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Killing animals and insects is bad!

3,534 Views | 81 Replies

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:03:27

At 8/16/06 02:51 AM, JackRabbitStudios wrote: Don't be so foolishly lighthearted. If a bug had a chance to squish you or your entire family, they'd jump on it in a heartbeat.

It's either them or us


Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:09:21

Maybe you didn't get my point. I said you kill those bugs for fun when you see them. I don't remember the last time any bug attacked me. There is a difference between attacking and annoying. In your case you would kill it even when it's not attacking. Admit it you despise bugs and are bug fucker. Seriously, get a fucken life. What do you get for killing bugs that don't even hurt you? They maybe annoying but that's no reason to kill them.

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:09:42

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:10:38

At 8/16/06 06:09 AM, werewolf_bite wrote: Maybe you didn't get my point. I said you kill those bugs for fun when you see them. I don't remember the last time any bug attacked me. There is a difference between attacking and annoying. In your case you would kill it even when it's not attacking. Admit it you despise bugs and are bug fucker. Seriously, get a fucken life. What do you get for killing bugs that don't even hurt you? They maybe annoying but that's no reason to kill them.

it's hard to tell who you're talking to since you obviously don't know how to use the reply with quote button you 10 year old tree hugger.


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Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:12:20


Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:13:12

I kind of agree. We live in an evil society that commits mass murder on a daily basis, what with all the chickens and cows being kept in horrible conditions only to be butchered and chopped up to be sold.
I say everything is entitled to life, whatever life may be. I dont know if we were put here by some god for a reason, or if life is a just a random that phenominon we are lucky to be a part of, either way our mainstream accepted society is horribly fucked and most people don't even realize it.

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:18:50

At 8/16/06 02:49 AM, werewolf_bite wrote:
Hey old man, get the fuck off the forums and enjoy the life while you can. And only americans teenagers are this stupid and spoiled these days. You know what? You deserve to get bitten by a spider or a snake with that type of attitude. Jackasses like you are who grow up to be physcopaths and criminals. You sir are truely pathetic and worthless pieace of shit and discrase to human kind.


Man, you're a dumbass. I feel like squashing any bug I see today because of you.

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:20:35

At 8/16/06 06:09 AM, General_steelcock wrote: hypocrite

That is why i am older now and have more sense in me and know what is right and what is wrong. Unlike you, i've learned through living which people like you never will no matter how old you get. You sir are a murderer. It's a living thing you are killing.

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:22:29

At 8/16/06 03:11 AM, werewolf_bite wrote: I don't believe in God so he doesn't exist.

I stopped reading right there.
Just cause you don't believe in god,all of a sudden he doesn't exist.
I don't believe in leaving bugs alone and the damned bugs are still there aren't they?

...I don't even have words for how little kiddy that sounds.


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Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:24:56

At 8/16/06 06:20 AM, werewolf_bite wrote:
That is why i am older now and have more sense in me and know what is right and what is wrong. Unlike you, i've learned through living which people like you never will no matter how old you get. You sir are a murderer. It's a living thing you are killing.

please tell me that you are joking because its just plain stupid to post such nonsense. so stop trolling the forums

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:27:32

Are we saying killing bugs for just being there is slightly bad? I could maybe, agree with you, but bloodsucking ones, like mosquitos, deserve to die if they are penetrating your skin and stealing your blood. That is an attack, I suppose.
Now some spiders, brown recluse, poisonous tarantulas and the like, may only attack you if you provoke them, but does that comfort you when there is a fatal disease giving spider close?
Finally, if we did leave nature to its course, you would surely see insectus/animals kill others that come into their territory. We have the same right.

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:32:42

At 8/16/06 06:22 AM, CrimsonJesus wrote:
At 8/16/06 03:11 AM, werewolf_bite wrote: I don't believe in God so he doesn't exist.
I stopped reading right there.
Just cause you don't believe in god,all of a sudden he doesn't exist.
I don't believe in leaving bugs alone and the damned bugs are still there aren't they?

...I don't even have words for how little kiddy that sounds.

wait a second! If we believe hard enough maybe werewolf_bite will stop existing!


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Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:33:12

Argh, werewolf_bite go fuck yourself. Think about it, over the last ike 10'000 years animals have been killing each other all day, every day. Why do we now have faggits like you and vegitarians complaining that its not natural and that people shouldn't be killing for food. Just fuck off, unless you can convince me that the last thousands of years were all led wrong, you can kiss my ass and go to hell.. Thank you.

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:33:19

peta kill animals

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 06:58:59

well this tread is pointless. i will instead post random nonsense.

l1k3 th1s .suk p3n0r j00 c0mmi3 n1gg4 11!!1!11!!!11!11!1 löl addsdasadwt

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:07:52

Faek yuo coumie cont joo sok p3nor !!!111!!11!!111!!
i roolz t3h oniweerse. löl
liek omg saiv teh bugs

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:10:28

im really sorry, cuz sometimes i get hungry and just cant help myself. ahahahahahahahahahahaha, its good to kill mosquitoes, youll never know if it has dengue or yellow fever... or malaria... or watevr....

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:12:28

I was think of going into the smal tree area behind my house with a plate of Tuna and goo kitten hunting, wanna come?

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:13:21

ve muost saiv t3h bugs!!! fr0m t3h n00bs

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:15:37

At 8/16/06 07:12 AM, redface wrote: I was think of going into the smal tree area behind my house with a plate of Tuna and goo kitten hunting, wanna come?

NO, i cant, cause im gonna get a lighter, some lighter fluid.... AND BURN ALL THE ANTS IN MY BACKYARD!!!

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:17:03

Werewolf_bite is a zoophiliac

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:18:24

At 8/16/06 02:49 AM, werewolf_bite wrote:




Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:20:51

At 8/16/06 07:13 AM, General_steelcock wrote: ve muost saiv t3h bugs!!! fr0m t3h n00bs

nice idea
but shut n00b


Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:21:06

If they dont wanna get squished then they shouldnt come in my house, its trespassing!!! lol, but dont you say that they dont understand or summit, cos i dont giv 1

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:22:12

At 8/16/06 07:21 AM, Sk8sheep wrote: If they dont wanna get squished then they shouldnt come in my house, its trespassing!!! lol, but dont you say that they dont understand or summit, cos i dont giv 1

ever stood on an ant hill?


Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:22:48

For a guy called Werewolf_Bite you seem very fond of protecting the animals and bugs.

Are you a vegeterian?

I doubt it. And even if you are, how's about some lether with that steak?

I'm not sayig we should kill everything in sight, but man come on. Mosquitos are annoying. If I wake up because of a humming mofo, I'm gonna kill it. And if I find a bite mark that itches hard in the morning, I ain't gonna go easy on em either.

ffs. that is all.

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Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:26:10

We are the preadetors, the world is our prey.

It is good that we kill those that annoy us !

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Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:27:00

Mosquitos can kill you so i kill them before they kill me simple...lol...

Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:28:15

At 8/16/06 07:22 AM, iRRegular wrote: For a guy called Werewolf_Bite you seem very fond of protecting the animals and bugs.

Are you a vegeterian?

I doubt it. And even if you are, how's about some lether with that steak?

I'm not sayig we should kill everything in sight, but man come on. Mosquitos are annoying. If I wake up because of a humming mofo, I'm gonna kill it. And if I find a bite mark that itches hard in the morning, I ain't gonna go easy on em either.

i am vegeterian and i too am very fond of animals
i will admit that Mosqutios are annoying but so what so was my little brother .... but ..errm
dam i see your point
why not go find a sleeping Mosquito and sneak up on it then go BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz


Response to Killing animals and insects is bad! 2006-08-16 07:51:11

werewolf you bastard come over here and provoke me cos im bored