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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-29 16:10:26

dsm do you want em to send you some stuff about shadow boxing i do that now it it seems to work even though you lok like a dork hitting the air but it works so who cares... i could give apage saying what is and how too shadow box ........

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-29 16:16:45

i coudl also say what you need and how to get stared

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-29 17:08:21

At 8/29/04 03:54 PM, Letahlity wrote: I miss my old sparring days. It might even be worth going back to the TKD gym for...

yeah kind of i bet on the match though i don't do it for practice...... se comme ca le ville

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-29 20:01:35

sorry for the quad post but semi i no ur on go to teh chatroom

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-29 20:09:29

At 8/29/04 08:01 PM, piepie wrote: sorry for the quad post but semi i no ur on go to teh chatroom

Where do you think I've been, anyways, if there is anyone here who would like to be part of the club at MSN, click here to enter.

BTW, You'll need a MSN passport to register.

All Martial Artists are welcome.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-29 22:13:36

At 8/29/04 04:10 PM, piepie wrote: dsm do you want em to send you some stuff about shadow boxing i do that now it it seems to work even though you lok like a dork hitting the air but it works so who cares... i could give apage saying what is and how too shadow box ........

At first when i read this i was like you asshole cause i thought you where being mean to me. Well if you know forms that is a type of shadow boxing and i do shadow boxing all the time with tae kwon do. Its not ridiculous if it looks cool. Oh and if you guys submit useless shit i will delete it and not put it on

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-29 23:25:17

At 8/29/04 10:13 PM, dsmking wrote:
At first when i read this i was like you asshole cause i thought you where being mean to me. Well if you know forms that is a type of shadow boxing and i do shadow boxing all the time with tae kwon do. Its not ridiculous if it looks cool. Oh and if you guys submit useless shit i will delete it and not put it on

Did you get the Info I sent you? If so, what did you think of it, and will you use it it the site. I'm in the chat room right now.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-30 09:55:16

aie semi you have msn now add me at forza_juventus_1@hotmail.com and thta msn group its kind of boring i like chatzy better but wtv both are fine and dsm i sent you my info on shadow boxing to you hope its not shit to you so youc an put it on....

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-30 17:37:11

At 8/30/04 09:55 AM, piepie wrote: aie semi you have msn now add dsm i sent you my info on shadow boxing to you hope its not shit to you so youc an put it on....

hmmmmm it is from you so it must be shitty. All elders if you do not submit something to the website on your martial arts or style of fighting you may lose your eldership. This is just to see if you truely know what you are talking about or are still active. Please do not submit me a website i want it about your own personal experiences not someone elses.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-30 17:57:20

whta you mean it must be shitty you bettr be joking...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-30 18:19:23

hey dsm i sent it agian hope you get it do you ahve any ideas what else i can send too you

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-30 21:29:23

At 8/30/04 06:19 PM, piepie wrote: hey dsm i sent it agian hope you get it do you ahve any ideas what else i can send too you

For some reason the email adress isnt working so try my personal one at.ilostmyshoes2003@yahoo.com . Please put martial arts cclub as the tiel of the email

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-08-31 07:30:03

dsm i saned it to your email agian i wont be on till 5 i ahve school now

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-01 15:16:26

Well, the club is dead. What's up? Doesn't anyone got a good topic or something?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-01 20:10:01

At 8/31/04 07:30 AM, piepie wrote: dsm i saned it to your email agian i wont be on till 5 i ahve school now

Sorry if i dont update the site right away. IM currently busy with alot of work. I work for 12 hours straight at my dojan and i dont get home till late. Anywho i want to set the rules(ones already submitted will be exempt)
1. no websites(all apply
2.Dont blabber on
3. no use of i, we and personal adjectives
4. Exempting rule 3 if it is an opinion of what i think(keep most of it with facts.
5. Dont submit long ass boring things

So recently ive been working on an advanced version of 540. You actually do strong kicks why you are spinning so its like a backhook(strong), roundhouse(strong) backhook strong. Really fucking hard but im almost got it down
well ltrs

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-01 20:47:02

hello guy's sorry if i haven't been posting but it's not my fault i have school now and well im back with my girl and she doesn't want me to bum around the computer all day so i ahve to do stuff so i misght post at night a few times but thta's bout it

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-01 23:32:25

At 9/1/04 08:47 PM, piepie wrote: hello guy's sorry if i haven't been posting but it's not my fault i have school now and well im back with my girl and she doesn't want me to bum around the computer all day so i ahve to do stuff so i misght post at night a few times but thta's bout it

Got your thing on the concept of shadow boxing. Very well thought out. For some reason the original email adress themartialartsclub@yahoo.com started working so thats always good. Also we are always looking for members but this is not a club for status this is a club for discussion. Im going to start making guidlines for the martial artist and put them on the bbs. Here is the first one

Guidline #1- A true martial artist does not care about his rank. Not that he shouldnt care but he would be willing to wait months, years, decades for the next rank and work as hard as he could until and after he gets it. Ranks symbolize nothing but a color but skill symbolizes determination

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-02 09:26:10

Guidelines and rules... meh.
I think that martial arts is that must be expressed freely and come from the true authentic self if we really want to master ourselfs and our style by that.

I wouldn't call a guy who cares about his color ranking a shitty martial artist.
A guy in my old dojang had been training since he was 6 years old and now at age 17 or something, he still had red belt with 3 black stripes (wich is the belt just before black). Altough he was better then most of the blackbelts in the club, he didn't want to take the blackbelt right away. He told me that he felt that he wanted to deserve the blackbelt and live up to that standard of skill that comes with a blackbelt.
This guy was from Korea, the birthplace of TKD, so that could be why he took it alot more serious then the others, but in the end, it doesn't matter about race or birthplace. We all have the choice to decide on our own how much work we will be putting into it.
I think he realised as well that it was the skill that mattered, not the belt, yet the belt was important to him.
It depends on tradition, simply.

Oh, sorry... was this a long ass boring thing?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-02 21:59:23

Once again lethal you have failed to read. Ok this is what the guidline means. Rank = crap not your stupidity = crap

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-03 02:27:43

At 9/2/04 09:59 PM, dsmking wrote: Once again lethal you have failed to read. Ok this is what the guidline means. Rank = crap not your stupidity = crap

Let's not go there, shall we? You're the one who never bothered to read my previous posts properly. Go back and re-read the posts on page 20 or so.

And secondly, i'm going to have to ask you to re-write or further develop that sentence.
"Rank = crap not your stupidity = crap" makes no sense at all to me.
Doublestandards... telling me to write and read better when he cant even read mine or care enough.

And if you by some chance, noticed, i'm not against ranks, and i'm not against those who like ranks.
I understand what you mean with that ranks is not what matters, and I was simply trying to say that it's up to every one of us.


Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-03 20:10:13

Martial arts is last thing i really the last thing i want to think about right now. I work at my dojang and i just got my hours cut drastically. My parents say i should get another job but thats something i dont want. but i do for car insurance and shit. Fuck this all just licks balls.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-04 08:40:59

At 9/3/04 08:10 PM, dsmking wrote: Martial arts is last thing i really the last thing i want to think about right now. I work at my dojang and i just got my hours cut drastically. My parents say i should get another job but thats something i dont want. but i do for car insurance and shit. Fuck this all just licks balls.

No one ever said life was comfortable.
"You're never going to get any money from doing what you lovin'."
- Gorillaz
What, your parents wants you to get a second job?
What do you do around your dojang? Instruct the newer students?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-04 10:44:13

hello i say take the job if you need the money but if you ahve enoguh cash or you could live without the 2nd job then don't take the job as for your hours getting cut that sucks but what can you do aie anyways what job is the job they want you to do because if it is a stressfull job then i suggest not to take it becasue then when you do workout and stuff it will get in the way if you are stressfull so wtahc out anyways the thing you should know is thta the choice is up to you not your parents......

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-04 15:03:57


It apears that Matt/Shinro is having problems accessing the NG BBS from his current resident/computer, so he asked me to look over things.

Also, dsmking has made a website for this club (right? I always forgett), so ask him, I forgott the url as well.

Other then that, I would like every member to come on and try to make some good MA topics.
Anyone, anything.


Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-04 15:30:34


Shinro talked to me quite recently and told me that the way it looks right now, he'll have the club removed from the NG BBS.
He's still planning to keep in touch, and that we'll probably still be meeting in the chatroom.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-06 11:04:01

i found this page on the 6th page anyways this is not going to well so well im going to leave the club but i hope to talk with you in the bbs you guys anyways bye

i might come and post here a few times

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-06 12:34:36

I practiced Judo and streetfight Jujutsu for 4 years, but I stopped several years ago. Now I practice Wing-Tsun Kung-Fu, Qui-Gong and Scrima. I've recently started with Wing-Tsun Kung-Fu.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-06 12:41:04

Scrima is a fencing form from the Philippines, utilizing akimbo blades and improvised objects to counter knives, for those who don't know.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-06 19:53:44

You know what fuck making a site for this. no one really is interested in the site or the club. All the so called elders never go on or just talk in the chat. Shinro if you read this shut down the chat now. it just hurts the club. Now this club is the least bit important people say and may be true. THen they say i just joined this club to discuss martial arts. Well compare contrast just dont sit on your ass. now then

I want everyone to watch this video by one of the greatest demo teams ever called the korean tigers. They are just awesome so click here

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-09-07 00:39:06

Ohayo everyone,

It seems as if the club has almost, if not completely died while I was gone for my short vacation... DSM, I can't stop the chatroom unless noone accesses it for a few days. I've sent you a 5 page report on the history of Isshinryu that I made, from what I read you didn't receive it. I'm starting to see that this club does not have a place on N.G... Maybe this was only my summer dream, destined to die in the end. I saw the videos damking. A nice display of skill I guess, but it would be unwise to attempt the last demo in a real life situation.

I leave you with this discussion. While sparring an opponent who only knows how to use foot work, what would be your stratedgy to win the fight? Also, what is your usual strategy while sparring?

Till I post again.