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Voice Acting Club

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Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 00:55:23

That's a joke, by the by. Clarification is good.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 01:26:06

At 5/6/05 12:47 AM, Elliair wrote: It is a good thing. Though this may sound corny, but being able to believe in yourself and your abilities is very important. If you can't, you'll be very put down whenever you are critisized. Those who have great self-confidence can take critism much better, because they know they can improve to be that much better.

True. I do accept advice though, and always use it to improve...sometimes even in the case of flaming, like this guy months ago who told me my demo "kinda sucked". I realized that, at the time, he was right, and made a new one.

That wasn't directed at you, just so you know. Just in general.

I know. ^^ I was just commenting anyway.

However, it does seem a bit gloomy around the VAC thread, but that's why we set-up these VAC Chats 'n stuff. To keep us together interacting with each other and stay friends and what not.

That's the word I was looking for, gloomy. Sometimes we get in great moods but right now everything is a bit depressing, ne...

And referring to what Isca said, I know that was not directed at me but just wanted to clarify in general that when I say I don't think I am very talented, it is not in any way an attempt to fish for compliments or anything. I just listen to video games, anime, commercials, demo mp3s of a professional VAs, and then my demo, and the truth is they are far better and I have a lot of room for improvement compared to a large amount of the professional voice work out there. It's like someone who thinks they're a good videogame player for instance, and enters a tournament and loses. I can give a particularly humiliating example of just last month at Sakura-Con, when mock "voice auditions" were held in one of the panel rooms for the voice of an anime girl. I was like "OMG, this is so easy, these other people are such n00bs and I'm sure I can do anime voices better." Well, the new people got up there, and...I got HORRIBLY owned. So...that's when I realized, I've been VAing for a year, and these people are doing it for their first time, and they're better...well then Kagome, maybe this isn't your kind of thing. Needless to say that was really embarrassing. So yes I know the comments were not referring to me but I thought I'd clear this up for everyone as it can be easily misunderstood. :)

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 01:46:45

Wow looks like I missed out on quite a bit of stuff here. It's too bad when misunderstandings happen.

As for thinking about my VAing as great or whatever I'm not really worried about it. I gotta focus on stuff like school and then a career, and my son. I think it would be really wild to get a radio gig and stuff though, sounds fun (And that's how Billy West got his start. On the Howard Stern radio show). It's not really in the cards for me at this point in my life. But I'd like to congratulate Isca on getting in there and sticking your foot in the door. I'm sure it'll be lots of fun and stuff ... perhaps I'll call in and go, "Oh my god! You're like the best!"

Or, I can be a jerk and go, "Oh my god! I LOVED you in that Comic Guy thing!" Lol. And yes ... the chimp has struck back. I too recieved an e-mail, kinda vague. It said something like his post in his thread (somewhere on NG) about Comic Guy making a return. I'm not sure what that means ...

Besides all that, I'm looking forward to this chat on Saturday! Anyone know if Zodiak has the last one recorded and stuff?


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 01:48:14

I believe he recorded it. I got there for the very end of the chat and he had us say "On Family" and stuff.

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 01:51:17

I'm looking for voice actors, of course, one is a Valkyrie Warrior (Girl) but the character looks kinda like a girl, but whatever, and A guy with a cool anime type voice also, you can send me e-mails if you are interested, but I won't start casting untill the script is done, which maybe tomorrow I hope.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 02:07:13

Yup. Zodiak got the last chat all recorded, and sent it to me. I'm still currently editing it. It's taking a while because it's a lot longer than the last recorded chat (about 3 hours longer, in fact), but I'll be sure to post it here for all your eargasming pleasures.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 02:51:22

You know what I havnt had in a while.....big league chew

oh ya by the way, I can make it to the chat saturday

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 02:55:12

Everyone sounds so errr... gloomy. Maybe I, MC Huggies the silly, should post more often =P

I was just wondering what this VAC idol thing was all about? Like how it works and stuff... I was just curious, so it doesn't mean I'm going to do it lol
I'm not saying that I CAN'T sing, but that I just don't want to. I'm actually a good singer but... well, it's a shyness thing. ANYWAYS, I'm really looking forward to this chat!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 03:44:39

About the VAC idol, I'd really like to enter..um..I suppose I could stand far back and do a quiet song ^^;;; That is, if I can make it to the chat, how long will this thing run?

NG's Voice Actress! [ Resume | Voice Demo | Twitter ]

Formerly credited as Kagome; currently credited as Rina-chan.

Rescue me in Castle Crashers (I voice the princesses!)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 04:46:07

There is no misunderstanding Kagome, read back a few on your comments, up to the current comment and that is your answer why I left such a shitty comment. Nonetheless, you and everyone else is right; no sense in fighting. You have my apologies, however, just keep in mind what I said. My casting calls are open to all. I should have specified what I meant when I said "And NO anime voices".

In other news, I decided to make Elliair the official vocal girl to Oscillator Theory since she is just soo umph with that voice of hers. I truly do believe Elliair has big things in store for her. Check out here hotness here on this new demo of Arabia:

Elliair's Voice that is sex: Systematic Order - "Arabia (Oscillated Remix) - [DEMO]"

Remember this is just a demo, we will be recording more lines most likely tomorrow.

If you are female and would like to try for work in one of my musical productions, you may do so by sending an audition of your voice capabilities to: bitclock [at] gmail [dot] com

I have lots of work and opportunties for everyone, this includes YOU Kagome. I would love nothing more than to hear one of your voices on my tracks.

Also I will be at the chat on Saturday to talk it up with you all!


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 05:56:45

heya, i need a voice for Shigeru Miyamoto, the inventor of mario,zelda etc...As u can expect, the voice has to be japanese like.thnx in advance

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 10:06:21

Jerma: W00t! Well, I suppose I should update the current list.
Sakura Shino
El Shamro
Isca (Maybe)
Shock_Dingo (Maybe)
D-Mac Double
TESM (Maybe, I think)

Wow. That's a lot of people. Hopefully everyone can come. O.o; Now we're really only missing Omahdon and Zodiak, but if anyone else wants to come..you know what to do (Post).

MC_Huggies: Well, this is how it works, basically: We have 1 Judge (Can choose to be either Simon, Paula, or Randy). We have a Ryan Seacrest (which is supposed to be Zodiak, providing that he comes), and we have <insert number here> singers.

We all sing a Karaoke type song/A capella/or ANY song really, but if it has lyrics, you must be able to be heard over the lyrics (so we can hear you sing).

There's 2 Rounds of Singing. In the 1st Round, everyone is eliminated except 2 girls, and 2 guys. Whoever is Judge, will eliminate the singers. In the 2nd round, these last 4 singers will battle it out for the competition, and they will be voted on by the audience or singers who were eliminated.

You don't necessarily have to sing extremely well to win. In fact, I believe I did a rap song for the 2nd Round, yet I still won on the girl's side. (though I probably would've lost if Isca didn't have to stop singing).

And don't be shy! I was slightly shy for the first song, and I giggled like a little school girl in between pauses. However, I guess that was a good addition to the song I sang, since I think everyone likes my giggling, or something. Anyway... >.>;

You don't have to do your best. It's not to see who's the better singer. It's just for fun.

Kagome: The chat will run, I assume, all the way until 4 Eastern, which is usually when most people get tired and have to leave. And I want you to be able to make it and sing for us, again!

BitClock: Ooo..That remix sounds great so far! I <3 it.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 11:47:29

hey a need a few lines for my flash, and i was told you guys are the one to go to

here is what i need:
a few female voice's to do a few lines in portguies (or just 1 female that can do 3 diffrent voices)

here are the lines

terr 1
os americanos estão aqui!
americans are here

sim eu acredito assim
yes, i believe so

flank em
terr 2:
é você certo?
are you sure?

que devemos nós fazer?
what should we do?
terr 3:
estão dentro! nós tentamos tudo!
they are in , we tryed everything

casandrea:(she has a depper and more rough voice, she would be the cammander)
você tentativa flanqueou-os?
did youtry flanking them?

eu tenho uma planta
i have a plan

its for my up and comming socom series, of course full credit is givin
and sorry my english isnt to good.
my aim is in my profile and my email is NOSPAMpunknalda@yahoo.com (take off the no spam)

thanks in advance

Drawing without thinking is just doodling, the brain and pen is connected.

PSN: SeoulSnake

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 12:08:34

ohh, and i have checked the list of female voice actors..and they pretty much all do anime voices( i can get that in korea no prob)

im looking for a more real voice

so you know, its part ofa 14 flash series(so it wont be a wast of time)
im a putting alot of time in it (so it wneblaed)
basicly t wont be a wast of time is what im saying( i know you guys get alot of ppl asking to do stuff that never finish or they have a porr flash)

Drawing without thinking is just doodling, the brain and pen is connected.

PSN: SeoulSnake

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 13:28:05

Hey guys! If you haven't noticed already, I posted Spaced Out! on the portal and it's getting rave reviews! Check it out and give it a biased 5!!! RIGHT HERE

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 13:42:32

Newgrounds Username: Daeleo
Gender: Male
Age Range: anywhere from 16 to 85
Specialties: Narration, Anime voices, Monster voices, Misc accents, Serious, Comedic.
Resume URL: Dae's VAP
Example(s) of your voice: Sample 1
Ways to contact you: Daeleo@gmail.com
Special Notes: I make it a point to ALWAYS be punctual in delivery.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 14:51:14

Time to shamelessly plug this really cool series that is wicked (Chicago Soundtrack) and all that jazz!

Grim has posted it, and I'll promote the hell out of it as well :) It's probably my favourite voice to do ... original and goofy ... like me.

Here it is

On a side note, VAC Idol was pretty fun last time since it was all nice and organized ... but remember ... it's elimination time bitches! (echoes)


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 15:18:47

Wow! Spaced Out is front page! And I uploaded it like two hours before i noticed it made it there! Raise the roof!

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 15:26:59

Congrats, grim_studios, it turned out even funnier than I imagined it. Great job.

And a special great job to Hobbes and Frogs. You guys sounded hilarious. *smacks Hobbes*

Oops. I'm sorry Hobbes, I just can't help myself when it comes to pummelling.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 15:30:09

At 5/6/05 03:18 PM, grim_studios wrote: Wow! Spaced Out is front page! And I uploaded it like two hours before i noticed it made it there! Raise the roof!

*raises the roof* Awesome work man! Congrats to everyone involved. You may all give yourselves a pat on the back... but only because I said so...

Elliair: That sounds like fun... I'm still not sure whether I'll sing in the VAC idol or not. BUT it is good to hear that it's all for fun and having a judge sounds really funny! Ohhh am I ever lookin forward to this! =D

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 16:49:18

That's ok Robo (Whack!)

grim: You'll most likely get rewards up the wazoo.

Bezo: Are you gonna make it to the VAC chat? By the way, welcome back! Haven't seen you around here in a while.


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 17:38:19

Congrats all around Grim, Hobbes & Bezo!!!

Spaced out is a big success, and more frontpage-age for our bragging rights. Me thinks this will be a very good series if the momentum is kept up.

Elliair: Great job on the vocals for the Arabia Remix... although I'm a little hurt that'd you do all these vocals before even thinking about our (((eerie music))) ~~~SECRET PROJECT~~~

Can't wait for the chat, gotta get my material prepared for VAC Idol...

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 19:06:38


Spaced Out! is amazing! But, since no one has mentioned it, I'm in it too!

Lol, I play the Space Cops! So there, I said it, now you all know! So I'm patting myself
on the back too, even if it's not as much as the other guys, but still! :P

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 19:26:11

Daeleo: Welcome to the VAC! I loved your voice sample. It was clean and clear, and you've got awesome range. I'm glad to see another talented VA joining the VAC.

Grim_Studios:Spaced Out! was great, and clearly deserves a spot on the Frontpage. ;) Excellent job to Bezo, Frogs, Hobbes, and Zodiak. Same goes to you, Grim.

Frogs: Thanks! Don't worry, I'm hoping that we can both work together on our SECRET PROJECT sometime soon!

Updated Guestlist for the VAC Chat:
Sakura Shino
El Shamro
Isca (Maybe)
Shock_Dingo (Maybe)
D-Mac Double
TESM (Maybe, I think)

Post if you would like to come to tomorrow's VAC Chat @ 6 Pacific, and add me on Yahoo Instant Messenger if you haven't already. Elliair_Lel. Gonna be one wild partay.

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 19:38:00

The hell is wrong with these kiosks?! I can access Newgrounds but not my e-mail...

Bleh anyway, went through an entire page and a half and realized i got some stuff to respond to already... ker and whatnot.

Cattails3.14: Er, I wasn't trying to be an ass or anything, its just a bit embarrassing when someone gives something away before I'm finished with it. Thats the creative process for me anyways. It'd still be cool if you wanted to be part of the radio thing if ya still want to be. But the reaction may have been a bit harsh. Just saying. Frankly I think the only thing I am truely good at is pissing people off, but that was purely unintentional. I could probably find a better way to explain that off but I'm strapped for time cause I ain't putting another dollar in this terminal. I'm thinking your Final Fantasy XXXVII idea could be interesting, but I haven't given it any thought as of yet. Lemme know what you think, unless you still want to send guys with baseball bats at me...

Angal_The_Chupa_Chups: Hey! Looks like theres a snowballs chance that I'll be in this weekend. Even though I'm only as far as Topeka right now... But uh, looks like you'll be enjoying the company of my cats for the weekend, and my broadband, so no complaining. Guess I might as well relate the weeks events: Got into a fight yesterday, only took a month on the new crew! And an actual phsyical one this time! Without going into too much detail, it was only two hits, and it was over stupid crap. But I got a nice little gouge under my left eye right now from his ring. So I probably took the most surface damage. And got accosted by the Jehova's Witnesses again. I swear they must have me on their 'pester till he breaks' list. Other stuff but to which I don't feel compelled to discuss over a forum. And there better not be any damn notes on my back door when i get back, or else vigilante justice might be in order. Oh, and have a nice weekend.

Kagomayfly: Yeah, uh, that radio thing, I really haven't given that any more thought yet, cause honestly I'm on a huge creative low right now. Might be a couple days till I get that sorted out.

Elliairwick: Uh, lines and stuff. If you've sent them cool, but I'm thinking about just turning the whole thing into a radio ad. I'm not exactly proud of the movie proper, so I may just kill it.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 19:40:38

At 5/6/05 07:38 PM, TVs_Slayer wrote: Elliairwick: Uh, lines and stuff. If you've sent them cool, but I'm thinking about just turning the whole thing into a radio ad. I'm not exactly proud of the movie proper, so I may just kill it.

I sent you an e-mail about that a day back. But, err...since you seem to be turning it into a Radio play of some sort, then I guess that e-mail was pretty much for nothing. Oh well. You can't access your e-mail at the moment, anyway. :/

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 19:48:48

Arg, dammit, another dollar... bye dollar, I'll miss you, always... the times we shared together, the touch, the embrace... well, enough of that.

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeezo: Lines, or not. Meh, I don't rightly care at this point, the project is dead to me. And did you know the way i typed out your name is B then E held for 15 seconds then the ZO?

OmahdonKing: Hey, you'd better learn who you steppin' against. We won't stop, cause we can't stop. We true soldiers, we won't die, we keep rolling, nah nah nah nah. Hit'chu wit a doorhinge till yo head is orange. And my megaposts suck, I hardly see how I'm a threat. I doubt anyone is reading this at all.

And I think that was everyone. Actually I forgot half of what i was gonna respond to immedately after beginning typing. Well lets see here, I totally won't be in attendance at the gathering today or tomorrow or whenever it is. Just pretend I'm asleep on my kitchen floor like last time. And Elliairraid's rendition of milkshake reopened old wounds, so maybe it for the best. And I should probably shut up before I start intruding on OmahdonJohnson's megapost monopoly, so everyone have fun and such.

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 20:01:49

Someone informed me that my sound bytes weren't working, so here's the new sound sample that does work:


Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 20:37:19

Yeah, unfortunately the demands of my schedule don't allow me to participate in the VAC chat tommorrow.

TVs_Slayer - Well, I'll send them tonight, and if you make it, then booya. Sorry it's taken so long. April and May have been really busy.

Frogs, Hobbes, Zodiak - It was a pleasure working with you all, maybe we can convince grims to do a cast/crew commentary on the next episode. ;)

Response to Voice Acting Club 2005-05-06 21:09:59

Bezo: That's a really good idea! We should definately mention this commentary, I haven't seen one yet in any flash on NG. Now we must badger him! It was really cool getting to be in a flash with you and Frogs and Zodiak. Never thought that would happen when I joined :)

Tomorrow is the chat, and I know this is gonna be wicked if all of the people who say they're coming actually show up! There's already alot :D I wonder if the fighting Andy Dicks will surface? We shall see.
