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Favourite artists

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Favourite artists 2006-09-16 01:59:33

Not much art discussion on here so I thought I'd try and change that.
Who is your favourite artist/designer, everybody draws inspiration from different things, what are yours?

My latest work has been inspired by Ville Kansanen and Holly Bynoe. I think that my favourite artist is Dave McKean, his dustcovers are amazing and very original, I love his collage/dark/surreal/grunge style.

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-16 02:14:41

Jeff Soto

I wouldn't have known him from his name but I definately recognise his work.


I knew he would be mentioned. Misha Gordin reminds me of Dali, they're not exactly the same but some of Dalis style shows through his photography.

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-16 05:06:25



Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-16 05:14:41

At 9/16/06 05:06 AM, PrinceG wrote: Here are some off the top of my head

Really reminds me of a magazine I used to buy, Imagine FX, it was digital fantasy/sci-fi image, the images on their gallery are great, the ones set in the forest are cool.

Everyone knows Chronamut, If you dont then your just not cool

I recognise these two names from the art forum.

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 09:30:22

LaserKarl rocks...
But I'll also call Adam phillips work, art..

My favourites :P

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 09:36:17

I'm A newbie when it comes to artists. I studied Andy Warhol for my GCSE art project.. but saying you like Andy Warhol is like someone liking French Fancies, it's default :).

My favorite artist on NG is gunth. I like his pictures where there sort of reflected colours. I can't explain that too well, so go check out his Deviant art page.


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Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 10:01:51

At 9/17/06 09:30 AM, WhoIsLikeGod wrote: LaserKarl rocks...

Wow, just did an NG search for him, he's got some really nice work, looks like its done in painter which is even more impressive as I find that program to be the devil.

I'm A newbie when it comes to artists. I studied Andy Warhol for my GCSE art project.. but saying you like Andy Warhol is like someone liking French Fancies, it's default :).

Yeah his stuffs great, looked at it a few months ago for college. Seems like a lot of people study him for GCSE and A-level.

My favorite artist on NG is gunth. I like his pictures where there sort of reflected colours. I can't explain that too well, so go check out his Deviant art page.

Couldnt find his profile on NG, or DA, link?

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 10:04:01

My two and only favorites are Laserkarl and BlackmarketKraig.

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 10:13:05

At 9/17/06 10:01 AM, Zach wrote: Wow, just did an NG search for him, he's got some really nice work, looks like its done in painter which is even more impressive as I find that program to be the devil.

Yeah! He's work are extremely well done.. I can't help but feeling good (in a non-perverted way) when i look at his pictures.. There was even times when i just stared at his pictures for like 20 minutes.. Crazy..

Anyway, Painter??? Is it free? Could you get it on "the internet".. link? I'd like to try it out ... .

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 10:16:29

At 9/17/06 10:13 AM, WhoIsLikeGod wrote: Anyway, Painter??? Is it free? Could you get it on "the internet".. link? I'd like to try it out ... .

That just proves how much you like his work, I say he uses it and that its the devil, you ask where I can get it from, lol.

It's made by Corel, so look on their site, I know you can get a free trial, latest version is Painter IX.

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 10:25:47

At 9/17/06 10:16 AM, Zach wrote: It's made by Corel, so look on their site, I know you can get a free trial, latest version is Painter IX.

Thanks! Downloading now... :P

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 11:21:12

anyone who can draw..edn

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 11:27:03

LaserKarl or GuntherSwanh, whatever his name is today. Oh, and also Adam Philips of course.

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Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 11:34:16

my favorite artist is Stamper, because his drawings actually look like art, also, did the mona lisa have a huge dick coming out of her chest, no she didn't

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Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 11:40:54

on NG

Stamper, Madknt, Matt (havent seen him lately :O ), Bigexplosions. few more I cant remember

Off NG

van gogh, bryan organ, Picasso ans this guy at my school Rob who is grea at grafitii :D

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 15:34:27

At 9/17/06 10:16 AM, Zach wrote:
At 9/17/06 10:13 AM, WhoIsLikeGod wrote: Anyway, Painter??? Is it free? Could you get it on "the internet".. link? I'd like to try it out ... .
That just proves how much you like his work, I say he uses it and that its the devil

Nah, i mainly paint in Photoshop or OpenCanvas, or a combination of them both. I've tried painter though, and it has some really niuce features.

Artrage is a nice tip for a painting-program btw, its the most realistic software i've laid my eyes on.

Thanks everyone that said im the best one out there, to bad i'm gonna have to say youre all wrong :P

Heres a bunch of links to a pair favourite artist:
Hes so fucking awesome.. And i dont even know his name!
Michael Hussar, also unbelivable. these are just 2 of my favs though, theres a lot of people thats even better.

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 18:41:30

At 9/17/06 03:34 PM, LaserKarl wrote: Nah, i mainly paint in Photoshop or OpenCanvas, or a combination of them both. I've tried painter though, and it has some really niuce features.

I've never seen work made in OpenCanvas, but I really wouldn't have thought it was photoshop.

Michael Hussar, also unbelivable. these are just 2 of my favs though, theres a lot of people thats even better.

I love that style of dark circus/theatre imagery! I'm always looking out for artists of that style. I really wanna try and take some photos of that kind of thing, but getting the right props is very difficult. But I'm definately bookmarking that page!

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 19:28:20

nobody said me? that makes me sad D:

but really, i can't really rate my favorite artists on NG, (although i should mention i really like ShirtTurtles work :D) but i found this russain dudes site... Jacek Yerka... his paintings are amazing. linkage.


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Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 19:36:21

At 9/17/06 07:28 PM, bucher wrote: i found this russain dudes site... Jacek Yerka... his paintings are amazing. linkage.

Good find, some cool images on there especially this.

Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 19:38:57

At 9/17/06 07:36 PM, Zach wrote:
At 9/17/06 07:28 PM, bucher wrote: i found this russain dudes site... Jacek Yerka... his paintings are amazing. linkage.
Good find, some cool images on there especially this.

yeah, i think i'll make a thread bout it.


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Response to Favourite artists 2006-09-17 19:45:12

At 9/17/06 07:41 PM, ShirtTurtle wrote: Very surreal, so i automatically love it :D

Same as what I thought, he has the surreal look to his work to, similar to the original 1920s artists, unlike the dark surrealism of Micheal Hussar that LaserKarl just posted. Surrealism is a very wide catergory really.