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No God?

2,446 Views | 86 Replies

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:44:07

At 12/6/04 11:16 PM, CaptainD wrote: given modern day science, reasoning, and logic doesn't it seem an outdated principal to hold a higher power responsible for "everything"? tell me

Do you not see God in your science? How can you miss Him! You proclaim that even the slightest change in the force of gravity or the weight of an atom would have rendured our univers a lifeless mist rather that our magnificent sea of heavenly bodies, and yet you fail to see God'a hand in this? Is it really so much eaiser to belive that we simpley chose the right card in a deck of billons? Have we become so spititly bankrupt that we would rather belive in mathmatical impossibilty than a greater power than us?

-Dan Brown

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:48:28

At 12/6/04 11:44 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Do you not see God in your science? How can you miss Him!

Your god is a man now ?


Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:49:57

Divine Crusader. all your points are valid but not a persons mind will change because this is newgrounds where stuburness is law

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:52:34

At 12/6/04 11:48 PM, Enoll wrote: Your god is a man now ?

The Bible refers to God as He, or Him, etc. And we call Him the Father.

But as refering about His sexuality (wheather He has a penis or something), I'm not to sure about. I'll get back to you on that one.

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:52:59

At 12/6/04 11:49 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: Divine Crusader. all your points are valid but not a persons mind will change because this is newgrounds where stuburness is law.

You need to get over yourself. You're stubborness is not law. So be quiet.

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:53:26

At 12/6/04 11:49 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: Divine Crusader. all your points are valid but not a persons mind will change because this is newgrounds where stuburness is law

As opposed to christianity where law is ignorant stuburness?


Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:53:47

There is some kind of God and or Heaven because people have died and came back to life, There was also a kid that stayed alive in his mothers whom after she had died, He stayed alive for 3 months or something Also the facts that there is proof of Jesus and moses although Adam and eve may not be real but yet Jesus and moses are and or were real.

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:54:58

Who created God?
And who created God's Creator?
Etcetera Etcetera.

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:55:08

At 12/6/04 11:53 PM, The_Flames_Fan wrote: There is some kind of God and or Heaven because people have died and came back to life

I forgot to say this woman that died actually went to heaven and had an angel tell her to go back that it wasn't her time, Maybe she made it up but it doesn't sound like she did.

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:57:36

Who created God?
And who created God's Creator?
Etcetera Etcetera.

Very good point, alittle redudant, but valid.

Only way to find out. Be a good person, with morals and when you die you will find out.

Response to No God? 2004-12-06 23:58:53

At 12/6/04 11:57 PM, XxAmerican_IdiotxX wrote: Who created God?
And who created God's Creator?
Etcetera Etcetera.

Very good point, alittle redudant, but valid.

Only way to find out. Be a good person, with morals and when you die you will find out.

Can you be a good person with morals and a kind heart who beleives in Evolution?
Does that count?

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 00:57:10

God's real. Don't be playa hatin'.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 00:57:48

At 12/7/04 12:57 AM, DanPaladin wrote: God's real. Don't be playa hatin'.

You should make God a boss in AH 2

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:01:06

At 12/7/04 12:57 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote:
At 12/7/04 12:57 AM, DanPaladin wrote: God's real. Don't be playa hatin'.
You should make God a boss in AH 2

or even better: a secret character.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:10:56

At 12/6/04 11:16 PM, CaptainD wrote: given modern day science, reasoning, and logic doesn't it seem an outdated principal to hold a higher power responsible for "everything"?

I think "modern day science" is an extremely young breed of thought and should not be relied upon as a person's only source of reasoning or insight into the natural questions we all have felt or asked about before, regarding the principles that govern life, the universe, and ell existence.

Kinda like the other dude said, I think it's pretty sad/pitiful // arrogant/spiteful that some people would much rather believe in a mathematical freak accident of insanely improbably proportions instead of the simple, humbling notion that there's something out there that's both better than us, and responsible for our even being here.

I mean, I think it's kinda sad, I know others don't, and I know I probably shouldn't feel like that anyhow. It's the type of sadness I felt earlier tonight when my brother had just told me and my parents that he decided he wasn't going to go to California with the company he works for for a couple of weeks. It's a free trip to a nice part of Cali, he could make some awesome business connections, and get this -- he's older than me and he's never even been on a plane before, or any major road trip for that matter. Think of what kind of rare opportunity this is to someone like him. He isn't going, basically, because his girlfriend talked him out. Me and my parents know how happy it would make him to go, HE knows how happy it would make him to go, but he decides to stay because he thinks it's safer to avoid the spite and jealousy that would no doubt come out of his girlfriend over it. We tried to convince him to go, but he won't, because of her.

Anyway, it's sort of like that kind of sad...not a "ha HA I'm better than you" sad, not a "you disgust me you insect" sad, but more like a "I love you but you're being a damned fool and there's nothing I can do to stop it" sad.

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:15:36

At 12/7/04 01:10 AM, SteveGuzzi wrote: We tried to convince him to go, but he won't, because of her.

Wow, that does suck. My girlfriend kind of does similar things, but in all fairness to her she does them because she doesn't want me getting into all the crap that I'm sure I'd get into.

My friends and I were thinking about going to Canada for Xmas break, but it looks like that is falling through. (parents not going for it, grades, girlfriend not going for it, nobody planning it).

Yea, I'm probably whipped. Most of the time it is worth it though, so I'm over it.

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:16:10

Ive been thinking the same thing for a long time.
My Conclusion: God Dosn't Exist :P

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:18:44

don't be a shit, God and science can get along just fine. people act like there's only one or the other.

there's both!

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:21:38

At 12/7/04 01:18 AM, DanPaladin wrote: there's both!

Just ask my AP physics teacher. He is a staunch Protestant (not really, he just definitely believes in it) and he actively teaches things that to some people go against his beliefs. He has found many ways that they fit together though. Big bang in his mind was the result of some sort of god, evolution is guided by God, all sorts of things like that.

Completely unrelated, but he is also nearly the coolest man ever.

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:22:35

My chemistry teacher flicked someone off once. In class.

It was awesome.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:23:06

And you keep holding on to that.

And when you do keep thinking that over 70% of science is chalk full of theory's. Some more apperent than others like gravity and some far out there like humans used to be monkey's.

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:28:14

At 12/7/04 01:22 AM, CrimsonGlory wrote: My chemistry teacher flicked someone off once. In class.

Yea, teachers that are that comfortable with their students rock. My AP chem teacher from last year spoke to us like we were collegues, which made for an awesome time. She dropped the F bomb on more than one occasion, usually with something like an "oops" right aftewards.

And she let us watch Boondock Saints in class with a substitute. The sub had no idea what was going on, it was hilarious.

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:30:37

At 12/7/04 01:28 AM, Evark wrote:
And she let us watch Boondock Saints in class with a substitute. The sub had no idea what was going on, it was hilarious.

Was that the thing where like, it was the london/irish/english guys, and they went around killing people.

I'm not sure...

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:33:13

I think god created Earth as a big joke he could laugh about later on.

BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 01:36:49

I'm glad somebody's head isn't in the clouds. The religions need to be seen for what they are, glorified cults. I'm no atheist but people who are stuck in the religions, especially Christianity, need to get out of their holes and see the big picture. If the 1000th revision of the bible suddenly got a typo stating "Thou shall be blessed if thy jumped ye self off the Brooklyn bridge" half of the US would be filling the Hudson. All I say to this is to simply question the rules set around you and stop being a bunch of mindless sheep. Science questions itself all the time and proves its self when it's wrong or right...name a religion that does that.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 02:06:16

The thing is, God to a religious person does not exist because of a fact, the god exists because of the religious person's faith in god.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 02:09:13

At 12/7/04 01:36 AM, PrinceTrunks wrote: I'm glad somebody's head isn't in the clouds. The religions need to be seen for what they are, glorified cults. I'm no atheist but people who are stuck in the religions, especially Christianity, need to get out of their holes and see the big picture. If the 1000th revision of the bible suddenly got a typo stating "Thou shall be blessed if thy jumped ye self off the Brooklyn bridge" half of the US would be filling the Hudson. All I say to this is to simply question the rules set around you and stop being a bunch of mindless sheep. Science questions itself all the time and proves its self when it's wrong or right...name a religion that does that.

I very much doubt that, because many churches choose to disregard parts of the bible. These churches are more liberal than the orthadox churches.

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 06:53:05

At 12/6/04 11:48 PM, Enoll wrote: Your god is a man now ?

Lord the Father, Him, He, since when was the christian god not a man?

god and science can exist together, there are many different ways that can work.

religion wasn't created to enforce power. before power was ever an issue, besides the fact that's it's pretty much always been, well, besides when it was pondered weather religion could control the people, there were multiple religions with all different messages throughout the world.

it is relaxing to think about a higher power looking over you. i enjoy religion to the point where it's peaceful, but i am not affiliated with any particular one. you could say i'm agnostic, i guess. higher power exists, but it isn't described the right way for me in any of these religions. : )


BBS Signature

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 07:02:21

At 12/6/04 11:31 PM, Enoll wrote: Are you talking about the christian god or gods in
general ?

All christian god are the fucking same as whatever the fuck you people worship. Stop fucking telling me how Christians are different and evil spawn. God dammit

Response to No God? 2004-12-07 07:06:12

And not to spam, but I think we believe in God weather he exists or not, to feel safe in times of need. You need to think that no matter what there is some ginormous intangible bieng protecting you. Notice how most only pray to him in times of need?