh, i used to be just like you almost a year ago. Posting just to get a post count getting banned every 3-4 days annoying the piss off every mod out there, i even went down to the level of trolling delta66. Then one day i got a 30 day ban and decided to leave for good( not really i'm still posting arn't i) and now i think back on what i was and shutter every time. Some advice for you if you keep this up people will just ignore you, like you never even posted.
None of what you just said right there makes any sense to direct at Corky, so I can only assume that you were "speaking to 61 over Corky's head (well... quoted text)" there... which is weird, man. If that is what you did, it's quite confusing when you quote someone else quoting the person you're really directing your post to. If you need to reply to both bits, that's fine, but if you're just replying to 61 in the above case, just reply-w/-quote to 61's post instead of Corky's, eh?

If I misunderstood and somehow that WAS to Corky, nevermind. But in that case, please explain WTF is going on. How were you "just like Corky" 1 year ago... o_O

Sorry it's taking me so long to reply, but oh well like it matters. You really never visit the general foums so i don't expct you to know about when i fisrt started, i trolled several useres that i disliked on the general saying alot of shit to them like faggot and other things i would never say now, but those post i made are no longer there 500-600 of my posts were deleted and i receved like 20 or 30 day ban from posting.Then during the time while i was banned over and over again i spammed in my reviews i think 2 or 3 of them are sill on my profile that did not get deleted. And i was directing my post to 61. Then i came here and you helped me reform myself.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-18 17:16:36

At 8/13/08 11:48 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/12/08 12:59 PM, Bahamut wrote: Not to worry, he won't be on my list of ALL potential regulars for a while.
I don't think spammers and trolls should be allowed on the potentials list.

Hence why it'll be ages before Bryan/61 and darknessdweller will even get there.

At 8/17/08 10:33 PM, gfoxcook wrote: BAHA-REPLY TIEMS.

A whole post to me. I feel special. :')

At 8/12/08 12:59 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:09 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: Worship me!
I'd honestly rather staple my face to a horse's backside.
Along with that, I'd rather stab my eyes to death and a lot more crazy shit than to worship him.
BTW, how did the subject of worship come up in the FREAKING PENTALIST TOPIC, anyway? #;-}>

Because of that Bryan/61 telling everyone to worship him for the amount of posts he's made in a short period of time. Seriously, if we all have to worship him for making around 900 posts in a month, then what about me when I was making 1000 posts per month back in 2005?

Yes, I've calmed down since.
Whew. Far less fuck than usual. Wait... that doesn't sound right.

lmao, far less fucks than usual? :P

I went through the Pentalist spreadsheet AND the Top posters spreadsheet to find any more users to add to the B/P spreadsheet. Sadly, everyone I added weren't in the top 300, so I still need to find those missing fuckers.

Still, better to have gaps in the top 300 b/p.... than in the pentalist or the top xxx exp, IMO. That's just how I roll.

Very true, but accuracy in the Top 300 B/P is just as important as the accuracy in the pentalist and the Top xxx EXP.

exp/vp/penta > all else for me these past few years.

Well, I'm more focused on EXP rank right now.

I really think England is getting worse and worse, especially with Gordon fucking Brown running the country. To me, he's much worse than Tony Blair, but I won't go as far as saying he's worse than Bush.
Sooooooooooo... if given the choice, you'd rather be placed back in time to a time when your King or Queen could have people executed at the drop of a hat... and needless to say there was no ELECTRONIC MEDIA OF ANY SORT?

If my King or Queen would execute most of the fucking idiots in this country, I'd support it. Seriously, this country would be 1000x better if the majority of the idiots didn't exist. Britain is too fucking soft at times.

Oh yeah, the college was fun. The vending machine there may have been a pain in the ass, but it became a joke on my flashes. Another thing about the college, it was then I got into Relentless. :D And what else was great about it? Oh yeah, my Computing teachers. They were great teachers, who had great taste in music. They were into Iron Maiden and one of them mentioned Queensrÿche in the class and guess what? I was the only student there that knew who they were.
Heh. Well, I'd only REALLY be worried if no one but you had even heard of Iron Maiden in a whole class of students... unless it only had like 5 students in it or something.

There were 20 students at the time, but the teacher only mentioned Iron Maiden when I was talking to him about something outside the classroom.

My only complaint about that Computing teacher was that he called Iron Maiden speed metal. :S They're awesome and all, but they are NOT speed metal....
snips Baha-rant:::
Oh boy... your teacher didn't know what he was starting, methinks. ;_;

Oh well, I'll forgive him for that.

So before I start ranting on YouTube's flaws, the whole site would be dead? XP Oh well, there's still Revver.
The THEY I spoke of up there.... = the users of a site. Not the sites themselves.

DAMN YOU GFOX! That built my hopes up.

"That's what they (humans+dragons) all say. Then the next thing you know, they (humans+dragons)'re dead. Silly mortals (humans+dragons)."

Capisce? #;-}>

Ugh, fine then.

This may sound crazy, but I feel like I'd be more sane playing ET than FFII. AGAIN, I know that sounds crazy, but really, FFII annoyed the shit out of me with that atrocious level up system.
ET from the Atari 2600?!?! O_O

Yep, the one that's considered 'the worst game ever'.

YOU GO TOO FAR, SIR. Nah, actually... I was probably one of the few people whose brain wasn't broken by ET. I actually played it on an emulator in the 90s, too, and it was... uh... I wouldn't say fun, exactly. But not as horrible as playing FFII after having played every other FF, 1 through 12 (cept for 11)... at least ET didn't take what made a series good underneath all the differences from title to title... and shit all over it. ET was an island to itself.

Just looking at all the video reviews for ET, I agree that the game is horrible, but I feel like there's a game much worse than ET. I guess Superman 64, all the crappy pointless FIFA games and Bomberman: Act Zero can easily be considered worse than ET. However, I still feel there's a game out there that's 10x worse than everything mentioned here.

So self titled and Piece of Mind you'll think of getting, eh? :)
Those would be the two albums in yer top 4 recommended Iron Maiden albums that I don't already own, so... unless I hear from someone else here who likes Iron Maiden and disagrees STRONGLY with your ranking order... I don't know why I would suddenly find it necessary to buy an album from your 5+ area of ranking... before those two. o_O

I believe Coop, Casualty and Haggard like Maiden, but who else?

...News Reporter?

At 8/17/08 10:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh, forgot to post about Clock Day, I just realised. And I think I'm done with catch up for this weekend (partial, as often happens...), so... time to wrap it up.

Partial indeed. You still need to catch up on the B/P update, which the last one happens to be the greatest update I've ever seen in my life. XP

As for gfoxcook...


In short: SWEET! Almost to 30,000 saves, the halfway mark of my 24k to 36k re-retirement push. #;-}>

Again, hurray! Ah, getting closer and closer to your goal.

P.S. I need to stop saying hurray.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-18 18:35:09

At 8/17/08 10:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Ratio, maybe. But not 50 blams and 50 saves. The former is nearly impossible these days (er... weeks... months... starting to become years)... the latter is fairly easy to obtain in a day.

Probably should have put 'ratio of 1:1 blams:saves' rather than what I originally put. The likelihood is that I wasn't paying as much attention to what I was saying as I should have -- because yes, getting 50 blams in a day is very difficult, if not impossible these days (depending on how much time you spend obsessively in the portal).

At 8/17/08 10:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I rigged my sleep schedule where I loaded up on sleep on Thursday (and then on Saturday) so I could stay up for all 24 hours of Clock Day (and then some). Ended up staying up for 30 hours. Approximately from 8PM Thursday 8/14 to 2AM Saturday 8/16.

Good stuff! I only managed 20 hours -- woke up at 5am GMT on August 15th (which is midnight EST), and got to the portal in time to catch the last of the August 14th UJ submissions. Spent most of the day in the portal, with the occasional break for food, hygiene, etc., and at about 8pm EST (1am the next day GMT) I called it a day and went to bed.

I probably could have managed a bit more if I'd really tried, but meh. I got over 1,100 saves, so that was more than fine by me.

In short: SWEET! Almost to 30,000 saves, the halfway mark of my 24k to 36k re-retirement push. #;-}>

Congrats :)

HOW MANY PENTAPOINTS DID YOU FINE FOLKS RACK UP thanks to our ol' NG tradition, eh?

Exactly 1,131 saves. Got no blams though, which is a bit unfortunate because that's looking to be the main contender for my 2x10k stat. :/

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-19 02:57:06

Though it really doesn't matter for this list i did reach the 20k Exp. plateau today,BANZAI! ^_^

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-19 07:35:29

At 8/17/08 10:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/12/08 08:15 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/12/08 12:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: No, I was doubting whether I was the only person on NG that you'd refer to as "your master" in the context of our silliness a few replies back, way back in July now. O_O
Yep, you're the only one who I would ever bend a knee to on this site... maybe Wade as well, but we've already been over this discussion and as a result, I no longer have the beard.
Oh come now. </non-dirty meaning>

Let's face it, you're one of the elite statwhores on this site and at the moment, yours is a goal that I can only aspire towards.

Also, I refuse to do the lisp, as the spittle clogs up the voice projector part of my breathing apparatus.
You need a spit valve in there, like trumpet and trombone and tuba players have in their instruments. :::nods:::
That would look somewhat disturbing, considering that I'm still, to all intents and purposes, human.
Huh? I was saying you need a spit valve in your voice-projector-part-of-your-breathing-a pparatus,
which I took it was NOT part of your physical anatomy.

The bits and pieces that made up Vader are parts of his anatomy, as much as Luke's false hand was part of him!
Pfft. Luke's replacement hand, AFAIK, wasn't removable/detachable. Vader's helmet was a two piece removable dealie, as we saw both midway through Empire Strikes Back during him being interrupted in his ... uh... rest 'n' relaxation chamber/communications room with the Emperor.... by some Imperial Navy dude who should have known better than to stride right in while Vader was getting his beauty rest....

That wasn't rest and relaxation, that was using the powers of the force to enjoy oneself. Despite having crispy nether-regions, Vader still knows how to have a good time.

Besides, the top of the helmet may very well be removable, but the lower part wasn't - part of Vader's breathing apparatus, I have no doubt.

The spit valve I mentioned, I thought, would be in metal or plastic COVERING your face, you big silly.

"I can't see a thing in this helmet"


I wonder what the experience would be like if I played Soul Calibur with a Guitar Hero controller..?
Better when "enhanced" by your brain-affecting chemical of choice, methinks.

Sadly, I get so little time to get high on the fumes of contact adhesive these days :(

There's only one way to sort this! *searches for a character armed with an Axe*
Let me know how that went. o_o

Well, I managed to find Astaroth, who has a big enough axe for my goals. Now to practice with him and then get the Guitar out.

Report due maybe Wednesday night...

Oh, forgot to post about Clock Day, I just realised. And I think I'm done with catch up for this weekend (partial, as often happens...), so... time to wrap it up.

HOW MANY PENTAPOINTS DID YOU FINE FOLKS RACK UP thanks to our ol' NG tradition, eh?

Well, let's see... we've got the 10 for Experience, plus my 801 Saves and 0 Blams... then there's 3 Reviews and 10 Posts, which makes a grand total of 824 Pentapoints for the day itself.

Not a bad haul, especially when you consider that three of those posts were for the Blammers list update!

Three spammy reviews though, to counterbalance that :P

At 8/19/08 02:57 AM, Molotov wrote: Though it really doesn't matter for this list i did reach the 20k Exp. plateau today,BANZAI! ^_^

Another joins the ranks of the 3x20k list. Congratulations, I hate you.

Seriously though, it's going to take me over a year to get to 3x20k, but that's only because my Experience needs to go a lot further than my Blams.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-23 09:14:28

Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!

Hello all and welcome to my 4th Pentalist update. Here, I've added yet more users to the spreadsheet and that's a big thanks to gfoxcook giving me the Top 2000 EXP List of 17th July 2007. Also, I was hoping to add a list of Triplelisted, Quadlisted and Pentalisted users on this list as well as the top 10 gainers, but I'm gonna need some assistance on the HTML. :P (NOTE: I was distracted by other things, so I had no time to focus on HTML to creating those sections.) However, I will say that the top five gainers were:

Basspro55 with 4278
Afro_Stud with 3865
harryjarry with 3767
Toocool100 with 3634
DrJam with 3530

Well done to them five!

I don't usually mention rank changes on my Pentalist updates, but this one deserves some recognition. BIG CONGRATS to Molotov for reaching the top spot of the list, making him the user with the highest total points on Newgrounds! Again, congratulations Molotov.

Welcome to two new 2x10k entries for this update, who are Georgeproject and HouseMasta! Georgeproject entered with a combination of 10k blams and 10k saves, while HouseMasta entered with 10k EXP and 10k saves.

There were three status changers for this update. MessiaH, someone-else and ThunderboltLegion have moved from 2x10k to 3x10k.

Enjoy my 4th 2x10k Pentalist update!

Now to get the sort out the son of a bitch known as the Top xxx EXP List. This bastard has been disagreeing with me today!

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-23 10:20:27

At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!

Thanks for the awesome update!

Thats cool I moved up 16 places and was close to moving up another, also not too far off the top 5.

Now to get the sort out the son of a bitch known as the Top xxx EXP List. This bastard has been disagreeing with me today!

Haha, good luck with that update.

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-23 12:06:21

At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!

Yay! Thanks for that! :)

I moved up 5 ranks and it looks like I outgained quite a few people ahead of me. So I should be able to climb a few ranks before the next update as well! :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-23 12:56:59

At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!

Wow that´s early. Thanks for the great update Bahamut!

I gained 15 ranks and jumped right into the top 80, which is awesome :) And I´m almost the most ranked up user on this update. Next update I probably won´t do as well, with school starting again and all. I might gain two ranks or so.

Anyways, special congrats to Molotov on becoming the new #1 pentalist user :)

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-23 13:27:13

At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!

Wow, position 36! I'd like to thank my parents and my girlfriend, for their love and support; Bahamut for his updating of the list and gfoxcook for his dedication to 36ness across the world!

Basspro55 with 4278
Afro_Stud with 3865
harryjarry with 3767
Toocool100 with 3634
DrJam with 3530

I'm in 9th place there, so I've got some oomph left in me yet :)

Congratulations to Molotov for becoming Afro_Stud's space heater - we know that he's going to get the top spot soon :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-25 02:44:25

At 8/17/08 10:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh, forgot to post about Clock Day, I just realised. And I think I'm done with catch up for this weekend (partial, as often happens...), so... time to wrap it up.


As for gfoxcook...
Well, when I woke up on Thursday night, I had 28,669 saves... when I went to sleep on Saturday morning, I had 29,771 saves. That's a total haul of 1,102 saves (1,008 of them were actually from the 1,334 entries submitted ON Clock Day itself, NG time).

Just wanted to illustrate the magnitude of the above haul I had during the Clock Day 08 timeframe by showing how much the two (actually... three... the logs on 8/15, 8/16, AND 8/17 all show a Clock Day effect) epic haul loggings dwarf my normal save pace nowadays:

Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-25 04:52:28

At 8/25/08 02:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/17/08 10:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote:


Just wanted to illustrate the magnitude of the above haul I had during the Clock Day 08 timeframe by showing how much the two (actually... three... the logs on 8/15, 8/16, AND 8/17 all show a Clock Day effect) epic haul loggings dwarf my normal save pace nowadays:

I should have mentioned in the above bit that those three logs were at like... 11PM 8/15, 11AM 8/16, and 2AM 8/17, so it was basically three logs in a 30 hour period, the same 30 hour period I was awake for 30 hours straight during... intentionally done to capture my Clock Day funs with as much "media coverage" as possible. #;-}>

Anyway, as long as I'm posting my statwhore celebratory pics, I'ma gonna post this here 30k save celebrationy pic, too, and then get on with the catch-ups. Oh, wait, let me at least reply to Bahamut's list update in this post, too, before the pic. Yes.

:::does so:::

At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!

WOOT WOOT! Thanks, man.

Hello all and welcome to my 4th Pentalist update. Here, I've added yet more users to the spreadsheet and that's a big thanks to gfoxcook giving me the Top 2000 EXP List of 17th July 2007.

You're welcome from me and BBB. #;-}>

I love how on the actual list page you referred to how many users you added to the spreadsheet as "at least 100 more accounts." #;-}>


Because AT LEAST 100 >>>>>>> OVER 9000, as I have already stated here on Wi/Ht? at some point in the past month (but I cannot recall in which topic... hopefully it wasn't this one, but I suspect it may have been... REDUNDANCY FTW/L!!!!!!).

Also, I was hoping to add a list of Triplelisted, Quadlisted and Pentalisted users on this list as well as the top 10 gainers, but I'm gonna need some assistance on the HTML. :P (NOTE: I was distracted by other things, so I had no time to focus on HTML to creating those sections.) However, I will say that the top five gainers were:


I don't usually mention rank changes on my Pentalist updates, but this one deserves some recognition. BIG CONGRATS to Molotov for reaching the top spot of the list, making him the user with the highest total points on Newgrounds! Again, congratulations Molotov.

Indeed. Good job, proto-X-Naut!

Welcome to two new 2x10k entries for this update, who are Georgeproject and HouseMasta! Georgeproject entered with a combination of 10k blams and 10k saves, while HouseMasta entered with 10k EXP and 10k saves.

Just two? Oh wait. I think I noticed on the list that we're at 238 peops now? That means we were at 236 last update and I didn't notice!!!!! (GASP)

Enjoy my 4th 2x10k Pentalist update!

Done and done!

Now to get the sort out the son of a bitch known as the Top xxx EXP List. This bastard has been disagreeing with me today!


14 3-star 22,358 47,895 28,209 00,496 01,147 100,105 -0003 -1 bila
15 5-star 18,750 21,407 23,991 17,387 18,179 99,714 +0156 -1 XwaynecoltX
16 4-star 21,310 36,000 29,999 11,482 00,757 99,548 +1997 +1 gfoxcook
17 3-star 14,150 49,720 32,134 01,762 00,147 97,913 +0241 -1 schneelocke

Sorry about that, schnee. But that's what you get when you go all inactive except the occasional post and someone else depositing for you (better than nothing, at least).

1997!! What a great year that was. The year of Quake 2, for starters.

99,548 pentapoints... 100,000, here I come! MOVE ASIDE, X!!!! YOU'RE NEXT. #;-}>

And now... I give you.... 30,000 save celebration timings!

Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-25 05:45:49

At 8/25/08 02:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Just wanted to illustrate the magnitude of the above haul I had during the Clock Day 08 timeframe by showing how much the two (actually... three... the logs on 8/15, 8/16, AND 8/17 all show a Clock Day effect) epic haul loggings dwarf my normal save pace nowadays:

Wow, you only got 695 Saves on Clock day itself? Though you made up for it on the 16th by logging an impressive 126 Saves, bringing your total for Clock Day (estimated) to 821 Saves. Considering that my Clock Day count was 801 Saves, plus another 30 Saves on the 16th - DIY Day at a friend's, with no internets (Though that could change as of next time I'm there :P), I only managed 10 Saves more than you over that period. I will catch you, but I'd like to do so before you retire again.

At 8/25/08 04:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 16 4-star 21,310 36,000 29,999 11,482 00,757 99,548 +1997 +1 gfoxcook
17 3-star 14,150 49,720 32,134 01,762 00,147 97,913 +0241 -1 schneelocke

Sorry about that, schnee. But that's what you get when you go all inactive except the occasional post and someone else depositing for you (better than nothing, at least).

Despite the fact that I miss the occasional deposit?

Could the stat pull have been put off long enough for Greg to get 1 more Save? No? Well that's jsut mean.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-25 23:28:11


At 8/18/08 12:00 AM, idiot-buster wrote:
If I misunderstood and somehow that WAS to Corky, nevermind. But in that case, please explain WTF is going on. How were you "just like Corky" 1 year ago... o_O
Sorry it's taking me so long to reply, but oh well like it matters. You really never visit the general foums so i don't expct you to know about when i fisrt started,

I wouldn't say I NEVER visit General. After all, you may not know about when *I* first started, but I posted 100s upon 100s (if not a thousand or two) posts on General back in 2003-2004. #;-}>

i trolled several useres that i disliked on the general saying alot of shit to them like faggot and other things i would never say now,

Oh dear.

but those post i made are no longer there 500-600 of my posts were deleted and i receved like 20 or 30 day ban from posting.

Gotcha. I didn't realise that. I also didn't realise that Corky has a similar history, though.

At 8/18/08 05:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/17/08 10:33 PM, gfoxcook wrote: BAHA-REPLY TIEMS.
A whole post to me. I feel special. :')


Because of that Bryan/61 telling everyone to worship him for the amount of posts he's made in a short period of time.

On yeah. Thanks.

Whew. Far less fuck than usual. Wait... that doesn't sound right.
lmao, far less fucks than usual? :P

Well, I kinda meant that it made me think "far less fuckING than usual" when I reread my own words... but yeah... or that. #;-}>

Very true, but accuracy in the Top 300 B/P is just as important as the accuracy in the pentalist and the Top xxx EXP.


exp/vp/penta > all else for me these past few years.
Well, I'm more focused on EXP rank right now.


If my King or Queen would execute most of the fucking idiots in this country, I'd support it. Seriously, this country would be 1000x better if the majority of the idiots didn't exist. Britain is too fucking soft at times.

Oh my. I remember going through that stage.

The problem with wanting all the idiots dead is that in the real world, getting rid of idiots always results in getting rid of non-idiots as well. So it's better to keep everyone, unless you're a nihilist, of course.

And we all have those days, I s'pose.

There were 20 students at the time, but the teacher only mentioned Iron Maiden when I was talking to him about something outside the classroom.


Yep, the one that's considered 'the worst game ever'.

Worst game of the 80s, maybe. But yeah, I agree with you... there's so many other games that were (and are) worse still.

Partial indeed. You still need to catch up on the B/P update, which the last one happens to be the greatest update I've ever seen in my life. XP

Yes, yes. Damned EGRL stays on page 1 or 2, and my partial catchups the past couple of weeks have only taken me up from page 6 to page 5 and 4.... and tonight, finally page 3... so far.


In short: SWEET! Almost to 30,000 saves, the halfway mark of my 24k to 36k re-retirement push. #;-}>
Again, hurray! Ah, getting closer and closer to your goal.


P.S. I need to stop saying hurray.

That's what hooray and hurrah are for. VARIETY!

At 8/18/08 06:35 PM, NEVR wrote: Probably should have put 'ratio of 1:1 blams:saves' rather than what I originally put. The likelihood is that I wasn't paying as much attention to what I was saying as I should have -- because yes, getting 50 blams in a day is very difficult, if not impossible these days (depending on how much time you spend obsessively in the portal).

Oh, I knew you meant 50%/50% or 1:1, yes. But seeing you say 50:50 just made me think for a moment about 50 blams and 50 saves. Which... highlighted the current ridiculous balance in the portal. Of course, back when 80% of stuff was blammed in 2002/2003... things were the other way around wrong.

I wish we could just get to a state where 50% of stuff is blammed, and 50% is saved.

Of course.... even if we did, there would still be way more saves than blams to be had, thanks to the pre-200 vote blammarks, whereas any movie giving saves gives all 200 saves.

Good stuff! I only managed 20 hours -- woke up at 5am GMT on August 15th (which is midnight EST), and got to the portal in time to catch the last of the August 14th UJ submissions. Spent most of the day in the portal, with the occasional break for food, hygiene, etc., and at about 8pm EST (1am the next day GMT) I called it a day and went to bed.


Exactly 1,131 saves. Got no blams though, which is a bit unfortunate because that's looking to be the main contender for my 2x10k stat. :/

Thanks for the snipped congrats on my own haul. If you meant on 8/15 NG time only with that 1131 figure up there, you beat me by over 100. If you meant anytime around Clock Day, you still beat me by... uh... around 30.

Yet you were only up for 20 hours of Clock Day, versus 24 hours for me. I BOW TO THEE, SIR.

I got too distracted by some of the good movies, and by You Tube, during some stretches of the day. In my defense, I had to try and stay sane amidst the chaos and sleep deprivation.

At 8/19/08 02:57 AM, Molotov wrote: Though it really doesn't matter for this list i did reach the 20k Exp. plateau today,BANZAI! ^_^

Sure it matters. And hell, one day Bahamut may cut the list to a 20k+ list, and then you'll definitely need those 20k marks. #;-}> Congrats!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-25 23:29:19

COOP REPLY TIEMS (sorry, Bahamut... this time, I had multi-Coop-posts to reply to! Gotta shake things up from time to time).... catch-up parts 2!

At 8/19/08 07:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: Let's face it, you're one of the elite statwhores on this site and at the moment, yours is a goal that I can only aspire towards.

I WAS one of 'em. Back when I was #1 in saves and #2 in b/p.

The only area I've stayed elite/become more elite... is exp/VP. But that's only due to 2 minutes a day of depositing. So, IOW, it's humantarget/Pimp variety eliteness. Which is nice, and shows dedication and time on the site. But it's nothing like the ramagiesque stat-leetness I had back in 2004-2006, say.

That wasn't rest and relaxation, that was using the powers of the force to enjoy oneself. Despite having crispy nether-regions, Vader still knows how to have a good time.


Besides, the top of the helmet may very well be removable, but the lower part wasn't - part of Vader's breathing apparatus, I have no doubt.

We didn't see it removed in that scene, but that doesn't mean it's not removable.

Dude, the front of his face is uncovered, and we could see him using his nose/mouth for air passage. Meaning the part around the back of his neck, even if involved in breathing, is not feeding air to and from his lungs directly. He's still doing it from the front of his fleshy biological face. #;-}>


Too bad.

Better when "enhanced" by your brain-affecting chemical of choice, methinks.
Sadly, I get so little time to get high on the fumes of contact adhesive these days :(

What an interesting chemical of choice you have there, grandma!

Well, I managed to find Astaroth, who has a big enough axe for my goals. Now to practice with him and then get the Guitar out.

Oh yeah, that dude.

Well, let's see... we've got the 10 for Experience, plus my 801 Saves and 0 Blams... then there's 3 Reviews and 10 Posts, which makes a grand total of 824 Pentapoints for the day itself.

That reminds me, even though I asked you guys what your pentapoint haul was, I forgot to mention what mine was besides b/p. I think I reviewed... uhhh... 11 flashes. And 2 audio portal entries, too. No posts..... and yeah, the 10 exp.

They just kinda paled in comparison to the 1000ish saves, so... didn't bother to mention them, I guess. #;-}>

At 8/23/08 01:27 PM, Coop83 wrote: Wow, position 36! I'd like to thank my parents and my girlfriend, for their love and support; Bahamut for his updating of the list and gfoxcook for his dedication to 36ness across the world!

Sweet!!! Congrats on always-welcome 36ness, man.

At 8/25/08 05:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wow, you only got 695 Saves on Clock day itself? Though you made up for it on the 16th by logging an impressive 126 Saves, bringing your total for Clock Day (estimated) to 821 Saves.

You think I got 346 saves on 8/14? #;-}>

As I mentioned in my follow up post, I logged data at 11PM on 8/14, 11AM on 8/15, and 2AM on 8/16. Or thereabouts.

Meaning that by logging data at midday on Clock Day, I split my Clock Day saves in "half." And yes, on purpose. I don't see how anyone who pays attention to their NG logging could do it by accident. Had I wanted all my Clock Day saves (and post-midnight saves) to be all on one log, I woulda logged like this:

11PM 8/14
midnight 8/15
11PM 8/16

For a 47 hour log period.

But I prefered to go for multiple 10-15 hour windows to illustrate for posterity the effect of early Clock Day flux and late Clock Day flux. Also, to have multiple huge bars on my graph. #;-}>

Despite the fact that I miss the occasional deposit?

I thought it was you that deposits for her, but I couldn't be sure, so I wasn't specific. How many do you miss? O_o

Could the stat pull have been put off long enough for Greg to get 1 more Save? No? Well that's jsut mean.

Huh? I didn't notice my exact figure. :::checks:::

Oh, I thought for some reason maybe it was a 35 situation where I coulda had 36 or something. #;-}>

I paused for dramatic effect at 29,999 for a few hours before going to 30,000. And then I stayed on 30,000 from Friday till Monday. Took the weekend off from saving, and Team Fortress 2'ed my ass off instead. FUNS!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-26 03:19:15

At 8/25/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: COOP REPLY TIEMS (sorry, Bahamut... this time, I had multi-Coop-posts to reply to! Gotta shake things up from time to time).... catch-up parts 2!

Woot, that sounds like a promotion to me!

At 8/19/08 07:35 AM, Coop83 wrote: Let's face it, you're one of the elite statwhores on this site and at the moment, yours is a goal that I can only aspire towards.
I WAS one of 'em. Back when I was #1 in saves and #2 in b/p.

And you're still ahead of me for both. I've got to get myself focussed on the top 50 for B/P next, as the Saves climb will continue to tick over (accompanied by iscrulz being passed for Saves again!)

The only area I've stayed elite/become more elite... is exp/VP. But that's only due to 2 minutes a day of depositing. So, IOW, it's humantarget/Pimp variety eliteness. Which is nice, and shows dedication and time on the site. But it's nothing like the ramagiesque stat-leetness I had back in 2004-2006, say.

Yeah, despite me not missing a deposit for Coop in over 2 years, I've gone down the VP ladder for 3 straight updates :( Time to catch and pass KWAS71KCK!

That wasn't rest and relaxation, that was using the powers of the force to enjoy oneself. Despite having crispy nether-regions, Vader still knows how to have a good time.

*heavy breathing* Obi Wan has taught me well *heavy breathing, slightly faster and more ragged*

Besides, the top of the helmet may very well be removable, but the lower part wasn't - part of Vader's breathing apparatus, I have no doubt.
We didn't see it removed in that scene, but that doesn't mean it's not removable.

Dude, the front of his face is uncovered, and we could see him using his nose/mouth for air passage. Meaning the part around the back of his neck, even if involved in breathing, is not feeding air to and from his lungs directly. He's still doing it from the front of his fleshy biological face. #;-}>

Considering that Luke took off 'this mask' and left it at piece one being off, it was sufficient evidence for me :P

Better when "enhanced" by your brain-affecting chemical of choice, methinks.
Sadly, I get so little time to get high on the fumes of contact adhesive these days :(
What an interesting chemical of choice you have there, grandma!

Yeah, but the stuff had started to set and it had the consistency of Gummy Bear snot, by the time we had finished sealing the kitchen units yesterday. Shouldn't be too long until that part of my best mate's house project is complete.

Well, I managed to find Astaroth, who has a big enough axe for my goals. Now to practice with him and then get the Guitar out.
Oh yeah, that dude.

I managed to perfect a few people with the Guitar. The main problem is that you don't get the triggers and bumpers, which does stop certain moves. Still only managed grade B.

Well, let's see... we've got the 10 for Experience, plus my 801 Saves and 0 Blams... then there's 3 Reviews and 10 Posts, which makes a grand total of 824 Pentapoints for the day itself.
That reminds me, even though I asked you guys what your pentapoint haul was, I forgot to mention what mine was besides b/p. I think I reviewed... uhhh... 11 flashes. And 2 audio portal entries, too. No posts..... and yeah, the 10 exp.

They just kinda paled in comparison to the 1000ish saves, so... didn't bother to mention them, I guess. #;-}>

You asked for Pentapoints, I answered to the best of my abilities.

At 8/23/08 01:27 PM, Coop83 wrote: Wow, position 36! I'd like to thank my parents and my girlfriend, for their love and support; Bahamut for his updating of the list and gfoxcook for his dedication to 36ness across the world!
Sweet!!! Congrats on always-welcome 36ness, man.

Now to plug on and pass 36 to someone else.

At 8/25/08 05:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: Wow, you only got 695 Saves on Clock day itself? Though you made up for it on the 16th by logging an impressive 126 Saves, bringing your total for Clock Day (estimated) to 821 Saves.
You think I got 346 saves on 8/14? #;-}>

As I mentioned in my follow up post, I logged data at 11PM on 8/14, 11AM on 8/15, and 2AM on 8/16. Or thereabouts.

Meaning that by logging data at midday on Clock Day, I split my Clock Day saves in "half." And yes, on purpose. I don't see how anyone who pays attention to their NG logging could do it by accident. Had I wanted all my Clock Day saves (and post-midnight saves) to be all on one log, I woulda logged like this:

11PM 8/14
midnight 8/15
11PM 8/16

For a 47 hour log period.

But I prefered to go for multiple 10-15 hour windows to illustrate for posterity the effect of early Clock Day flux and late Clock Day flux. Also, to have multiple huge bars on my graph. #;-}>

Why wouldn't you have just bothered to log before Clock day and then again after? Makes more sense that way, doesn't it?

Despite the fact that I miss the occasional deposit?
I thought it was you that deposits for her, but I couldn't be sure, so I wasn't specific. How many do you miss? O_o

Not many, but I did miss one on Sunday :(

Could the stat pull have been put off long enough for Greg to get 1 more Save? No? Well that's jsut mean.
Huh? I didn't notice my exact figure. :::checks:::

Oh, I thought for some reason maybe it was a 35 situation where I coulda had 36 or something. #;-}>

Half way :P

I paused for dramatic effect at 29,999 for a few hours before going to 30,000. And then I stayed on 30,000 from Friday till Monday. Took the weekend off from saving, and Team Fortress 2'ed my ass off instead. FUNS!

Ah, the joys of the New WoW :P I've got to cancel my WoW acount to save me some monies, which I can spend on bits and pieces to go with my new laptop :D

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-26 04:22:51

At 8/26/08 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/25/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: COOP REPLY TIEMS (sorry, Bahamut... this time, I had multi-Coop-posts to reply to! Gotta shake things up from time to time).... catch-up parts 2!
Woot, that sounds like a promotion to me!

OH DEAR. :::gets out de-ego-inflation suction pump:::

Don't make me activate this bad mofo all over your brain cage, boyeeeeeeeeee.

I WAS one of 'em. Back when I was #1 in saves and #2 in b/p.
And you're still ahead of me for both. I've got to get myself focussed on the top 50 for B/P next, as the Saves climb will continue to tick over (accompanied by iscrulz being passed for Saves again!)

Yeah, but I never said I consider you super elite and falsely-modestly claimed I wasn't. Because that wouldn't make sense with me being ahead of you, yep.

It boils down to.... me not thinking EITHER of us is that elite in that area. Me because I'm on the way down when it comes to b/p ranking/performance... you, because you're on the way up (in ranking), but you're not there quite yet. You've got the performance side well enough, but you just gotta continue to amass... till you reach critical mass. THEN YOU EXPLODE IN A HUGE ELITIST SUPERNOVA. It's so cool.

Yeah, despite me not missing a deposit for Coop in over 2 years, I've gone down the VP ladder for 3 straight updates :( Time to catch and pass KWAS71KCK!

3 straight updates of VP ranking drops? Really? Wow.... man... that streak of bad luck only means that you're due quite a long stretch of staying even or passing people.... HOPEFULLY.

*heavy breathing* Obi Wan has taught me well *heavy breathing, slightly faster and more ragged*

That cagey ol' dirty bastard.

Considering that Luke took off 'this mask' and left it at piece one being off, it was sufficient evidence for me :P

They were in a rush to have a face-to-face father/son moment pre daddy death.... I won't fault Luke for doing a half-ass job considering the circumstances.

Also, I'm fairly sure Anakin wasn't concerned with Luke seeing the back of his neck. The face, again... was what mattered. #;-}>

I remember as a kid... I didn't really see the point. I think I (perhaps somewhat cynically?) figured that the only reason to show the human face underneath Darth Vader was just to "finally reveal it to the viewers."

Thematically, I didn't think Vader needed any humanisation. But yeah, yeah... touching familial moment + bringing the character full circle back to his pre-cyborg state just before his death....

I mean... really, the whole moment is just a sci-fi version of a deathbed conversion. I BELIEVE IN YOU, JEBUS. NOW PLEASE SEND MY SUPER-SINNING ASS TO GALACTIC HEAVEN THANKS TO THIS LAST MINUTE PRAYER. KTHX.

Saved by the... er... force lightning bell? And so, he gets to be a glowy blue force of good in the afterlife. HUZZAH.

I managed to perfect a few people with the Guitar. The main problem is that you don't get the triggers and bumpers, which does stop certain moves. Still only managed grade B.


They just kinda paled in comparison to the 1000ish saves, so... didn't bother to mention them, I guess. #;-}>
You asked for Pentapoints, I answered to the best of my abilities.


Now to plug on and pass 36 to someone else.

Share and share alike!

But I prefered to go for multiple 10-15 hour windows to illustrate for posterity the effect of early Clock Day flux and late Clock Day flux. Also, to have multiple huge bars on my graph. #;-}>
Why wouldn't you have just bothered to log before Clock day and then again after? Makes more sense that way, doesn't it?

Only if you value one giant peak showing the actual full 24 hour period's work.

Then you'd log data just after midnight every single day, Clock Day or no. But that's not how I roll. Just like I don't always deposit the same time every day, I don't log on NG log the same time everyday, either.

Again, I did it the way I did it to kinda split my take into an AM and PM stack, just to see how they'd compare. Clearly, even though the AM was an impressive take... PM still had a ton of steam left.

Not many, but I did miss one on Sunday :(

Well, as long as it's less than one a week, she's still getting 6+ deposits per week, which is way more than if you left it to her. #;-}>

Besides, she does drop by now and then, unless that's you pretending to be her and having fun convos with yourself via her account in LUL every now and again.

If she thought you were missing too many for her tastes, I'm sure she'd either ask you to please not... or find another depositor. #;-}>

I paused for dramatic effect at 29,999 for a few hours before going to 30,000. And then I stayed on 30,000 from Friday till Monday. Took the weekend off from saving, and Team Fortress 2'ed my ass off instead. FUNS!
Ah, the joys of the New WoW :P I've got to cancel my WoW acount to save me some monies, which I can spend on bits and pieces to go with my new laptop :D

What kind of bits and pieces might ye have in mind, pray tell?

As for the new WOW.... Yes... it certainly is. And BTW... Team Fortress 2 would be worth paying WOW fees for it. If I had to pay per month, I totally would.


THERE ARE NO FEES. mwahahahaah. Best $20 game EVAR.

And actually, my gf got the Orange Box for $40.... and since HL2, ep1, ep2, and Portal are no slouches either... whether you split the $40 evenly between the 5 games or divide it proportionally by how many hours I've played all of 'em on Steam (I'd say.... 40+, 20ish, 30ish, 10ish for those four... and around 100 for TF2).... I'M JUST GETTING AT HOW AMAZINGLY COST-EFFECTIVE IT IS HERE. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-26 08:00:38

At 8/26/08 04:22 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/26/08 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/25/08 11:29 PM, gfoxcook wrote: COOP REPLY TIEMS (sorry, Bahamut... this time, I had multi-Coop-posts to reply to! Gotta shake things up from time to time).... catch-up parts 2!
Woot, that sounds like a promotion to me!
OH DEAR. :::gets out de-ego-inflation suction pump:::

Don't make me activate this bad mofo all over your brain cage, boyeeeeeeeeee.

*deflates* Aaw, but I was having fun :(

I WAS one of 'em. Back when I was #1 in saves and #2 in b/p.
And you're still ahead of me for both. I've got to get myself focussed on the top 50 for B/P next, as the Saves climb will continue to tick over (accompanied by iscrulz being passed for Saves again!)
Yeah, but I never said I consider you super elite and falsely-modestly claimed I wasn't. Because that wouldn't make sense with me being ahead of you, yep.

You're still elite, being that you were one of the forefathers of statwhorage.

It boils down to.... me not thinking EITHER of us is that elite in that area. Me because I'm on the way down when it comes to b/p ranking/performance... you, because you're on the way up (in ranking), but you're not there quite yet. You've got the performance side well enough, but you just gotta continue to amass... till you reach critical mass. THEN YOU EXPLODE IN A HUGE ELITIST SUPERNOVA. It's so cool.

So it's just a trial and error game to see when the Critical Mass happens. In this climate, it could be around 75,000 B/P, which is a massive EGSC away from me now

It may just be cynicism on my part, but by the time I get to 75k, the bar will be even higher :P

Yeah, despite me not missing a deposit for Coop in over 2 years, I've gone down the VP ladder for 3 straight updates :( Time to catch and pass KWAS71KCK!
3 straight updates of VP ranking drops? Really? Wow.... man... that streak of bad luck only means that you're due quite a long stretch of staying even or passing people.... HOPEFULLY.

Yeah, people ranking up to EGSC and passing me and in one particularly bad case, someone reaching Commander and putting the pass on. Only 0.04 VP to go to catch KWAS now and it's less than a month's deposits to pass KWAS!

*heavy breathing* Obi Wan has taught me well *heavy breathing, slightly faster and more ragged*
That cagey ol' dirty bastard.

Hur hur hur.

Considering that Luke took off 'this mask' and left it at piece one being off, it was sufficient evidence for me :P
They were in a rush to have a face-to-face father/son moment pre daddy death.... I won't fault Luke for doing a half-ass job considering the circumstances.

Also, I'm fairly sure Anakin wasn't concerned with Luke seeing the back of his neck. The face, again... was what mattered. #;-}>

The line was "Luke, help me take off this mask." I would seek to point out to my learned friend that it was not "Luke, help me take off this mask, but leave the harmonica attached, I'd like to try a duet."

I remember as a kid... I didn't really see the point. I think I (perhaps somewhat cynically?) figured that the only reason to show the human face underneath Darth Vader was just to "finally reveal it to the viewers."

And there was the second (But now with Episodes 1-3 in place, the Fourth) guy to play him (5th, if you count the voice of James Earl Jones, alongside David Prowse; Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christiansen.

Thanks to imdb for telling me that it was Sebastian Shaw who supplied the face of the soon-to-be-deceased Darth Vader.

Thematically, I didn't think Vader needed any humanisation. But yeah, yeah... touching familial moment + bringing the character full circle back to his pre-cyborg state just before his death....

I mean... really, the whole moment is just a sci-fi version of a deathbed conversion. I BELIEVE IN YOU, JEBUS. NOW PLEASE SEND MY SUPER-SINNING ASS TO GALACTIC HEAVEN THANKS TO THIS LAST MINUTE PRAYER. KTHX.

And so, the Midichorians obliged and took him to be a force ghost.

Saved by the... er... force lightning bell? And so, he gets to be a glowy blue force of good in the afterlife. HUZZAH.

You were right, Luke... You were right. *dies*

I managed to perfect a few people with the Guitar. The main problem is that you don't get the triggers and bumpers, which does stop certain moves. Still only managed grade B.

Button mashing FTW!

They just kinda paled in comparison to the 1000ish saves, so... didn't bother to mention them, I guess. #;-}>
You asked for Pentapoints, I answered to the best of my abilities.

Not the first time that I've ever answered you in the most literal sense :P

Now to plug on and pass 36 to someone else.
Share and share alike!

Yeah, the next person to take number 36 will not appreciate it so much,m as I'll have passed them, dropping them into the snugness of the 36.

Why wouldn't you have just bothered to log before Clock day and then again after? Makes more sense that way, doesn't it?
Only if you value one giant peak showing the actual full 24 hour period's work.

"Which I do. Very much. Now get to work!"

I'm sorry, I appear to have gone all Futurama on your arse :P

Not many, but I did miss one on Sunday :(
Well, as long as it's less than one a week, she's still getting 6+ deposits per week, which is way more than if you left it to her. #;-}>

That's true, but so long as I deposit daily with Coop83, nothing else matters *cues Metallica*

Besides, she does drop by now and then, unless that's you pretending to be her and having fun convos with yourself via her account in LUL every now and again.

No, if it's me posting with her account, I usually say something like "Coop puts on his new werewolf costume", or some such nonsense

If she thought you were missing too many for her tastes, I'm sure she'd either ask you to please not... or find another depositor. #;-}>

Well, I speak to her on MSN quite often, so I've not pissed her off (much) yet.

I paused for dramatic effect at 29,999 for a few hours before going to 30,000. And then I stayed on 30,000 from Friday till Monday. Took the weekend off from saving, and Team Fortress 2'ed my ass off instead. FUNS!
Ah, the joys of the New WoW :P I've got to cancel my WoW acount to save me some monies, which I can spend on bits and pieces to go with my new laptop :D
What kind of bits and pieces might ye have in mind, pray tell?

Well a mouse, a few bits and pieces involving a course and possibly a game or two to keep myself occupied.

As for the new WOW.... Yes... it certainly is. And BTW... Team Fortress 2 would be worth paying WOW fees for it. If I had to pay per month, I totally would.


THERE ARE NO FEES. mwahahahaah. Best $20 game EVAR.

I don't know, I've had quite a few bargain bucket games over the years. Not that you get much over this side of the pond for $20 :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-26 11:00:30

Hello Newgrounders, I was just looking around in the Where is/How to? forum and came across this thread. I heard Bahamut talks about all sorts of stuff here, so I decided to check it out. I see Coop83 and gfoxcook regularly post here as well. I don't know who Joshiwa, Haggard and Auz are, though. Anyway:

At 8/18/08 05:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/17/08 10:33 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Those would be the two albums in yer top 4 recommended Iron Maiden albums that I don't already own, so... unless I hear from someone else here who likes Iron Maiden and disagrees STRONGLY with your ranking order... I don't know why I would suddenly find it necessary to buy an album from your 5+ area of ranking... before those two. o_O
I believe Coop, Casualty and Haggard like Maiden, but who else?

...News Reporter?

Hey Bahamut, you should know that I'm not a fan of Iron Maiden. Infact, I find them to be one of the most boring bands of all time. I'm a fan of old punk rock, prog rock and classical music. Oh, and I cannot forget Sounds of the Earth. That's some interesting music right there! Heavy metal music bores me to death. How can you manage to listen to so much heavy metal and not fall asleep to it?

Another thing Bahamut, Disney songs are really not as bad as you think they are. Same thing goes for Coronation Street.


Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-26 11:19:59

At 8/26/08 11:00 AM, NewsReporter wrote: Hello Newgrounders, I was just looking around in the Where is/How to? forum and came across this thread. I heard Bahamut talks about all sorts of stuff here, so I decided to check it out. I see Coop83 and gfoxcook regularly post here as well. I don't know who Joshiwa, Haggard and Auz are, though. Anyway:

Hi NewsReporter. Maybe you should do a feature on the nature of attention whores on the BBS?

At 8/18/08 05:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/17/08 10:33 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
I believe Coop, Casualty and Haggard like Maiden, but who else?

...News Reporter?
Hey Bahamut, you should know that I'm not a fan of Iron Maiden. Infact, I find them to be one of the most boring bands of all time.

How can you possibly fall asleep to the awesome lyrical prowess of Bruce Dickinson?! Sure, it might not be to your taste, but boring? That's just laughable.

You'll be telling me that you like Enya next

Damn hippie peacenicks!


Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-26 18:31:37

At 8/23/08 10:20 AM, Joshiwa wrote:
At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Now to get the sort out the son of a bitch known as the Top xxx EXP List. This bastard has been disagreeing with me today!
Haha, good luck with that update.

Not to worry, I was able to fix the problem. I've learned my lesson, and that's to not have the EXP list in the same spreadsheet file as the Pentalist.

At 8/23/08 12:56 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!
Wow that´s early. Thanks for the great update Bahamut!

Actually, it's not early. When I upated the list, it was 4 weeks since I made the update before that one.

At 8/23/08 01:27 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!
Wow, position 36! I'd like to thank my parents and my girlfriend, for their love and support; Bahamut for his updating of the list and gfoxcook for his dedication to 36ness across the world!

Wow, what a perfect number. :')

At 8/25/08 04:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!
WOOT WOOT! Thanks, man.

*sigh* Didn't we go through this problem already?

Hello all and welcome to my 4th Pentalist update. Here, I've added yet more users to the spreadsheet and that's a big thanks to gfoxcook giving me the Top 2000 EXP List of 17th July 2007.
You're welcome from me and BBB. #;-}>

You two are great, even though BBB isn't around anymore. :(

I really should make a list of NGers that I wish were still around.

I love how on the actual list page you referred to how many users you added to the spreadsheet as "at least 100 more accounts." #;-}>


Because AT LEAST 100 >>>>>>> OVER 9000, as I have already stated here on Wi/Ht? at some point in the past month (but I cannot recall in which topic... hopefully it wasn't this one, but I suspect it may have been... REDUNDANCY FTW/L!!!!!!).

Encyclopedia Dramatica reference?

Also, I was hoping to add a list of Triplelisted, Quadlisted and Pentalisted users on this list as well as the top 10 gainers, but I'm gonna need some assistance on the HTML. :P (NOTE: I was distracted by other things, so I had no time to focus on HTML to creating those sections.) However, I will say that the top five gainers were:

Seems to be. That's if he comes on MSN soon. I think he's disappeared again. :S There's something with Casualty and not going on MSN for days.

Now to get the sort out the son of a bitch known as the Top xxx EXP List. This bastard has been disagreeing with me today!

Check the EXP thread (assuming you haven't already). :P

At 8/25/08 11:28 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/18/08 05:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: lmao, far less fucks than usual? :P
Well, I kinda meant that it made me think "far less fuckING than usual" when I reread my own words... but yeah... or that. #;-}>

Yes, that's what I thought as well. lmao

Very true, but accuracy in the Top 300 B/P is just as important as the accuracy in the pentalist and the Top xxx EXP.


exp/vp/penta > all else for me these past few years.
Well, I'm more focused on EXP rank right now.

There's a shopping cart for EXP now? :P

If my King or Queen would execute most of the fucking idiots in this country, I'd support it. Seriously, this country would be 1000x better if the majority of the idiots didn't exist. Britain is too fucking soft at times.
Oh my. I remember going through that stage.

The problem with wanting all the idiots dead is that in the real world, getting rid of idiots always results in getting rid of non-idiots as well. So it's better to keep everyone, unless you're a nihilist, of course.

Then what about taking out all the idiots who have been nothing but a complete fucking nuisance to this country?

There were 20 students at the time, but the teacher only mentioned Iron Maiden when I was talking to him about something outside the classroom.


Yep, the one that's considered 'the worst game ever'.
Worst game of the 80s, maybe. But yeah, I agree with you... there's so many other games that were (and are) worse still.

On my previous replies to you, I forgot to mention Big Rigs and Shaq Fu as games possibly worse than ET. Hell, Big Rigs is more of a joke than a game.

Partial indeed. You still need to catch up on the B/P update, which the last one happens to be the greatest update I've ever seen in my life. XP
Yes, yes. Damned EGRL stays on page 1 or 2, and my partial catchups the past couple of weeks have only taken me up from page 6 to page 5 and 4.... and tonight, finally page 3... so far.



P.S. I need to stop saying hurray.
That's what hooray and hurrah are for. VARIETY!


...Hey, that doesn't sound too bad.

At 8/19/08 02:57 AM, Molotov wrote: Though it really doesn't matter for this list i did reach the 20k Exp. plateau today,BANZAI! ^_^
Sure it matters. And hell, one day Bahamut may cut the list to a 20k+ list, and then you'll definitely need those 20k marks. #;-}> Congrats!

Nope, I don't ever plan to cut the list in any way. 2x10k is perfect and shouldn't be changed.

At 8/26/08 11:00 AM, NewsReporter wrote: Another thing Bahamut, Disney songs are really not as bad as you think they are. Same thing goes for Coronation Street.


At 8/26/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/26/08 11:00 AM, NewsReporter wrote: Hey Bahamut, you should know that I'm not a fan of Iron Maiden. Infact, I find them to be one of the most boring bands of all time.
How can you possibly fall asleep to the awesome lyrical prowess of Bruce Dickinson?! Sure, it might not be to your taste, but boring? That's just laughable.

You'll be telling me that you like Enya next

I'm pretty sure he enjoys Enya's music.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-27 22:10:24

you guys are nuts

If olive oil is made from olives, then what is baby oil made from?

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-31 11:39:40

At 8/26/08 08:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/26/08 04:22 AM, gfoxcook wrote: OH DEAR. :::gets out de-ego-inflation suction pump:::
Don't make me activate this bad mofo all over your brain cage, boyeeeeeeeeee.
*deflates* Aaw, but I was having fun :(

:::re-inflates::: Okay, back to normal fun levels, then. JUST DON'T GET TOO CARRIED AWAY.

Yeah, but I never said I consider you super elite and falsely-modestly claimed I wasn't. Because that wouldn't make sense with me being ahead of you, yep.
You're still elite, being that you were one of the forefathers of statwhorage.

Nay... the annals of statwhorage will show that by being dormant during not just 2000, but all of 2001 and almost all of 2002 (I think I began reviewing in September or October of 2002, but... no posting or b/p until January of 2003)... that I can't be classed an "early adopter," as it were.

I shall forever be a coattails-rider. BUT A GOOD ONE.

So it's just a trial and error game to see when the Critical Mass happens. In this climate, it could be around 75,000 B/P, which is a massive EGSC away from me now


It may just be cynicism on my part, but by the time I get to 75k, the bar will be even higher :P

Because those in front of you will have pushed it higher? Well, if the bar is the line between #1 and #2 in any given contest... then of course it'll keep getting higher.

Whether it's you doing the bar-raising or someone in front of you doing it... that's what this all boils down to for you. I KNOWS HOW YE BE THINKING.

The ol' rat race.

Yeah, people ranking up to EGSC and passing me and in one particularly bad case, someone reaching Commander and putting the pass on. Only 0.04 VP to go to catch KWAS now and it's less than a month's deposits to pass KWAS!

A person hitting Commander'll do it even better than a person hitting EGSC will, yep.... He had more exp than you, yanno? What else can you say, what can you do. Just keep on depostering... NEVAR GIVE UP.

It's just too bad that these peops didn't get this Coop-passage out of their systems back when you were ranked #55 or #53 or some Coopish number such as that... rather than waiting till you got to 50... then backslid to 51... then 52... now you ARE at 53, but with the taste of something far sweeter... fresh on your lips... and HUNGARY FOR MOREEEEEEE.

Considering that Luke took off 'this mask' and left it at piece one being off, it was sufficient evidence for me :P
They were in a rush to have a face-to-face father/son moment pre daddy death.... I won't fault Luke for doing a half-ass job considering the circumstances.
Also, I'm fairly sure Anakin wasn't concerned with Luke seeing the back of his neck. The face, again... was what mattered. #;-}>
The line was "Luke, help me take off this mask." I would seek to point out to my learned friend that it was not "Luke, help me take off this mask, but leave the harmonica attached, I'd like to try a duet."

Okay... let me rephrase it. If a scene in a movie shows a teen boy and girl about to fuck for the first time, and the dude... let's call him Billy... asks the girl... let's call her Mary... to help him get his pants off... well, let me script it out for you here:

Billy: Oh Mary... I be so hot for you now... Mary... help me take off these pants... so that I may fuck you with mine own dick!
Mary: Okay, Billy.
[Mary pulls pants down low enough to spring Billy's caged pantsweasel, but NO FURTHER]
Billy: Oh, Mary.
[Billy does her nice and good]

Okay, so Billy's pants aren't exactly fully OFF like he asked... but Billy and Mary are still making the beast with two backs, amiright?

Similarly. Luke failed to completely remove Vader's mask-parts, but he got enough of 'em off to enable a nice face-to-face to go along with the heart-to-heart pre-thedeathymoments.

And there was the second (But now with Episodes 1-3 in place, the Fourth) guy to play him (5th, if you count the voice of James Earl Jones, alongside David Prowse; Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christiansen.

Thanks to imdb for telling me that it was Sebastian Shaw who supplied the face of the soon-to-be-deceased Darth Vader.

Yeah. Always fascinating that it took 3 men to pull it off in the original trilogy and create an excellent character... and then just two bratty little boys in the prequel trilogy to... well... totally ruin said character's development.

How far we have sunk.

I consider them two alternate reality Vaders. IT'S THE ONLY WAY I CAN COPE.

And so, the Midichorians obliged and took him to be a force ghost.

Those Midichlorians are fickle beasts. Easy as hell to supplicate with some obsequious brown-nosy goodness, as Anakin must have been innately aware of from his childhood of excessive-good-fortune in the ways of the forciness.

Yeah, the next person to take number 36 will not appreciate it so much,m as I'll have passed them, dropping them into the snugness of the 36.

I'm the only person who will enjoy 36ths just as much (if not more, actually) on the way back down the ladder... as he did on the way up it.

I don't care whether I pass someone into a great number, or get backslid into it, IOW... it's all rock 'n' roll to me.

No, if it's me posting with her account, I usually say something like "Coop puts on his new werewolf costume", or some such nonsense

Hahahaha. Yeah... good tiems.

Well, I speak to her on MSN quite often, so I've not pissed her off (much) yet.


I don't know, I've had quite a few bargain bucket games over the years. Not that you get much over this side of the pond for $20 :P

Some day they'll put it on sale on Steam for $10 for a weekend. Will that be low enough to impress you for what you get out of Team Fortress 2? MY GOD, MAN. What does it take to impress you in terms of bang for your buck, eh?!!? #;-}>

:::sitting at 99 achievements out of 132 total achievements possible in TF2 since the Heavy update added 38 achievements to the pile on August 19th:::

I found myself wondering last night not only what my #100th achievement will be (I've been trying to make it OMGWTFBBQ, which I'd explain in detail, but I'll just let the name itself sell it)... but also how many TF2ers before me will have reached 100 first. Legitimately, I mean. And there's the rub.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-31 11:40:47

At 8/26/08 11:00 AM, NewsReporter wrote: Hello Newgrounders, I was just looking around in the Where is/How to? forum and came across this thread. I heard Bahamut talks about all sorts of stuff here, so I decided to check it out. I see Coop83 and gfoxcook regularly post here as well. I don't know who Joshiwa, Haggard and Auz are, though. Anyway:


Hey Bahamut, you should know that I'm not a fan of Iron Maiden. Infact, I find them to be one of the most boring bands of all time. I'm a fan of old punk rock, prog rock and classical music. Oh, and I cannot forget Sounds of the Earth. That's some interesting music right there! Heavy metal music bores me to death. How can you manage to listen to so much heavy metal and not fall asleep to it?

You say all of that like you figured Bahamut didn't already know it. You mad blighter, you.

Also... the thought of you listening to punk rock scares and confuses me.

Another thing Bahamut, Disney songs are really not as bad as you think they are. Same thing goes for Coronation Street.

The two combined is better still no? I've seen so many great Corrie/Disney music videos on the Youtubes.... so much funs. Go check 'em out, NR!

At 8/26/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hi NewsReporter. Maybe you should do a feature on the nature of attention whores on the BBS?

Would he be the prime example?!

How can you possibly fall asleep to the awesome lyrical prowess of Bruce Dickinson?! Sure, it might not be to your taste, but boring? That's just laughable.
You'll be telling me that you like Enya next
Damn hippie peacenicks!

Hey now. Enya's got some killer tunes, man. Hell, she and Bruce should do an ol' duet together sometime.

At 8/26/08 06:31 PM, Bahamut wrote: Not to worry, I was able to fix the problem. I've learned my lesson, and that's to not have the EXP list in the same spreadsheet file as the Pentalist.

LOL! Dude... why on earth did you ever think that was a good idea? O_o

Even if you based the structure of it directly off the pentalist spreadsheet I gave ya, you should have just made a new copy of the spreadsheet first before tooling around with it. LET SEPARATE LISTS... STAY IN SEPARATE SANDBOXES. LEST THERE BE MANY TROUBLES FOR THEM BOTH.

At 8/23/08 12:56 PM, Auz wrote: Wow that´s early. Thanks for the great update Bahamut!
Actually, it's not early. When I upated the list, it was 4 weeks since I made the update before that one.

Right on time, then.

I could be wrong, but I thought Auz was saying you posted the update quite early that day. It was 9AM NG time. Maybe he was expecting it later in the day?


At 8/23/08 01:27 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!
Wow, position 36! I'd like to thank my parents and my girlfriend, for their love and support; Bahamut for his updating of the list and gfoxcook for his dedication to 36ness across the world!
Wow, what a perfect number. :')


At 8/25/08 04:52 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/23/08 09:14 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #4 is up!!
WOOT WOOT! Thanks, man.
*sigh* Didn't we go through this problem already?

Eh? I thanked you for the update.. I.. uh... oh, the man part? Dude, I'll call a woman a man. It doesn't mean I'm questioning her gender any more than I'm questioning your species. WHAT I'M GETTING AT HERE... is that I call everyone "man" sometimes. Okay, dude? #;-}>

You're welcome from me and BBB. #;-}>
You two are great, even though BBB isn't around anymore. :(

Yeah, but without him I never could have saved that huge list of 2000 peops. Which then meant that many exp list updates by you and me and others, and many pentalist updates by me and you... would have been far far lesser since the redesign. BBB HAS DONE A SERVICE TO US ALL LONG PAST THE DAY HIS SITE STOPPED WORKING. 7/16/2007... A DATE... WHICH WILL LIVE.... IN INFAMY!

Encyclopedia Dramatica reference?

Yes, please.

Seems to be. That's if he comes on MSN soon. I think he's disappeared again. :S There's something with Casualty and not going on MSN for days.

I'm sure I could do in teh HTMLs what you need done, but communicating it to you is too much trouble, and I've done enough already. So yeah, bug Casualty. E-mail or PM him if he's not on MSN, jeeeeeeeeeez.

Check the EXP thread (assuming you haven't already). :P

I still haven't. NEXT STOP, NO WORRIES. Actually, EGRL might be next. But then exp is after that. HITTING ALL THE BIG SHOTS IN ONE ROW.

Yes, that's what I thought as well. lmao

Fucks, fucking... COULD mean the same thing. But I took it to mean a very different thing. i.e. SHITHEADS and... sweet sweet makin' love as Chef from South Park might say. Two things that should never go together. #;-}>



(Matt and Trey seem to have invaded my brain ever since I made that small Chef reference after typing out sweet sweet makin' love... which I now realise is actually much more like Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords than it is like Chef from South Park, but... OH WELL)

There's a shopping cart for EXP now? :P



Then what about taking out all the idiots who have been nothing but a complete fucking nuisance to this country?

Yes, but HOW? Like I said last time, separating the wheat from the chaff is quite difficult with large populations of anything... but especially humans.

If you can whittle the list down to just a dozen or two of the most particularly bad folks.... then a hit list starts to become more plausible. Then you just need to find (or become) the perfect assassin, depending on how bad you want it done.

On my previous replies to you, I forgot to mention Big Rigs and Shaq Fu as games possibly worse than ET. Hell, Big Rigs is more of a joke than a game.

Dunno much about Big Rigs, but... I have heard about the horrors of Shaq Fu, yes. Mwaahahahaa.


I did do it, but.... still, the topics you want me to catch up on were on page 1. I caught up on page 2 a week or two ago, though.... just... yeah. Couldn't finish it.

Anyway, the EGRL and top 2000 exp topics are actually both on page 3 right now, or were when I loaded the forum listings... so that's why you've finally lucked out and are gonna get some gfox catch up on those two particular topics you've been HUNGRY FORRRRRRRRRRRR.

Sure it matters. And hell, one day Bahamut may cut the list to a 20k+ list, and then you'll definitely need those 20k marks. #;-}> Congrats!
Nope, I don't ever plan to cut the list in any way. 2x10k is perfect and shouldn't be changed.

Hahahaha... okay, man. Okay. :::winks at you:::

Still, even if you never change the 2x10k part... one day... you might decide to cut it at a top 500. Things could get out of hand, after all!

I'm pretty sure he enjoys Enya's music.

You just made me feel dirty. ;_;

At 8/27/08 10:10 PM, SkyBloo wrote: you guys are nuts

And the sky is blue.

What else ya got from the "stating the obvious" department, man?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-31 13:48:53

At 8/27/08 10:10 PM, SkyBloo wrote: you guys are nuts

Why thank you. 0:)

At 8/31/08 11:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/26/08 11:00 AM, NewsReporter wrote: Hello Newgrounders, I was just looking around in the Where is/How to? forum and came across this thread. I heard Bahamut talks about all sorts of stuff here, so I decided to check it out. I see Coop83 and gfoxcook regularly post here as well. I don't know who Joshiwa, Haggard and Auz are, though. Anyway:

Now you're throwing the word man in his name now? Oh well, it's more reasonable for him because he's a human being.

You say all of that like you figured Bahamut didn't already know it. You mad blighter, you.

I don't listen to the bollocks he talks about. Seriously, he bores me to death.

The two combined is better still no? I've seen so many great Corrie/Disney music videos on the Youtubes.... so much funs. Go check 'em out, NR!

Godammit, now he's gonna look on YouTube, find those videos and calls YouTube the greatest site ever! DAMN YOU TO HELL GFOX!

At 8/26/08 11:19 AM, Coop83 wrote: Hi NewsReporter. Maybe you should do a feature on the nature of attention whores on the BBS?
Would he be the prime example?!


Hey now. Enya's got some killer tunes, man. Hell, she and Bruce should do an ol' duet together sometime.

Whether NR would love it or hate it, I really don't know.

At 8/26/08 06:31 PM, Bahamut wrote: Not to worry, I was able to fix the problem. I've learned my lesson, and that's to not have the EXP list in the same spreadsheet file as the Pentalist.
LOL! Dude... why on earth did you ever think that was a good idea? O_o

Because I was too lazy to create a new file for them. :P

I could be wrong, but I thought Auz was saying you posted the update quite early that day. It was 9AM NG time. Maybe he was expecting it later in the day?

No, no. I'm pretty sure he meant the date. But for the time of the day, anytime is fine, but I'd like to get the updates done sooner than later.

*sigh* Didn't we go through this problem already?
Eh? I thanked you for the update.. I.. uh... oh, the man part? Dude, I'll call a woman a man. It doesn't mean I'm questioning her gender any more than I'm questioning your species. WHAT I'M GETTING AT HERE... is that I call everyone "man" sometimes. Okay, dude? #;-}>

.........Now I'm horrified.

Seems to be. That's if he comes on MSN soon. I think he's disappeared again. :S There's something with Casualty and not going on MSN for days.
I'm sure I could do in teh HTMLs what you need done, but communicating it to you is too much trouble, and I've done enough already. So yeah, bug Casualty. E-mail or PM him if he's not on MSN, jeeeeeeeeeez.

Hmm, come to think about it, I don't think I need to do much. All I need to do is create a small table on the Pentalist spreadsheet for the Stat totals and averages, and then use the HTML I see on the main thing and I should be sorted. And for the Triplelisted, Quadlisted and Pentalist, just look at HTMLs. I just need to be a lot less lazy.

Check the EXP thread (assuming you haven't already). :P
I still haven't. NEXT STOP, NO WORRIES. Actually, EGRL might be next. But then exp is after that. HITTING ALL THE BIG SHOTS IN ONE ROW.

EGRL, check! EXP, check! LUL.....

There's a shopping cart for EXP now? :P

Dammit, you got my hopes up. I thought I was able to get a shopping cart full of EXP.

If you can whittle the list down to just a dozen or two of the most particularly bad folks.... then a hit list starts to become more plausible. Then you just need to find (or become) the perfect assassin, depending on how bad you want it done.

Sounds like a great idea.

On my previous replies to you, I forgot to mention Big Rigs and Shaq Fu as games possibly worse than ET. Hell, Big Rigs is more of a joke than a game.
Dunno much about Big Rigs, but... I have heard about the horrors of Shaq Fu, yes. Mwaahahahaa.

FUCKING LINK TIME! Watch this review for Big Rigs, and you will know how much of a joke the game truly is.

Nope, I don't ever plan to cut the list in any way. 2x10k is perfect and shouldn't be changed.
Hahahaha... okay, man. Okay. :::winks at you:::


Still, even if you never change the 2x10k part... one day... you might decide to cut it at a top 500. Things could get out of hand, after all!

Nah, I'll be fine.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-09-01 16:54:47

At 8/31/08 01:48 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/31/08 11:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote: WELL HALLO THAR, MISTER REPORTERMAN.
Now you're throwing the word man in his name now? Oh well, it's more reasonable for him because he's a human being.

I CALL EVERYONE MAN SOMETIMES. How strange you didn't notice till your uppity dragon ass got all upset about my numerous "dragon man" uses. I only started doing it a lot when I noticed you minded, yanno. #;-}>

You say all of that like you figured Bahamut didn't already know it. You mad blighter, you.
I don't listen to the bollocks he talks about. Seriously, he bores me to death.

Yeah.... He's good when you've got insomnia!

The two combined is better still no? I've seen so many great Corrie/Disney music videos on the Youtubes.... so much funs. Go check 'em out, NR!
Godammit, now he's gonna look on YouTube, find those videos and calls YouTube the greatest site ever! DAMN YOU TO HELL GFOX!

(Psst... they don't exist, man.... no worries... he'll never find 'em!)

Hey now. Enya's got some killer tunes, man. Hell, she and Bruce should do an ol' duet together sometime.
Whether NR would love it or hate it, I really don't know.

Yes, but would YOU (love it or hate it, that is)?

I could be wrong, but I thought Auz was saying you posted the update quite early that day. It was 9AM NG time. Maybe he was expecting it later in the day?
No, no. I'm pretty sure he meant the date. But for the time of the day, anytime is fine, but I'd like to get the updates done sooner than later.

Well, okay. You thought he meant date, I thought he meant time. Clearly his original post left room for both interpretations. MAYBE AUZ WILL COME HERE AND LET US KNOW WHICH HE MEANT. #;-}>

Eh? I thanked you for the update.. I.. uh... oh, the man part? Dude, I'll call a woman a man. It doesn't mean I'm questioning her gender any more than I'm questioning your species. WHAT I'M GETTING AT HERE... is that I call everyone "man" sometimes. Okay, dude? #;-}>
.........Now I'm horrified.

Because of my "man" policy? Or because I'm calling you "dude" now, too, just to see if it'll get to you as well? #;-}>

Hmm, come to think about it, I don't think I need to do much. All I need to do is create a small table on the Pentalist spreadsheet for the Stat totals and averages, and then use the HTML I see on the main thing and I should be sorted. And for the Triplelisted, Quadlisted and Pentalist, just look at HTMLs. I just need to be a lot less lazy.

You could always just look at the HTML of my final update to see how I did the triple/quad/pentalisted sections, of course.

I still haven't. NEXT STOP, NO WORRIES. Actually, EGRL might be next. But then exp is after that. HITTING ALL THE BIG SHOTS IN ONE ROW.
EGRL, check! EXP, check! LUL.....

At least I caught up on most things. ;_;

Dammit, you got my hopes up. I thought I was able to get a shopping cart full of EXP.

One day.... one day we'll all get that. IN EXP HEAVEN.


Dunno much about Big Rigs, but... I have heard about the horrors of Shaq Fu, yes. Mwaahahahaa.
FUCKING LINK TIME! Watch this review for Big Rigs, and you will know how much of a joke the game truly is.

That was epic. Thanks for the link, I enjoyed it (and about 3 related movies) very much!

I want that game so bad.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-09-04 13:16:46


Due to real-life events, the next Pentalist update, which is supposed to be on 20th September may be delayed to 21st September or maybe even a week later.

At 9/1/08 04:54 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/31/08 01:48 PM, Bahamut wrote: Now you're throwing the word man in his name now? Oh well, it's more reasonable for him because he's a human being.
I CALL EVERYONE MAN SOMETIMES. How strange you didn't notice till your uppity dragon ass got all upset about my numerous "dragon man" uses. I only started doing it a lot when I noticed you minded, yanno. #;-}>

I guess you're right. News Reporter doesn't mind you calling him Reporterman. He says it's reasonable, but also thinks calling me dragon man is OK. That bastard!

I don't listen to the bollocks he talks about. Seriously, he bores me to death.
Yeah.... He's good when you've got insomnia!

He cures my insomnia, so it's all good. :) I believe I'm starting to get Insomnia, but News Reporter helps me on that issue.

Godammit, now he's gonna look on YouTube, find those videos and calls YouTube the greatest site ever! DAMN YOU TO HELL GFOX!
(Psst... they don't exist, man.... no worries... he'll never find 'em!)

No, but he could always make a fucking music video.

Whether NR would love it or hate it, I really don't know.
Yes, but would YOU (love it or hate it, that is)?

I would enjoy it with Bruce singing. Enya's singing is fine, so no problems with that.

No, no. I'm pretty sure he meant the date. But for the time of the day, anytime is fine, but I'd like to get the updates done sooner than later.
Well, okay. You thought he meant date, I thought he meant time. Clearly his original post left room for both interpretations. MAYBE AUZ WILL COME HERE AND LET US KNOW WHICH HE MEANT. #;-}>

Maybe he won't until the next Pentalist update, which shall be on 20th September...Wait a minute, I could have others things to do on that day.

Eh? I thanked you for the update.. I.. uh... oh, the man part? Dude, I'll call a woman a man. It doesn't mean I'm questioning her gender any more than I'm questioning your species. WHAT I'M GETTING AT HERE... is that I call everyone "man" sometimes. Okay, dude? #;-}>
.........Now I'm horrified.
Because of my "man" policy? Or because I'm calling you "dude" now, too, just to see if it'll get to you as well? #;-}>

Because you'll call a woman a man. That really really scares me.

Hmm, come to think about it, I don't think I need to do much. All I need to do is create a small table on the Pentalist spreadsheet for the Stat totals and averages, and then use the HTML I see on the main thing and I should be sorted. And for the Triplelisted, Quadlisted and Pentalist, just look at HTMLs. I just need to be a lot less lazy.
You could always just look at the HTML of my final update to see how I did the triple/quad/pentalisted sections, of course.

Yes, that too. Alright, I've looked on NG Log to find new users, but I still need to find a new webserver. I'm not amused at the issue Vert has. If Lycos or his ISP is blocking my site, I won't want to have a webserver with that issue.

EGRL, check! EXP, check! LUL.....
At least I caught up on most things. ;_;

That's true, but I rarely see you in the LUL these days. It makes me sad.

Dammit, you got my hopes up. I thought I was able to get a shopping cart full of EXP.
One day.... one day we'll all get that. IN EXP HEAVEN.


Speaking of EXP, did you notice the last secret requirement needing 20k more EXP now? That sucks.

FUCKING LINK TIME! Watch this review for Big Rigs, and you will know how much of a joke the game truly is.
That was epic. Thanks for the link, I enjoyed it (and about 3 related movies) very much!

I assume those were related videos to Big Rigs and not the game reviewer's videos.

I want that game so bad.

Just so you can laugh at its suckiness? I'd only get if I was paid to play the game.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-09-13 22:26:42

Warning old catch up posts more than 4 pages back. Only reply if you dare.

9 days since the last post so I decided to bump it to get your hopes up of being a new update, Answer me besides Bahamut, Cooper and gfox or maybe BonusStage or RR?? care about the pentalist itself. I guess the wi/ht members left and rcvl 6 of the 12 aren't on it or are trying to be on it. Or don't answer which you will do so good day sir okay on with the freak show.

At 5/14/08 08:49 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/13/08 06:40 PM, iscrulz wrote: R.I.P. 666BahamutPyro69XXX
Damn, I knew this was going to happen eventually. Oh well, at least he didn't go and wipe out most of the 'Bahamut' accounts like he once did when deleting some of Afro_Stud's alts. :(

Taking a trip down memory lane I found this post. I think I knew who narced on poor 666BPXXX. Is betsy taken yet. Good thing he didn't (Wade) must have checked IP or wasn't thinking of your bahamut alts. Maybe I will get my old alt back or change my current alt to BrahHamut

At 7/8/08 08:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: Not a bad idea at all. :) But who else here is into Helloween? I know you and Casualty are, but what about the others?

Honestly I never heard of Helloween until I saw that user account name and shame on me for not listening. I may or may or not listen to them so idk if I do like them.

At 7/26/08 10:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/22/08 06:06 PM, iscrulz wrote: the cord isnt long enough. PS3 keypad is easier too use.
Wireless USB keyboard FTW.

The one I bought didn't work. Logitech is making one specifically for the Wii and boy howdy I am getting that bad boy.

I got VC, SA, IV, unknown about the stories because I didnt know the release dates.

I can understand not getting IV because you don't have a 360 or PS3 but the rest is unacceptable.

Well you better get Chinatown Wars for the DS on the release date, also V and VI too.
I didn't even know a GTA was coming out for the DS, but hell yeah... I'll be all over that mofo.

Sadly I might not be able to get it on the release date. personal financial troubles i.e. cock, dog, mongoose vs. cobra and etc fighting loses

Who knews when and on what systems V and VI are coming out on, so I won't speak to that.

Sony believes the PS3 will be around for 8 years so I think its safe to say the current two consoles. Maybe EA will make a Wii GTA SA Stories. So you can get it.

That's what an BOD atheist would say. There is no link because BOD is to holy and sacred to be on the internet: www or ftp and everything between.
BOD.... uh... that stands for so many things. Which one are you meaning by it?

Beatles of Dragon, because the Beatles were bigger than Christianity

Fuck off fuck you fuck this fuck that fuck me fucking fucker. Thanks for the update I am saddened I am at 83K I knew I would regret this.


Coop's happy about your 83k, I'll bet.

A little but not too much because he didn't get there first, well he can have 28k saves though.

At 7/27/08 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/22/08 06:06 PM, iscrulz wrote: I have been ponder that the whole time of my absence. It maybe blurred to hide Bahamuts secret closet love for the GTA IV. Underneath it read "The best fucking game of all time" in latin so if some decompiles it his secret is safe.

Now a darknessdweller inspired sig I guess the ## represents the typical 13-16 year old on NG. I am probably wrong.

At 5/4/08 12:22 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/30/08 09:46 AM, iscrulz wrote:
I should be given a newgrounds paycheck each for 250 each day for bashing and disrespecting FF.
And I should be given £1000 a day for bashing GTA. :D

You should be billed £1033 a day for liking FF. :P~

Yeah most people are serious, I have fun and lie, expect for my obession with gta.
Of course, but the rest is for fun. :)

Lets have some fun. I am going to Disney land Europe lets go. HSM3 cast will be there.

That's what an BOD atheist would say. There is no link because BOD is to holy and sacred to be on the internet: www or ftp and everything between.
Results 1 - 2 of about 1 for "The Beatles of Dragons"

Damn! Then again, aren't I the Beatle (it should be singular here) of Dragons? :P

Nope the Beatles of Dragons is plural because of the 4 dragon members. You are the King of European Dragons two ranks below BOD.

If 666BahamutPyro69XXX got deleted for spamming news posts, then what about darknessdweller with his retarded "darknessdweller wuz here" comments? To me, they're as bad as betty's "FUCK YOU" comments. At least betty was funny.

well I guess 666BahamutPyro69XXX was an obvious alt while darknessdweller wasn't. Betty or beety or bettty will always be funnier, too bad hardyboyz news posts were deleted and his bbsposts

Trivium are an innovative metal band from Orlando, Florida that formed in 2000 and is one of the most notable bands in the New Wave of American Heavy Metal. The band comprises vocalist and guitarist Matt Heafy(god), guitarist Corey Beaulieu, bassist Paolo Gregoletto, and drummer Travis Smith.

Since its inception, Trivium has released three studio albums, nine singles, and is set to release its fourth studio album, entitled Shogun, on September 30, 2008. Signed to Roadrunner Records, the band has attended major music festivals, including Ozzfest and the Download Festival.
Oh god, NO!

Matt Hearfy is that his name is so cool.

At 7/17/08 12:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: Amount of times I typed 'fuck' in this post (besides the one just then): 18
Fuck off fuck you fuck this fuck that fuck me fucking fucker. Thanks for the update I am saddened I am at 83K I knew I would regret this.
FUCK x 1,217

Fuck that's a lot of fucks for a single video clips. I was surprised it wasn't removed by the mainstream pussies.

At 7/27/08 11:44 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/26/08 10:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/22/08 06:06 PM, iscrulz wrote: That's what an BOD atheist would say. There is no link because BOD is to holy and sacred to be on the internet: www or ftp and everything between.
BOD.... uh... that stands for so many things. Which one are you meaning by it?
The Beatles of Dragons. iscrulz made that term up. Well, it came from the term God of Dragons.

So the rankings are BOD then God of Dragons then King of Asian, King of Australian, King of European, King of African, King of American, and King of the Ice cap dragons then Prince of individual states, countries and/or provinces dragons then knights of Prince of respectively dragons then Esquire dragons then Gentleman dragons then Serf dragons then finally slave dragons.

each hierarchy approves of GTA to no bounds.

At 8/18/08 05:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: I believe Coop, Casualty and Haggard like Maiden, but who else?
...News Reporter?

Yes Iron Maiden is great. Although is that some kind of ship.

Pentalist stats. I didn't did as good as last month obviously because of Clock Day but I tripled my total stat gain from July aka Bahamut's second 2x10k pentalist update and its not even halfway through September.

At 8/26/08 11:00 AM, NewsReporter wrote: Another thing Bahamut, Disney songs are really not as bad as you think they are. Same thing goes for Coronation Street.

Ashely Tisdale, Miley Cirus and Jonas Brothers FTW

At 9/4/08 01:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: JUST A HEADS-UP!

Due to real-life events, the next Pentalist update, which is supposed to be on 20th September may be delayed to 21st September or maybe even a week later.

Yikes! 7 or 14 more days maybe I can get 800 points gained this month/update or more depending if Madness Day is a savefest. I hope brother Cooper has to be somewhere with no internet connection, if not damn shit fuck.

Cat gang for the cat lovers up in here.

Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-09-14 10:16:22

At 9/13/08 10:26 PM, iscrulz wrote: Warning old catch up posts more than 4 pages back. Only reply if you dare.

You quoted me, so I must reply to your posts!

9 days since the last post so I decided to bump it to get your hopes up of being a new update, Answer me besides Bahamut, Cooper and gfox or maybe BonusStage or RR??

RebeccaRose? XD

I know you mean ReconRebel, so don't point that out.
At 5/14/08 08:49 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/13/08 06:40 PM, iscrulz wrote: R.I.P. 666BahamutPyro69XXX
Damn, I knew this was going to happen eventually. Oh well, at least he didn't go and wipe out most of the 'Bahamut' accounts like he once did when deleting some of Afro_Stud's alts. :(
Taking a trip down memory lane I found this post. I think I knew who narced on poor 666BPXXX.

Who then? XP

Is betsy taken yet.

betty's gone for a while now, or did you mean the name betsy?



Wait a minute, wasn't Betsy the name of Amy's Buggalo?

Good thing he didn't (Wade) must have checked IP or wasn't thinking of your bahamut alts. Maybe I will get my old alt back or change my current alt to BrahHamut

ERROR - No user "brahhamut" exists in our system.

At 7/8/08 08:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: Not a bad idea at all. :) But who else here is into Helloween? I know you and Casualty are, but what about the others?
Honestly I never heard of Helloween until I saw that user account name and shame on me for not listening. I may or may or not listen to them so idk if I do like them.

Just listen to them and see what you think. My recommendations:

Ride the Sky
I'm Alive
Eagle Fly Free
Rise and Fall
Keeper of the Seven Keys

At 7/27/08 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/22/08 06:06 PM, iscrulz wrote: I have been ponder that the whole time of my absence. It maybe blurred to hide Bahamuts secret closet love for the GTA IV. Underneath it read "The best fucking game of all time" in latin so if some decompiles it his secret is safe.
Now a darknessdweller inspired sig I guess the ## represents the typical 13-16 year old on NG. I am probably wrong.

He claims to be 12, so it means 12. I dunno why he does the ## thing when he confesses he's 12 on the BBS and his news posts. Quite foolish considering under 13s aren't allowed on this site, but most kids don't give a fuck and sign up anyway. He'll just either put in a fake age or not reveal their age at all. If he'll be 13 in December, he'll definitely be allowed to stay on NG then, unless Wade finds him to be a complete pain in the ass.

And I should be given £1000 a day for bashing GTA. :D
You should be billed £1033 a day for liking FF. :P~

And you should be billed £1000000000000000000000000000000000 a day for liking GTA. :P

lol, that was ridiculous.

Of course, but the rest is for fun. :)
Lets have some fun. I am going to Disney land Europe lets go. HSM3 cast will be there.

I'll pass.

Results 1 - 2 of about 1 for "The Beatles of Dragons"

Damn! Then again, aren't I the Beatle (it should be singular here) of Dragons? :P
Nope the Beatles of Dragons is plural because of the 4 dragon members. You are the King of European Dragons two ranks below BOD.

No, I am THE King of Dragons! No-one is above me.

If 666BahamutPyro69XXX got deleted for spamming news posts, then what about darknessdweller with his retarded "darknessdweller wuz here" comments? To me, they're as bad as betty's "FUCK YOU" comments. At least betty was funny.
well I guess 666BahamutPyro69XXX was an obvious alt while darknessdweller wasn't. Betty or beety or bettty will always be funnier, too bad hardyboyz news posts were deleted and his bbsposts

666BahamutPyro69XXX: Of course, the name and the way that alt was like was ridiculous. Also, I have no brother.

darknessdweller: He's stopped the "darknessdweller wuz here" crap, so he's safe.

betty: Hilarious alt. There's now a beety, but I bet s/he's a betty wannabe.

hardyboyz: Yeah, it's a shame his news posts got wiped out. He made so much hilarious responses to the comments he received.

Oh god, NO!
Matt Hearfy is that his name is so cool.

Twat Heafy.

FUCK x 1,217
Fuck that's a lot of fucks for a single video clips. I was surprised it wasn't removed by the mainstream pussies.

I was thinking of doing a FUCK gallery for my 100th flash. :)

At 7/27/08 11:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: The Beatles of Dragons. iscrulz made that term up. Well, it came from the term God of Dragons.
So the rankings are BOD then God of Dragons then King of Asian, King of Australian, King of European, King of African, King of American, and King of the Ice cap dragons then Prince of individual states, countries and/or provinces dragons then knights of Prince of respectively dragons then Esquire dragons then Gentleman dragons then Serf dragons then finally slave dragons.

And what do those slave dragons look like?

At 8/18/08 05:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: I believe Coop, Casualty and Haggard like Maiden, but who else?
...News Reporter?
Yes Iron Maiden is great. Although is that some kind of ship.

No, it's a torture device. :P

At 8/26/08 11:00 AM, NewsReporter wrote: Another thing Bahamut, Disney songs are really not as bad as you think they are. Same thing goes for Coronation Street.
Ashely Tisdale, Miley Cirus and Jonas Brothers FTW

I think NewsReporter prefers Disney cartoon classics rather than them.

At 9/4/08 01:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: JUST A HEADS-UP!

Due to real-life events, the next Pentalist update, which is supposed to be on 20th September may be delayed to 21st September or maybe even a week later.
Yikes! 7 or 14 more days maybe I can get 800 points gained this month/update or more depending if Madness Day is a savefest. I hope brother Cooper has to be somewhere with no internet connection, if not damn shit fuck.

Like I said on the EXP thread, the next update will be on 27th September.

Cat gang

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