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Does weed really drop your grades?

4,529 Views | 101 Replies

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-18 23:51:31

FACT : Machine Gun Kelly Smoke Marijuana
FACT : The leaves of Marijuana has been used to kill of elephants from destroying crops in South America... if it can kill an elephant think what it can do to you!
FACT : 10,000 people die from smoking marijuana every month
FACT : Marijuana was used by the native americans to build roads because of the amount of tar it contains
FACT : 9 out of 10 parish preists do not advise the use of Marijuana
FACT : If you do smoke marijuana you WILL NOT GO TO HEAVEN, I am not sharing heaven with any marijuana smoker... would you?
FACT : Waco was caused by Marijuana

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-18 23:51:44

At 1/18/05 11:49 PM, BarferPro wrote:
At 1/18/05 11:43 PM, AngryToaster wrote: I still think drugs are for losers.
When you got nothin', you got nothin' to lose.

Why be a slave to what society tells us is good and bad, right and wrong? The productive lifestyle, and the destructive lifestyle...?
Empire after empire again... History shows it all. Society is the Titanic; it's all going down!
When you die, what will you leave? A nice car? A respectable house? A house that'll get sold off to some stranger. A car that'll be scrapped for parts.
In the end, all that matters is survival and understanding. What you've come to learn and understand through your life, and--of course--the further existence of your life.

So weed, sex, shitty living conditions... It leaves as much a legacy as a proud victorian and a BMW.
Have fun in life.

And views like that are the reason society coninues to condescend. In fact, that's half the reason it has in the first place... why do you think there is so much crime? Drugs...

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-18 23:56:05

At 1/18/05 11:51 PM, ElFerroz wrote: FACT : The leaves of Marijuana has been used to kill of elephants from destroying crops in South America... if it can kill an elephant think what it can do to you!

LMAO XD how did the marijuana killed the elephant?

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-18 23:57:35

At 1/18/05 11:56 PM, MuiKat wrote:
At 1/18/05 11:51 PM, ElFerroz wrote: FACT : The leaves of Marijuana has been used to kill of elephants from destroying crops in South America... if it can kill an elephant think what it can do to you!
LMAO XD how did the marijuana killed the elephant?

The Marijauna leaf contains more poisin than acid.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:01:59

At 1/18/05 11:47 PM, Tjthe3rd wrote:
At 1/18/05 11:42 PM, chefscrewup wrote:
At 1/18/05 11:39 PM, Tjthe3rd wrote:
At 1/18/05 11:34 PM, chefscrewup wrote: At 1/18/05 11:32 PM, Tjthe3rd wrote
Now go run along and bother someone else, your just wasting both of our time.

Now go run along and bother someone else, your just wasting both of our time.

yes yes...i understand you have an opinion, but what good is an opinion if you can't back it up. Your dictionary reference refers a low life as a person with low social status and a person with poor moral fibre. How does that carry on with calling potheads lowlives?
I'm calling you out cause you're a fucking idiot. You have no base to your claims and yet every time you try and push your opinion, you end up making yourself look like more of an idiot. If you at least had a verifiable opinion with a base, I could at least respect your opinion. Now it's almost midnight...go to bed and sleep sweetheart..

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:06:33

At 1/18/05 11:37 PM, point_RKO wrote:

:: : I won't follow yopur advice COZ RETARDS LIKE YOU DO THAT!

because only retards do that, or because someone beat me to that advice already? numbnuts


Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:13:02

It's true that a heap load of the crimes committed today are from drugs.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:14:20

At 1/18/05 11:57 PM, ElFerroz wrote: The Marijauna leaf contains more poisin than acid.

it's a wonder that i'm still alive... i suppose i should go sacrifice some animals now to show the gods how grateful i am.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:14:27

At 1/18/05 09:50 PM, BarferPro wrote:
At 1/18/05 09:47 PM, Chakra-X wrote: Do it regularly, you be a fucking failure >:(
What are you talking about?
I know this kid, Donnie, who's been smokin' since he was 9, and he taught himself calculus in a week.

Dude that's weird, I knew this kid named BarferPro who smoked pot all the time and could come up with retarded bullshit like within milliseconds.

If your personality lends itself to addiction or dependence don't get into that shit. Otherwise... use your better judgement when to smoke and when not to.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:14:56

At 1/19/05 12:09 AM, BarferPro wrote:

Well sinner, I hope you know that just by advocating marijuana the government has tracked you and now you basically can't get a job. It's like being a convicted felon.

I hope you and your fat pork bearded friends have fun smoking your death plants.

Did you know that in the play Hamlet Cladius was killed by marijuana? It CAN and WILL happen to you!

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:18:10

At 1/19/05 12:14 AM, ElFerroz wrote: Well sinner, I hope you know that just by advocating marijuana the government has tracked you and now you basically can't get a job. It's like being a convicted felon.

he didn't advocate marijuana.... he merely pointed out the fallacy in ur words against marijuana.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:19:53

At 1/19/05 12:18 AM, MuiKat wrote:
At 1/19/05 12:14 AM, ElFerroz wrote: Well sinner, I hope you know that just by advocating marijuana the government has tracked you and now you basically can't get a job. It's like being a convicted felon.
he didn't advocate marijuana.... he merely pointed out the fallacy in ur words against marijuana.

logically that's a misconception because of your counter fallacy

I've already sent a letter to the FDA about both of you, and you're not going to be happy with the results. (Jail?)

Fact is 25,000 parents are made childless every month because of marijuana.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:20:02

In short, no. Moderation is the key; once a day after school shouldn't hurt your grade.

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Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:21:40

At 1/19/05 12:19 AM, ElFerroz wrote: I've already sent a letter to the FDA about both of you, and you're not going to be happy with the results. (Jail?)

Fact is 25,000 parents are made childless every month because of marijuana.

alrite man, i'll be waiting to hear from FDA. by the way, u should've sent the letter to DEA.

where did u get that interesting statistic?

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:24:55

At 1/19/05 12:21 AM, MuiKat wrote: alrite man, i'll be waiting to hear from FDA. by the way, u should've sent the letter to DEA.

where did u get that interesting statistic?


Marijuana is so powerful a poisin that it is used in Bhutan to kill off great white sharks so it's easier to harvest them.

Still think Marijuana is "safe"?

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:29:53

At 1/19/05 12:24 AM, ElFerroz wrote: Science

Marijuana is so powerful a poisin that it is used in Bhutan to kill off great white sharks so it's easier to harvest them.

Still think Marijuana is "safe"?

Science as in Science the magazine? please tell me the author, title of the manuscript, and which volume of science it appeared in. i seriously would like to look that up and read that over myself.

i think the fact that im alive and that so many drunk drivers and their innocent victime are dead is plenty prove that marijuana is safe (at least safer than alcohol... maybe they should've used alcohol to killed those sharks and elephants) .

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:31:59

At 1/18/05 09:43 PM, Pilot-Doofy wrote: Just a question of opinion. I was suppose to get a dimebag of midgrade and I was wondering if I should risk my good grades. :-)

my personal experience is that smoking weed makes me a bit dumber for about 16 hours after ive come down...so i rarely smoke and then only if i dont have to work or do anything that might make me need my brain the next day....otherwise i make little ,stupid mistakes all day.....so if you dont smoke every day you should be fine...just do it on the weekend or when you dont have any tests or heavy studying to do...

but i imagine you arnt a virgin to the greens,doofy,so you can most likly figure out for yourself how somking will effect your grades....

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:34:30

I'm not gonna go through the thread and read what other people have posted and I'm just going to post my own opinions ok.

Q: Does weed really drop your grades?
A: It depends on the person. My grades, for example, have neither gotten worst or better after I've smoked marijuana. But I do have friends whoes grades plummeted after the use of weed. So, it really just depends on the person.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:40:58

u wont be saying that when ur stuck in the pits of hell u tweaker

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:52:33

I havent read through all these posts, but i felt i should respond to the topic at hand.

Im a huge stoner, i smoke pot..everyday of my life, even today when all my drug dealers are in jail, and with no resources i still managed to find a decent nick of mids.

As for grades well, im not going to post my info because thats just stupid,

Just a picture of my transcript (internet rocks) and my gpa.

Im not saying everyone can smoke pot and get these kind of grades, but i just want ot make it clear if no one else has that it is very much possible.

Does weed really drop your grades?

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:52:35

The only thing I've learned from this thread is that some people still just don't get sarcasm, even when it's cockwhipping them right in the face.

Newgrounds: not an educational resource.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:56:44

At 1/18/05 09:46 PM, BarferPro wrote: All pot does is makes you relaxed and maybe a little paranoid.

I've been tokin' up since I was in 9th grade, and I'm considered the 'smart person' at my table.



This chick, Alex, always got high, she dropped out of high-school 3 weeks ago. She used to get straight A's.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 00:57:22

At 1/19/05 12:40 AM, UNLOVEDBYALL wrote: u wont be saying that when ur stuck in the pits of hell u tweaker


Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 01:04:23

This is from personal experience, so don't take this too seriously. I'm no doctor, and my opinion isn't professional.

My sister isn't the brightest crayon in the box and never has been. One day, much to my surprise, she came home with a grade in the high 80's for a Chemistry test. This was a high grade for her, but it doesn't end there: most of the kids in her class failed and she managed to get the highest grade.

My sister later mentioned to me that she was stoned when she took the test.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 01:09:25

¤Ñ,.¤Ñ Hi man ¤Ð,¤Ð;¤Ñ¤Ñ^

Does weed really drop your grades?

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 20:39:31

At 1/19/05 12:09 AM, BarferPro wrote:
At 1/18/05 11:51 PM, Tjthe3rd wrote: And views like that are the reason society coninues to condescend. In fact, that's half the reason it has in the first place... why do you think there is so much crime? Drugs...
Drugs, you say? Drugs are the cause of crime?
What drugs?
Pot? Is someone whose reaction time is lowered by 30% and whose only feeling is that baked goodness like fresh cookies? This man is gonna go out and be at full capability to commit crime?

Some more shit, blah blah blah, I'm wasting my time because I tottally missed his point, god I'm dumb. xD

Uh... that's not what I meant bud. I'm talking about the crimes commited to get money for drugs... not crimes commited by people on drugs. -.- Wow...

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 20:57:51

At 1/18/05 09:43 PM, Pilot-Doofy wrote: Just a question of opinion. I was suppose to get a dimebag of midgrade and I was wondering if I should risk my good grades. :-)

Well here's a tip, don't get stoned in class. Obviously and don't be smoking dope when you should be doing homework. Simple as that. Otherwise, if you got all your homework done and you're taking a break, then a joint shouldn't affect your good grades.

We could say that video games or the computer affects your good grades for the same reasons, that you're doing that instead of your school work.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-19 21:04:28

At 1/19/05 08:39 PM, Tjthe3rd wrote: Uh... that's not what I meant bud. I'm talking about the crimes commited to get money for drugs... not crimes commited by people on drugs. -.- Wow...

Well I never committed a crime to get weed... well except that marijuana is technically illegal in itself. Otherwise, I spent my earned money to get it. Just like I spend my own money to get beer at the liquor store.

You're thinking of crack/cocaine and heroine. Those drugs get you addicted worse than cigarettes and you'll do anything for them. Including sucking cock and stealing.

See this is the problem with our drug education system. They teach kids that all drugs are bad and pretty much lump them all into one category. No wonder people don't take organizations like D.A.R.E. seriously because they're confusing kids with bad information. Yes some drugs are bad, really really bad, but not all are. Just to show you, one of them is legal and widely used and that is alcohol. More people lose their lives to alcohol every year, than to smoking weed. Actually, there are like no deaths attributed to marijuana alone. You can't even overdose on it.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-25 01:27:46

lightweight noobs.

Response to Does weed really drop your grades? 2005-01-25 01:28:48

Stupid question. Weed enhanced my concentration. I actually think I had better grades when I used to smoke...

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