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Talkback Live!

5,625 Views | 60 Replies
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Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-22 21:05:01

At 10/22/02 08:49 PM, absolute_vegeta wrote:
At 10/22/02 04:16 PM, TomFulp wrote: So Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a week away! I'm pretty damn excited. I'm also excited about all of the changes here on NG! Liljim has been making great progress with improving site performance, while implementing new functionality all at the same time! Just wait and see how far we go with this stuff!
comes out on the 29th right? Well, I won't have the cash for it. I just HAD to buy Federation vs. Zeon. Now I don't have enough money for Vice City. <Sigh> well at least I have all the other GTA's to keep me busy, but it's just not the same! Argh. Anyone want to donate to the "Help A_V buy Vice City" fund? Didn't think so.

Tom, it would be hillarious if the whole audience wore NG T-shirts. After that happens I think the bandwith on this sight will go back up so it's kinda a double edged sword.

Nah double edged sword refers to a lose-lose situation. like you get hurt no matter which side you go with.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-22 21:19:18

yo tom go to talkback more often! i cant wait for gta:vc either... i preorderd it today and it isnt even going to get shipped until november 11... yikes!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-22 21:21:38

This is off topic but worth mentioning.
Title: dbz pooh
Author: bug_stabber (profile)
Site: none
Origin: 10/22/2002
Size: 500Kb
Score: 0.05/5.00
(19 votes, 17 views)

only puting this up to show that people dont care about the movie but the blam point. i mean come on people arent watching stuff just voting.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-22 22:12:59

speaking of gta, i sewiously need a ps2.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-22 22:48:51

At 10/22/02 09:21 PM, Billdous wrote: This is off topic but worth mentioning.
Title: dbz pooh
Author: bug_stabber (profile)
Site: none
Origin: 10/22/2002
Size: 500Kb
Score: 0.05/5.00
(19 votes, 17 views)

only puting this up to show that people dont care about the movie but the blam point. i mean come on people arent watching stuff just voting.

yes...i've seen more votes than views quite a few times in my life, galactic stampede had 23 votes and 15 views...it was at 0.53 then, it went up to like 3.30 after people started watching it

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 00:17:17

At 10/22/02 04:16 PM, TomFulp wrote: Some people spotted me on Talkback Live yesterday - I was wearing the green shirt. It was a shirt for DEN, an old entertainment website that went bankrupt. Interesting piece of NG trivia - DEN was also the first company to offer to buy Newgrounds back when it was perceived as having value!

Anyway, the CNN studios aren't too far from me, and getting in the audience of Talkback Live is really easy. This makes me tempted... What if I made a weekly appearance? I could even try to talk sometimes or something, although I am pretty shy when it comes to expressing opinions and stuff like that. I wonder if they would let a large group of people wearing tank logo t-shirts sit in the crowd once a week... Who knows. I'll never follow through.

So Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a week away! I'm pretty damn excited. I'm also excited about all of the changes here on NG! Liljim has been making great progress with improving site performance, while implementing new functionality all at the same time! Just wait and see how far we go with this stuff!

Vice city is gonna be kcik ass you actually get swords and screwdrivers golf clubs fuckin M60!!!!!it's gonna be so cool but i dont have a PS2 :( just go to my friends house and check it out he's gonna maybe i will get to do somethin about it though :). I remember when newgrounds was very little known and now when i talk about it everyone knows,like back when i was in fourth grade it was so cool.i was about 8 or 9 when it was all pretty little and shit and there was assasin and that was like the only popular thing or somethin then my friend shows me the protal (i dont know why i didn't notice it maybe it was new or maybe i was just too busy with assasin) that was the shit when brittany spears was in the monster truck,that used to keep me entertained for so long now everyone knows about it and if you dont you'd be living in a fuckin cave 10000 feet underground and it's all nice and newer now it really grew.i just think it's kinda cool to see it so big and popular now.but i do miss the older things :'(
well anyway it's just cool to see it making so much progress now and shit so thats all! :P

Talkback Live!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 00:46:44

Is talk back live on cnn.com? If so all the out of conutriers and all the people like me that don't watch cnn can see tom WEEKLY! Tom you HAVE to get people you know to wear Tank t-shirts but before long they'll need to be sweat shirts! MAKE TANK SWEATSHIRTS! If you don't know alot of people which I know you do. befriend some rich dude to buy tickets to Talkback Live for anybody who wears a tank T-shirt/ Sweatshirt if you have them. That way the rich guy spends some money for the community and maybe throws a little bit in for the media and government. That way he could be mayor of where ever you are. Or become a famous Actor who had alot of money before he even started acting. The rich guy/ woman could also fund NG a little bit. If you find anybody that generous. Try it! you'll have fun the worse that can happen is they egg your car.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 01:03:41

Tom HA yeah you dont have to find a rich dude i found this on their site.


For FREE tickets, e-mail us or call us at
Write us:
TalkBack Live
CNN Center, 6 South
Atlanta, GA 30348

all they have to do is e-mail them
I cant make links so i'll just give you the url of the show.


That link has an e-mail button just look for where it says this. FIND PEOPLE! 3 pm ur time 2 pm my time im never home to watch it my time.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 01:37:40

Grand theft auto! Yay! But do you know how long it will take for it to be released in europe?!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 02:11:35

The site has improved so much from how it was just a few months ago-its really getting better. The site performance is also the best its been for a long time. Reminds me of the old days.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 04:52:39

Tom, I will give you 5 bucks if you moon the CNN crowd the next time you are there! An extra Abe Lincoln is in it for you if you shit on the carpet. By the way, it seems like these motherfuckers with no jobs and no school are just lapping up this new system. I mean, who the fuck would brag about having 20 blams in a day or thousands of blam and protection points ALREADY? Jesus Christ, if I had the 12 hours a day to be on NG I would surely not use the time in that way. It's cool though, I can be patient to get my ranking up there.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 07:34:27

Yeah man they are goin after the damn blams like crazy-I have an idea, but its just a sugesstion. I know you guys want people to blam the crap and protect the good stuff...but people are seriously abusing the blams anways. My suggesstion is to have users only accumulate blams and prtoect points in their first five expierience votes . Then after that, just like expierience they don't get anymore levels. Now for some this might take away the incentive to blam the crap and so we'll start seeing a bit more of it again-but its better than a half decent movie getting pegged for not being stealor when people are abusing de da blams. Just a thought.

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 09:30:06

At 10/22/02 04:23 PM, uhoh_spagettio wrote: Yea Tom all these changes on NG are great! Cudos to Liljim for the work =). Ill be sure to watch CNN talk back in the future and look out for you. These new blam ranks are great and really well designed! Who designed them?

Make sure you wear your tank logo shirt next time =)

I drew all of the badge icons. It took a while. :)


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 10:19:27

i was just wondering, whatever happened to that whole newdgrounds idea? you dont talk about it much...

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 10:27:32

At 10/22/02 04:16 PM, TomFulp wrote:

Anyway, the CNN studios aren't too far from me, and getting in the audience of Talkback Live is really easy. This makes me tempted... What if I made a weekly appearance? I could even try to talk sometimes or something, although I am pretty shy when it comes to expressing opinions and stuff like that. I wonder if they would let a large group of people wearing tank logo t-shirts sit in the crowd once a week... Who knows. I'll never follow through.

Get on that show every week,wear the NG shirts and try & weed in NG as much as possible into everything you say,All publicity is good publicity
(apart from members of Congress & buissness ppl who have a rat up their ass about copyright laws :)

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 10:38:59

At 10/22/02 04:24 PM, AJPeriodPlex5 wrote:
At 10/22/02 04:16 PM, TomFulp wrote: Some people spotted me on Talkback Live yesterday - I was wearing the green shirt. It was a shirt for DEN, an old entertainment website that went bankrupt. Interesting piece of NG trivia - DEN was also the first company to offer to buy Newgrounds back when it was perceived as having value!

Anyway, the CNN studios aren't too far from me, and getting in the audience of Talkback Live is really easy. This makes me tempted... What if I made a weekly appearance? I could even try to talk sometimes or something, although I am pretty shy when it comes to expressing opinions and stuff like that. I wonder if they would let a large group of people wearing tank logo t-shirts sit in the crowd once a week... Who knows. I'll never follow through.

So Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a week away! I'm pretty damn excited. I'm also excited about all of the changes here on NG! Liljim has been making great progress with improving site performance, while implementing new functionality all at the same time! Just wait and see how far we go with this stuff!
what?! back your ass up dude GTA:VC came out today well at least here in Boston

Your lucky then, I cant find it in toronto. If its even out here yet

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 14:02:57

Earthcrisis are you male or female? in ur profile it says ur male but wasup guys... r u one of those weird half and half things where their body dont know if they are male or female so they grow a bit of everything... they have tits.... stuble.... hairy legs.... and like.... a vagina with balss....

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 14:25:07

Tom, what the hell are you thinking man? You are one sick puppy. What's the deal with this whole CNN Talkshow stunt that you're trying to pull? Either do it, or shut your big stupid mouth! Nobodys wants to hear about someone talking about doing something and never having any intention on following through. Wow, this whole topic really rubbed me the wrong way! Just as sometimes my roomate likes to sneak into my room and rub my neck, it's just not right man. At least I get some pleasure out of my roomate touching me, you on the other hand...

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 18:04:56

At 10/23/02 02:02 PM, -KaoTiK- wrote: Earthcrisis are you male or female? in ur profile it says ur male but wasup guys... r u one of those weird half and half things where their body dont know if they are male or female so they grow a bit of everything... they have tits.... stuble.... hairy legs.... and like.... a vagina with balss....

What the hell are you talking about! Yes I am a male but what the fuck idea gave you the impression i was female or both? tell me! tell me now you dirty ass ho! I am a male and am not both if I was both I would be a total fucking psyco (not that i am not already) but more of one. If you are so fucking stupid to see those are foxes in my picture deal you suck. And if your talking about my signiture It says " I'm really sexy, and for all you guys out there (which is most of NG) I like some cool movies. If you are talking about the movie titles I put I made 2 of the 3 up same with the bands! So if you are gay enough to accuse me of having both or being bisexual I must reccomend talking to your theropist about being a bisexual Heshe that just thinks Earthcrisis is the BOMB! ok so either shut the fuck because you dont know what your talking about or go FUCK YOURSELF! -KaoTiK-

Earthcrisis with the facts!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 18:18:21

I like jesus!

Talkback Live!

BBS Signature

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 18:29:11

At 10/23/02 06:18 PM, canibus_clock wrote: I like jesus!

keep saying that even when you arent stoned jesus loves all! except -Kaotik- what no thats me that loves not intimantly everyone but -Kaotik- Jesus LOVES ALL! EVEN THOSE BASTARDS WHO KILL The Chosen one!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 18:35:13

At 10/23/02 04:52 AM, creamyspy69 wrote: Tom, I will give you 5 bucks if you moon the CNN crowd the next time you are there! An extra Abe Lincoln is in it for you if you shit on the carpet. By the way, it seems like these motherfuckers with no jobs and no school are just lapping up this new system. I mean, who the fuck would brag about having 20 blams in a day or thousands of blam and protection points ALREADY? Jesus Christ, if I had the 12 hours a day to be on NG I would surely not use the time in that way. It's cool though, I can be patient to get my ranking up there.

you are one sick sick little man! He wants to be in the audience in Atlanta,GA at CNN Center, 6 South so he can see tom's bare ass! you sick bastard you wanna go there here! http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/TalkBack/ e-mail them for a free ticket and fly to Atlanta

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 20:28:50

At 10/22/02 04:16 PM, TomFulp wrote: Some people spotted me on Talkback Live yesterday - I was wearing the green shirt. It was a shirt for DEN, an old entertainment website that went bankrupt. Interesting piece of NG trivia - DEN was also the first company to offer to buy Newgrounds back when it was perceived as having value!

Anyway, the CNN studios aren't too far from me, and getting in the audience of Talkback Live is really easy. This makes me tempted... What if I made a weekly appearance? I could even try to talk sometimes or something, although I am pretty shy when it comes to expressing opinions and stuff like that. I wonder if they would let a large group of people wearing tank logo t-shirts sit in the crowd once a week... Who knows. I'll never follow through.

So Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a week away! I'm pretty damn excited. I'm also excited about all of the changes here on NG! Liljim has been making great progress with improving site performance, while implementing new functionality all at the same time! Just wait and see how far we go with this stuff!

Yeah that koo

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-23 20:40:13

haha dude were you also on a dell or some other computer commercial because i could swear to god you were on it. P.S. no gta:vc hasn't been pushed back to november but GOD DAMN CANADIANS have to get it on the 29th, later.


Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-24 05:24:34

At 10/22/02 04:16 PM, TomFulp wrote: Some people spotted me on Talkback Live yesterday - I was wearing the green shirt. It was a shirt for DEN, an old entertainment website that went bankrupt. Interesting piece of NG trivia - DEN was also the first company to offer to buy Newgrounds back when it was perceived as having value!

Anyway, the CNN studios aren't too far from me, and getting in the audience of Talkback Live is really easy. This makes me tempted... What if I made a weekly appearance? I could even try to talk sometimes or something, although I am pretty shy when it comes to expressing opinions and stuff like that. I wonder if they would let a large group of people wearing tank logo t-shirts sit in the crowd once a week... Who knows. I'll never follow through.

So Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a week away! I'm pretty damn excited. I'm also excited about all of the changes here on NG! Liljim has been making great progress with improving site performance, while implementing new functionality all at the same time! Just wait and see how far we go with this stuff!

I SAW YOU!!!!!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-24 14:48:06

Whats this,wheres waldo?

Talkback Live!

BBS Signature

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-24 16:50:04

At 10/24/02 02:48 PM, canibus_clock wrote: Whats this,wheres waldo?

Yeah it is only its " find Tom Fulp in the Talkback live audience" Wear that tank shirt TOM! hand em out too remember all the people have to do is e-mail them to get a ticket to the show. The ticket to Atlanta is there doing!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-24 16:56:39

Yeah it is only its " find Tom Fulp in the Talkback live audience" Wear that tank shirt TOM! hand em out too remember all the people have to do is e-mail them to get a ticket to the show. The ticket to Atlanta is there doing!

yeah i;m going to email them for a free ticket. I am not going to be in Atalnta though. I'm just going to play with them a little bit.I posted the shows site in a couple of my previous posts so if you are going to go to be in or live in Atlanta e-mail them for a FREE ticket. FREE!

Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-24 17:03:27

tom you can get 12 or more FREE! tickets for the WHOLE Ng crew I think you have under 15. you have under 15 people don't ya! Anywayz hand the shirts out at the curb in front of the talk back live building. It's not illegal if your on public property and sidewalks and curbs are public property!


Response to Talkback Live! 2002-10-27 22:02:06
