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Did you ever come close to death

3,871 Views | 83 Replies

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 18:56:00

once i almost got run over by a motor cycle when i was younger
and then i almost got runover buy a suv in grade seven

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 19:11:38

I came close too many times.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 19:21:17

well there where times i really was close death.
every time my dad saved my life just on time.
we don't talk about those things anymore.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 19:26:21

Loaded shot gun pointed at my head by my uncle...does that count...

BBS Signature

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 19:27:45

I was riding my moped when i passed by the main buss station. the view on the station was blocked by building stuff and shacks so you could only look inside via the road where the busses come in and out. so i was riding passed it and crossed that road and i look to the right and see 2 giant head lights so damn close. i did not brake but accelerated and that is what saved me. not even a minute later i stopped and thought about what just happened.

ow and another time i was traveling with my gf in a bus form Portugal to France and it stopped for a pause. i got out for some fresh air. walking around, then i decide to turn around and walk back and at the moment i turn around a bus passes right in front of me. long live turning around first and not walk yet. my gf saw the whole thing and was kind of shocked lol.

So i have this thing with busses. you know the problem with them is: the engine is in the back, so before you can hear them, they are already in your face.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 19:48:39

At 10/13/05 12:21 AM, PErF3Ct_17 wrote: I inherited (though I didn't know it at the time) a hypnotic like mind condition that makes you want to jump when your on a ledge.

*sniff sniff*

Smells like bullshit...

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

BBS Signature

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 19:53:33

once i was walking and a jeep almost ran me over it did hit me a little but luckly i was playing battlefield so it wasn't real

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 20:00:31

When I was three my mother was taking me on a horseback riding tour, and some horse kicked me in the head. I had 7 stiches on the lining of my skull and 27 on the surface of my skin. If I didn't have a helmet, I would be dead.

In hoc signo vinces. Sic transit gloria mundi. Domino Optimo Maximo.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 20:06:15

Yea i have. And i had to kill to survive. Thats how i kinda got my name Killah_J. Some may think im lying and some may not. But oh well.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 20:11:47

holy hell how can so many people have almost died so many times, ive never come close to death, i havent even come close to coming close to death!

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-21 20:23:39

you have absolutely no f*cking idea!

when i was in my mom for too long, i nearly choked on my own crap (it was liquidly goodness!!!)
lightning bolt 3 inches from my feet
and when I was learning to ride a bike I nearly rammed my head into the corner of a mailbox (my dad saved my ass by jerking me off the bike just in time)

"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional."

Also, Newgrounds can't stop the Brawl!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-22 10:18:42

At 10/21/05 07:53 PM, SGTPVTCPT wrote: once i was walking and a jeep almost ran me over

Fuck you, you had my hopes up.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-22 10:25:35

I ate lead based paint chips as a kid.

that might explain a few things

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-22 10:26:30

Does looking over a cliff and having your friend push you so u nearly fall count?

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-22 10:43:11

when i was a baby i almost died..but my dead threatened to fuck up every doctor there if they ddint save me

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-22 10:45:51

I was at some town and a drunk driver almost hit me while I was crossing the street. And I was barely shocked at all. o_O;

Kill a man, you're a murderer, kill many, you're a conqueror, kill 'em all, and you're a god!

BBS Signature

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-22 10:48:03

hmmmm how about when i went to shoot myself and forgot to put bullets in the gun?


Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-10-22 10:49:19

I almost got hit by a car once. The driver was one shitty driver.

BBS Signature

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-11-19 13:20:08

At 10/22/05 10:49 AM, -DeadlyShadow- wrote: I almost got hit by a car once. The driver was one shitty driver.

Probally some old slut who got a hold of her grandson's car.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-11-19 13:21:25

At 10/12/05 11:23 PM, Dudeo3 wrote: Did you ever come close to death

Yeah, death walked into my bedroom. Missed him by inches


Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-11-19 13:28:52

so... did anyone saw the white light?

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-11-19 13:29:36

Close to death? Not many are, but I know a few people that have had encounters with Tanner.

They aren't pretty.

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-11-19 13:32:18

A few weeks ago I was staggering home drunk, when I lost my balance and almost fell right into oncoming traffic, luckily managed to regain my balance before I fell. x_X

i think newgrounds is a pretty cool guy. eh makes falsh and doesn't afraid of anything.

BBS Signature

Response to Did you ever come close to death 2005-11-19 13:36:16

Once there was a guy who threw a plank at my head. If it had hit on the exact right spot, i would've been finito.