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Dog starved to death - Art

4,465 Views | 112 Replies

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:12:14

At 4/27/08 04:00 PM, scottmale24 wrote: I've heard about that.

I've also heard that the dog was only tied up on display for three hours, and that the remainder of the time it happily roamed freely and was fed by the artist until he let it go.

But you can believe your myspace bulletin BS if you want.

It's Wikipedia, you can't really be too sure of the information, especially on an issue like this.

But it still was not a very smart idea to keep the dog tied up and to make it LOOK like it was starving. The point gets pushed aside in lieu of crucifying the artist for animal cruelty.

There were other ways to make his point without causing so much controversy.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:14:55

At 4/27/08 04:12 PM, CryogenChaos wrote: But it still was not a very smart idea to keep the dog tied up and to make it LOOK like it was starving. The point gets pushed aside in lieu of crucifying the artist for animal cruelty.

There were other ways to make his point without causing so much controversy.

I think he made his point just fine. Imagine how many people just looked at the dog in the museum and said "that's horrible." and then walked away after doing nothing.

I used to be relevant.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:44:54

So what? It's not the dog's fault either is it. The dog doesn't understand all that so why should he suffer?

Starve a white 6 year old blonde child if you want the media to take notice.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:47:10

I don't believe that the artist actually let the dog die.

Either way, who cares? Am I the only one not very moved by this? I mean, it's bad that it happened, but all those people on that one site that someone here posted are just overreacting. Thousands and thousands of dogs die like that every day, whether of natural causes or hungry Korean kids. Besides, it's just an animal. I bet everyone there eats meat everyday and don't give a damn about the slaughtered cows they're eating.

NG's Useless One Liner-er (just kidding Evark, don't ban me :S)

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:48:07

At 4/27/08 04:11 PM, g0t wrote: He didn't actually starve the dog to death you retards.

Oh he didn't? This is the first I've actually heard of the dog so I haven't a clue myself. Care to explain more? Glad to hear that he didn't though =3

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:49:31

What the fuck is that?

Whatever happened to starting yourself on fire to prove a point?

Don't be a fucking pussy and use animals; use yourself.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:55:47

Fuck that guy, hope he goes to hell.

Simple, yes?


Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:56:30

Makes me think of the video where a guy drowned a kitten for art.....
It made me really sad...

Follow my Artstigram

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 16:59:44

At 4/27/08 03:44 PM, Yiffy wrote: Its because he chooses the dog to starve, we don't litteraly choose africans to starve.

You do as much as he would have that dog (well, if he had not fed the dog like he did).

Not giving money to buy dog food for the dog is the exact same as not giving money to charities which in turn will feed starving people. It's just a lot more personal.

Nothing was feeding the dog before it got captured and put on display.

Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:06:56

At 4/27/08 04:59 PM, Kuro wrote:
You do as much as he would have that dog (well, if he had not fed the dog like he did).

Not giving money to buy dog food for the dog is the exact same as not giving money to charities which in turn will feed starving people. It's just a lot more personal.

Nothing was feeding the dog before it got captured and put on display.

Woah woah woah. So you think every person should give money to charities? Not everyone has much spare cash you know. Some just barely earn enough to keep their own family fed and clothed. Besides I'd still much rather give my money to other charities that I believe in and I do on a regular basis.

Nothing was feeding the dog, but capturing him doesn't give him the option to find food himself either. We aren't forcing Africans into captivity now are we. Charities are a choice not a right. If you buy a dog that means you are agreeing to looking after him. They are two different subjects completely.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:11:15

At 4/27/08 03:44 PM, Yiffy wrote: Its because he chooses the dog to starve, we don't litteraly choose africans to starve.

You didn't help the Africans. Therefore, you choose for them to die.

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:13:24

He intentionally starved the dog. The people aren't dying in Africa to prove a point.

LotR was all about walking. Fuck even the trees walked in those movies.

Chris Boe made my signature. Ya' know, the Crab Battle guy?

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:14:30

I'm guessing this guy has no actual artistic talent. what ever happoned to painting.
Fuck him

what can I say

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:17:54

I eat dogs on tuesdays

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:31:35

The Troll King Cometh
Beware the Valkyrie

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:36:47

At 4/27/08 04:11 PM, g0t wrote: He didn't actually starve the dog to death you retards.

All he did was spread the rumor.
Also, it's funny.
Marines supposedly 'kill' a dog, people get pissed off.
They massacre people, there isn't as much of an outrage.
Why the fuck do we care so much about stupid animals when PEOPLE are DYING?


Why the fuck did I like these forums again


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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:43:19

At 4/27/08 05:36 PM, EvilerBowser1001 wrote: Why the fuck do we care so much about stupid animals when PEOPLE are DYING?

Why, dear boy, its very simple.

People dont like People.
People love stupid animals because, regardless of how you abuse stupid animals, they will always come limping back to you.
Why kill something you have that much control over. Its a shame to do so, really. An outrage.


Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 17:48:29

At 4/27/08 04:48 PM, Gagsy wrote:
At 4/27/08 04:11 PM, g0t wrote: He didn't actually starve the dog to death you retards.
Oh he didn't? This is the first I've actually heard of the dog so I haven't a clue myself. Care to explain more? Glad to hear that he didn't though =3

He had some kids capture a stray dog, he put it on display for 3 hours on a leash. He fed it and let it go.

The whole thing was misconstrued and turned into a huge rumor which got way out of control. The dog didn't starve to death while in the captivity of the artist.

Gooch for MOD 09'

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:00:06

Killing a dog to say an old record message?

No. The mediocre end does not justify the horrifying means.



Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:08:01

This piece of art should be in the Louvre!

NEVR delete my posts. ( i made a funny)

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:10:35

That was pretty cold-hearted, and people still don't get it. I'm afraid that dog went to waste. The reason more developed countries don't help starving nations is because they don't have anything we want, like oil, money, or other resources. It is a pretty bad deal to help out people just for sake of goodness and stuff nowadays anyways.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:14:36

At 4/27/08 03:44 PM, Yiffy wrote: Its because he chooses the dog to starve, we don't litteraly choose africans to starve.

Abscence of action can be just as harmful as action itself, in some cases.

Millions of people dying of starvation, sickness, war and such every fucking year? That'd be one of 'em.

The artist is a genius, albeit a fairly sick one. I'm sorry for the dog, being a fan of that particular species myself...but he makes a very, very good point.

It's like what I keep saying about PETA and that kind of organization. Fucking idiots should worry about the suffering and the dying people on the globe first, then the animals.

Pure awesomeness. You must read it.

(God-like signature by Zeppekk)

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:16:08

Everyone's in a damn uproar over a dog (that escaped, by the way) but nobody cares about the millions in poverty, starving in the United States ALONE (and the hundreds of millions all around the globe).

Goddamn hypocrites.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:26:21

lets starve a child to death next time, seems to be plenty of them around.

would love to see peoples reactions then.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:28:13

At 4/27/08 06:14 PM, LinkSilvermane wrote:
At 4/27/08 03:44 PM, Yiffy wrote: Its because he chooses the dog to starve, we don't litteraly choose africans to starve.
Abscence of action can be just as harmful as action itself, in some cases.

Except this is like if we actually went into africa and shot people.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:29:35

Guy intentionally starves an animal to death to..... to what, make us all aware of the fact that people are starving in certain parts of the world? What an asshole!

Hey, if I found him and broke his fucking legs, would he be happy because I was making people aware of violence that goes on throughout the world?

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:34:38

At 4/27/08 06:29 PM, Monocrom wrote: Guy intentionally starves an animal to death to..... to what, make us all aware of the fact that people are starving in certain parts of the world? What an asshole!

Hey, if I found him and broke his fucking legs, would he be happy because I was making people aware of violence that goes on throughout the world?

So tell me, how do you plan to do your part to end world hunger? Besides of course, only caring about a dog who escaped in the end.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:42:50

At 4/27/08 06:28 PM, JackPhantasm wrote:

Except this is like if we actually went into africa and shot people.

You and I have the means to keep people alive.

Right now.

You and I, and a lot of other people, have the means to stop people from dying horrible deaths.

If you were to find yourself at the Art show, right in front of the starving dog, and no one were to object if you decided to feed the dog and save it from death...you'd save it, presumably.

Whereas if, for some reason, you were not to act, it'd die. You wouldn't have effectively killed it, technically. But you're merely a step down from that. Only slightly more innocent than the man that chained the pooch down in the first place.

If you'd feel like an asshole for not feeding the dog, why not feel the same about human beings?

Pure awesomeness. You must read it.

(God-like signature by Zeppekk)

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Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:43:40

Pretty old news.

I think it's needlessly cruel and doesn't serve any real purpose.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Response to Dog starved to death - Art 2008-04-27 18:47:59

Also wanted to add that assholes like this one are why I don't like being called an "artist."

Far too many assholes and idiots going around and doing sick, twisted shit like this. And for what? For the sake of Art..... or perhaps for the sake of the money and attention they get from doing shit like this? Lots of rich folks out there who are more than happy to sponsor "artistic" exhibitions and shows. They have more money than brains.

Art isn't something that destroys Life. It isn't something that any jackass with a dog and a lack of morals can easily recreate. Animals are starved by their owners every day. What the fuck makes this asshole so special? What the fuck makes him an artist? Simply because he said he had a good reason for starving a defense-less animal to death?? Yeah, right.

Art is supposed to bring beauty to the world. Or at the very least, it should remind you of something better or more exciting and captivating than your daily existance.

That's REAL Art.

As for me, I may kill off characters in my stories..... sometimes quite brutally. But none of them are actually alive. I created them, in my head. That dog was a living, breathing creature. It wasn't put on this planet so that some asshole calling himself an artistic could starve it to death, and then make money off of his disgusting act by putting it into an exhibit.

I hate PETA. But I sure as Hell won't shed a tear if some Animal-rights wako finds this "Artist," and stabs his ass!

Want to actually do something about World Hunger?....... Donate $$$ to charity.