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Best Personality Contest

3,734 Views | 66 Replies

Response to Best Personality Contest 2003-01-06 16:48:29

Well, I'm a lunatic, sometimes schyzophrenic, totally ill dude. I'm such a dumb fat ass, that I can't get it off this computer. ( That must be why my ass is actually RELLAY fat ). Other than that, I'm cool when I'm with friends, girls, u know, chillin', chattin', havin' fun... That is starting to be weird.
I'm going to stop.
Oh ! I better stop.

Best Personality Contest

I play lottery. I always lose.


BBS Signature

Response to Best Personality Contest 2003-01-06 17:23:17

well lets see...

i like reviveing old forgotten topics like this one and i love giveing outbursts.



im 13 but idont mind at all because i dont act like it......most of the time..



i also make likeing realy long posts like this one..

ok first off i think that their should be more women of NG because well their needs to be more perfect women the only women on NG are the perfect ones
who like the things that the rest of us do i actualy found the site at the help of a woman my sister Jeanette when she was watching Blundercats ( http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=97 ) that was realy funny MUTHA FUCKA! lol so after i saw that i memerized the word newgrounds and got on after she got off (no i didnt kick her off) and ive been going on ng for about a little more than a year (didnt sighn up right away) and i didnt visit the forums untill oooooo 3 months ago.also ive heard you say that only but ugly chicks go to ng and visit the forums NOT TRUE! my sis is ok i guess and have you guys seen the web cam section DUH! In conclusion i would like to say that women who visit this site are godesses and should be treated as so....AND THERE SHOULD BE MORE!

....wait what was i talking about...uh O YEAH personality!

im a 7th placer yuppers

Response to Best Personality Contest 2003-01-07 11:56:52

At 1/6/03 12:45 AM, Delamorte wrote: Shoopufzilla, For standing behind his friends 100%!

*At School*

*Gets out a tissue* Thanks man. But I think you're just as worthy as this title as I am.

On another note, tis sad but true. I officialy do not have the internet anymore at home. I probably won't have it again until I move in with my girlfriend in either May or June. Boy, I'm gonna miss you guys.

I'm too damn lazy to make a decent sig right now.

Response to Best Personality Contest 2003-01-07 13:37:02

how bout a best short story or poem contest? or best picture of "a past out drunk with stuff put in their ears, nose, and mouth by their friends" contest? or maybe a who has the stupidest pickup line?

Response to Best Personality Contest 2003-01-07 15:31:19

Hmmmmmm.... Why do i have the best personality. Cause i just do, I like listening to classical music, long walks on the beach, puppys, Strangling hobo's I MEAN helping the homeless.....no i dont... i meant hobo strangling. Cause its easy.. there malnourished and weakend so strangling them isl ike strangling a small child.. which is also fun.

as you see i have the best personality EVER.

Response to Best Personality Contest 2003-01-07 15:32:06

At 1/6/03 12:33 AM, Bevin wrote: Ok, I already held the Sexiest GUY contest and we had quite a few responses. I was thinking of blah blah blah

becuase i have a uber1337 movie and you should all vote fifen, and check my profile becuase its uber 1337 too, oh sweet mother of jesus, this is so much fun,hear me sing lalalalalalallalalalalalalallalallaalallaal

Response to Best Personality Contest 2003-01-07 15:36:05

greetings, this is Trickyclown typing at synj's computer.

i think synj should win because he is "teh secksay" and his ass is gold-plated (very cold and smooth, too!) his nipples are shaped like stars but he doesn't let it get him down.

he also fucks faces hard and can dryhump clouds whenever i ask. he befriends magical forest gnomes and waters the lawn with his penis. plus he will always drop whatever he's doing to watch me do my latest trick.
