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LHC could destroy Earth.

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LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:43:17

I've been reading up about this machine called the Large Hadron Collider. Basically, it's a HUGE scientific instrument designed to collide two particles at a high rate of speed. Scientists aren't clear as to what will happen when this occurs, but they do think it will provide the answer to many secrets of the universe. Not only that, but theoretically, it could also create microscopic black holes that, if remain on Earth for too long, can gather up enough energy to suck up and destroy our entire planet. If not a black hole, a strangelet is more likely produced that would start a chain reaction turning regular matter into strange matter. Pretty scary, huh? Here's an article below about a lawsuit to stop the project.

'Black hole' machine could destroy planet: lawsuit

http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNew...0 5?hub=SciTech

An American and a Spaniard have launched a lawsuit to stop scientists from firing up a machine they fear could destroy not just life on Earth but the planet itself.

International scientists, including dozens from Canada, are about to launch the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 27-kilometre long particle accelerator built near Geneva, Switzerland. It will shoot beams of protons at each other in an effort to recreate conditions that resemble what the universe might have been like in the milliseconds after the Big Bang.

"We want to probe the most basic particles and constituents (and we're) trying to understand how matter was made," Robert McPherson, a University of Victoria physics professor who is working on the project, told CTV.ca in a phone interview from Vancouver.

In the process, scientists may end up creating miniature black holes -- areas of space that have gravitational pulls so strong that not even light can escape.

The more matter a black hole pulls in, the stronger it becomes. And that's what worries Walter Wagner, the American who is suing to temporarily stop the project. He says the creation of these black holes here on Earth, no matter how small, may unleash a chain reaction that could destroy the planet.

Wagner says there's a possibility that black holes could just get bigger and bigger as they pull more and more matter into themselves.

"Eventually, all of Earth would fall into such growing micro-black-holes, converting Earth into a medium-sized black hole, around which would continue to orbit the moon, satellites, and the (International Space Station)," according to court papers Wagner, along with a citizen of Spain, filed in Honolulu.

In other words, Wagner asserts the LHC is a machine that will end up causing the Earth to eat itself -- perhaps in less than a century. It may sound fantastic, like a plotline out of a James Bond movie where an evil scientist holds the earth for ransom with a deadly weapon, but Wagner says the possibility isn't science fiction.

"Science fiction can be very strange and sometimes it can come very true. This is in the realm of possibilities where fiction can become fact," Wagner told CTV.ca in a telephone interview from his home in Honolulu.

Wagner, an education consultant who studied physics at Berkeley, says scientists working on the project haven't done enough studies to make sure the scenario he envisions won't actually occur. The suit -- which is filed against various U.S. agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency -- aims to get a restraining order to stop work on the project until more safety studies are completed.

McPherson admits small black holes may be created, but he says the concerns are overblown. He says there is virtually no possibility that any black hole that scientists may create at the Large Hadron Collider will end up absorbing the Earth.

"Assuming our wildest fantasies, how much matter can one of these black holes consume in a second, in a year, or even in several billion years?" asks McPherson.

"A black hole we could make at the LHC would only consume a tiny fraction of a gram of matter from Earth. There's no possibility of causing any damage to the Earth," he said.

McPherson says the black holes will decay and disappear quickly. He adds that what scientists are trying to do in a laboratory setting at the LHC happens in nature daily.

"The Earth is constantly being bombarded by cosmic rays. Many of them have much higher energies than what we can create with the LHC. If something dangerous was being made in these interactions it would already have happened in cosmic ray interactions," he said.

But that's no comfort to Wagner. He says the LHC is like a factory that creates a waste product without any way to dispose of it. If he's correct, the factory won't get rid of the byproduct. Instead, the byproduct will dispose of the factory -- and everything else.

tl;dr - Scientists create a machine that can create black holes which theoretically could destroy our planet. Lawsuit ensues.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:44:17

If you ever see your house going down, it's the end for you.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:45:32

I thought it was called the Internaional Linear Collider, yes, apparently it causes mini black holes.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:46:59

At 4/7/08 03:45 PM, KingPaulP wrote: I thought it was called the Internaional Linear Collider, yes, apparently it causes mini black holes.

This is a new particle accelerator, and it's unequivocally the biggest particle accelerator ever created. These particles will travel at 99.9% the speed of light. It will produce temperature 1000,000 times hotter than the sun's core. And yes, the bi-product of these two particles colliding could potentially destroy the Earth.

It is set to launch in a few months.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:47:22

At 4/7/08 03:45 PM, KingPaulP wrote: I thought it was called the Internaional Linear Collider, yes, apparently it causes mini black holes.

It's a circle.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:48:43

At 4/7/08 03:46 PM, MercatorMap wrote: All this sounds very intriguing and potentially cataclysmic, but your link is broken mate.

Heres the link. It's just the article I copy & pasted.

http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/st ory/CTVNews/20080405/black_hole_080405/2 0080405?hub=SciTech

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:49:58

At 4/7/08 03:46 PM, mousepad222 wrote: It is set to launch in a few months.

Can't wait..

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:50:27

Quoted from Wiki. Wow. I've read this.

I don't think the chances of making a micro blackhole are possible.

Odds are the same as winning the national lottery everyday for 3 weeks.

Weak Men are Hard on Others while Strong Men are Hard on Themselves.

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:50:45

Thank god someone is touching on this.
I've been freaked for about a year now, and May 16 is arriving.
What to do?

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:51:40

I read somewhere that it wouldn't be able to sustain itself because it would be so miniscule.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:52:50

At 4/7/08 03:47 PM, Objection wrote:
It's a circle.

I wouldn't know.

At 4/7/08 03:46 PM, mousepad222 wrote:
This is a new particle accelerator, and it's unequivocally the biggest particle accelerator ever created. These particles will travel at 99.9% the speed of light. It will produce temperature 1000,000 times hotter than the sun's core. And yes, the bi-product of these two particles colliding could potentially destroy the Earth.

It is set to launch in a few months.

We are talking about the same thing I found the website


yeah I heard about this last year, I forgot all about it, i remember them mentioning that they were going to fire it up this year, I wonder what is going to happen?

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:55:08

At 4/7/08 03:50 PM, whatty wrote: Quoted from Wiki. Wow. I've read this.

I don't think the chances of making a micro blackhole are possible.

Odds are the same as winning the national lottery everyday for 3 weeks.

Even if it is a small chance, is the total destruction of every man, women, child, and organism worth it? Of course, if you're not worried about black holes, strangelets are even more of a concern.

According to the theory, a strangelet created under the right circumstances "would cause a runaway reaction that would flip normal matter turning it into a Strangelet which in turn flip any normal matter it touches into a Strangelet and soforth."

These scientists are banking on the assumption that strangelets most likely won't be produced inside the accelerator, and if they are created, will be positively charged (not the dangerous kind), or if negatively charged will probably reach escape velocity and be safely launched out into space.

Of course, if a negatively-charged strangelet remains in close-contact with Earth for too long, we're screwed.

So are you content with even a small percentage chance of the destruction of all of humanity?

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 15:58:18

The world is headed down the shitter anyways. Just look at the news now and see all the crap that is happening. Best to destroy the earth now then to wait a couple more years. I read about this last month. I am actually intrigued that they think they know what they are doing.

The funny thing is they think smashing two atoms together at the speed of light is going to create a miniature black hole or big bang. If you look up "Micro Black Holes" on any astronomy sites, you will see that they are the size from the earth to ten times the size of the sun.

And they will disappear quickly? No. Black holes won't decay or disintegrate the moment they gnaw on some matter. Not sure what is going to happen, nobody knows, they don't even know. It's all a theory. Kind of like "Evolution" and "God" those are theories of how our existence was created. Theories can be correct and incorrect.

Anyways, the lawsuit won't go through and stop LHC. Walter Wagner or whatever his name is tried doing this with the LIHC a few years back but failed, he probably will fail this time. But if anything catastrophic happens, we'll be dead within a blink of an eye. No fingers to point the blame. Nobody to say "OOPS".

Oh they are trying to also recreate the big bang. Good luck on that.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:08:41

What's the big fucking problem? As if the world is going to be destroyed by the LHC. I mean, fucking hell, imagine how many fiery ways that the Earth could've been destroyed through the ages, and we're still here.
This is just an example of whats happens when stupid people take something out of proportion and the hysteria reaches the media.
I guarantee the world won't be destroyed.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:14:32

I'm not really understanding what effects a strangelet could really have. Can some explain this more?
I would appreciate it!

I hate Poozy.

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:17:41

At 4/7/08 03:50 PM, whatty wrote: Quoted from Wiki. Wow. I've read this.

I don't think the chances of making a micro blackhole are possible.

Odds are the same as winning the national lottery everyday for 3 weeks.

And the national lottery does not happen every day.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:19:27

At 4/7/08 04:14 PM, WingCommand wrote: I'm not really understanding what effects a strangelet could really have. Can some explain this more?
I would appreciate it!

You wouldn't be alive to feel the effects. It would kill you in a split second or so theory states.

Ah let's see. Quoted from Wikipedia: If the strange matter hypothesis is correct, and a strangelet comes in contact with a lump of ordinary matter such as Earth, it could convert the ordinary matter to strange matter. This "ice-nine" disaster scenario is as follows: one strangelet hits a nucleus, catalyzing its immediate conversion to strange matter. This liberates energy, producing a larger, more stable strangelet, which in turn hits another nucleus, catalyzing its conversion to strange matter. In the end, all the nuclei of all the atoms of Earth are converted, and Earth is reduced to a hot, large lump of strange matter.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:21:57

At 4/7/08 04:19 PM, Kore018 wrote:
At 4/7/08 04:14 PM, WingCommand wrote: I'm not really understanding what effects a strangelet could really have. Can some explain this more?
I would appreciate it!
You wouldn't be alive to feel the effects. It would kill you in a split second or so theory states.

Ah let's see. Quoted from Wikipedia: If the strange matter hypothesis is correct, and a strangelet comes in contact with a lump of ordinary matter such as Earth, it could convert the ordinary matter to strange matter. This "ice-nine" disaster scenario is as follows: one strangelet hits a nucleus, catalyzing its immediate conversion to strange matter. This liberates energy, producing a larger, more stable strangelet, which in turn hits another nucleus, catalyzing its conversion to strange matter. In the end, all the nuclei of all the atoms of Earth are converted, and Earth is reduced to a hot, large lump of strange matter.

Hmmmm..... I wonder what lumpy matter tastes like?

Oh joyous occasion! that sounds like fun. Seeing a wave of strangelets coming at you in a split second. Just thinking about it makes me hard....

I hate Poozy.

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:33:33

Also from Wikipedia.

"the chance of this [strange matter event] happening is like you winning the major prize on the lottery 3 weeks in succession."

As you are reading this, you are unaware that World War III has just broken out, and humanity will be extinct in a matter of hours. Have a nice day.

Sig by me! PM me for one!

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:38:02

The LHC will (probably) not destroy Earth. The energies it uses are, much, much, much smaller than the energies involved when subatomic particles from our own sun hit our atmosphere. if the LHC was going to destroy the earth, the sun would have destroyed the universe a long time ago.

Any magnetic monopoles would be quickly expelled from the Earth (due to the fact that all ordinary matter would repel them), and strangelets, if the hypothesis is correct would probably do the same thing.

It is not going to create a black hole for the reasons mentioned above. if it does then the hawking radiation hypothesis will be proven true, because the black hole will not destroy the earth, it will just radiate out all of its energy practically before it could be measured (these black hole may actually be produced naturally..gasp... they are not dangerous and the energies involved are too small to create a large black hole).

The only possible danger comes from the strangelet which, if it exists is probably produced by the sun anyway, and isn't a danger. If it does destroy us all, no one will be alive to care.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:40:20

Yes I dont think we would have alot to worry about when the planet and everything else on it is reduced to a singularity, though the prospect of having the balls of every man on the planet on my face when I am dead is most distressing.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:41:39

At 4/7/08 04:29 PM, Potempkin wrote: If any black holes were created, they would be tiny and 'evaporate' due to Hawking Radiation very quickly. There is a possibility, but it shouldn't be too serious.

Old news.

Hawking Radiation hasn't been proven, and it is still up to debate whether or not Hawking Radiation will cause a black hole to evaporate.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 16:44:14

At 4/7/08 04:40 PM, KingPaulP wrote: Yes I dont think we would have alot to worry about when the planet and everything else on it is reduced to a singularity, though the prospect of having the balls of every man on the planet on my face when I am dead is most distressing.

You'd also have the vagina of every woman. And every tampon.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 17:40:23

This is a new particle accelerator, and it's unequivocally the biggest particle accelerator ever created. These particles will travel at 99.9% the speed of light. It will produce temperature 1000,000 times hotter than the sun's core. And yes, the bi-product of these two particles colliding could potentially destroy the Earth.

It is set to launch in a few months.

Just great....

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 17:44:31

I say they should go for it. I mean, what's so great about the earth that it shouldn't end up eating itself?

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 17:46:56

If everyone died at the same time, the pearly gates would be like an airport terminal, only with fewer delays.


Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 17:49:35

At 4/7/08 05:46 PM, parzo wrote: If everyone died at the same time, the pearly gates would be like an airport terminal, only with fewer delays.


Considering the pearly white gates are on earth, and there will be no earth, I guess that means no pearly white gates right?

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 17:53:18

Well that's not good.

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 17:57:36

i want to get me a fron row seat for the apocalypse

BBS Signature

Response to LHC could destroy Earth. 2008-04-07 18:04:33

Black holes have a mass of 0. That means a black hole is actually smaller than an atom. In other words, there are no mini black holes; once its small enough to exist, bye bye Milky Way Galaxy.