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No God?

2,447 Views | 86 Replies

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 20:30:26

At 12/6/04 11:38 PM, Wadezilla wrote:
At 12/6/04 11:33 PM, Master_Unlucky wrote: Science doesn't disprove God. If anything, it proves him.
Support please.

Gladly. You know the big bang theory? Well, if you understand how it works, you realize that it would require a tremendous amount of energy to create everything. God?


BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 23:25:21

You scale down for human years. Good Lord.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 23:27:04

At 12/7/04 11:25 PM, Undercover_Slig wrote: You scale down for human years. Good Lord.

Sorry, I meant that in reply to the comment a few pages earlier that you would go to church only once every 7 trillion years if Genesis was written to imply that a day for God is many, many years for humans.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 23:30:33

Yeah I think the government back then used it as an excuse for war, conflicts amongst the 2 leaders or they were jsut plain racis. I do beleive in god 64% because I went to church when I was young and was treated nicely there. To bad I got a computer and people treat me like shit for being better then them on a game every now and then.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 23:30:35

At 12/7/04 08:30 PM, Master_Unlucky wrote:
At 12/6/04 11:38 PM, Wadezilla wrote:
At 12/6/04 11:33 PM, Master_Unlucky wrote:

Gladly. You know the big bang theory? Well, if you understand how it works, you realize that it would require a tremendous amount of energy to create everything. God?

or you could just beleive it happened for no absolute reason.

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 16:58:26

David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz was a Man of God. He claimed that a dog spoke to him telling him to kill people. He believed the dog was the Voice of God. Moses also heard the Voice of God, also telling him to not only kill every last man, woman, and child that disobeyed his will, but rape every last virgin girl.

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 17:39:52

science contradicts itself! how can we say that both)
1: Nothing can create matter, and
2: we exist and/or are tangible!

a paradox worth wondering about, brought to you by a moron that goes to my school.

"I want a sweater with love in every stitch!"-spongebob the demon

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 17:57:56

At 12/6/04 11:16 PM, CaptainD wrote: there can't be a God.

It's because you dont have faith in him my youn' padawan..you need to devote your life to him!! And when you die yoú'll seé 'hím :)

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:00:59

As stated before god habitates in my rectum

No God?

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:17:28

At 12/15/04 06:00 PM, -0706- wrote: As stated before god habitates in my rectum

and it still itches

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:29:20

At 12/7/04 08:30 PM, Master_Unlucky wrote: Gladly. You know the big bang theory? Well, if you understand how it works, you realize that it would require a tremendous amount of energy to create everything. God?

heres part of a site that explains what my beliefs of how the big bang happened.

As a particle physicist at the Stanford Linear Accelerator back in the late 1970s, Guth never imagined that he would wind up making a profound contribution to the field of cosmology. But while at Stanford, Guth found himself working on a problem that lay at the intersection between the two scientific fields. In working on the problem, Guth focused his attention on the incomprehensibly tiny and hot patch of spacetime that was the early universe. There would have been no matter in this patch — spacetime would have consisted of a vacuum. Why study a patch of empty space?, you might ask. Well, a vacuum is not really empty. Like a sail billowing in the wind, the fabric of spacetime in a vacuum actually is roiled by quantum fields.

As Guth knew, the grand unified theories, or GUTS, of particle theory predicted that the vacuum of the early universe would have been dominated by particularly energetic fields. As these primordial “scalar” fields fluctuated, their potential energy would have risen and fallen. Guth realized that it was theoretically possible for the potential energy of the fields to have gotten temporarily “stuck” at a high value. Admittedly, this was an assumption. But when Guth worked through its implications, he stumbled onto inflation.

His calculations showed that stuck scalar fields would have caused a tiny bubble of “false vacuum” to nucleate from the primordial patch of spacetime. The amazing thing about the bubble, Guth saw, was that it would have contained a huge amount of antigravitational energy.

Although this idea may seem unbelievable, it’s actually in accord with standard particle theories. Here’s how it works:
Since an ordinary vacuum contains energy in the form of quantum fields, gravitational energy must be present as well. To understand why, it helps to remember Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2. According to the equation, energy (“E”) and the mass of matter (“m”) are really two forms of the same stuff. So if matter, such as planet Earth, exerts a gravitational pull, so must energy. In other words, the energy-containing quantum fields of an ordinary vacuum exert a gravitational pull, albeit a weak one.

But when Guth used Einstein's relativity equations to see what happen inside a bubble of false vacuum, he found that the gravitational energy would have the opposite effect of ordinary gravity. In other words, this gravity would push, not pull — it would, in essence, be a powerful of antigravity.

Starting out as small as one billionth the size of a proton, the initial bubble of false vacuum would have doubled in size many times in an incomprehensibly short interval, propelled in this exponential growth by the antigravity. According to one inflation model, in just 10-35 seconds, the bubble would have grown to the size of a basketball. And some inflation models predict far larger growth than that, perhaps as large as 101012 centimeters in diameter. That exponential number is a one followed by a trillion zeroes. (To print that many zeroes would require more than a million average size books.) Amazingly, if this picture of inflation is correct, it means that the portion of the universe we observe today is just an infinitesimally tiny mote compared to the whole.

The bubble of false vacuum would have had another peculiar property as well. According to particle theory, as the bubble expanded, the density of the energy within it actually would have remained constant. To picture this, imagine an inflating balloon. If the density of air inside is to be maintained, the total amount of air must be increased. Similarly, to maintain the same density of energy within the expanding bubble, the total energy must be increased — and by a huge amount, because the inflating bubble is growing exponentially. This theory seems to be saying that energy was created from nothing. And, in fact, Guth calls inflation the “ultimate free lunch.”

“It may sound as if I wasn’t there in my physics class when they talked about the conservation of energy,” Guth jokes. “But I was.” During inflation, he says, “the total energy of the system is conserved.” The enormous positive energy that builds up with ferocious speed during inflation creates a precisely balancing amount of negative gravitational energy (the ordinary attractive kind). “And so the net probably is zero,” Guth says.

Eventually (meaning in a very tiny fraction of a second), the false vacuum would have decayed, Guth realized. As this happened, the enormous energy that had been accumulating within the false vacuum would have been suddenly released, creating an exploding fireball of radiation and hot particles.

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:32:24

At 12/6/04 11:17 PM, Wadezilla wrote: God was an excuse to get people to obey the law.

Law? what law? lol

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:36:18

At 12/15/04 06:32 PM, Black-Virus wrote:
At 12/6/04 11:17 PM, Wadezilla wrote: God was an excuse to get people to obey the law.
Law? what law? lol

well god keeps people from running out and shooting people at random in a nutshell

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:43:54

At 12/15/04 05:39 PM, afterdeath wrote: science contradicts itself! how can we say that both)
1: Nothing can create matter, and
2: we exist and/or are tangible!

a paradox worth wondering about, brought to you by a moron that goes to my school.

"I want a sweater with love in every stitch!"-spongebob the demon

well there was energy in the begining which is a form of matter, and was supposedly converted into matter. so no it doesnt contradic itself. please readup before posting something so idiotic...

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:46:14

He is real, if he wasnt explain this

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:48:18

At 12/7/04 11:30 PM, kageyasha wrote: or you could just beleive it happened for no absolute reason.

like josh bedn?

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:53:05

so....if there is no god...then what created the big bang? what was there before the big bang theory? Something had to be there to cause the reaction....right? God doesnt have to be the christian god...Its just a power or energy that has always been, and will always be.

I believe there is a god but his/its/her existance cannot be comprehended because it goes so far back we just cant understand...we have to have reasons for everything and proof in order for something to be "real"...maybe we are trying too hard to understand. Possibly it created itself? Like I said....what created the "big bang"? There had to be SOMETHING out there that triggered it right?

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 18:55:16

At 12/15/04 06:53 PM, JeNNiF00F00 wrote: Something had to be there to cause the reaction....right?

yeah, energy gathering together

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 19:06:50

At 12/15/04 06:55 PM, He_Who_Never_Was wrote:
At 12/15/04 06:53 PM, JeNNiF00F00 wrote: Something had to be there to cause the reaction....right?
yeah, energy gathering together

but wouldnt that be god? What caused the energy to react? What is the energy?

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 19:08:15


Response to No God? 2004-12-15 19:11:20

maybe god farted and the result was the big bang. It twas all but an accident!

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 23:24:25

It's because you dont have faith in him my youn' padawan..you need to devote your life to him!! And when you die yoú'll seé 'hím :)

You sound like a Fundamentalist Muslim.

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 23:27:54

See what kind of godless activity Newgrounds is promoting?

God, forgive your sheep!

There is a God you fools! And he reserves a piece of Hell for Newgrounds members for being so pitifully lost, but there is SALVATION!

Find Jesus and perhaps God will cleanse your soul.

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 23:37:46

I am a christian and ill answer this for you. And nooo im not a bible thumper... Reason why you may question of God's existence is maybe you have been lead to believe that science is everything. You can tell me all you like that God doesnt exist and even prove me 100% that God doesnt exist, and ill still believe in him. Why? Because Faith my friend, faith binds all together. I could go in depth for ya but i might do that if someone replies my post...

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 23:40:39

At 12/6/04 11:16 PM, CaptainD wrote: given modern day science, reasoning, and logic doesn't it seem an outdated principal to hold a higher power responsible for "everything"? tell me, do you think God was simply an excuse for the unexplainable events which may have occured during primitive ages? over the years science has shot a plethora of holes into religion's dogma. there can't be a God....i feel positive of it.

god is a myth put out by people to control other people. who really thinks that all of us were created by god? not me.

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 23:41:13

At 12/15/04 11:37 PM, ATPDragon wrote: I am a christian and ill answer this for you. And nooo im not a bible thumper... Reason why you may question of God's existence is maybe you have been lead to believe that science is everything. You can tell me all you like that God doesnt exist and even prove me 100% that God doesnt exist, and ill still believe in him. Why? Because Faith my friend, faith binds all together. I could go in depth for ya but i might do that if someone replies my post...

God please do not send ATPDragon with "The Dragon of Hell", he does not know what he says, he has Devils covering his eyes, but with your power I will ripe those devils out and force ATPDragon to see your Light and Glory.

Response to No God? 2004-12-15 23:44:55

At 12/15/04 11:41 PM, spanishfli wrote:
At 12/15/04 11:37 PM, ATPDragon wrote:

God please do not send ATPDragon with "The Dragon of Hell", he does not know what he says, he has Devils covering his eyes, but with your power I will ripe those devils out and force ATPDragon to see your Light and Glory. And i drank too much booze...

O.K. first of all, what in the hell? Two the dragon is my school mascot the Dragons...not like im some satan worshipper. Hell, if i was i would tell the world like i tell everyone that i am a Christian