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Insignia Sig Makers

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Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 16:39:00

Jhonny.....Pyro..... heres the sig

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 16:49:45

At 10/28/04 02:14 PM, Johnny_Pyro wrote: yo can i have a sig for my new name. i want one that says johnny pyro from left to right, with maybe a flame background and if you can possibly this on the far right, but i dont mind if it doesnt.

iif you have a better idea just go ahead i dont mind i just want it to be cool.

yesh i will make dis.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 16:56:37

At 10/27/04 10:03 PM, Batman_killa wrote: Lain i know u just made my sig but could i have 1 where he is really killing him i would be very greatful thank u

i made this post a couple days ago i was wondering if any1 could help me please4 thank u in advance

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 17:44:28

I need a Sig and heres what I want on it
A Black Backround on the left a red Anarchy symbol and on the right a white Anarchy symbol with my name in the middle to where it looks like its bleeding I really dont care who makes it as long as its good

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 17:53:27

At 10/28/04 05:44 PM, waldorfpunk7925 wrote: I need a Sig and heres what I want on it
A Black Backround on the left a red Anarchy symbol and on the right a white Anarchy symbol with my name in the middle to where it looks like its bleeding I really dont care who makes it as long as its good

Ive got this guys.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 18:05:43

apparently no one answered my request to join. perhaps i need to talk to dp, i dont know. just so you guys dont forget.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 18:10:08

Waldorfpunk: (sorry i couldn't do blood writing, im having some trouble with font unzipping at the moment)

Insignia Sig Makers

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 18:23:27

At 10/28/04 06:10 PM, -Lain- wrote: Waldorfpunk: (sorry i couldn't do blood writing, im having some trouble with font unzipping at the moment)

Hey Lain thanks for the sig. oh yeah, check my profile!

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 18:40:21

Hey guys can you make me a sig with a DARK clouded background the grim reaper in it and my name in red letters please and if you can put in a pentagram

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 18:41:51

Wow drunken penguin thats great, thanx a ton.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 18:48:27

on last page u were talking about me im looking for different sigs because i need the perfect one but come on just make me the sig i asked for early and besides they dont follow my specs entirley (exept shadow_compass) so thats somethin in my defence

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 19:06:55

Here's a request that I would like you guys to do if you have time...

From Head_Kandi: I was wondering if u could make the text more graphicy, or make the whole thing more graphicy, and put a pic of a lollipop somewhere :)
But keep that purple! :D

here's the link --> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/kandi_yo/dollkandi.jpg

woo hoo, thank you ISM
I'm patient... so there's no rush. Thanks in advance. I appreciate your works guys

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 19:49:08

i agree with last posting person

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 19:50:39

At 10/28/04 07:44 PM, StarF68 wrote:
At 10/21/04 07:04 PM, StarF68 wrote:
At 10/7/04 12:31 AM, StarF68 wrote: Hey since the AIM crews are dead could someone just make me a quick animated snow boarding icon? Plz that would be awsome!
Posted: 10/7/04 12:31 AM
Todays Date: 10/21/04 6:05 PM

So could anyone do this please?
*Taps foot impatiently and begins to pace around the room* WHY AM I BEING IGNORED!? >.<

sucks, doesn't it? I've had a sig "in the works" at the ssm for approximately 9 days now. also, no one seems to be answering my request to join. apparently on dp can make that descision.


Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 19:51:40

If someone could make me a sig that would be awesome. I changed my alias name so i need a new one. I would like...
1.) spinning angry faces on both sides
2.) My name in the middle
3.) some kind of evil/demonish background

If anyone can make one like this for me, that would be totally awesome! Thanks!

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 20:22:57

At 10/28/04 07:51 PM, EvilBec wrote: If someone could make me a sig that would be awesome. I changed my alias name so i need a new one. I would like...
1.) spinning angry faces on both sides
2.) My name in the middle
3.) some kind of evil/demonish background

If anyone can make one like this for me, that would be totally awesome! Thanks!

Here ya go buddy.hope you like it : )

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 21:27:28

can some 1 make me one? I want my screen name in the middle in matrix font and a picture of neo beatin' up some agent smith's in the backround. if that's not too much to ask for thx.

I dropped out in the third grade, and spent all my time at the arcade.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 22:07:04

As you can see my sig is quite dull. I made it myself.lol.
Since you guys are all pros.. i just wanted some input... maybe some one has some thoughts.. r something similar, but better in mind. Its quite plain, but has purpose.
The man on the right is falling while the silhouette o nthe left is ignoring the man falling i nthe feild. The backround is an eye with light forcing from it.
Iuno, tell me what you think. Or maybe someone has a better sig idea for me.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 22:41:48

At 10/28/04 07:44 PM, StarF68 wrote: *Taps foot impatiently and begins to pace around the room* WHY AM I BEING IGNORED!? >.<

Oh yeah, I forgot, we're your fucking servants, right?

If I had any say around here, you'd never get a fucking sig for that rudeass comment you just made. Seriously. Your sig says you are part of the Simple Sig Makers - I think that means you should have some idea of what work goes into a sig, and know to not disrespect your fellow sig makers for not getting to your request fast enough. And to the people that agreed with him - You can fucking relax and wait or learn to make your own sigs as good as Insignia can.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 22:44:42

thank you Lacie


Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 23:07:08

i need a new sig that fits my name it needs to hve somthing with shadows and has to have a cool wolf please

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 23:30:51

At 10/28/04 08:22 PM, Metal-Sun-Wolf wrote:
At 10/28/04 07:51 PM, EvilBec wrote:
Here ya go buddy.hope you like it : )

Wow! It's awesome!! ^^ Thank you!! :)

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-28 23:58:17

Afternoon everyone!

First thing's first. The argument between HouseXIV and Chromius, with a contribution by -Noir-, was a little unfair, but just. I know it's not really important, but I just wanted to clear the air about something. The "abstract" backgrounds that are on most of my earlier sigs, and some of my later ones, were all made individually. They are not borrowed from anyone. They are not stolen. And if anyone requires me to prove that I can make one, email me, and I'll email you back a description of how I did them. Like I said, I do understand why this has come up. I found a way of producing those abstract backgrounds in such a way that every single one was unique. And while the early sigs only consisted of one of those backgrounds with some "bevelled text slapped on the top", they still took a lot of work, and I felt like they were "my style". Those sigs got me started on the journey to decide to start up Insignia, and without them, we wouldn't be sitting here talking (so to speak).
Just wanted you to know.

I don't imagine that we will ever replace the SSM. We may eventually end up with more members, more sigs made, more pages, and more views than the SSM IF this place becomes the new benchmark for top quality sigs. But we will never become the new SSM, because that isn't possible. They paved the way for us to be able to do what we're doing. And out of respect for people who inspired me to be here in the first place (mainly Quikfox, War_Machine, -Juggernaut-, and Chromius), I don't think this needs to keep coming up. On page one, I clearly stated that our goal is to provide high quality sigs. Our goal is not to make fast sigs, nor is our goal to replace a legend.

If we are to become a real prescence on Newgrounds, then just let it happen.

For everyone striving to become a member of Insignia, please note that the entry conditions just got tougher. I'm sorry, but if we are to provide top quality sigs... we need top quality artists. I don't feel right revoking memberships that were handed out before the close of the SSM, but it has become clear that I need to be more demanding in what someone needs to do to become a member here. So I will not kick people out who are already here. Personally I believe that everyone in here brings something different to the table, regardless of how I feel about their work. A prime example is carmelhadinosaur. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A FLAMMING!. Being completely honest, I am not the biggest fan of carmel's work, but that is only because it is not my style. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carmel's sigs... in fact, I am fully aware that there are a lot of people on here who would give their right arm away for carmel to make them a sig. That is the reason he is here.

I am currently assessing the recruiting process, and it will soon be changing. We won't be recruiting from the ASM, like the SSM was doing, but it will be a similar idea. I will let you know as soon as I've sorted it out.

And as promised, I will also be posting a members list, and a new request list. In the meantime, I think the last list is on page 42. All members are free to attack the outstanding sigs on that list, as well as any individual requests posted since then.

StarF68> Dude! Settle. This is a sig making club, not a buddy icon making crew. I already told you I can't do it. If no other 'sig makers' can do it, then you can't really hold that against us can you?

LegendsUntold> Getting shitty at us isn't going to get you anywhere. We'll get to it when we can.

I've lost count of the amount of times this has been said, but we are not your slaves!! This is a volunteer based forum. We are not getting paid to do this. We have real lives. We work, we have girlfriends, we run businesses, we eat, sleep, and cook. Don't you DARE get cut at us for not getting your 'perfect' sig done within 3 and a half minutes.

I'll be back in a few hours.

Take care, have fun, make love, and cheers,
The Drunken Penguin

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-29 00:06:02

At 10/28/04 11:58 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote:
Just wanted you to know.

You must've misunderstood. I wasn't referring to your sigs when I was talking about the lent abstract backgrounds and poorly bevelled text. I know your BGs are completely original. Everything I said was in referral to Quikfox's older works.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-29 00:07:21

At 10/28/04 07:50 PM, The-Seeker- wrote: sucks, doesn't it? I've had a sig "in the works" at the ssm for approximately 9 days now. also, no one seems to be answering my request to join. apparently on dp can make that descision.


For the record, how is it our problem that you had a sig "in the works" for 9 days at the SSM. Look at the top. We are Insignia. The first we heard from you was on the 28th.
Anyways, like I said... I'm still trying to sort out how to recruit new members, but I can tell you that I'm going to need a new sig maker... not just someone who can make backgrounds. Please make me a sig for DrunkenPenguin incorporating a picture of a penguin, or a piano. It's a good start.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-29 00:09:40

At 10/29/04 12:06 AM, Chromius wrote:
At 10/28/04 11:58 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote:
Just wanted you to know.
You must've misunderstood. I wasn't referring to your sigs when I was talking about the lent abstract backgrounds and poorly bevelled text. I know your BGs are completely original. Everything I said was in referral to Quikfox's older works.

Sorry Chromius... I'm really tired. I must have read that wrong. Plus, certain requestees have put me in a bad mood. Wasn't meaning to have a go at you. I was trying to sort out who you were talking about, but I thought it was me.... LOL..... Don't I feel stupid..... LOL.... *turns away quickly and goes to find some chocolate*.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-29 00:19:57

At 10/29/04 12:07 AM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: For the record, how is it our problem that you had a sig "in the works" for 9 days at the SSM.

its not, i was just answering that dood. i didnt mean anything by it.

Look at the top. We are Insignia. The first we heard from you was on the 28th.


Anyways, like I said... I'm still trying to sort out how to recruit new members, but I can tell you that I'm going to need a new sig maker... not just someone who can make backgrounds.


Please make me a sig for DrunkenPenguin incorporating a picture of a penguin, or a piano. It's a good start.

im on it my man, im on it. wish me luck!

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-29 00:24:18

At 10/29/04 12:19 AM, The-Seeker- wrote: stuff

See... isn't it nice when we all get along..... LOL.
Anyways Seeker, didn't mean anything by it. I was just trying to get my point across. If you don't succeed with your DrunkenPenguin sig, I'm sure we could probably use your bg's or something, but I'd prefer just to have sig makers in here.

Good Luck!

Be back in a little while folks.

Take care.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-29 01:02:32

OK dp, i got it! took me a while.....damn penguins. if it doesn't work, ill change it. LETS HOPE IT DOES!


Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2004-10-29 01:03:48

At 10/29/04 01:02 AM, The-Seeker- wrote: OK dp, i got it! took me a while.....damn penguins. if it doesn't work, ill change it. LETS HOPE IT DOES!


AND IT WORKS! thank you GOD! so, want me to change anything? Or can i join now?

thx dp.