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Doctor Who Crew

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-06-30 22:42:12

Yeah those guys love their special effects! Can't blame them they do a good job on them. I got into the series a few months ago and instantly loved it. I'd to join in too if that's alright?

"Let loose and get some air...It's no fun being stuck on the ground."

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-02 10:30:36

Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-02 16:20:23

What does everyone think of the alternate cuts of Torchwood for the US and UK? The US will get a shorter cut, while the UK will get a longer version, but which is cut to be more child friendly as RTD acknowledges that many kids will watch just for Captain Jack.

I wouldn't mind if one was just a cut version, but having two alternate cuts (rather than a full and cut version) is irritating. Have to choose what you'd rather have, a more complete episode, or alien boobs.

At 7/2/11 10:30 AM, ArmouredGRIFFON wrote: I have a gift for you all.

Is that not just the Proms performance that was done over the montage of regenerations?

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-02 20:20:39

At 7/2/11 10:30 AM, ArmouredGRIFFON wrote: I have a gift for you all.
Is that not just the Proms performance that was done over the montage of regenerations?

And I think it is marvelous! It's This is Gallafrey and Vale Decam, I have the whole prom in Mp3 and could submit that to a 3rd party mirror if you like.

Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-02 20:40:35

At 7/2/11 04:20 PM, TheMaster wrote: What does everyone think of the alternate cuts of Torchwood for the US and UK? The US will get a shorter cut, while the UK will get a longer version, but which is cut to be more child friendly as RTD acknowledges that many kids will watch just for Captain Jack.

I wouldn't mind if one was just a cut version, but having two alternate cuts (rather than a full and cut version) is irritating. Have to choose what you'd rather have, a more complete episode, or alien boobs.

I don't see why they would go through all that effort. Wouldn't it be more cost effective and easier for all involved if you just shipped out the same product? I think they risk alienating a whole market if they don't do it right. Like if they cut out major plot to make it kid friendly or to make it shorter or put fluff in to lengthen it for the UK. I think if you are going to port a UK hit to the USA then you should try to keep it close to the original. It didn't get popular in the USA because it catered specifically to us.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-02 20:54:56

At 7/2/11 08:40 PM, Malachy wrote: I don't see why they would go through all that effort. Wouldn't it be more cost effective and easier for all involved if you just shipped out the same product? I think they risk alienating a whole market if they don't do it right. Like if they cut out major plot to make it kid friendly or to make it shorter or put fluff in to lengthen it for the UK. I think if you are going to port a UK hit to the USA then you should try to keep it close to the original. It didn't get popular in the USA because it catered specifically to us.

Well if they do cut it short, you might think it should motivate them to do a better job in the boundaries. Kind of like a word count on writing.

Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

BBS Signature

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-02 21:04:15

Honestly, I think I'd care more if Torchwood wasn't shite anyway.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-04 13:02:07

At 7/2/11 09:04 PM, TheMaster wrote: Honestly, I think I'd care more if Torchwood wasn't shite anyway.

I agree, I've never been a fan of it. I've tried to watch it but the adult themes just seem so forced.

Good news about Doctor Who though, Steven Moffat has revealed that all that stuff about no full series in 2012 is wrong and there will be the same amount of episodes, though different distribution. He'll probably elaborate at the Comic Con.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-04 16:46:53

At 7/4/11 01:02 PM, dogpup4 wrote:
At 7/2/11 09:04 PM, TheMaster wrote: Honestly, I think I'd care more if Torchwood wasn't shite anyway.
I agree, I've never been a fan of it. I've tried to watch it but the adult themes just seem so forced.

Yeah. Rather than just writing without restrictions they go out of there way to force in tons of embarrassing sex scenes, while still writing roughly the same sort of stuff you'd see in Who. It's not an "adult" show, it's a family show with tits in it.

It's RTD wishing he was Joss Whedon even more obviously than he was when he was writing Who. He's even got Jane Esperson writing this season.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-04 21:28:22

Truth be told, I thought series one and two of Torchwood was just shit.
However, I thought Children of Earth was fantastic, largely because they held off on including all the sex scenes and violence.

I'm also looking forward to Miracle Day as well, it looks really cool, even if it is a bit Americanized.

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-05 18:43:13

Children of Earth was a step up, but was average TV at best.

Also spawned the BBC's recent obsession with sci-fi serials, resulting in the god awful "The Deep" and the even worse "Outcasts". Cancelling Survivors (based on the original series by Dalek creator Terry Nation, as it happens) and making stuff like that is a disgrace.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-06 07:42:07

At 7/5/11 06:43 PM, TheMaster wrote: Children of Earth was a step up, but was average TV at best.

Also spawned the BBC's recent obsession with sci-fi serials, resulting in the god awful "The Deep" and the even worse "Outcasts". Cancelling Survivors (based on the original series by Dalek creator Terry Nation, as it happens) and making stuff like that is a disgrace.

Outcasts is currently playing here in the USA and they are heavily advertising it. I fail to see why they would as it was canned after 6 episodes in the UK. The premise is sort of interesting but the writing is terrible. But alas I record it anyway because the wife is a huge crappy sci-fi movie nerd. She watches all of those made for TV sci fi movies on syfy channel. Every. Single. One.

Also, who related: Craig Ferguson geeking out when Matt Smith was on his show last fall.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-10 18:31:28

Watched the first episode of Torchwood.

Shite. Still tries to be serious drama one minute, and then has Gwen shooting down helicopters with rocket launchers the next. Seems like it wants to be The X-Files this season, rather than wanting to be Angel like it used to.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-10 19:51:01

Honestly, they should just write it in a monster-of-the-week format based around Jack being an omnisexual ex-time traveler who can't die and as a COMEDY. When the whole premise of your show is based on a gimmick character who was used for comedic effect on another show then you should just go that route. Plus, it'd be an easy sell to other networks as reruns or on BBC for their supernatural days - so they can give those TNG episodes a little break without leaving the daytime watcher totally confused.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-11 13:25:59

At 7/10/11 07:51 PM, Malachy wrote: Honestly, they should just write it in a monster-of-the-week format based around Jack being an omnisexual ex-time traveler who can't die and as a COMEDY.

I don't think pure comedy would work, but something similar in tone to pre-Dollhouse Joss Whedon shows would work well. Or, you know, they could just hire some competent writers.

In other news, the new Target novelization reprints are pretty cool. Hope these first 6 sell well enough for them to reprint more.

Doctor Who Crew

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-18 20:23:55

Torchwood was less offensively bad this week, it was just incredibly boring. It's sort of embarrassing that a show spawned from something as massive as Doctor Who is outclassed by budget sci-fi like Warehouse 13 and Lost Girl.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-25 11:55:44

Awesome news plus a new trailer for series 6 part 2! Doctor Who returns on August 27th which is way earlier than people were anticipating. New trailer includes Weeping Angels, lots of exploding Cybermen and Silence. Needless to say I am excited.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-25 17:02:38

At 7/25/11 11:55 AM, dogpup4 wrote: Awesome news plus a new trailer for series 6 part 2! Doctor Who returns on August 27th which is way earlier than people were anticipating. New trailer includes Weeping Angels, lots of exploding Cybermen and Silence. Needless to say I am excited.

Oh man. Thanks for sharing this, I am incredibly excited that I only have to wait a month now. And was that Rory punching Hitler in the face I saw?

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-26 16:13:57

At 7/25/11 05:02 PM, Oolaph wrote: Oh man. Thanks for sharing this, I am incredibly excited that I only have to wait a month now. And was that Rory punching Hitler in the face I saw?

Yep, and it was AWESOME.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-26 16:31:10

So, Torchwood is still rubbish. Is anyone else even watching this season? First 3 episodes have been trash. It was never a great show, but I MUCH prefer the old episodic style of seasons 1 and 2. Serialising it worked fine over 5 episodes, but I can see this being stretched far too thin over 10.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-26 17:48:31

At 7/25/11 11:55 AM, dogpup4 wrote: Awesome news plus a new trailer for series 6 part 2! Doctor Who returns on August 27th which is way earlier than people were anticipating. New trailer includes Weeping Angels, lots of exploding Cybermen and Silence. Needless to say I am excited.

It looks...weird. Not "bad" weird, just kind of surreal.

At 7/26/11 04:31 PM, TheMaster wrote: So, Torchwood is still rubbish. Is anyone else even watching this season? First 3 episodes have been trash. It was never a great show, but I MUCH prefer the old episodic style of seasons 1 and 2. Serialising it worked fine over 5 episodes, but I can see this being stretched far too thin over 10.

I have never watched Torchwood, but if I were to start, are there any episodes that are actually good?

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-26 18:13:41

At 7/26/11 05:48 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: I have never watched Torchwood, but if I were to start, are there any episodes that are actually good?

Not really, just ones that are not terrible. Don't go out of your way to see it.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-26 19:22:15

I've been watching Torchwood and I don't find it as terrible as you do, TheMaster. I agree that they should stay with how seasons 1 & 2 were and have more stand-alone episodes instead of season-long story archs that consume each episode.

The premise of the season is very neat (spoiler warning?) in that everyone can't die except all of a sudden Jack is mortal but it's kind of hard to believe he's in mortal danger as every Who fan knows he's going to live for a good long time to come. I did catch a Doctor Who reference in an episode this season where they entered a warehouse and jack says "bigger on the inside..."

Either way, the wife and I are able to watch it and it's not unwatchable but it's probably not the best season. I wasn't a huge fan of Children of Earth because I don't like huge long story archs.

¥ ♡ ¥ BBS, Review and Chat Mod - PM for help or to snitch! ¥ ♡ ¥

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-27 17:06:45

At 7/26/11 04:31 PM, TheMaster wrote: So, Torchwood is still rubbish. Is anyone else even watching this season? First 3 episodes have been trash. It was never a great show, but I MUCH prefer the old episodic style of seasons 1 and 2. Serialising it worked fine over 5 episodes, but I can see this being stretched far too thin over 10.

Seriously, I have no idea how this could be dragged out over 10 episodes. I was extremely bored of the first episode and I'm never watching it again.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-30 21:08:58

So, the eye patches are displaying a picture of a Silent on the inside constantly so you don't forget them, yeah?

Doctor Who Crew

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-07-31 18:32:53

At 7/30/11 09:08 PM, TheMaster wrote: So, the eye patches are displaying a picture of a Silent on the inside constantly so you don't forget them, yeah?

Is this a true statement? Because that seems like a pretty good idea to me.

Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-08-05 13:32:20

At 7/31/11 06:32 PM, Oolaph wrote:
At 7/30/11 09:08 PM, TheMaster wrote: So, the eye patches are displaying a picture of a Silent on the inside constantly so you don't forget them, yeah?
Is this a true statement? Because that seems like a pretty good idea to me.

Its a big rumour but it makes sense.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-08-07 10:13:38

At 8/7/11 04:58 AM, Xenomit wrote: Heeey, dont know what you guys are currently talking about, but i'd like to join.

What we talk about varies, we don't usually stay on one discussion for very long haha. I think anyone is welcome to join as long as you're a Doctor Who fan.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-08-07 10:16:27

According to this post,
series 7 won't be split up. Basically, series 7 will start in Autumn 2012, and end in early 2013. I think thats a good idea.


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Response to Doctor Who Crew 2011-08-07 17:44:36

At 8/7/11 10:16 AM, dogpup4 wrote: According to this post,
series 7 won't be split up. Basically, series 7 will start in Autumn 2012, and end in early 2013. I think thats a good idea.

It actually states that a split of series 7 is more probable. Or perhaps not. Whoever wrote that article made a fairly horrible attempt at getting his point across. Either way, there will be a whole lot of Moffucking going on in the future, and I've been ready for a long damn time.

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