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Favorite Censored Movie Line

6,851 Views | 37 Replies

Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 08:17:27

You've all probably watched a movie that has a lot of swearing in it be censored for a channel like TNT or USA or FX. If that's true, then you've probably heard the completely retarded things they replace swear words with. Post your favorite censored line from a movie and the original line for comparison.

Mine would have to be from The Big Lebowski.

Instead of This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!
We get: This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!

I'm gonna go back to my room and be awesome.

Desert Punk of the NG /A/|My VA Demo Reel|Audio Portal|

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 08:19:42

i like newgrounds, because when you say FUCK , it replaces it with FUCK



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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 08:21:21

is:we killed that motherfucker
get:hurt that motherlover

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 08:22:24

At 5/11/07 08:19 AM, JarrodK wrote: "I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"

also numerous scarface quotes.

Censored movie lines jackass.

I'm gonna go back to my room and be awesome.

Desert Punk of the NG /A/|My VA Demo Reel|Audio Portal|

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 08:31:31

At 5/11/07 08:26 AM, Kolohe wrote: Yippee-ki-yay stupid sucker!

But thats the best part in the movie! How can they edit that?

"My friends call me 'The Cane.' Even before I messed up my leg."

- [H]ouse

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 08:58:00

At 5/11/07 08:19 AM, JarrodK wrote: "I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"

also numerous scarface quotes.

I agree with you those are good same with Pulp Fiction

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 09:02:21

Scarface on TV always cracks me up

I'll smash those *silence* cock roaches!

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 09:31:36

Wai-wai-wait. Someone explain this to me. Is it that:

A) These lines get censored on certain American channels so they can be shown earlier?
B) These channels show the films late enough but censor the bad language anyway?

As far as I know, we don't do this in the UK, but judging from the examples, it sounds hilarious.

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 09:54:24

At 5/11/07 09:31 AM, Incognitus wrote: Wai-wai-wait. Someone explain this to me. Is it that:

A) These lines get censored on certain American channels so they can be shown earlier?

Yeah, they make edited versions for network television. The problem is that they edit almost everything just to be safe. You might assume a PG-13 movie would be able to be played uncut and get a TV-14 rating, you'd be wrong. Consider this line from Dumb and Dumber:

Where do I sign?
Right on my ass after you kiss it.

Right on my sandwich after you kiss it.

The line is perfectly TV safe, they edit it none-the-less. It would be fine if they just bleeped or silenced it, or even if they took the time to realstically dub over it. They do a quick crappy job and they don't even get the original actor most of the time.

B) These channels show the films late enough but censor the bad language anyway?

On network television (what you get for free by just plugging your TV into the electrical socket) they have to follow FCC guidelines so 'shit' and worse words are always edited. Cable TV technically doesn't have to edit anything since you pay for it and should know what you're getting into. They do it anyways though because America's conservative about things like that and the FCC will find a way to fuck them if they go to far. Some channels do let the curses fly at night, but sex/nudity is always out.

Ironically enough violence has always been somewhat more obscene than the cursing. I remember watching an episode of The X-files when I was a lad and wondering how they could show a corpse covered in maggots, but they couldn't say fuck. : /

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 10:02:05

I remember a film. It's original line was, "You're full of fucking shit!" When it came on T.V. it was, "You're full of smelly stuff!"

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 10:21:30

Orig: Founded by Germans, it means 'A whale's vagina'.
After: Founded by Germans, it means "a whales TOMATOES!".

A Hawaiian censor, for Anchor Man.

Resident furfag, and (one of) Newground's bastard child(s).

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 11:18:33

"I've had it with these... snakes, on this... Plane!"

I hardly ever come here anymore....

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 12:14:37

Bleh, censoring makes simple lines seem sompletely incoherent.

<Insert Sig Here>

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:14:10

no scarface and Pulp fiction, snakes on a plane with the Godfather saga

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:19:24

I like the way comedy central does it with just not saying anything. And on that from not another teen movie:

Gimme an A! Gimme a D! Gimme a *********************************************
*******************************************! Sorry that was my Tourettes.

Even though I have Tourettes it was kinda funny.


Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:24:05

Is:I smell something,Bullshit.

Comes out as:I smell something,Bull dung.

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:24:32

From phonebooth..

original " Say you wanted to fuck her" "And I wanted to sleep with her" " No, say you wanted to FUCK her"
censored "Say you wanted to sleep with her" "And I wanted to sleep with her" "No, Say you wanted to SLEEP with heR"

WHAT THE FUCK??? FX you dumbasses can't censore.

I dont have a signature, stop bugging me.

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:25:23

My favorite has to be: *beep* you. Man, I can't get over it!

"In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy." - Fran Lebowitz

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:26:18

"English Mother-fucker, do you speak it!?!"
Goes to; "English Mister Hupper. do you speak it!?!"

Oh god, that sucked!

Favorite Censored Movie Line

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:28:16

Horray for no censorship in the UK. We just have watershed, and warnings before the show "This film contains strong language, violence, and scenes of a sexual nature from the start" or whatever.

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:29:31

"Man Smokey do I have to Funk you up?!?" - Worm

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:29:58

At 5/11/07 06:28 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Horray for no censorship in the UK. We just have watershed, and warnings before the show "This film contains strong language, violence, and scenes of a sexual nature from the start" or whatever.

Yet another reason to hate America.

"In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy." - Fran Lebowitz

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:31:54

i don't get why they bleep out "hole" when people say "ass hole"

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:33:44

Why do they always ryme with the swear word?

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:33:50

At 5/11/07 06:28 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: Horray for no censorship in the UK. We just have watershed, and warnings before the show "This film contains strong language, violence, and scenes of a sexual nature from the start" or whatever.

I love the United Kingdom. :')


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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:34:31

Me Myself & Irene: They replace, "Mother fucker," with, "Mamma Jamma." Honestly, it made the movie better (this was on TBS, the worst channel to watch movies).

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 18:34:36

Original: Dude. You smell like shit.
Retard Version: Dude. You smell like dried spit.

Original: The world chico, and everything in it.
Retard Version: The world Pico, and everything it.

Original: Check's in the mail, and the pole s' in the hole.
Retard Version: I thought you were good at golf.

Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 19:21:05

Shaun: That was the second album I ever bought!
Pete: It's four in the funking morning!
Shaun: It's Saturday!
Pete: No, it's funking Sunday and I've got to go to funking work in four funking hours because every other funker is funking ill! Now can you see why I'm so funking angry?
Ed: Funk yeah!
Shaun: Hey! Pete, look, I'm sorry, we had a couple of drinks, we split up with Liz tonight.
Pete: Just keep it down, yeah?
Ed: Prink.

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 19:24:18

Yeah, I saw that censorship on The Big Lebowski. I was like "That's just pathetic." I wish censorship would go out in the ocean and die.

Hero to the world.

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Response to Favorite Censored Movie Line 2007-05-11 19:28:03

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

"This coffee tastes like shit!"
"It... is shit, Austin."

"This coffee tastes like poop!"
"It... is poop, Austin."

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