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the N-Word

2,762 Views | 51 Replies

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-28 03:58:06

Can't we all just get along? Plus, John Waynes a faggot...

I Am Silent...

BBS Signature

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-28 04:09:24

Here's what white people in America should do:

Start calling each other "cracka", but get really offended when a black person says it. Then go off at them and call them racist and proceed to take legal action against them.

It's total bullshit that blacks can get away with racism.

Fuckin racists...
Fuckin losers who get offended by racism... Seriously, get over yourselves.

BBS Signature

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-28 04:45:03

Replace it with "Cracker", the irony will be hilarious.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-28 15:21:10

Yeah that is true, you give word more power if you let it affect you. We can have the word "the" become a curse word if everyone shuns it and stops saying it. I bet if everyone stoped beign so offened by the word ni66er would be jsut that, another word.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-28 15:24:10

At 3/27/07 11:55 PM, Shawtey wrote: stuff

learn to use commas and periods and the maybe i will listen to you.

"Guns don't kill people, the government does."

- Dale Gribble

Please do not contact Homor to get your message added to this sig, there is no more room.

BBS Signature

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-28 15:28:23

I think the N-word should be widely accepted.
It's not anything near men/women's genetalia or anything about having sexual intercourse like the normal bad words.

They even have countries like Niger and Nigeria.
Calling a n*gger black man is like calling a chinese; yellow man.

Golden cow poop

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-28 15:51:40

well black people call white people crackers in response

at my school alot

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 20:40:27

The word now ihas so much power over us. We need to stop being so effected by it. Calling some one yeah but using it in context with literature now one should have a problem, peopel let themselves get offended.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 20:44:58

At 3/27/07 11:39 PM, John-Wayne wrote: I think nigers are great, everyone should own one.

Yeah that's right, 80s joke. Let's go do the electric slide now everybody.

Did someone say niger?

the N-Word


BBS Signature

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 20:46:27

i think u shouldnt be afaid to use that word...unless ure sayin it in a bad way

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 21:05:13

The word itself has nothing to do with race, it literally means, "Person of mal-education” and the word itself holds no racial reference. It would be the same if we would have referred to slaves as “idiots;” then that today would be a racial slur and “The N-Word” would just be an ordinary word.

Idiot, Please.

I'm going to fucking rape this guy.

BBS Signature

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 21:07:06

no derigitory term should be used to call anyone anything. If you want to say it just to call some one a ni6er then thats just showin your true colors.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 21:08:58

I have friends who dont care (black friends). Normaly no one minds hearing that word, but people hesitate at that word cause they are afraid that someone might be offended. Sadly someone would be offended more than likely, just because they think the "white" world is against them still.

"It would be ironic if everyone was made of iron"

-Private Micheal J. Caboose

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 21:49:51

banning the word will just make it worse. and how can you ban a word, only in america.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 22:21:42

I think that using the word in direct correspondence to a literary work like "Huck Finn" is fine. It's not used in a particularly insulting way, though it may seem to be now due to the tidal wave of political correctness and all the people who slap tape over things that are even remotely offensive, to them at least.
In my opinion, banning any word, regardless of it's meaning or history, is ignorant and an irresponsible way of dealing with our past or present problems. It is up to us as free thinking people to be responsible in representing ourselves through our speech and action. If someone wants to be a racist and use the word in negative connotations, then that's their decision and I'm sure it'll come back around to get them, but if the word n*gger itself is in a book, I don't think we should be required to tiptoe around it by saying "the n-word". That's just a bit too extreme for me. The only reason I did so in this was due to the requirements of the site, which isn't all that far out of line seeing as how it's a public forum.
All in all, the word is offensive, true, but banning it or substituting it some little coin phrase is just ridiculous. Just be responsible with what you say and what you mean and everyone should be fine.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 22:58:14

At 3/27/07 11:47 PM, homor wrote:
At 3/27/07 11:36 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Freedom of speech applies to voicing your opinion, not saying any cussword you'd like.
what if your oppinon involes swaer words? also "cuss" sucks ass.

I never said anything about not being allowed cusswords. I'm only stating that when people say "I can say _____ because of freedom of speech!" they are wrong.

And your spelling sucks ass.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 23:26:09

Before anyone gets upset, I've pruned a post or two from this thread.

Whilst freedom of speech is allowed, that does not include breaking the forum rules.

If you want to refer to it, please use "n-word" or similar.

I've not banned the people involved, due to context, but consider this your warning. Further use of the word in full will result in a 7-day ban.

Mature and reasoned diascussions ftw.

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-29 23:26:14

nicely put

Response to the N-Word 2007-03-31 12:33:44

At 3/29/07 11:26 PM, EveningShift wrote: Before anyone gets upset, I've pruned a post or two from this thread.

Whilst freedom of speech is allowed, that does not include breaking the forum rules.

If you want to refer to it, please use "n-word" or similar.

I've not banned the people involved, due to context, but consider this your warning. Further use of the word in full will result in a 7-day ban.

Mature and reasoned diascussions ftw.

nice point proven right there, just using the word now in context and not refering ot anyone is some how still wrong and with this what you are doing now is giving the word ni66er more power and it will never end Keep it up !!!

Response to the N-Word 2008-02-16 16:34:21

lol bringing old topic, but we white people have had lots of offseive terms, and yes our people have been enslaved too.


*cough cough*

Response to the N-Word 2008-02-16 16:42:26

We've a black guy in our class and when we read Huck Finn we said Ni*ger every damn time, we even had him read out a bit. We all did. My English teacher asked me if it'd suit and I said purely because it's so racy we should, I'm sick of all this P.C bullshit.

Get a life people, ignorance and fear is worse then hate.

Response to the N-Word 2008-02-16 16:54:26

i think its becuase we see that word as racist and never use it becuas of that, the word becomes even more racist.