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War On Iraq

2,144 Views | 33 Replies

War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:42:03

OK this is for a school project.
I need the opinion of complete strangers, so wha do you think of the war on Iraq, Yay or neigh and one reason why. thanks for your time and consideration.

Thats the prettiest thing I've ever seen. and I've seen some nice tits~Dave

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:51:41

I say the war on Iraq was to an extent pointless, simply because Bush is getting other countries to do his work for him. On top of that, he's not spending enough time trying to find terrorists who crashed the planes into the Twin Towers, which started this whole war on terrorism.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:54:04

At 5/15/06 10:42 AM, BAMFbeaver wrote: OK this is for a school project.
I need the opinion of complete strangers, so wha do you think of the war on Iraq, Yay or neigh and one reason why. thanks for your time and consideration.

Neigh, George Bush is only fighting this war because he is playing medeval and beleives he is Richard the Lionheart fighting the crusades.

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Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:55:59

Waste of time because it's damn near impossible to beat a fundamentalist culture through military strength? lol


Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:56:37

i think droppin cluster bombs on inasint women and children is wrong.
and sick.......so everyone who supports the war go fuck your sister and die slow.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:58:53

yay, because iraq could use a good massacre

Better Days | "If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them." | The Hookah Lounge | Merry Christmas Cocksmokers! |

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Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:59:11

The War on Iraq has made the US more problems than it solved them, and the only thing it really did was seccure the oil supplies. Now Iraq is on the verge of a cival war and a breeding ground for terrorism, and America will leave as soon as they get the chance.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 10:59:34

At 5/15/06 10:58 AM, Crue wrote: yay, because iraq could use a good massacre

you sick dirty man.........burn.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 11:10:43

im against, as the "war" was a sham, saddam was no military or political threat, all it was was an attempt to scare middle eastern nations into not going against the wishes of america's government, and to remove a possible future threat to middle east oil exports

remember saddam tried to consolidate middle easatern oil producers and remove US influence via opec, but as soon as he "invaded" kuwait, who capitulated without a single shot fired i might add, only then did the US go to the UN with demands that iraq be delt with, this was long after iraq's human rights abuses were already known

as saddam had threatened US access to oil before, the american government thought he might do so again, but the whole thing was handled badly, with no prior thought given to dealing with the now liberated iraq and its people

bush and the rest had no interest in determining wether saddam had any weapons of any kind, had hans blix been given even one more week to work the whole mess might have been avoided and america made to back down by the UN

will the bush administration learn from iraq? from what we hear these days concerning iran, i very much doubt it

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 11:11:49

Pointless, but very interesting.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 11:15:02

In my opinion, the war was a horribly misguided crusade. 9/11 was still fresh in people's minds, and I think Bush wanted to rally some support by eradicating a government that Americans saw as evil. His claim was that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and he could use them at any time.

He carried out the operation despite intelligence indicating that Iraq had no weapons. What annoys me is that America originally gave some Middle Eastern countries (such as Iraq) the weapons in question to support their own agenda, only for Bush to later claim that Iraq was dangerous and shouldn't be allowed to have these weapons.

Technically the initial operation was successful, Saddam was captured and the Iraqi military easily crushed. However, the 'cleanup' phase, which has been going on since the war ended, is only really resulting in countless minor conflicts and disputes, with American and allied soldiers being killed and captured every day by insurgents.

There is a Democratic system of government in place now thanks to Allied efforts, but it's pretty unstable at best, as many Iraqi people believe that America and its ideals are evil. If you ask me, it's only a matter of time until some important officials are assassinated.

Regardless of whether or not you believe that this war was a good thing, you have to consider that the whole thing has cost America over $250 billion, and this cost is likely to rise. They could've spent the money on much better things, like improved education or public facilities.

Anyways, that's my opinion, feel free to disagree if you wish, but please give me some valid reasons, no 'omg Bush roolz u fag' flames.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 11:53:39

In short, pointless.
The reason why there is war, is so bush can steal oil off them, um..iraqui folks.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 12:24:22

I'm pro the war. I don't care if it's for oil, justice, or money. The entire Middle East is dangerous to me, and needs to be shot to shit and ruled by the USA.

Please include this in your project.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 12:26:02

Neigh, the only reason why we are over there in the first place is because Bush wants oil. And if this is for a school project thn how come you are not at school.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 12:26:25

Since all of my friends were republicans back when we were in highschool and the whole war on Iraq thing started right about then, I was the only one against it, since our first two years in college have passed, every single one of them is on my side now. Today I just look at them and laugh.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 13:43:26

At 5/15/06 12:26 PM, -theblueflame37- wrote: Neigh, the only reason why we are over there in the first place is because Bush wants oil. And if this is for a school project thn how come you are not at school.

They let me use this website as a place to ask questions, everyone else used myspace. we were workin inthe library

Thats the prettiest thing I've ever seen. and I've seen some nice tits~Dave

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:38:48

come on your doin great

Thats the prettiest thing I've ever seen. and I've seen some nice tits~Dave

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:40:52

I just think there was no reason for it whatsoever. Period.

Gay porn! <-- What? You've already been there!?!

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Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:41:16

This belongs in the Political forums.

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Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:45:03

Before the war, there weren't any terrorists in Iraq who had it out specificly for America (They were out against Democracy in general). But now that We've fought the war, every terrorist in Iraq is itching to kill us.


Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:46:17

no thats old no one cares about that any more

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:49:54

yay because those terrorist sons of bitches are fliying planes into our buildings and bombing our trains and buses so if anything the war isnt enough, so now i am going to write a full letter to the president of the united states saying that we just need to nuke the bastards.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:53:55

Isn't it spelled nay? Neighing is the sound horses make...

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:54:06

Excuse for pipeline, and oil. Thats about it...

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:54:42

Uhmm... Political forums? yeah.


Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:57:09

yey as if he did not we would not have much to make fun of him for.

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:57:27

I don't like the war as it was useless. America's greed for oil has killed over 100 men in the U.K. and LOADS more in the U.S.A.

Sigs are for losers

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 16:59:47

At 5/15/06 10:42 AM, BAMFbeaver wrote: OK this is for a school project.
I need the opinion of complete strangers, so wha do you think of the war on Iraq, Yay or neigh and one reason why. thanks for your time and consideration.

isnt this ment to bee in the polotics bit?

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-15 17:23:38

why are 99% of all people on the BBS goddamn hippies? >:(

Response to War On Iraq 2006-05-17 10:19:29

I need a few more answers, keep going

Thats the prettiest thing I've ever seen. and I've seen some nice tits~Dave