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+++The Zombie Survival Crew+++

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-07 15:44:18

At 1/4/08 11:39 AM, Twinsabre wrote: Fair enough but for whatever I said (honestly don't remember) im sorry, 2006 was a very rough year for me ( I was living in a hostel, my parents were splitting and I had one set of clothes)


Before I begin, I will remind you I would like at least minimum grammar skills. That does include spelling things to the point where it's easily readable.

Anyhow, seeing as Im living back in my house now due to my parent rekindling. I have a full two floors to defend. I would tak an axe (yes we have one) to my the wardrobes

Where is the axe? How will you know in advance that the zombies are about? What if you're caught off-guard?

and other unessntial ooden things in the house to form barricadeson the doors and windows (other than upstairs windows). We also have ome blackout curtains from my great grandfather for when the lights are on. I have a couple of dynamos in the hous (christ knows why) so i can generate any necessary energy.

Dynamos? What are they? Again, where are they and would you be able to grab it if they suddenly came knocking on your door.

I live about 5 minutes away (walking) from "Felling square", A small shopping district in Gateshead with a bunch of Corner shops a tesco and an asda . These I will raid for supplies.

If you want to be killed by the huge gang of zombies or rioters, be my guest.

The zombie level shouldn't be too high as Felling is yes, a town but i can garuntee that when zombies appear, felling square will be the last place they'll be.

Despite the amount of people who would likely flock there for supplies and shelter?

I also have a few things i can use as weapons in my shed (( a crowbar, a shovel etc) and thats all i can hink of right now. I know it's not perfect so any suggestions?

Better grammar skills. I hadn't seen so many typos since Smeagol1 first joined. Also, you fail to mention much about "if this goes wrong, I'll do this". You don't mention anything about survivors. Would you shelter them, shoo them off, would you save your family and friends, what would be the plan for that? Your ideas are also extremely short term. What if the zombies are about a year from they first came? What would you do? What if you run out of canned goods? You don't mention anything about the zombies you'd expect to see. What if it's 28 Days Later zombies, what then? So on.

You need to expand in more ways than I have just asked above as well.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-07 16:01:35

At 1/7/08 07:06 AM, jackripperz wrote:
Wow,when did you turned Dark Jak?And when the hell did you past me?!

I just though it looked good with my beer glass. What do you mean "Past"?

To Xtesh:

I still think along the lines of Godzilla, havn't seen one since maybe 1999.

Also welcome back LC.

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-07 18:41:25

Cloverfield seems to feature infectious diseases as well as giant monsters. Also there must be smaller creatures too. If you look at one of the previews, some military men come in yelling "We've got a bite!"

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-08 00:24:44

At 1/7/08 08:56 PM, LazyPint wrote: I would like to join this crew. I've watched (and enjoyed) several zombie films, including Shaun of the Dead (which I appreciate is not to be taken seriously). Recently I picked up World War Z on a whim. I really liked it, so bought the Zombie Survival Guide as well. Both decent reads.

I understand your requirements to join are fairly rigorous by BBS standards, so I hope I can make a decent first impression.

My Plan

Currently I live in a University Hall of Residence in Scotland. On the plus side, my room is secured with a bolt lock and a pretty thick door, so I keep quiet I should fare better than others. My room is on the second floor of the building, which is also secured by a locked door. The main door is glass plated however, so zombie students may well break through it, especially as the door is essentially made of wood (or that wood-look architects go for). Either way, it's not the most secure of barricades.

good, not bad, but here is abetter. at first sure sign, DESTROY THE STAIRS to the down stairs. that way you can screen anyone coming in, and help them up if you want, or just snub them (no one says you have to be nice). this would also eliminate the problem with the front door.

As far as supplies are concerned, the kitchen I share with four other students is just across the hall and is also equipped with a bolt lock which is accessible only with our keys. Of course the food in it compromises of whatever I/ the other students happen to have at the time, which should (generally) be enough for a couple of days shelter (dependant on power supply and other students not panicking).

dont count on it. get as soon as first real sign, fill all containers with water from the tap, or filtered or what ever. just make sure you have water. thats a biggie.

So even assuming I am able to use these supplies for a couple of days, I will then still have to escape from the campus. On the plus side, the student's car park is very close to my building. On the negative side, many of those cars may already have gone and not one of them is mine. I also have no idea how to hot-wire one to start it, so that form of transport may also be out. I do have a window overlooking said car park, so I can at least keep an eye on the situation.

as far as hotwire goes, its pretty easy depending on the car. for most old chevy cars all you have to do is just like in terminator 1. pop off the plastic cover, and insert a screwdriver. pretty simple.

Before venturing out however, I would need some sort of weapon. Firearms are out. It would be hard enough to find one in Britain in general, so the odds of locating one on a small university campus are low. Incredibly low. Alas, my small room/bathroom does not hold any items which could be used as a weapon in desperate circumstances. Frankly my best bet may well be the shared kitchen for a knife of some sort, since other student's rooms would be inaccessible without the correct key.

break off a bed leg. a knife is good, and has multiple uses, but you need an blunt weapon for brain trauma to result.

So, hopefully (I know a lot is down to chance) I can find another student who has a car. The problem then becomes where to go. Of course, my first thought is of my family, but they are fifty odd miles away. Nothing I can do could save them if they are being attacked/have already been overrun. Therefore, my best chance would be to get to a secure location. There is a prison within a minute's drive, however it is within Edinburgh's city area, so may already be crowded with survivors, which can only attract zombies.

dont count on a ride either, if i had a car, i would probobly hit anyone who approached in this type of situation.

Disregarding the city as a survival option, I would have to move out north or south. Moving north would of course place me further away from any potential rescue party (considering the population difference of Scotland and England), so I believe south into England would be the safest option.

the country is always good. watch out for high grass, zombies could be easily concealed.

Of course, a car cannot run on air and having worked in a petrol station, I know that fuel is inaccessible without power, so inevitably we would have to abandon the car and continue on foot, hopefully hitching a ride with any other survivors encountered. If at any point we the people I met seemed intent on taking any unnecessary risks, i would not hesitate to part company from them. Hopefully I could, in time, arrive at a well defended stronghold of survivors and integrate into the community. I would not seek to be the leader and would happily provide any information I had regarding the zombies (assuming they are those described in the ZSG).

thats awfully nice of you. hehe

I am aware that this plan leaves rather a lot to chance and hope. However, the lack of weapons in my country compared to America makes my situation rather more difficult than your own may be. My own (relative) isolation in my student halls does not help matters. I hope you would take account of these rather unfortunate (in a zombie crisis) circumstances when reading my plan.

truth, but there is no sure fire zombie plan. yours is good, keep working on it.

Posting from my Epic 4G on the now network

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-08 02:37:11

At 1/7/08 08:56 PM, LazyPint wrote: I understand your requirements to join are fairly rigorous by BBS standards, so I hope I can make a decent first impression.

From what I can tell without reading, it looks good.

Just I begin, I have no idea who Heavy Metal Harlow is and by no means does his opinion matter at all.

My Plan

Currently I live in a University Hall of Residence in Scotland. On the plus side, my room is secured with a bolt lock and a pretty thick door, so I keep quiet I should fare better than others. My room is on the second floor of the building, which is also secured by a locked door. The main door is glass plated however, so zombie students may well break through it, especially as the door is essentially made of wood (or that wood-look architects go for). Either way, it's not the most secure of barricades.

Okay, sounds good.

As far as supplies are concerned, the kitchen I share with four other students is just across the hall and is also equipped with a bolt lock which is accessible only with our keys. Of course the food in it compromises of whatever I/ the other students happen to have at the time, which should (generally) be enough for a couple of days shelter (dependant on power supply and other students not panicking).

What kind of food do you keep in the kitchen? Frozen? Tinned? Dry (such as noodles)? I think the chances of the other students not panicking is pretty low.

So even assuming I am able to use these supplies for a couple of days, I will then still have to escape from the campus. On the plus side, the student's car park is very close to my building. On the negative side, many of those cars may already have gone and not one of them is mine. I also have no idea how to hot-wire one to start it, so that form of transport may also be out. I do have a window overlooking said car park, so I can at least keep an eye on the situation.

So you would have to resort to looking around everyone else's room in hopes there is some keys somewhere? Can you recognise different people's cars and know where the person is staying? If there is a person that just happened to get attacked in his own room or leaves his keys in the room, you may be able to just grab the keys and go.

Before venturing out however, I would need some sort of weapon. Firearms are out. It would be hard enough to find one in Britain in general, so the odds of locating one on a small university campus are low. Incredibly low. Alas, my small room/bathroom does not hold any items which could be used as a weapon in desperate circumstances. Frankly my best bet may well be the shared kitchen for a knife of some sort, since other student's rooms would be inaccessible without the correct key.

Would you be unable to rip a pipe from a wall like a metallic towel "holder" or a water pipe (try to leave the gas pipes alone since it'll be very risky least to say)? It's a little basic and may break fast, but it can do until you find something better. A knife may be a little too-close-for-comfort.

So, hopefully (I know a lot is down to chance) I can find another student who has a car. The problem then becomes where to go. Of course, my first thought is of my family, but they are fifty odd miles away. Nothing I can do could save them if they are being attacked/have already been overrun. Therefore, my best chance would be to get to a secure location. There is a prison within a minute's drive, however it is within Edinburgh's city area, so may already be crowded with survivors, which can only attract zombies.

Heading into Edinburgh would then be risky due to the large amount of people there and not to mention, it's unlikely the prison will be free of prisoners. Which may lead to you being killed by people rather than zombies if you attempt to break-in. But if you do get in, it seems likely they'll have a nice amount of canned and dry goods and possibly have their own power supply and/or guns (who knows?).

Disregarding the city as a survival option, I would have to move out north or south. Moving north would of course place me further away from any potential rescue party (considering the population difference of Scotland and England), so I believe south into England would be the safest option.

But moving north into the mountains (correct me if I am wrong, I'm not to good on my geography in general) would mean you're a lot less likely to meet the zombies at all since they can't climb if we're assuming these are Dawn Of The Dead zombies.

Of course, a car cannot run on air and having worked in a petrol station, I know that fuel is inaccessible without power,

That is something that I was actually previously unaware of and will keep it in mind in the future.

so inevitably we would have to abandon the car and continue on foot, hopefully hitching a ride with any other survivors encountered. If at any point we the people I met seemed intent on taking any unnecessary risks, i would not hesitate to part company from them. Hopefully I could, in time, arrive at a well defended stronghold of survivors and integrate into the community. I would not seek to be the leader and would happily provide any information I had regarding the zombies (assuming they are those described in the ZSG).

In ZSC, we use two different references for our general zombie:
A. We just use film knowledge. The most well known film to feature the slow stupid common zombie is Dawn Of The Dead (at least personally), so I like to refer to them as Dawn Of The Dead zombies when I need to compare to other kinds of zombie. Otherwise, when people just say zombies, we mostly mean the traditional slow, stupid, common one.
B. There's the zombie survival guide (Link to Amazon.co.uk) which uses "historical data, laboratory experiments, field research, and eyewitness accounts" but due to the common belief that zombies have yet to come around, I wouldn't believe it straight off. I'd take it in consideration and I think "Dawn Of The Dead zombies" are the most likely to come around, but I wouldn't conclude that they are the zombies that may come around.

Nothing is more worse than planning to be hit by slow stupid zombies and end up being attacked by either intelligent or fast zombies.

I am aware that this plan leaves rather a lot to chance and hope. However, the lack of weapons in my country compared to America makes my situation rather more difficult than your own may be.

I actually live in England so I'm pretty much hopeless myself when it comes to decent weaponry. Near the coast though so worse happens, I could gather up some tin goods and go floating around the sea on one of the boats that happen to be there. Returning to grab more tinned goods. I'd have to some how start growing some vegetables at some point though.

My own (relative) isolation in my student halls does not help matters. I hope you would take account of these rather unfortunate (in a zombie crisis) circumstances when reading my plan.

It's a good plan, I'll give you that. You've thought in depth about it (at least with more depth than most people who try to sign up who give it simply a few minutes wonder about it). You've considered the different ideas. While not necessary, it would be nice to say what you'd do if you managed to go into Edinburgh to stay, what would you do if you decided to go into the mountains, what would you do if you got into the prison, and so on. It doesn't think about the different kind of zombies (28 Days Later ones for instance) but to be honest, no one manages to keep it in mind. While I wouldn't ask you to tell me what you'd do all over again if say, 28 Days Later zombies came around; but keep it in mind that they may not be wondering mindlessly towards you but instead sprinting at you at full speed.

Like TwinSabre's plan, you did not mention long term. If you got into England, Moutains, etc, what then? What if you had to stay in a place by yourself and you know you'll be there for a good few months? (I've run out of characters).

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-08 02:50:52

(Carried on). In-fact, you didn't go on to say what you'd do if you went to Edinburgh, the mountains, the prison or England at all. You just assumed that when you got there, you'd stumble across a place full of survivors which are letting you stay. I mean, while I can think about what would happen in the Prison if you were allowed, the other three options are pretty large. While I'd dislike your plan to be as long as Lord Of The Rings, it would of been nice for you to carry on.

I mean, if you got into England, what then? Going to stumble around the countryside, got any towns in England in mind? So on. Is there any way you'd try to get weapons? I can agree that some of your plan relies way too heavily on chance. The chance you don't get attacked by more than a few, the chance you get a car, the chance you find survivors are a few examples. You never mentions your physical attributes. Can you run fast? Can you run long distances? Are you strong? Are you athletic? Are you tall or short?

While it may appear as though your plan has a lot of problems with it, it's actually one of the best plans I've read in months.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-08 04:37:32

I second that.I guess i have to read a lot more on survival if I'm ever to make a plan that good.

So where you been LC?Seems you were gone for a while.

To Jak:When i say past i mean when did you past my level.

Also,does anyone recommend any good survival sites.Not zombie but just survival.Going on a trip soon and wanna know some important things before i venture out into the jungle.

P.S:I'll post another zombie plan soon seeing how this guy makes such a good plan.I may have a rival now.

The Gentleman. Beating you in everyway.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-08 14:59:54

Someone going to get a mod to remove that retarded PENIS post? I don't know how to find them. I don't want to see the stupid thing when I come here....hurts my brain.

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-08 15:03:57

I'm not defending it but we are on a different page now. But by all means please get someone to delete it.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-08 18:56:49

Hell I don't even know where I would find a mod.


So what type of skills do you think we would need to adapt to survive in the Zombie Apoc'. I can think of one for me since I sleep slighty deep. Learning to sleep light.

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-09 02:45:14

At 1/8/08 08:35 AM, LazyPint wrote: Well I'd hope that other students, not being so well informed as me, might panic and run off to try and get to their families, or just make a break for it, thereby distracting the zombies for at least a little while. As for food, I never have much, but the other guys have a variety of stuff. I think frozen food should be good for a couple of days after the power goes, but then how can you thaw/cook it? There's usually bottled water in the fridge which would come in handy.

If there's one thing Cabin Fever got me thinking about, it's if some zombie accidentally fell into a lake and the disease got into the water line. Infecting anyone who drinks tap water. I'd suspect you'd cook frozen food like you usually do.

I would be unable to get into others' rooms without their keys and I know that the students near me do not have cars. The Warden's room is at the end of the corridor. There would be a master key in there. Of course the Warden may already be gone, but if the door had been left ajar or torn open, I could get in. But I still wouldn't know who owns what cars and many will be gone in the initial panic.

Ah, okay. So you'd have to be lucky to have the means to break into other people's rooms with a key to get supplies.

Looking at the towel rail, it's held on by screws and I do have a multi-tool in my room. This would preserve it's integrity. There aren't any exposed pipes in the room so that option is out. I suppose taking both the pipe and a knife at least gives me a back up, but I doubt many people would last long with just a knife.

You need a little bit of distance from your flesh and the zombie's mouth.

I don't actually know the situation regarding guns in British prisons. I suppose there must be some sort available to the guards, but I can imagine the media uproar if a prisoner was shot dead in a riot or whatever. But I'll assume there are guns in there. Of course the problem with a prison is that breaking in shouldn't be that easy. I doubt knocking on the door would really work, especially once its surrounded by zombies.

And if you just smash everything to get in, you'll let the zombies in.

Considering how difficult it is to get into town on a normal day, I think the sheer volume of traffic would force me back. Many cars will still have zombie drivers in them which can of course summon more. On the plus side I may be able to fnd an abandoned car to use.

With the engine running wasting petrol? That'll lead to having minimum petrol.

There are mountains up north, but I mean way up north. For survival purposes, it's unlikely I'd find somewhere secure with supplies. It would help if I'd ever been up north for skiing, but I've not, so I'm unsure of the geography of the area.


I can't speak for every petrol station, but in ours when someone picks up the nozzle, a button pops up on the till and we have to push it to activate the pump. It stops people under 16, people smoking or on mobiles filling up. On Christmas Eve, the wire connecting the pumps to the till came loose, so we had to close.

It's unlikely to be much different elsewhere though.

I've seen the Dawn of the Dead remake, but have only caught the end of the original. I'm not sure why they changed the zombies to fast. Land of the Dead showed slow zombies can still make for a great film. I really enjoyed the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z. However, the ZSG's casual talk of getting a decent gun is hard to apply to Britain. In fact I think handguns are banned in Scotland.

I think there is a common myth that all guns are banned in England. The truth is, you can get a gun but it requires a serious amount of paper work and so on. Don't know if it's the same system there or not.

In World War Z the Chinese submarine used a UV light and some soil. Of course on a boat you've always got the sun. I've no real boating experience and the nearest coast is through Edinburgh, which would be too risky.

You sure there's no other smaller minor coast villages?

Asks about physical attributes.
Well I'm tall which means I can be seen easier by zombies. I'm a little out of shape, but I am joining the gym on campus and resuming my badminton, which has given me decent reflexes and agility. Of course neither of those is a great help against slow zombies since they're not difficult to take on (except in packs). I could probably escape from a fast zombie for a while, but I couldn't run an further than a mile or so. Though fear may help.

Actually, reflexes and agility are important. Say if a zombie managed to take you to the floor and was biting at you. Let's assume it doesn't dribble. You could use them both to at least avoid all the biting. But even though, you could use them both to avoid the situation in the first place and avoiding the lunge.

Well I said I'd hopefully find somewhere with a pack of survivors, but nothing is certain. My best bet may well be to try and find a military base in England, since they would be well supplied. What would be your survival estimates for Britain? What with the lack of guns in our country, it's not hard to imagine most of the country being overrun.

Military bases are very hard to find in England and are very very..."Iffy" (due to lack of a better word). While yes, you could get shelter and so on, you're very likely to be shot on site. The survival estimate for England...I'd say 60 to 80% of the population will die within a week. 10% of that will not turn into a zombie due to large amount of reasons. There will be survivors, just not in great quantity.

If I couldn't find a stronghold, I would have to just take it one day at a time. A portable radio would keep me informed of any developments (assuming there is anyone to work a station). I'd try to lay low at night, moving only during the day and skirting any centres of population, unless I heard noise suggesting survivors (regular gunfire etc). I'd try to raid small shops in villages and hope to find tinned food and disposable barbeques, lighters etc.

People may leave an "auto message" on the radio station so I think lack of workers will matter much.

Thanks. I'm sure there's still plenty to fix, just let me know.


You've done a plan and improved it with some help. I now have to decide if you're in or out. As obvious as it is, you're in. I even ended up getting PMed being asked to let you in. Worse plans have been given the pass. A lot worse.

At 1/8/08 04:37 AM, jackripperz wrote: So where you been LC?Seems you were gone for a while.

Got banned, did better things.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-09 09:10:27

At 1/9/08 07:54 AM, LazyPint wrote:
At 1/9/08 02:45 AM, Lost-Chances wrote:
If there's one thing Cabin Fever got me thinking about, it's if some zombie accidentally fell into a lake and the disease got into the water line. Infecting anyone who drinks tap water. I'd suspect you'd cook frozen food like you usually do.
I was wondering about the power being out - no cooker or microwave. There's no gas supply to our building - probably a good thing - less explosions.

I'm only answering this bit because it does make me look like an idiot. I did mean to mention the power cut. Cheers for all the other critiquing/advice.

Nah, it's my fault. I probably misread it.

How to cook it...There's always burning things and cooking the food over an open fire?

Thanks again. And cheers to the show of support from the anonymous member with PMed you. I had a lot of fun writing that plan.

It's okay. ZSC needs more intelligent users like you.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-09 15:36:29

At 1/9/08 02:45 AM, Lost-Chances wrote:
Military bases are very hard to find in England and are very very..."Iffy" (due to lack of a better word). While yes, you could get shelter and so on, you're very likely to be shot on site. The survival estimate for England...I'd say 60 to 80% of the population will die within a week. 10% of that will not turn into a zombie due to large amount of reasons. There will be survivors, just not in great quantity.

I agree. My family and I were deployed there for 4 years. As far as military bases go(both U.S and British) there really isn't many of them, and not many are what you can call large. Where I live now, Hawaii, is a military haven. Every single branch of the military has a massive plot on Oahu(the island I live on)

Right now, unless the shit really hits the fan, I'm best off following the directions the military gives. Back up plans are a given, of course. Biggest problem for me, of course, is if the outbreak starts here. We're just a chain of islands, so yah never know if the government decides to just wipe us off the map to contain it.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-09 18:20:15

At 1/9/08 06:11 PM, Xtesh wrote:
If there's anything any of the "free" governments would do, it's drop a bomb on an area that's massively infected to save the rest of their country.

Or they'd just deny that it exists over and over again.

The first one, yes. However, no matter how hard it tries, I think denying the existence of the Hawaiian Islands is pretty goddamn hard.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-10 01:50:28

Lol,Narnia and Hogwarts need more business.

Anyway,im booked.I have to take a big test this year.Its like SAT's only a little smaller.Maybe a mini SAT.Thats the best way to describe the test this year.

For some reason lately,im getting a lot of mental blocks.I tried talking and staring to girls but the block is still there.And this isnt any mental block,its a full fleet.I cant even solve my homework,cant even write a decent story in my head,and for some reason my brain is full of random thoughts!More than normal!

Anyway,i'll try and become more useful if i can.I need to see a psychiatrist.Which is ironic coz im like a psychiatrist and a motivater at school...

The Gentleman. Beating you in everyway.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-10 02:33:37

At 1/9/08 10:18 AM, LazyPint wrote: Regarding your earlier point about gun ownership in the UK, a quick look on Wikipedia shows you need character citations, a valid reason (not just "self defence") and a police approved cabinet or similar set up. You also have to renew your licence regularly.

Yeah, I found out due to a website that also gave me the location of gun shops around my area.

My friend's dad owns two shotguns apparently, which he uses for hunting. Back home, I have my dad's old (like, paid for in shillings old) air pistol. Not as exciting as the average NGer, I know. It's single fire and only 0.22, so wouldn't be any use against the zombies. Not to mention the fact that it's fifty miles away. I'll try and post some pictures next time I'm home.

What kind of shotguns? Pump or double barrelled just out of interest?

I probably shouldn't even be mentioning it since they'll most likely be banned soon, which would be a shame. While I don't believe we need looser laws regarding "proper" firearms, I still think air weapons are OK.

It's because people abuse them. Air rifles are designed to shoot targets and not other people, but some people in England (I'm looking at the chavs) start shooting other people. Why? To not only show off but just because of shits and giggles. I could remember some young kid who got shot by a real gun by a chav appearing on the news. While police found evidence of people showing off shooting him on the internet and many more posing with actual guns, they still couldn't get anything from anyone.

Things are banned because people find a way to abuse them and English government is scared over it all.

Sorry for going a little off-topic there. Here's the website in case you're interested in finding out where your nearest gun shop. Luckily, there's at least three gun shops within a thirty minute drive from my house, one which is just in a neighbouring village. So I could attempt to get a gun if I live through the first week or so when the zombies first appear to limit the idea of being crushed in the riots and giving other people ideas. There's no guarentee but as far as most people are aware, guns are banned full stop so it may give me a chance to obtain at least a shotgun or rifle with bullets.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-10 15:44:00

Can i join this club? I do have a "slight" *cough* obsession with undead , horror , gore etc ... And to entertain ...

What would you do if you were stuck in a basement with no power and zombies were heading to you
ready to feast on your flesh and you had the following items...

- Shotgun with 35 shells
- Very Sharp Kitchen Knife
- Rope
- Phone (No Signal)
- Glass Bottle
- Rashions that could last for about 3 days

There is a trap door in the basement which leads to the outside ... you could make it? Do you dare? Oh and there a around 50 zombies so the shotgun maybe not be the best idea to kill them all. You can see your car not far ahead but your not sure if it will work. Do you dare? You could try and run and hope to get signal and call somone whilst constantly running away from the undead. Do you dare? What would you do?

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-10 15:59:56

At 1/10/08 03:44 PM, haloaddict335 wrote: Can i join this club? I do have a "slight" *cough* obsession with undead , horror , gore etc ... And to entertain ...

What would you do if you were stuck in a basement with no power and zombies were heading to you
ready to feast on your flesh and you had the following items...

- Shotgun with 35 shells
- Very Sharp Kitchen Knife
- Rope
- Phone (No Signal)
- Glass Bottle
- Rashions that could last for about 3 days

There is a trap door in the basement which leads to the outside ... you could make it? Do you dare? Oh and there a around 50 zombies so the shotgun maybe not be the best idea to kill them all. You can see your car not far ahead but your not sure if it will work. Do you dare? You could try and run and hope to get signal and call somone whilst constantly running away from the undead. Do you dare? What would you do?

I'll let you all know i'm stocking up on supplies ... the day will come where the world is under attack from the deadly virus and we are earth's last defense. My wepon is m1 grand , sniper rifle and a big-ass razor sharp axe for head slicing madness!

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-10 16:58:36

At 1/10/08 03:59 PM, haloaddict335 wrote:
At 1/10/08 03:44 PM, haloaddict335 wrote: Can i join this club? I do have a "slight" *cough* obsession with undead , horror , gore etc ... And to entertain ...

Oh dear.

What would you do if you were stuck in a basement with no power and zombies were heading to you

I don't have a basement, and I would not head to one for precisely the reason that it is easily besieged and not easy to escape.

ready to feast on your flesh and you had the following items...

In total darkness? Hell, I'd probably die. Nobody can fight in total darkness unless they've been trained.

- Shotgun with 35 shells


- Very Sharp Kitchen Knife

I wouldn't be using my knife. I'd be using the shovel or the standing lamp: something with more range.

- Rope

What for? I don't know of many basements which have posts to tie a tripwire or barricade around.

- Phone (No Signal)

That isn't even worth posting about. It's a piece of plastic trash. Give me a break.

- Glass Bottle

Not broken? Some weapon. I wouldn't be using it anyhow.

- Rashions that could last for about 3 days

That's "rations".

So is the basement barricaded? If so, the rations are of some use. If not, fuck them.

There is a trap door in the basement which leads to the outside ... you could make it?

"Could you make it"

Do you dare?

Not much of a choice there.

Oh and there a around 50 zombies so the shotgun maybe not be the best idea to kill them all.

So you actually reccomend using the knife and bottle to get up close to them? Zombies don't mix with short-short range weapons. I'd rather use the butt of the shotgun.

You can see your car not far ahead but your not sure if it will work.

I can't drive.

Do you dare?

I wouldn't want to die in a car accident. That'd be a most idiotic death. Besides, the roads will probably be blocked or clogged with traffic.

You could try and run and hope to get signal and call somone whilst constantly running away from the undead. Do you dare? What would you do?

The Z is easy to outrun or outwalk. Getting away from them once I'm out would be the least of my problems.

My wepon is

"Weapons are"

m1 grand , sniper rifle and a big-ass razor sharp axe for head slicing madness!

Do you actually have those? Do you know how to use them?

You are thirteen years old. Axes are good close combat weapons, but you need strength to weild one. A "big ass axe" is not an easily used weapon.

Post a survival plan.

I have nothing to say that is at all relevant.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-10 17:23:47

Oh, forgot to ask.

May i be allowed back in? :D

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-11 02:24:16



Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-11 02:57:01


beat it dick, we have no use for stupidity.

hows it goin guy's
what's new?


Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-11 05:37:37

Oh man..How long till 1000 posts?Anyway,i've been joining so many clubs i think im sick.

Im fine Undead.I still have bloodlust to kill and rip peoples neck off,but other than that im fine.Dont worry about the bloodlust,i got it controlled.

Now excuse me while i try to found more on zombies and survival and weapons.I think the weapons are my favourite part! :)

The Gentleman. Beating you in everyway.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-11 15:04:25

Hell yes. I finally got the Zombie Survival Guide since it's been on hold by so many people. The book is so tattered by being in so many hands maybe I'll take a picture of me and it but maybe not.

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-11 16:56:59

At 1/11/08 03:27 PM, kisame wrote:
At 1/11/08 02:57 AM, Undeadsoldier wrote:
i beat my dick
so does everybody else.

Immature ...

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-12 00:00:49

Has anyone playes zombie panic source cuz I have it and it is uber fun!?

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-12 00:28:41

You guys should all purchase "Day by Day Armaggedon" like right now. It is a great book. It is a journal of a guy who is going through the zombie apocalypse. I don't know if I told you already, but still.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-12 03:39:41

This is my survival plane if my village was under heavy attack from zombies ...

I would first of all shit myself going " OMFG!?!?! zombies!?!?! " then calm down and get ready for killing. I would either ... Lock all doors and windows and set up traps such as ... Shotgun rested down and once a door opens BAM! - I'm still working on how the hell i would do that. I would keep long kitchen knife with me for melee until I got to the gun shop which then i would get a simple pistol & a silencer - but powerful and a hell lot of ammo. I wouldn't go for anything bigger as a shotgun or rifle would send me flying. I would use my pistol in extreme condisions such as ... about to bite me or my family , or if there were loads of zombies and melee wasn't an option. I would quicky make my way to summerfields and stock up on food and drink for a while. Then I would be happily be sitting in my guarded home looking out the window ready for killing. - And i would call friends and tell them to do the same. - I may use a sniper rifle as it doesn't use alot of ammo and headshot's i'm sure would kill in one ... and it's more accurate .. i'd be out of ammo with my pistol quickly.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-12 03:41:30

Actually melee weapon = shovel or pole in my garden :D

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2008-01-12 05:48:37

At 1/12/08 03:39 AM, haloaddict335 wrote: This is my survival plane if my village was under heavy attack from zombies ...

I would first of all shit myself going " OMFG!?!?! zombies!?!?! " then calm down and get ready for killing.

You standard has just dropped in my eyes.

I would either ... Lock all doors and windows and set up traps such as ... Shotgun rested down and once a door opens BAM! - I'm still working on how the hell i would do that.

What happens if the door breaks?The Shotgun aint gonna rapid fire.

I would keep long kitchen knife with me for melee until I got to the gun shop which then i would get a simple pistol & a silencer - but powerful and a hell lot of ammo.

Can you shoot straight?A lot of ammo wont help.Hell,you can waste 100 rounds shooting a zombie and miss every shot.

I wouldn't go for anything bigger as a shotgun or rifle would send me flying. I would use my pistol in extreme condisions such as ... about to bite me or my family , or if there were loads of zombies and melee wasn't an option.

Well i'll give you credit for being able to think that shotgun and rifles can send you flying but same thing applies.Can you shoot straight?

I would quicky make my way to summerfields and stock up on food and drink for a while. Then I would be happily be sitting in my guarded home looking out the window ready for killing. - And i would call friends and tell them to do the same.

I dont what or where summerfields is so,no comment on that.

I may use a sniper rifle as it doesn't use alot of ammo and headshot's i'm sure would kill in one ... and it's more accurate .. i'd be out of ammo with my pistol quickly.

No comment.Fix up your grammar,your spelling and please use paragraphs.You're lucky I'm not cursing at your plan.

Great,im turning bad too.

The Gentleman. Beating you in everyway.

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