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B/P ranks 51+

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Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 16:13:39

At 10/28/04 01:21 PM, D0GMA wrote: Morning *cough* mini:

Haha i knew you woundnt say only morning as usual :D

7.91 - Denvish

Too fast :D Good luck Denvish!!

28.75 - carmelhadinosaur

Well its a bit better finally! (:)

P.S. so close to the 200000 finally!! (:)

BBS Signature

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 18:11:46

At 10/28/04 03:58 PM, Shat_the_Kat wrote:
At 10/28/04 02:00 PM, D0GMA wrote: I thought it was barbeque sauce ...
Close enough...I thought "A-1" sounded cooler than "barbeque sauce".

There are tastier barbeque sauces out there, and since you like eating pets I would recommend a mild flavored marinade to let that domestic flavour shine.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 18:28:52

At 10/28/04 12:45 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 10/28/04 01:59 AM, Bila wrote:
but she doesn't want to vote on NG, she just wants me offline to waste my time with shopping and crap, I already do the cooking so WTF?
SHe wants to spend quality time with you. Don't you want to spend some time with her?

uhmmmm... why? lol
really, this has gotten pulled of of context. I spend time with her, but dislike spending an entire day window shopping. Or taking hours to search every corner of a resale shop for some cool little whatever to buy that will only gather dust in the back of the closet.

You already got, you don't have to kill your self over a few points.
This last weekend I spent it with my BF rather than on ng. It does you some good to get away from it for a while. If you spend all your free time on Ng you will burn out. Plus your GF will get mad at you.

agreed, but after a great last weekend I have a personal goal of gatting may name in green on Dogma's website.
But don't worry, old friends are coming from out of state so Friday I'll be gone.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 18:49:33

At 10/28/04 01:53 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/28/04 01:27 AM, P-o-s-t-a-l wrote:
At 10/27/04 01:42 AM, BeFell wrote: Save a tree kill a baby, vote Liberal.
Kiss my shiny Mormon ass.
Politics and religion (or cults as the case may be) are offensive issues. They certainly have no place in your Sig.
Now, were you offended by that implication? If so, you need to step back and learn to think. It's obvious that I would pitch out examples, like Jimmy Jones and various televangelists.:

well yea, the biggest cults in the would have called themselves christian... the spanish inquisition, the dark ages, whitch hunts were all done in the NAME of the catholic church.

Mormons are required to spend a couple of years as missionaries, and most of them spend a good chunk of that time in the US. One of my friends referred them to come and visit me. Ever since then, I'm convinced that the Elders now send people to my house as a penance (or a test), and it starts as soon as they show up.

Then we settle in for two hours of debate while I fire off the standard set of statements that disprove the foundations of their church. The leader takes over if the trainees are flubbing the refutation of my arguments too badly ... it's apparently their version of "baptism by fire."

Cult or not, as a rule Mormons not only believe, they understand their faith. In my book that puts them far and away ahead of people like you.

Then I must apologize to Befell, for the Mormons I had known were not of the dedication.

I know what you mean by such dedication. I knew a Jahovah's Witness willing to literally DIE for her faith in the new testament.
if you truely have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

again, sorry Befell, for insulting your faith
(bush, however, still serves the rich and greedy)

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 19:06:41

Call me a n00b, but wtf means this list? I´m not understanding it....

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 19:16:36

At 10/28/04 07:11 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/28/04 07:06 PM, David_Deluxe wrote: Call me a n00b, but wtf means this list? I´m not understanding it....
do you see how you are a police lietenant, well this thread is dedicated to all those that have gotten Elite Guard Private (which you get at 1500 b/s points), or higher so if you wish to be on d0gma's list i'd suggest going out and getting some more b/s points :D, and then once you are on it check here every weekend for another update, understood?

yeah...the last 5 days i am getting more b/s points ^^
5 days ago, I was Citizen...and no I have some b/s. Not pretty much...but it´s a start. Understood :D

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 20:08:21

At 10/28/04 06:49 PM, P-o-s-t-a-l wrote:
well yea, the biggest cults in the would have called themselves christian... the spanish inquisition, the dark ages, whitch hunts were all done in the NAME of the catholic church.

If you want to go on about RC, you're preaching to the choir. I'm baptised Catholic, but my quest for knowledge has led me to despise that sect above virtually all others. The crap you mentioned, thousands of other instances of that sort, rampant hypocrisy, etc., have simply left me disgusted ... and it's extended to the rest of Christianity as well. My favorite joke is over the Dead Sea/Nag Hammadi scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls are now accepted documents. When they were written, the Essenes with the pens were heretics. The Nag Hammadi scolls were written by Gnostics, and are still heretical. Why?

Q: How many words were translated before the Pope declared the Nag Hamadi scroll heretical?

A: Five: The Gospel According to Mary.

Read that and The Gospel According to Thomas; then get back to me about your Bible.

Christianity has a enormous number of sects, Catholicism being one of the majors. Even so, that does not preclude my lumping born-again Christian sects with them, if nothing else for the sheer audacity of their hypocrisy. Love they neighbor ... except gays and lesbians who are an abomination in the eyes of God and abortion clinic personnel whom it's OK to kill even though Thou shallt not kill and people who don't have the right kind of faith because even though we're not Catholics we at least agree with the Pope that they are heretics and slick televangelists are good people even though they fleece their flock because it's really the message that counts and ...

Any good idea that involves humans, and their self-serving interpretations, inevitably becomes corrupted. Even the Bible is an interpretation of an interpretation of an interpretation, ad infinitum, of a bunch of people who sat in a room and argued for 20 years before finally deciding which writings they were going to include in it and which they were going to leave out. Everything we think we know about angels comes from the conglomeration called the Apocrypha. About 1,000 years before Justinian's Council, the Jews got together and did exactly the same thing over the Torah. Everything they left out is the Apocrypha.

Soooo ... how much of what you clutch every Sunday is really God's undistilled word, and how much of it is the interpretations of a bunch of self-interested old men?

Cult or not, as a rule Mormons not only believe, they understand their faith. In my book that puts them far and away ahead of people like you.
Then I must apologize to Befell, for the Mormons I had known were not of the dedication.

I know what you mean by such dedication. I knew a Jahovah's Witness willing to literally DIE for her faith in the new testament.
if you truely have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

again, sorry Befell, for insulting your faith

BeFell may or may not have that degree of dedication, but it's moot as that was not the issue. The problem was you popping into a thread to attack someone over comments in their sig. Were those statements attacks on you (Postal is a [insert random series of expletives]) , it would at least been understandable. Did you really think he'd change his sig simply because you said to?

(bush, however, still serves the rich and greedy)

Speaking as one of the formerly rich, but still greedy, Bush is an idiot who's still trying to get daddy's approval. He serves no one but himself.

At 10/28/04 07:16 PM, David_Deluxe wrote:
yeah...the last 5 days i am getting more b/s points ^^
5 days ago, I was Citizen...and no I have some b/s. Not pretty much...but it´s a start. Understood :D

700 BPs in 12 days is a pretty good start. Good luck =)

And finally ... even that pack is empty, time to get more refills ...

B/P ranks 51+

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 22:25:33

At 10/28/04 08:08 PM, D0GMA wrote: STUFF

quit baiting him :P

lots of timenext week so i shouldd stay up on the mini besides i need to stay ahead of yoinkie :)

beat this hand

B/P ranks 51+

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 23:03:03

At 10/28/04 06:49 PM, P-o-s-t-a-l wrote: Then I must apologize to Befell, for the Mormons I had known were not of the dedication.

I take no offense, you were simply spouting uninformed opinion, and trust me I have heard much worse. If you feel you have some insight worth examination by all means post it, just make sure you post it in the proper place. If you are truly offended by what's in my sig make a topic and I'll discuss it with you. I guarantee you there are plenty of people who would argue on your side. ; )

Dogma we would really appreciate it if someone of your intelligence and insight would post in politics occasionally.

BBS Signature

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-28 23:10:35

At 10/28/04 10:25 PM, Syme wrote:
At 10/28/04 08:08 PM, D0GMA wrote: STUFF
quit baiting him :P

lots of timenext week so i shouldd stay up on the mini besides i need to stay ahead of yoinkie :)

beat this hand

Don't worry, you'll most likely stay ahead of me fairly easily just because i have College and Work each and every week.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 02:34:23

What have been your drinks of choice for the day D0GMA?

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 03:06:30

At 10/28/04 11:03 PM, BeFell wrote:

Dogma we would really appreciate it if someone of your intelligence and insight would post in politics occasionally.

Hush you, can't you see I'm trying to pick a fight ;)

At 10/29/04 02:34 AM, MPA wrote: What have been your drinks of choice for the day D0GMA?

It's my usual line-up. Left to right, Dallmayr black, Diet Coke, Snakebite and Black (half lager, half cider, splash of black currant), and Shiraz. I've always drunk a lot. It never mattered if it was milk, soda, juice or alcohol.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 05:50:36

Morning mini:


118.33 - Ya_Ya
116.33 - Denvish
110.50 - BonusStage
106.67 - MPA
106.33 - Pure_Greatness
106.00 - the_puppet
104.50 - SevenStar
102.50 - good_guy_o
94.33 - EKRegulus
93.83 - HouseIX
93.50 - Sakurazukamori
93.33 - FoxFEAR
92.83 - Gooch_20-04
88.17 - RoweNuts
87.83 - phileeguy
86.17 - BeFell
85.33 - ramagi
82.00 - j00bie
81.50 - D0GMA
79.17 - leeboy105
75.50 - Nijsse
75.17 - Bila
70.50 - Metal-Chuy


8.41 - Denvish
11.21 - Hermannator
12.34 - BonusStage
17.61 - BeFell
32.95 - carmelhadinosaur
44.90 - QuikFox
62.36 - RoweNuts
64.35 - Kooldawg
66.77 - Ya_Ya
78.20 - -Mazza-
88.09 - Sakurazukamori
88.92 - EKRegulus
91.41 - j00bie
95.03 - AZPunisher
99.18 - BareNakedSneepioo
102.09 - the_puppet
111.98 - Pure_Greatness
117.89 - Gooch_20-04
123.27 - ornery_scotsman
138.73 - phileeguy
142.04 - Jen_the_Great
157.00 - Orcmors
157.48 - --Jimbo--
183.56 - Cyberdevil
202.12 - Darkwolfe
214.36 - Crossofdevil
217.92 - Metal-Chuy
225.33 - AGH
228.10 - ColdstreamCooper
229.00 - M-A-R-C-U-S
238.08 - csscblackbelt2000
241.02 - Vagrant
241.30 - ThineDoor
250.81 - Thobbe
254.89 - ThreeStar
258.41 - DrKyle
414.55 - General_Jarkeld
479.70 - zenion_butyl
595.86 - Bman2004
704.27 - GinoGino13
1298.87 - FBIpolux

Big jump in the number of days due to Foxfear earning 176 yesterday.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 05:58:31

At 10/29/04 05:50 AM, D0GMA wrote: Morning mini:


118.33 - Ya_Ya
116.33 - Denvish
110.50 - BonusStage
106.67 - MPA

Cheers d0gma. Considering I've sprent the best part of 2 daytimes out & about this week, I'm happy with that.

At 10/29/04 03:06 AM, D0GMA wrote: It's my usual line-up. Snakebite and Black (half lager, half cider, splash of black currant),

Oooh, snakebite... evil... Didn't think you could get cider over there. I know I spent 8 months looking for it (alcoholic, not squashed apple type) when I spent some time in the US. Best I coud find was apple wine, which is not the same thing at all...

At 10/28/04 10:25 PM, Syme wrote: beat this hand

Heya Syme, how's it goin? Think I got a bit of a problem catching up with you now... nice work

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 09:40:27

I knew this day would eventually be upon me... As of some time last night, Ya_Ya has finally passed me. It is a sad day indeed in Sakurazukamori-land. Hopefully I can keep a fast enough pace up that EKRegulus doesn't catch me too. :(

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 13:06:23

At 10/29/04 05:58 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 10/28/04 10:25 PM, Syme wrote: beat this hand
Heya Syme, how's it goin? Think I got a bit of a problem catching up with you now... nice work

ok. i need 180 to make green thisweek so it's not goin to happen lolol with as slow as i goingand as fast as you are ill fall behind in no time. im gonna fall behind yoinkie if i dont't get faster.

good see you back :) nice game btw

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 13:52:23

At 10/29/04 09:44 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/29/04 05:50 AM, D0GMA wrote: Morning mini:

118.33 - Ya_Ya
That kid is messed up, and well reminds me of what you guys said fixit always was, but is it REALLY TRUE that fixit was a program, and if so ho did he work, of course i ask not for the programming itself, but how did he vote? And why did he stop all of a sudden? and why were there people still able to beat him, was he only "up" part of the day?

Leave my robot out of this. I run him when I want too. That is that.

85.33 - ramagi
82.00 - j00bie
81.50 - D0GMA
Who are these people?

NO idea never heard of any of them.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 15:44:12

At 10/29/04 09:40 AM, Sakurazukamori wrote: I knew this day would eventually be upon me... As of some time last night, Ya_Ya has finally passed me. It is a sad day indeed in Sakurazukamori-land. Hopefully I can keep a fast enough pace up that EKRegulus doesn't catch me too. :(

School is really affecting my pace. Without it, I would be ahead of you. :(
Consider me as a challenge, not a parasite :(

COngrats on getting the same rank as me :P

Ya_ya is a machine, a mini-fixit. I tried to follow his pace during 3-4 days but I couldn't keep up because I had to study, go to school, etc.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 15:51:31

At 10/29/04 09:44 AM, BonusStage wrote:
118.33 - Ya_Ya
That kid is messed up, and well reminds me of what you guys said fixit always was, but is it REALLY TRUE that fixit was a program, and if so ho did he work, of course i ask not for the programming itself, but how did he vote? And why did he stop all of a sudden? and why were there people still able to beat him, was he only "up" part of the day?

Ya_ya must be a real person. He misses some flashes during a certain period of time every day so I assume he goes to sleep. Maybe he's not alone on his account.
Fixit was insane. Ya_ya is just a little bit messed up. That's a huge difference.

116.33 - Denvish
110.50 - BonusStage
ahha even providing some competition to the GREAT Denvish, NICE

Your "great" denvish don't seem to have much to do lately :P

106.67 - MPA
94.33 - EKRegulus
I like this game, i bet MPA does too ^_^, but it seems MPA that for once i have pulled ahead of YOU, not vice versa ;P

There's nothing about me in this sentence. Wth did you keep my name below his...

85.33 - ramagi
82.00 - j00bie
81.50 - D0GMA
Who are these people?

Veterans, we don't care about them anymore :D

241.02 - Vagrant
):< and boy is that day ever comes :o

No, he's username is really vagrant :D

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 17:16:32

At 10/29/04 05:03 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: And i still do say that.

I made a picture.

B/P ranks 51+

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 17:17:03

At 10/29/04 03:51 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Ya_ya must be a real person. He misses some flashes during a certain period of time every day so I assume he goes to sleep. Maybe he's not alone on his account.
Fixit was insane. Ya_ya is just a little bit messed up. That's a huge difference.

Fixit was unbeatable, believe me, I tried (as did many others). Ya_ya isn't. THAT'S the difference for me

116.33 - Denvish
110.50 - BonusStage
ahha even providing some competition to the GREAT Denvish, NICE
Your "great" denvish don't seem to have much to do lately :P

I don't need this 'GREAT' shit. I do plenty of other stuff besides BP'ing, including maintaining 8 websites, playing with Flash, looking after my 2 kids, some music, and fixing other peoples' computers (ie = unemployed). If you want an mentor, FFS look elsewhere. I don't want to put peoples backs up by appearing 'better than them', I just want to carry on doing what I do, without being judged (either positively or negatively) for it.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 18:56:57

At 10/28/04 08:08 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/28/04 06:49 PM, P-o-s-t-a-l wrote:
well yea, the biggest cults in the would have called themselves christian... the spanish inquisition, the dark ages, whitch hunts were all done in the NAME of the catholic church.
If you want to go on about RC, you're preaching to the choir. I'm baptised Catholic, but my quest for knowledge has led me to despise that sect above virtually all others. The crap you mentioned, thousands of other instances of that sort, rampant hypocrisy, etc., have simply left me disgusted ...

Amen on that, i'm in that choir too

A: Five: The Gospel According to Mary.

NOT!! Mary didn't write a gospel for the bible. She's only a saint in RC doctrine. A any doctrine that "adds or takes away from the word of God's bible" goes against God himself.
You did well to break away from the Roman Catholic "cult"

Christianity has a enormous number of sects, Catholicism being one of the majors. Even so, that does not preclude my lumping born-again Christian sects with them, if nothing else for the sheer audacity of their hypocrisy. Love they neighbor ... except gays and lesbians who are an abomination in the eyes of God and abortion clinic personnel whom it's OK to kill even though Thou shallt not kill and people who don't have the right kind of faith because even though we're not Catholics we at least agree with the Pope that they are heretics and slick televangelists are good people even though they fleece their flock because it's really the message that counts and ...

again Hon, you are confusing the born again christaions with born again catholics. Bush's holy war against muslims and gays is funded by the Christain Coalition! (also know as known a clear channel communications in America. They are actually BUYIng radio stations to help push their propiganda. (just like FOX TV)

:: : (bush, however, still serves the rich and greedy)

Speaking as one of the formerly rich, but still greedy, Bush is an idiot who's still trying to get daddy's approval. He serves no one but himself.

Formerly rich??? But still greedy????
I agree with you on Bush! and I understand what it's like to go from great to nothing. (my EX-wife toke everything I had and taken me from buy-cars-cash to bankrupt.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 19:02:27

At 10/29/04 05:16 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 10/29/04 05:03 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: And i still do say that.
I made a picture.

very good, please DIE

your post contributed NOTHING to the forum.
Please to not do that again or the mods will have to ban you

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 19:26:00

At 10/29/04 03:06 AM, D0GMA wrote: It's my usual line-up. Left to right, Dallmayr black, Diet Coke, Snakebite and Black (half lager, half cider, splash of black currant), and Shiraz. I've always drunk a lot. It never mattered if it was milk, soda, juice or alcohol.

Looks like I have some new drinks to try. I've heard you, Recon, and I think Denvish talk about alcoholic cider. I've never seen it around here before. Is it basically just cider with alcohol in it?

At 10/29/04 05:50 AM, D0GMA wrote: 118.33 - Ya_Ya
116.33 - Denvish
110.50 - BonusStage
106.67 - MPA

Thanks, I always enjoy checking this when I wake up.

At 10/29/04 09:44 AM, BonusStage wrote:
106.67 - MPA
94.33 - EKRegulus
I like this game, i bet MPA does too ^_^, but it seems MPA that for once i have pulled ahead of YOU, not vice versa ;P

I know a guy who will take out a non goverment affiliated, non celebrity for 3k a pop. What did you say your address was again Bonus? heh

At 10/29/04 05:17 PM, Denvish wrote: I do plenty of other stuff besides BP'ing, including maintaining 8 websites, playing with Flash, looking after my 2 kids, some music, and fixing other peoples' computers (ie = unemployed). If you want an mentor, FFS look elsewhere. I don't want to put peoples backs up by appearing 'better than them', I just want to carry on doing what I do, without being judged (either positively or negatively) for it.

/me gives a nice neutral clap for that.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 19:47:17

At 10/29/04 07:26 PM, MPA wrote: Looks like I have some new drinks to try. I've heard you, Recon, and I think Denvish talk about alcoholic cider. I've never seen it around here before. Is it basically just cider with alcohol in it?

Cider is a very english drink; it doesn't seem to appear naturally (ie, without import) anywhere else in the world. It's basically fermented apples; it tastes appley, and the usual brands are 4-7% alcohol. They're usually a light clear brown in colour.
Then, you have the varieties. There's white cider, which has never been near an apple in its life, is dirt cheap, and is commonly consumed by tramps for that reason, and the fact that alcohol % is around 8-10.
And then there's scrumpy. Proper cider. Cloudy. Originally brewed with a dead rat in the bottom of the barrel to precipitate sediment/bacteria. It's usually only about 5-6% alcoholic, but because it's not fully fermented, it carries on fermenting inside you; which makes it seem like 12-15%. Even I, as a seasoned cider drinker, can only handle 2.5-3 glasses of PROPER scrumpy (as opposed to the commercially produced imitation). And that's not just me being soft.

Hmm. Anyway, I think it's great, and the majority of Americans are really missing out. It's be so easy to turn what you call Cider (that brown cloudy apple juice) into the alcoholic version. And there is no drink that suits a hot summer's day better than a point'o coider.

Bottoms up!

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 19:49:25

At 10/29/04 05:17 PM, Denvish wrote: I don't need this 'GREAT' shit. I do plenty of other stuff besides BP'ing, including maintaining 8 websites, playing with Flash, looking after my 2 kids, some music, and fixing other peoples' computers (ie = unemployed). If you want an mentor, FFS look elsewhere. I don't want to put peoples backs up by appearing 'better than them', I just want to carry on doing what I do, without being judged (either positively or negatively) for it.

Wait... to who are you responding? BonusStage, both or me?

Don't expect us to know how is your life. We know nothing about you and we don't really want to know the details of your existence. Ok, so you want a neutral judgement from us? I don't exactly get it. We already have a judgement about your online personnality and you can tell us whatever you want, it will be difficult to change the opinion we already made about you.

Most of our sentences are just jokes. Sigh... well, mine was ...

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 19:54:07

At 10/29/04 07:02 PM, Bila wrote: your post contributed NOTHING to the forum.
Please to not do that again or the mods will have to ban you

I was laughing at Crossofdevil, pretty damn hard.
He repeats it all the time "Im going to pass BonusStage", and the sad thing is, I think he believes it.

Geez, that was my first moronic post i've made in a while, and I get captain anger all over me. Sorry man, I thought it was hilarious.

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 20:08:20

At 10/29/04 07:49 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Wait... to who are you responding? BonusStage, both or me?
Most of our sentences are just jokes. Sigh... well, mine was ...

Sorry, went off on a bit of a rant. It was more directed at Bonus than you. Maybe I was taking the joke too seriously, but I really dislike being put on a pedestal, and that's what all this "great" stuff implied.

I blame the cider, personally....

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-29 21:40:59

At 10/29/04 09:01 PM, BonusStage wrote: Heh i'd rather you not speak for both of us, mine tone was much more suttle in my post, no need to be so harsh ;)

I was just being general for all of us. It didn't summarize your opinion. I know that you guys don't think exactly like me.
Read it again, maybe you will see something in common but it won't be exact. It never will.

Most of our sentences are just jokes. Sigh... well, mine was ...
heh, thinking MINE WASN'T, oh you are a silly one

oh... you are right. What the hell what I thinking. YOU are a joke so your sentences can't be serious :P (:P <--- OGM THE FACE MEANS I'm NOT serious!!)
I might not be serious but nothing proves me wrong :P

Response to B/P ranks 51+ 2004-10-30 02:19:40

At 10/29/04 07:37 PM, BonusStage wrote:
I know a guy who will take out a non goverment affiliated, non celebrity for 3k a pop. What did you say your address was again Bonus? heh
1337 ROFLCOPTER ct. :D

At 10/29/04 07:02 PM, Bila wrote: very good, please DIE

your post contributed NOTHING to the forum.
Please to not do that again or the mods will have to ban you
BILA, there is no need to have that much anger at them, trust me i read your recent LUL post, you SEEM to be just a little be TO'd by P-o-s-t-a-l's comments (i believe it was him at least) but let j00bie have his fun, after all that is his job ;P

Sorry, it's friday night and I guess I haven't blown of steam in a while... but you may be right j00bie is as j00bie does but I DID put a lol in the middle of my rant. ;)

political phone calls are coming every half hour lately, you 'd Love to hear what I'm trying to unload on them if they stop reading long enough to hear me