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Have you almost ever died?

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Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:19:54

Hmm. Lets see... i was 22 years old and I had a job at a box factory up in Montana. Well one day, it seemed like any other ordinary day, i woke up, took a shower, ate breakfast and headed to work. Well I like to daydream a lot so when im at the factory I would tend to zone away. Also lack of sleep helps this problem very affectively by making me want to zone off more. And I did not get much sleep because I was at my girlfriend's getting a horizontal refreshment. So I was at work, in my state of being zoned, waiting for that 12 o' clock so I can take a good lunch break and get off my feet. I was cutting up a box with a box knife and without realizing it I cut my left wrist really deep. I was screaming and yelling and crying for my Mommy. Luckily, my best pal Pat Fahy took off his shirt and quickly and tightly wrapped my wrist up. With his hot, oily, tight six pack ribs and hard pecks that shined from the fiery high noon sun he then picked me up and took me to his car and we went to the hospital. We got to the hospital and I got all stitched and wrapped up. I was thinking "Man, I'm glad this is over." Well it wasn't. I was so suprised to hear what the doctor had told me when he was giving me a checkup on other things, like the normal stuff. But what he told me... made me want to cry like a little girl. He told me that I had a yeast infection in my throat. I felt so embarrased. But I got to live and almost died from loss of blood and in return I got a yeast infection in my throat. Thats fine with me.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:20:39

I jumped off a 2 story house onto a tramp. Scary, but not deadly.


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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:22:31

i almost drowned at the pool when i was 6

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:22:36

I nearly died.

I'm not going to tell you about it.


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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:23:07

i was almost hit buy a car while biking. it came right over the hill. i didnt see it comin.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:24:13

i bet thats not even a true story

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:24:18

Hmm. Lets see... i was 22 years old and I had a job at a box factory up in Montana

Age: 17 WTF???????

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:25:26

At 8/11/05 07:19 PM, NittoFoSho wrote: i was 22 years old

Your profile says you're currently 17.

Do you age backwards?

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

BBS Signature

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:26:53

Hmmm..There was the time I fell through some ice over a great deal of water, then there was the time tmy brother cracked my head open with a starter gun, and another time where I fell off a large mountain while skiing.


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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:26:54

I have the same problem staying at my gf's house all night

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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:29:22

i'm 13 all btw

lets see, i was 47 working for Bungee on Halo 3 when all of a sudden loads of covenant burst in and started to eat my legs off, luckily i had a fuel rod gun and a beam sword, i saved us all and went to hospital when i got told that i had Rabies, Advanced Rabies, i then died so here i am now!

true story lol

Gamertag: Medieval Turkey.

I also make signatures - PM what you want, and I'll make it.

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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:35:40

i have alsmost drown 4 bloody times >_<.
i was just a young lad so this isen't anything recent

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:36:27

1.) Almost drowned when I was around 2 or 3 years old.
2.) Put in the hospital twice for being extremely dehydrated.
3.) Numerous times playing chicken with a train.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:38:55

yeah, i climbed a tall tree when i was about ten and the branch i was on snapped, i fell for and hit the ground on my ass and it split open. i still have the scar on my ass where it wouldn't heal fully.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:42:28

My father drove over me.. An accident, i hope..

when life gives you lemons

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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:44:10

I was out walking to DQ, when suddenly this big guy with a machete runs out from the bushes and cuts my head off! I thought I was dead for sure! Luckily a team of medics on the scene managed to sew my head back on. PHEW!

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:46:57

Yeah i got cancer when i read that bullshit post

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:47:03

At 8/11/05 07:44 PM, -Conky- wrote: I was out walking to DQ, when suddenly this big guy with a machete runs out from the bushes and cuts my head off! I thought I was dead for sure! Luckily a team of medics on the scene managed to sew my head back on. PHEW!

LMAO, good one >< best post i've read all day lol

Gamertag: Medieval Turkey.

I also make signatures - PM what you want, and I'll make it.

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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:48:43

i had one big ass nosebleed while dozing off to sleep, i woke up choking on blood and stopped breathing and my heart beat went extremely low, i sorta went into a fit and ended up getting my head examined o.O

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:50:20

One time I was playing DDR and I slipped and cracked my head on the corner of the machine. My head was split so I rode my bike home 10 miles so my mom could sew my head back together.


Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 19:55:58

I almost died TWICE...

See I have asthma and I got this relaly bad infection int he lungs one year on a driving trip to Newfoundland. I also had a cold earlier probbaly what caused the infection... Anyways on a dtay in a motel on the way there I woke up in the middle of the night. I knew I was having trouble breathing earlier but when I woke up I couldn't even get ONE BREATH. I started to freak out a bit, but I popped my inhaler and musta sprayed it like 10 times, I couldn't breathe for like a LONG time, finaly I spent the rest of the night with my head resting on the toilet seat spitting up thick green goo. I went to the hospital in the morning, in Quebec none the less. Couldn't understand a dman person, got prescribed the wrong drugs. Etc... But I was near to passing out in the room unable to breathe and they woulda found my corpse days later.

And the second time was when I popped your mother under the mistle toe, your father was pissed, came after me with a butcher knife. Told me bout that story where you sc4reamed like a little girl too... Wow... You must feel like half a man right now.


Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 20:02:39

i had a mild stroke last summer.

just a freak thing, i got hit in the chest with a rock flung up by a car while rideing my bike. it hit me the same time i took a deep breath and gave a hard push to get up the hill i was on.

it just freaked me out more than anything

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 20:08:06

me and my dad where up in flagstaff when it was snowing, and my dad wanted to go to this one spot on top of a mountain. we drove up to the entrance of it and this big long chain with a sign in the middle said "WARNING: CLOSED UNTIL SUMMER" or somethin like that. well my dad got this bright idea that we could go up there anyways, so he remvoed the chain and we startted driving up the mountain. the road was so narrow that they would sometimes have small stop points at the side so you can drive into one while a car passes, cause you couldnt drive up and drive past another car. also- there was no railing on the side of the mountain. the roads where coverd in ice, and my dad never put chains on the truck wheels. after about 2 mintues goin up, the truck started to slide sideways, to the un-railed deep cliff. it was avery long way down. my dad knew the truck was about to slip so he made me get out, and he had the door opend to jump out if the truck slipped. it was maybe half and inch from falling off. my dad slowly drove it backwards, and luckily we got down to the bottom. that woudlve sucked ass if it did fall off, cause the town and anything near us was like 10 miles away.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 21:06:09

I keep walking out in front of cars accidentally, which isn't good for my life-span.

Some old drunk, about 50, attacked me, at about 14, at a bus-stop, and started strangling me, but I eluded him and survived.

And I was walking down the road once when this ninja jumped in front of me and started throwing shirukens at me. I lunged at him, tackled him to the ground, put my knee on his back, grabbed his head, and twisted it off like a bottletop.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 21:09:21

At 8/11/05 07:27 PM, Quixoni wrote:
At 8/11/05 07:25 PM, subpar wrote: Your profile says you're currently 17.

Do you age backwards?
He even posted that he was 17. Joke post?

No no, you've all got it wrong!
His older self came to him from the future to warn him about his brush with death!

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Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 21:11:45

When I was 14, I fell through the roof of my house...don't ask.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 21:17:24

At 8/11/05 07:19 PM, NittoFoSho wrote: Luckily, my best pal Pat Fahy took off his shirt and quickly and tightly wrapped my wrist up. With his hot, oily, tight six pack ribs and hard pecks that shined from the fiery high noon sun he then picked me up and took me to his car and we went to the hospital.


Anyway, I was once in the Gulf of Mexico in a sea kayak with my buddy Wil. I'm not a strong swimmer (at all) and I was stupidly wearing blue jeans, a heavy belt and a shirt(DUH).

Well, Wil did something stupid (I still don't know what) and ends up flipping the kayak. I was able to immediately grab the kayak to float with, and I told Wil to swim to it and hold on, too (the water had a pretty good undertow to it). Well, he says he has to get our oars, and takes off.

He grabs them both and tries swimming back, then realizes that he can't swim with an oar in each hand. I tell him to let them go and he refuses and tries swimming anyway, starting to sink.

I let go of the kayak and get an oar from him, then start having big time trouble swimming back b/c my clothes are soaked. The water was too rough to go underneath and take my clothes off, so I just swam as much as I could, which only ended up being a few feet. Luckily, I'm about 6'4" tall, and I was just able to swim enough to dig my two big toes into the sand underneath and anchor them by bending my toes (it was barely enough, none of my other toes reached). When the water was at its high point, it was well over my head, and when it was at its low point, it was barely low enough for me to stick my nose up and sneak a breath of air.

I inched my way back all the way to shore, but I seriously could have drowned.

I'm a big dumbass for wearing jeans and a shirt out there, even if I was a good swimmer.

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 21:21:39

I used to be with it. Then they changed what it was.

Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

It'll happen to you!

BBS Signature

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 21:23:06

At 8/11/05 07:24 PM, -MARINE- wrote: Hmm. Lets see... i was 22 years old and I had a job at a box factory up in Montana

Age: 17 WTF???????

NittoFoSho you got got OwEnD by MARINE.....LMAO

Response to Have you almost ever died? 2005-08-11 21:38:56

I almost died when I was born,I was premature and didnt have fully developed lungs so I couldnt breathe