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Important Political Stuff

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Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 19:37:55

There is currently something going on that everyone should be aware of. Please read this statement by my friend Rob:

Recently introduced legislation in the Senate by Sen. Fritz Hollings, D-S.C. (aka "The Senator from Disney"), entitled "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act" is aimed at enforcing government mandated copy protection to be built into consumer devices. This means things like computers, pdas, and other home electronics will disallow copyrighted media duplication at the hardware level. No more burning either for the sake of blatant copying or genuinely backing up your media. No more MP3 ripping, etc. I don't pretend that duping copyrighted material for the wrong purposes is not wrong, but the media industries using the government to enforce the issue is. There are such things as fair use, and the legal right to back up copies. These rights are being infringed upon. Major supporters for include Walt Disney and the RIAA, major supporters against include the Business Software Alliance, the Consumer Electronics Association (as well as many technology firms in general).

In general this legislation will take rights away from consumers and put undue restrictions on technology companies who must now implement copy protection schemes into their products. Where do you think the money to R&D and implement this is going to come from? The media industry certainly isn't going to be paying for it. We as consumers are already paying surcharges on media products to cover the costs related to piracy.

Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.

BUT WAIT... There is more! Here is an update from DIGITALCONSUMER.ORG:

On March 21st, the CBDTPA became an official bill. This is bad news because it means that there's a real chance that it could become a law. Not only will this bill further erode your personal use rights, but it will mandate that every electronic media device must be built with goverment-standardized security technology. If passed, this bill will be very bad news for those of us who are concerned about our rights in the digital age.

Please fill out this form to have a FAX sent on your behalf:


It just takes a second - so please do it!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 19:57:52


Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 20:11:31

This legislation makes my conservative-libertarian blood boil.

I am a strong supporter of copyright, but getting government in the fray won't help. More government power is rarely a good thing.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 20:45:57

NO FUCKING WAY! NO GOD DAMN FUCKING WAY! We have to fight kicking and screaming for the government NOT to get hold of this. If they do this means they could fuck with the people in ALOT of ways. No way in hell, fight, motherfuckers, FIGHT!

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 20:48:26

yup thats pretty gay, I already sent the fax and will be sending both of my senators email.

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote: There is currently something going on that everyone should be aware of. Please read this statement by my friend Rob:

Recently introduced legislation in the Senate by Sen. Fritz Hollings, D-S.C. (aka "The Senator from Disney"), entitled "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act" is aimed at enforcing government mandated copy protection to be built into consumer devices. This means things like computers, pdas, and other home electronics will disallow copyrighted media duplication at the hardware level. No more burning either for the sake of blatant copying or genuinely backing up your media. No more MP3 ripping, etc. I don't pretend that duping copyrighted material for the wrong purposes is not wrong, but the media industries using the government to enforce the issue is. There are such things as fair use, and the legal right to back up copies. These rights are being infringed upon. Major supporters for include Walt Disney and the RIAA, major supporters against include the Business Software Alliance, the Consumer Electronics Association (as well as many technology firms in general).

In general this legislation will take rights away from consumers and put undue restrictions on technology companies who must now implement copy protection schemes into their products. Where do you think the money to R&D and implement this is going to come from? The media industry certainly isn't going to be paying for it. We as consumers are already paying surcharges on media products to cover the costs related to piracy.

Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.

BUT WAIT... There is more! Here is an update from DIGITALCONSUMER.ORG:

On March 21st, the CBDTPA became an official bill. This is bad news because it means that there's a real chance that it could become a law. Not only will this bill further erode your personal use rights, but it will mandate that every electronic media device must be built with goverment-standardized security technology. If passed, this bill will be very bad news for those of us who are concerned about our rights in the digital age.

Please fill out this form to have a FAX sent on your behalf:


It just takes a second - so please do it!

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 21:25:44

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote:

"..."Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act" is aimed at enforcing government mandated copy protection to be built into consumer devices."
wtf?? this is just over the top! they're infringing on ppl's rights! freedom of..uh..something...uh..yah...anyway, this is just wrong! i don't think that the gov't should do this! it's just, well, wrong! >:@

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 21:47:45

Big companies can buy the government now? Nice.

I'd like to get a senitor.
Would you like fries with that?

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 21:54:13

AH SHIT!,damned old govenment people,trying to take away are rights in the ditital age. this is the kind of stuff that makes America suck ass. IF anymore of this bull-shit happens i'm moving to,Toyko,or somewere in North korea.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 21:57:13

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote:


Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-23 23:39:22

This is only the begining. Next it will be microchips inplanted in our heads to track our every move and location. This is such bs. I wish Walt Disney would rip forth from his grave and slaughter the fuckheads who are running his company today.

I was never really here.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 00:10:49

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 00:33:06

Ah great. You know after 9/11 happened, they are like "go out and buy shit, cause if you don't the terrorist win" and blah blah blah all that bullshit. Well, if this bill passes and becomes a law, then you know what. The REAL TERRORIST win. Thats right. The US Gov't.

This is to all the Senators that want this bill passed:

Important Political Stuff

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 01:07:52

I want fellow Canadians to know that if it’s passed in the US it will come to Canada our liberal government wont agree with it but to keep on the US’s good side they will pass it. And with our current government set-up the prime minister can pass any thing he wants to in to law and we cant do a thing about it.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 01:44:01

America... the land of the free.

That's bullshit! The internet is the land of the free, and if that freedom is taken away from me (although I do live in Canada), I'm going to be really pissed.

I know there are a lot of hackers here, so can somebody go hack disney.com; it would meean a great deal to a lot of us.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 01:52:41

At 3/24/02 01:44 AM, TrevorMelanson wrote: I know there are a lot of hackers here, so can somebody go hack disney.com; it would meean a great deal to a lot of us.

Yeah good thinking! I'd LOVE to see that happen to those mainstream capitalist dumbshits.

I was never really here.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 02:40:05

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote: There is currently something going on that everyone should be aware of. Please read this statement by my friend Rob:

Recently introduced legislation in the Senate by Sen. Fritz Hollings, D-S.C. (aka "The Senator from Disney"), entitled "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act" is aimed at enforcing government mandated copy protection to be built into consumer devices. This means things like computers, pdas, and other home electronics will disallow copyrighted media duplication at the hardware level. No more burning either for the sake of blatant copying or genuinely backing up your media. No more MP3 ripping, etc. I don't pretend that duping copyrighted material for the wrong purposes is not wrong, but the media industries using the government to enforce the issue is. There are such things as fair use, and the legal right to back up copies. These rights are being infringed upon. Major supporters for include Walt Disney and the RIAA, major supporters against include the Business Software Alliance, the Consumer Electronics Association (as well as many technology firms in general).

In general this legislation will take rights away from consumers and put undue restrictions on technology companies who must now implement copy protection schemes into their products. Where do you think the money to R&D and implement this is going to come from? The media industry certainly isn't going to be paying for it. We as consumers are already paying surcharges on media products to cover the costs related to piracy.

Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.

BUT WAIT... There is more! Here is an update from DIGITALCONSUMER.ORG:

On March 21st, the CBDTPA became an official bill. This is bad news because it means that there's a real chance that it could become a law. Not only will this bill further erode your personal use rights, but it will mandate that every electronic media device must be built with goverment-standardized security technology. If passed, this bill will be very bad news for those of us who are concerned about our rights in the digital age.

Please fill out this form to have a FAX sent on your behalf:


It just takes a second - so please do it!

Ok people you heard the man, go find your good stationary, grab the petitions and lets take this fucker out!

As for you Tom i gota give my thanks. if it wasn't for you posting this i might not have found out untill it was too late to do anything about it. you got my love man

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 03:00:25

Hey - I'm all up for filling out the fax form but the links broken or something. I'm known to be an advid copyright supporter. Hell, I wouldn't be recording a CD if I wasn't. I was even against Napster for not getting permission 1st. But to know I could be fined or jailed for something so trivial as backing up my own files just boggles my mind. Let's face it, Disney is EVIL. 1st they got away with putting sexual subliminal messeges in childrens movies such as "The Lion King" and now this. I encourage everyone to boycott all disney products, movies and theme parks for that matter. They're nothing but cowardly bastards hiding behind a mouse.

Important Political Stuff

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 05:27:37

ok mate, mi is from australia
you us is gov't is FUCKED UP, and our gov is even more fucked up that as soon as yo guys pass this stupid fukn bill, the aussie gov will pass the fukker as well. fukn hell the world has gone mad!
a cupla thing i wanna know but is a) wat about burners and shit that people already have, will they make driver updates or somefin that will disallow cd to be burned and b) what kind fukn idiots put this guy in da fukn senate in the first place, it sounds like he must be the fukn canadian senator or something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 07:22:39

At 3/24/02 05:27 AM, holdenrocks69 wrote: ok mate, mi is from australia
you us is gov't is FUCKED UP, and our gov is even more fucked up that as soon as yo guys pass this stupid fukn bill, the aussie gov will pass the fukker as well. fukn hell the world has gone mad!
a cupla thing i wanna know but is a) wat about burners and shit that people already have, will they make driver updates or somefin that will disallow cd to be burned and b) what kind fukn idiots put this guy in da fukn senate in the first place, it sounds like he must be the fukn canadian senator or something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FFS!!!!!! Tony fucking Blair (UK primeminister) will probaly follow too, if not immediately, in the near future. Thats cos he has no fucking backbone!

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 08:53:58

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote: There is currently something going on that everyone should be aware of. Please read this statement by my friend Rob:

Recently introduced legislation in the Senate by Sen. Fritz Hollings, D-S.C. (aka "The Senator from Disney"), entitled "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act" is aimed at enforcing government mandated copy protection to be built into consumer devices. This means things like computers, pdas, and other home electronics will disallow copyrighted media duplication at the hardware level. No more burning either for the sake of blatant copying or genuinely backing up your media. No more MP3 ripping, etc. I don't pretend that duping copyrighted material for the wrong purposes is not wrong, but the media industries using the government to enforce the issue is. There are such things as fair use, and the legal right to back up copies. These rights are being infringed upon. Major supporters for include Walt Disney and the RIAA, major supporters against include the Business Software Alliance, the Consumer Electronics Association (as well as many technology firms in general).

In general this legislation will take rights away from consumers and put undue restrictions on technology companies who must now implement copy protection schemes into their products. Where do you think the money to R&D and implement this is going to come from? The media industry certainly isn't going to be paying for it. We as consumers are already paying surcharges on media products to cover the costs related to piracy.

Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.

BUT WAIT... There is more! Here is an update from DIGITALCONSUMER.ORG:

On March 21st, the CBDTPA became an official bill. This is bad news because it means that there's a real chance that it could become a law. Not only will this bill further erode your personal use rights, but it will mandate that every electronic media device must be built with goverment-standardized security technology. If passed, this bill will be very bad news for those of us who are concerned about our rights in the digital age.

Please fill out this form to have a FAX sent on your behalf:


It just takes a second - so please do it!

fuckj them I can burn CD's and rip mp3's If I want bastards Fuck you

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 10:25:22

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote: There is currently something going on that everyone should be aware of. Please read this statement by my friend Rob:

Recently introduced legislation in the Senate by Sen. Fritz Hollings, D-S.C. (aka "The Senator from Disney"), entitled "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act" is aimed at enforcing government mandated copy protection to be built into consumer devices. This means things like computers, pdas, and other home electronics will disallow copyrighted media duplication at the hardware level. No more burning either for the sake of blatant copying or genuinely backing up your media. No more MP3 ripping, etc. I don't pretend that duping copyrighted material for the wrong purposes is not wrong, but the media industries using the government to enforce the issue is. There are such things as fair use, and the legal right to back up copies. These rights are being infringed upon. Major supporters for include Walt Disney and the RIAA, major supporters against include the Business Software Alliance, the Consumer Electronics Association (as well as many technology firms in general).

In general this legislation will take rights away from consumers and put undue restrictions on technology companies who must now implement copy protection schemes into their products. Where do you think the money to R&D and implement this is going to come from? The media industry certainly isn't going to be paying for it. We as consumers are already paying surcharges on media products to cover the costs related to piracy.

Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.

BUT WAIT... There is more! Here is an update from DIGITALCONSUMER.ORG:

On March 21st, the CBDTPA became an official bill. This is bad news because it means that there's a real chance that it could become a law. Not only will this bill further erode your personal use rights, but it will mandate that every electronic media device must be built with goverment-standardized security technology. If passed, this bill will be very bad news for those of us who are concerned about our rights in the digital age.

Please fill out this form to have a FAX sent on your behalf:


It just takes a second - so please do it!

AHHHHH! FUCK THEM IN THEIR BIG CORPORATE HEADS! ill fill this out four hundred and twenty times

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 10:30:06

if i understand this legislation right... it means that the limitations will be built into NEW computers. so just keep an old clunker with a CD burner and you can do whatever you want.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 11:29:10

never underestimate the power of anarchy...

Important Political Stuff

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 14:13:42

FFS!!!!!! Tony fucking Blair (UK primeminister) will probaly follow too, if not immediately, in the near future. Thats cos he has no fucking backbone!

yea thats exattly what i was thinkin

Important Political Stuff

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 18:28:28

Son of a bitch!!!

I hate Disney! Bunch of unoriginal, tight, feminazi BASTARDS! Dudes, we gotz ta nip this on in the bud! I'm sending my stuff immeadiately!

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 18:55:31

Democracy... Ha!
Yet another piece crumbles away.
It'll happen slowly, but it'll happen.

At the end of the day though, it's not Copyright that's the problem - it's money - we should be working on getting rid of it, not getting tied up in more knots. Sheesh.

Oh Yeah... Bush sucks, Tony Blair is a puppet and the world is enslaved to the great god, Oil. Wake up people. *sigh*

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 19:04:13

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote: Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.

I would love to ,but i got Leiberman for a senator

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 19:54:12

Just for shits and giggles I looked up this bill on CNN.com. you guessed it. absolutely nothing. CNN are part of the same time-warner-aol brothel as disney. fucking media whores. I'll give Turner $20 for a hummer (well, no, im straight. his wife at least). We do NOT want Elitist sons of bitches like them with hardware control of all our technology. Anyone who played MGS2 knows what controlling the information like that leads to. Worse, media organizations and not philantropist ghosts will run the show, ensuring a future digital world of nothing BUT garbage.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 20:30:32

At 3/24/02 07:04 PM, Nighthunter wrote:
At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote: Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.
I would love to ,but i got Leiberman for a senator

So what. Do it you weeny.

I was never really here.

Response to Important Political Stuff 2002-03-24 22:28:00

At 3/23/02 07:37 PM, TomFulp wrote: There is currently something going on that everyone should be aware of. Please read this statement by my friend Rob:

Recently introduced legislation in the Senate by Sen. Fritz Hollings, D-S.C. (aka "The Senator from Disney"), entitled "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Act" is aimed at enforcing government mandated copy protection to be built into consumer devices. This means things like computers, pdas, and other home electronics will disallow copyrighted media duplication at the hardware level. No more burning either for the sake of blatant copying or genuinely backing up your media. No more MP3 ripping, etc. I don't pretend that duping copyrighted material for the wrong purposes is not wrong, but the media industries using the government to enforce the issue is. There are such things as fair use, and the legal right to back up copies. These rights are being infringed upon. Major supporters for include Walt Disney and the RIAA, major supporters against include the Business Software Alliance, the Consumer Electronics Association (as well as many technology firms in general).

In general this legislation will take rights away from consumers and put undue restrictions on technology companies who must now implement copy protection schemes into their products. Where do you think the money to R&D and implement this is going to come from? The media industry certainly isn't going to be paying for it. We as consumers are already paying surcharges on media products to cover the costs related to piracy.

Even if you are a staunch supporter of copyright, you have to realize that the government getting involved will not solve the issue. If you have a moment, drop your senators a quick e-mail. You can find them at www.senate.gov.

BUT WAIT... There is more! Here is an update from DIGITALCONSUMER.ORG:

On March 21st, the CBDTPA became an official bill. This is bad news because it means that there's a real chance that it could become a law. Not only will this bill further erode your personal use rights, but it will mandate that every electronic media device must be built with goverment-standardized security technology. If passed, this bill will be very bad news for those of us who are concerned about our rights in the digital age.

Please fill out this form to have a FAX sent on your behalf:


It just takes a second - so please do it!