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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 14:02:21

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 16:21:46

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 16:52:23

WS - Left For Dead

Sampled some good ol' Luis Enriquez Bacalov, and Baiten Kaitos piano hits as well as an Avenged Sevenfold violin sample. Took about a good 4 days to make. All for recreational use, no profit made with any of the samples. Good times, eh?

TdM / Cannibal Brigade / The Silent Minority / NUG Ventrilo Mod

Cyrez Tha War Spawn

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 18:48:55

I especially need tips and education with mastering etc. I'm a noob with FL. I've watched and read alot of tutorials on FL and still struggling.

Thanks in Advance.

Counter Melody

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 19:02:58

Just posted a little shred tune of that sort. check it out!

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 66781


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 19:29:05

Thanks in Advance.

fl sound quality isnt that spectacluar. id mix everything in cool edit pro, and add clip/pop remover, because at the end of every sample theres a clipping noise, except some people cant hear it, but i can and its annoying, and other sequencers do it too

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 19:30:35

blagh click

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 20:02:08

At 8/20/08 07:29 PM, pr0ded wrote:
Thanks in Advance.
fl sound quality isnt that spectacluar. id mix everything in cool edit pro, and add clip/pop remover, because at the end of every sample theres a clipping noise, except some people cant hear it, but i can and its annoying, and other sequencers do it too

THANKS SO MUCH for checking it out.... really.

I will get that program and do click remover... ooo do you think Audacity's Click remover would do the job?

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 20:35:13

two new songs from this guy. both uber good

Speed Daylight
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 66792
Stone shaped by Star
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 66739

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 20:56:42


listen to some songs of mine!@@

You'd Better Call Jack


Sound College

both brand new songs!!!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-20 21:40:20

My Creations Check them out. Let me know what you think. Really need some feedback. Don't know if I am headed in the right direction or not. Kinda building from scratch. Thanks

"I hear that beat, I jump outta my seat, but I can't compete, cause i'm a dancing fool" - Zappa

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-21 03:42:44

At 8/20/08 09:40 PM, AndWHEEEEE wrote: My Creations Check them out. Let me know what you think. Really need some feedback. Don't know if I am headed in the right direction or not. Kinda building from scratch. Thanks

Great work.Voted.
Check you my TheMomentInWhitchYouReali zeYoureGoingToFall. remake here
Please leave a review.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-21 04:32:52

Been working on this track all summer. I know, it sounds incomplete! that's because it's a preview. I'm looking for some honest to god feedback on this.


http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 66811

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-21 08:57:14

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-21 10:25:38

Whoring time!
Just upped a new trackie.

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 66901

have fun and please leave a message with a decent feedback :)

All the respect to the real creators out here!

Retro never get old!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-21 11:53:38

[ t h e d e s e r t e r ]

some reviews would be nice:P

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-21 16:41:33

Waiting For Dawn

My latest song. Please listen, vote, and review. It's greatly appreciated. And check out my other works. I could use some publicity. Thanks.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-22 08:50:25


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-22 09:23:45

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-22 10:25:12

check out my latest track!

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 67116

It got zero bombed....sigh....

please, someone give it a proper rating.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-22 11:49:33

!!!!!!!1heres mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elso's audio


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-22 14:15:38

I know I just posted, but I've since deleted that track and uploaded a new version.

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 67144

So please review my song!

Thanks in advance.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-22 19:57:22

new handsup track, check it out :)

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 67191

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-22 20:56:31

Keeping it real with fake computer music since 2006


Lime Tea

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-23 00:11:17

Trance song. Check it out...if anyone actually reads this thread haha.


Thanks in advance!


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-23 11:38:42

Dance dance dance!!

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1 67338

Go check it out and leave a review please, whether it be good or bad, don't care, I just want you to listen :]


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-23 15:42:58

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-23 17:10:41

My newest beat: Square Personality
It's a funky hip hop loop with a hint of soul music.


I produce Music for Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-23 19:44:11

new progressive house track.

Daniel Larson - Messy ( original mix )

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2008-08-23 23:14:18