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MS Paint your school pet peeves

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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-19 13:00:24


MS Paint your school pet peeves

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-19 13:03:08

At 2/8/07 11:44 PM, ATI-sucks wrote: im lucky i got kicked out of my school...so sick of people telling me to cut my hair and little fucking anorexic myspace whores


Sig by CoolCatDaddio. <<RESPECT>>

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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-19 13:32:41

Getting a boner during class...

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-20 21:37:28

At 2/20/07 09:15 PM, LateckS wrote: I got stuck proofreading the class nerd's paper in class today. The conversation basically went like this:

I'm surprised he didn't go "NYEEEEEEEARR."


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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-21 16:23:31

Today my Art teacher got really pissed because everyone (like always) was talking, so she stopped and waited. There was a quiet whisper, and then she continued. When there was a really quiet talk, just over a whisper, she started writing names on the board for a detention.
She eventually wrote mine and the person sitting next to me, but she took mine off even though i talked way more than the guy next to me. Right after she took it off she gave everyone on the board (7 people altogether) an hour detention each.
I hate teachers that overreact because they can't teach.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-21 16:27:45

You people think gum in the water fountains is bad? Once I could've sworn I saw a BLOODY TAMPON hanging from the top of a water fountain at my school. I'm serious.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 17:31:06

My maths teacher
(to clarify the time, we always have maths last thing on a friday, at 2:30pm or 14:30, you do the maths, i'm sick of doing it myself!)

2/3 lessons, we had to sit through her talking about probability for 3 quaters of an hour, what makes this worse is that the way i think is very logical, meaning i'm really good a probability anyway, this means i had to sit through her saying things that i already know, she's fucking boring, so i'm usually asleep or thinking "goddanmit, when will she shut up?" by the end of the lesson

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 18:12:42

when i stoopid teacher takes away your ds some poeple can be so stoopis sometiems

MS Paint your school pet peeves


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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 18:25:30

At 2/23/07 06:12 PM, senor-cardage wrote: when i stoopid teacher takes away your ds some poeple can be so stoopis sometiems

Sorry,but what exactly are you trying to express?

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 18:28:49

At 2/23/07 06:25 PM, Nekrozoa wrote:
At 2/23/07 06:12 PM, senor-cardage wrote: when i stoopid teacher takes away your ds some poeple can be so stoopis sometiems
Sorry,but what exactly are you trying to express?

I think he's saying that he wants to play video games in school but the teacher won't let him.


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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 18:47:06

At 2/23/07 06:12 PM, senor-cardage wrote: when i stoopid teacher takes away your ds some poeple can be so stoopis sometiems

Oh wah, you can't play video games in school.

Just play your DS in the fucking cafeteria.

BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 19:06:09

Well, I don't care about 6th grades (hate 'em- have not yet reached puberty= annoying, obnoxious, ignorant), and I don't care about the dance. But this year we got a new principal, and some of the rules/regulations she has changed/created are absurd. For instance, the school dances. Last year the 6th grade dance went from 5:30-7:00 and the 7th and 8th grade dance went from 7:30-10:00. Quite reasonable, I would say. This year, however, our principal feels that those times are much to late. So the 6th grade dance now starts at 4:30, half an hour after school gets out, and goes until 6:00. The 7th-8th grade dance goes from 6:30-8:00. This is ONE HOUR SHORTER than it used to be. WTF? Like 10:00 is past all our bedtimes? It's still light outside when the 6th graders leave!

I hates the new principal.
Some of her other rules include:
- Removal of Mall Haul, an event where everyone in the school who refrains from getting detentions for one semester gets to go to the mall as a reward, during school hours
- Alteration of the ZAP late homework system, so that you can get an infinite number of missed homework and not get a detention
- Shortening of the time that my class has to show the Broadcast, our school news show that my class creates. We now have a limit of 13 minutes, including the announcements, which are often very long and take 2-4 minutes. We must now try to keep the show under 11 minutes and read the announcements very fast. We're very pissed. 2 minute segment??
- She plays Christian music during our passing periods. I go to public school.

There's more, but I am done ranting for now. Sorry, couldn't help it. Bitching about stuff is my job.


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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 19:07:39


MS Paint your school pet peeves


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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-23 22:35:40

Time for something new. I have a voleyball team who sucks major balls. i mean these guys cant do shit. i actually used to have a good team ( I'll tell the story another time). but those motherfuckers switched my schedual around. and they play the gayest music ever. Also the kid to the right of me Has got to be the weirdest kid i have ever met.but i guess he's a nice kid. but yeah. I dont even know if i spelled the lyrics right.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Sig by @Brokendeck

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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 11:56:53

Theres this girl in my history class. who says she hates everyone. she's a bit annoying. yet she is hot. I'd actually want to hit that. just thought i might post it here.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Sig by @Brokendeck

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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 12:29:22

too lazy to draw so ill just say it: The bathroom

dun dun dun


Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 12:50:01

I've grown to hate everyone with a cell phone

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Proud owner of no sig since 2003

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 12:57:37

Part 1 link:

C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Elementary

5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 13:01:36

At 10/29/06 01:54 AM, xPaRaDoXx wrote:
At 10/29/06 01:49 AM, Tannerite wrote: I hate my small attention span, but I love my milk.
this kid i know was cussing at everyone for that

Same here. Very protective of his food.

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 13:08:51

5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 20:22:32

At 2/25/07 01:16 PM, LateckS wrote: This is an actual conversation.

Its hil-FUCKING-larious.

5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 21:00:39

Wow, this time it's animated!

At my school we have two periods of "Integrated language arts" or ILA. That's right, it's a double period. Which is fine. But in my class, we basically spend the ENTIRE time reading. Ugh, it's so boring.

MS Paint your school pet peeves


BBS Signature

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-25 21:16:56

I have to carry my guitar around all day now. It's fine, I'll talk with people about how I play, when I started, and etc.

What is NOT fine, is when someone comes up to me during my lunch period (where I play it outside of my Guitar Class) and demand me to play songs. They don't shut up about it either. If I ignore them, they bug me. One kid actually grabbed the neck of my guitar, adn told me to play his song.

If I ask for a tip/anything in return for playing them the song they want to here, they instantly get thrown into pissed-of world and yell at me. BUT THEY DON'T FUCKING LEAVE!

Picture (badly drawn guitar).

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-26 17:06:57

5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-26 17:07:57

www.myspace.com/vortexcrew THIS IS MINE BLAAACSK

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-26 17:08:47

5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-26 17:21:28

5 people in BMTSWhoIsJesus. Ben, Mark, Todd, Steven, and Joe. Joe's a friend who's been there for us for 14 years. Find out more at bmtswhoisjesus.newgrounds.com

Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-26 17:35:59

Heres one thing i hate. Everyday in spanish these kids ask me for gum nonstop. It's like there taking advantage of me. I mean we have a school store in our school and it's only 1 dollar. so yeah i guess I'll just post the pic. I'm going to post 2 parts heres part 1.

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Sig by @Brokendeck

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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-26 17:41:21

At 2/26/07 05:39 PM, LateckS wrote: I used to take gum to school and give it out, but I had to stop, partially due to fucking gum-nazis, and partially due to annoying kids that constantly demanded more gum.

Heil! Copernicus Hitler! Sauerkrauthausen!


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Response to MS Paint your school pet peeves 2007-02-26 17:41:59

heres part 2

MS Paint your school pet peeves

Sig by @Brokendeck

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