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Ask your FruityLoops questions here

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Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-10 06:34:46

I can't get my notes to stop on the piano roll. It always has to end on a whole second anyway to get it to stop on my choice?

Ask your FruityLoops questions here

First blood! First topic of 2010!

KC Green has just won my heart.

Kogey made a sig, but it was too much for me to handle.

BBS Signature

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-10 06:42:22

At 5/10/07 12:31 AM, Mistasmijen wrote: sorry to double post, but how do i add a channel to the mixer, so i can add effects to it.

Select the channel you want to link, then the mixer track. Then use ctrl+L to add the channel to it.

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-10 15:52:16

At 5/10/07 03:08 PM, DNBMAK0R wrote:
At 5/10/07 06:34 AM, TheRadicalOne wrote:

Ok... I can't even understand that, what's a DNB?

also learn how to not make an idiot of yourself LOL.

First blood! First topic of 2010!

KC Green has just won my heart.

Kogey made a sig, but it was too much for me to handle.

BBS Signature

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-10 16:13:14



Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-10 17:21:12

At 5/10/07 12:26 AM, Mistasmijen wrote: How do i make it, so that when i record with the piano roll, the notes dont automaticaly stick to the step sequencer squares, and can be placed freely where i want as i play them. It also doesnt let me play chords.

And second, how come the last note of one of my VST instruments just sustains forever?

I'll answer your question with a screenshot tomorrow, I'm kinda swamped right now.
I can't imagine why it won't let you play a chord, but I would just draw out the note on the piano roll myself if that happens.

Are you closing the VST window with your finger on a key or the piano roll? That will cause the note to extend for eternity until you open the window again and hit any other key.

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-10 17:26:16

At 5/10/07 02:19 AM, Anima-Theory wrote: Does anyone know of a free program that does good trance lead intruments?

Z3ta is real good for trance leads... But free program? You wont find free GOOD vsts... Stick for 3x osc for now and play around with that.

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-10 17:30:29

At 5/10/07 12:26 AM, Mistasmijen wrote:
How do i make it, so that when i record with the piano roll, the notes dont automaticaly stick to the step sequencer squares, and can be placed freely where i want as i play them. It also doesnt let me play chords.

The option should be on the top of your playlist... There will be a little box that says "snap to..." You probably have it set at line... click on it and set it to "None"

Also, some vst's have a built in "slide" added to them so when two notes are on top of each other they'll constantly try to slide to eachother... try putting a note just barely touching the other at the end of the measure an octave up... If it sounds like one continual sound to a different note instead of two different notes, then it has like a built in slide to it...

And second, how come the last note of one of my VST instruments just sustains forever?

I think, though this doesn't work for most VST's, click on the channel, and you may or may not find a little box that says "Use looping points" If you do have this box, check it... If not I dont know cause I've never had that problem besides the looping points thing.

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-12 04:32:54

How do I make the loop 8 seconds long?!?

fuck yuo idiote

BBS Signature

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-12 13:40:32

If you meen 8 bars, theres a little number on the top left of the step sequencer. click that and drag it up to 8.

And i tried that snapping thing, and it still seems to snap. is there any other way to record midi controllers besides the piano roller

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-13 08:03:45

At 5/10/07 05:26 PM, Envy wrote:
At 5/10/07 02:19 AM, Anima-Theory wrote: Does anyone know of a free program that does good trance lead intruments?
Z3ta is real good for trance leads... But free program? You wont find free GOOD vsts... Stick for 3x osc for now and play around with that.

I have z3ta, but I was wondering if there were any other good ones

How about not free ones then?

Book of Anima 22:32 " Do not profane my awesome name. I must be acknowledged as awesome by the Newgrounders. I am the LORD of music, who makes you awesome."

BBS Signature

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-13 19:23:41

Vanguard is iffy,

Nexus is real good, but a bit on the pricey side.

I'm sure there are plenty more... But I'm drawing a blank right now

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-13 22:19:13

Uhh, yeah I have a question!!!!!!! I'm starting to DJ in a club, and I like to be the party, so I decided to by a mic, hook it up to my laptop, and open it through an input thing to have immedeate vocoding to make it kick ass and match the song, so I can announce in cool ways during the songs, but when I hook the mic to the mic port, and open FL, there's still nothing in the input section. How can I make it happen? And no I don't have an ASIO card

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-13 22:30:00

I dont think plugging an 1/8 inch jack to your computer is going to make any inputs come up. I dont even understand what your trying to do.

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-14 00:45:40

Got Fruity Loops 7 and its the best program I've ever used but I would like to know if anyone out there has a working cracked copy because it seems the one I was using had expired.

If not, I wonder what the program runs as a price.

Just lurking...

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-14 15:22:58

Eh hem, might not want to be asking for illegally obtained items on this forum...

As for the price, I believe it runs anywhere from like 50 bucks for the basic version, to like 300 dollars or so to the best version... I don't really know, it depends on what version you want..

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-14 18:24:05

hey, how do u addd efects to certain tracks, like make one track fade out but the rest of the song still keeps playing?

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-14 18:49:46

With an automation clip... Right click on the volume control of the channel you want to fade out, then select "create an automation clip"

Click on the bottom half of the playlist to place it where you want, and stretch/edit it how you want it to fade out.

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-14 19:29:46

At 5/14/07 06:49 PM, Envy wrote: With an automation clip... Right click on the volume control of the channel you want to fade out, then select "create an automation clip"

Click on the bottom half of the playlist to place it where you want, and stretch/edit it how you want it to fade out.

hey thanks for that. I was dying to know this.

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-15 20:51:48

question #1:
Does the demo version have a time limit?

question #2:
I'm downloading the demo right now, but I don't know what to check off on this list of plugins it gave me:

BBS Signature

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-15 21:05:38

Unless they've changed it recently the FL demo doesn't have a time limit, but it will not allow you to save tracks.

as for the plugs, keep them all so you can use them and get a feel for wich ones you like

Hope that helps =)

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-15 21:20:20

At 5/15/07 09:05 PM, Dj-Wraith wrote: Unless they've changed it recently the FL demo doesn't have a time limit, but it will not allow you to save tracks.

YOU CAN'T SAVE!? o rly?

BBS Signature

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-15 21:35:39

At 5/15/07 09:20 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote:
At 5/15/07 09:05 PM, Dj-Wraith wrote: Unless they've changed it recently the FL demo doesn't have a time limit, but it will not allow you to save tracks.
YOU CAN'T SAVE!? o rly?

It won't allow you to save, but if you work on a project you can export it to mp3 instead of saving, but you won't be able to go back and modify it at a later time.

also if any plugs your using are demo's they'll usually either have a hissing sound that will play every 10-15 seconds or they won't allow you to save the project with the plugin.

- Wraith

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-16 13:42:31

Yeh its crap! I have FL Studio 7 pro and it hisses. pisses me off >:(

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-16 15:45:29

At 5/16/07 01:42 PM, On-yX wrote: Yeh its crap! I have FL Studio 7 pro and it hisses. pisses me off >:(

Hmm does it only not hiss in the XXL version? WAY TO FUCK US OVER IMAGE-LINE.

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-16 15:58:13

At 5/16/07 03:45 PM, DragonsGrief wrote: Hmm does it only not hiss in the XXL version? WAY TO FUCK US OVER IMAGE-LINE.

No the version has nothing to do with the hissing, if it's a demo product they add the hiss noise to encourage you to buy the product and so that you won't use it in a final product. I use the XXL edition and have some of the demo plugs (i.e Toxic), the demo plugs hiss for me too as I havn't purchased them.

to get rid of the hissing it's as simple as buying the plug.

- Wraith

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-20 00:37:31

Ok, so I looked at some of the other z3ta+ topics already made...and none seem to help.

I just got z3ta+, and cant seem to get it to work. I have NO idea how to use it. I have the z3ta+ VST in Fruity Loops. When I link a channel to z3ta, I lose the sound... Anyone know why? How I can fix the problem? How do I work the damn VST?!

Please help!

..............The Guide to Newgrounds Audio

Latest Track: Phoenix

BBS Signature

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-20 09:18:39

Have you tried going to channels-> midi out->port (whatever number you want)-> use the same port number for the one thats on the plugin

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-20 10:26:26

I had the same problem, the z3ta I have has like 3 different z3ta's in it... Like Z3ta+_FX... Etc...

Look for one that says rgc:Audio z3ta + in your channels > Add one

Thats the only one that works for me.

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-20 11:11:43

At 5/16/07 03:58 PM, Dj-Wraith wrote:
At 5/16/07 03:45 PM, DragonsGrief wrote: Hmm does it only not hiss in the XXL version? WAY TO FUCK US OVER IMAGE-LINE.
No the version has nothing to do with the hissing, if it's a demo product they add the hiss noise to encourage you to buy the product and so that you won't use it in a final product. I use the XXL edition and have some of the demo plugs (i.e Toxic), the demo plugs hiss for me too as I havn't purchased them.

to get rid of the hissing it's as simple as buying the plug.

That has nothing to do with it being a demo. You need to lower the resonance or take it down an octave. That or it could be FX you add to it. But seeing as how I really don't like FL 7 very much and still use 6, it could be something that toxic just does.

I recommend trying to lower the resonance on the filter (Assuming it has one built in) or just the resonance on that plugin in general.

Response to Ask your FruityLoops questions here 2007-05-20 12:19:48

How do i play a sound (like a dance_crash) backwards in FL?
do i need to export it into adobeaudition and bring it in as a capella or what?