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You veterans should just leave.

4,099 Views | 89 Replies

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 13:42:57

At 10/1/05 01:36 PM, Earfetish wrote: Bingo. I'd say there's still interesting topics, but they're dwindling in number. Newgrounds is attracting a different sort of people nowadays, I reckon.

I don't think its necessarily attracting a different sort of person. I think the general interests of people when they sign up is far different than it was when we signed up back in the day. The times, they are a changin'.

I used to be with it. Then they changed what it was.

Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

It'll happen to you!

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 13:46:46

At 10/1/05 01:42 PM, Modjo wrote:

LOL. You're just jealous.

I'm funnier than a redneck with a trailer full of sheep, a bottle of vegetable oil, and a determined expression.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 13:50:27

I wish i was here back in the day...

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 13:51:29

At 10/1/05 01:50 PM, Mr_Pope wrote: I wish i was here back in the day...

I'd imagine you would've liked it about 2 years ago, when I started. Or perhaps about 1-and-a-half years ago.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 13:54:43

At 10/1/05 01:50 PM, Mr_Pope wrote: I wish i was here back in the day...

Dude, the old BBS sucked so much donkey ass I wouldn't even post in it. General's only recently even been worth posting in. All this nostalgia stuff is fucking bullshit. The BBS is better now than it's ever been, but since whining and bitching is fashiionable these days, we get a bunch of bitchy threads like this.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 13:55:03

At 10/1/05 01:51 PM, Earfetish wrote:
At 10/1/05 01:50 PM, Mr_Pope wrote: I wish i was here back in the day...
I'd imagine you would've liked it about 2 years ago, when I started. Or perhaps about 1-and-a-half years ago.

I started using the BBS around then, till I realized I was a stupid n00b. So I bid my time till I matured enough for the ranks of BBS. And what happens upon my glorious return.


Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 13:59:55

they shoudnt leave. they are the4 fathers of this fine establishment

It's a non-stop disco. | Blawg. | Bookface.

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:00:03

At 10/1/05 01:58 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: If you don't like it, quit complaining and create topics you would enjoy.

We make the bbs what it is... its our own fault if this place is starting to suck

You're just bitchy cuz no one likes you, fecking Je- *rest of messege deleted due to massive amounts of ignorance*

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:00:07

At 10/1/05 01:58 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: We make the bbs what it is... its our own fault if this place is starting to suck

How can it be ours fault when it's others?

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:05:04

I, also, think we need more Ron.

But since I'm not a "vet", my opinion does not count.

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:05:21

The only thing I hate about the BBS is how people bitch about how people should use the search bar.

The search bar is complete crap. Instead of searching for what you want as one search term it brings up topics the contain only one of the words. That result is at least 100 pages of shit to go through. Which nobody wants to go through unless they have no life.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:06:10

The n00bs of today, are the regulars and mods of tommorow.

Hell, I could be a mod someday.

Probably not, but its worth dreaming...

If you are mad at all of the n00bs, just ignore them. When they notice their own attention whoring, they'll stop it and go away, come back, and start posting things like a semi-normal human being.

Seeing as the internet is not really meant for such things as "normality."

Take a break every so often and go play a video game, ride a bike, hang out with your real friends. The internets will be here when you get back.

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:06:13

At 10/1/05 01:46 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: LOL. You're just jealous.

I'm funnier than a redneck with a trailer full of sheep, a bottle of vegetable oil, and a determined expression.

Damn I got served.

You veterans should just leave.

*grabs dick*

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:06:27

Yay I don't have to leave.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:08:13

At 10/1/05 02:03 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: I hate to say it, but unfortunatly experience and level count for quite a lot. I never see you make any threads, but if you did people would listen simply because of your rank.

It doesn't change the fact that the BBS is getting fagged up by n00bs, who we have no controll over. Therefore > not our fault.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-01 14:30:33

At 10/1/05 02:14 PM, gumOnShoe wrote:

the site is bussiness.

Yeah the ugly side of capitalism.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:02:26

At 9/30/05 09:25 PM, Shrapnel wrote: Hahaha, it would be funny if I wrote 'this thread is gay' but then I'd have to ban myself.... :*(

Oh shit this post made me laugh sooo fucking hard . . . agh shit im still laughing . . . hahahaha

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:20:05

NG really was a ton of fun back in 03 when i signed up, now I only check general and flash like every other day and deposit just as often.
General used to be topics worth reading - now its just degenerate crap
Flash used to be insightful and helpful to read, now its "How do I tween" and "Join my collab plz"
Politics used to be a place where you could have an intelligent conversation, now its just "lol bush suxxors" "no ur wrong fag, bush rules"

Wi/HT never really interested me and C&C always was kinda a mess.

I don't know if i just outgrew the site, or the site outgrew me, or what.

Most of the flash back then didn't have as much visual flare, and it really seemed to be pioneering back then, and was just more clever than the stuff today.

back then too, the site was still finding its identity, stuff Legendary Frog put out was fresh and new, everyone loved him - IWP was considered a popular artist who didn't have a fanbase to rely on.

now an artist can bank on his fame to submit a pile of crap and have it pass, and even win awards just because they had a few good movies, with a ton of 13 year olds insisting the movies funny.

Basically I've lost interest in the BBS, the portal is an endless stream of sitcks and "my first flashes" and its probably unlikely i'll make another flash someday, because all the fun is pretty much gone. I can't compete with some of the talent some people have and the fanbase others have as well.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:26:26

At 10/1/05 01:37 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: This thread is gay


Who cares.




I like muffins.


best post ever made on this BBS. EVER

thats every post on the BBS

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:39:25

Kewl d00d.


BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:40:26

At 10/2/05 01:20 AM, Jimong5 wrote: deep Jimi Hendrix shit.

I feel the same way, sort of..it makes me wonder what I'm still doing here. I mean seriously.

Newgrounds is succulent, seductive, and arouses your desire.

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:41:33

At 10/1/05 01:54 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: [...] but since whining and bitching is fashionable these days, we get a bunch of bitchy threads like this.

Hasn't it always been like this? General is well... too general. If the admins felt like getting the whining out of general, then they'd create a new BBS forum called "Emo whining/bitching" or something. Wouldn't that be cool? I sure think so.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:41:38

At 10/1/05 02:05 PM, Chumbawamba wrote: I, also, think we need more Ron.

But since I'm not a "vet", my opinion does not count.

But alot of veterans have said that, so theirs does.

At 10/2/05 01:03 AM, FBIpolux wrote: The NG BBS needs more me in the same room with Nephthys and some leather.

I'll bring Ninja_kitten and ageekatheart. WADE GET ON THAT!

"It's sad. All these kids have to do school at home. Homeschooling. How long until a teacher fucks one of her students?" - Mark Normand

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:48:28

At 10/1/05 01:26 PM, Kaabi wrote: Anywho maybe it would be a good Idea to like have a sort of Veteran Lounge, like anyone that signed up in 2003 and back, or maybe 2002.

That sounds like a good idea Kaabi and if it ever happens I'd make an effort to contribute to the current conversation. Two questions though. Where would this lounge be located and what would stop the newbs from posting there?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:48:38

Most of you probably won't listen to me because I'm as far as you know a n00b, but here's what I wnt to say. I'm 14, I dont try to pretend to be older. I think that what is happening with the BBS is somthink that inevitably happens to sites as they become more popular. As more people register and post the lowest common denominator goes lower, and lower. So, posts become, on average, stupider and stupider. I think that you should try to ignore the morons who seem to think thier cool by ruining others experiences on the boards, and try to find the threads that intrest you and hold on dearly.

Remember you too were n00bs once.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:50:19

Oh yeah, I've been at newgrounds for a lot longer than my sign up date.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 01:52:29

At 10/2/05 01:48 AM, Lord_Goomba wrote: As more people register and post the lowest common denominator goes lower, and lower. So, posts become, on average, stupider and stupider.

The more, the stupider.
That's true.

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 02:28:33

Oh.. Alright I'll leave.

But only because you said so...

BBS Signature

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-02 02:30:28

I love the BBS no matter how...whatever it is

R.I.P Nick Curley

Response to You veterans should just leave. 2005-10-10 20:28:56

At 10/2/05 01:50 AM, Lord_Goomba wrote: Oh yeah, I've been at newgrounds for a lot longer than my sign up date.

That post=The extra bits of water that ruin the lemonade :(

But other than that, good point.

Drama is my anti-drug.