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WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds (in terms of community)

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consider this as a sequel to my post called "WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds"

Why is this a question? Newgrounds is a chill community I would hang out with, while on YT there is no community.

BBS Signature

At 3/17/24 02:28 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote: consider this as a sequel to my post called "WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds"

Are you implying YouTube has a community?

Not working on Nightmare Cops.

Also last post.

BBS Signature

At 3/17/24 03:55 PM, BoiledMilkz wrote:
At 3/17/24 02:28 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote: consider this as a sequel to my post called "WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds"
Are you implying YouTube has a community?

yeah, im talking about youtube and newground's community

At 3/17/24 03:15 PM, Czyszy wrote: Why is this a question? Newgrounds is a chill community I would hang out with, while on YT there is no community.

its cuz i just like to ask questions like these

I think there are communities on YouTube (on a common topic and the like), but it is almost impossible to assemble any kind of community on YouTube. But Newgrounds! A great community where everyone can contribute, and we also have something to brag about! Madness Combat, Salad Fingers, Castle Crashers, Friday Night Funkin and much more! I definitely choose Newgrounds (YouTube is also good because it's full of content, but still)!

BBS Signature

At 3/17/24 04:04 PM, Tomafokio wrote: I think there are communities on YouTube (on a common topic and the like), but it is almost impossible to assemble any kind of community on YouTube. But Newgrounds! A great community where everyone can contribute, and we also have something to brag about! Madness Combat, Salad Fingers, Castle Crashers, Friday Night Funkin and much more! I definitely choose Newgrounds (YouTube is also good because it's full of content, but still)!

by saying youtube's "community" i mean its users

by saying youtube's "community" i mean its users

Well, about that. Youtubers can be very scandalous and problematic, so I'll say that the Newgrounds community and users are better!

BBS Signature

In Newgrounds you can gain some fans and meet cool people. In Youtube you can gain money after a certain point, supposing your works ain't +18.

...Mmm, yeah, I prefer NG. I've spent 20 years in YT and never met no one. It took me only one year in NG to meet cool people

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

BBS Signature

Does youtube even have a community? I feel like people on yt only care about getting clout and money rather than building a community. NG in comparison is probably one of the best sites I used in terms of userbase. Everyone here is so chill.

Newgrounds all the way. YT has become way too focused on revenue

Honestly, both are pretty mid or outright bad for different reasons.

Youtube: comments are a trashfire, but their community posts do allow a sense of some community -- albeit very onesided. It's not so much a discussion as much as it is an announcement. That being said, you know you can make a comment and probably get a reply from someone within a matter of minutes or hours, unless you're commenting on multi-year-old videos or something.

Newgrounds: has an actual community where you can discuss a range of topics, but with the closure of General, a large fraction of that is locked behind a paywall. I'm no destitute but the very fact that it's paywalled whereas youtube's (and other sites') isn't is a gimme to youtube. Also, calling this place dead is putting it lightly. There's weeks where there's only one or two new posts in total in the Programming and Game Dev forums, sometimes combined.

So both have their flaws, and they could benefit from having more of the traits of each other -- but by that logic, if my grandmother had wheels she'd've been a motorbike.

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"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies

BBS Signature

At 3/17/24 02:28 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote: consider this as a sequel to my post called "WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds"

in terms of community DEF newgrounds. youtube is too big of a website and not really designed the same way as to really have a feeling of community among the users

I'm the best for a reason.

BBS Signature

Nothing about Youtube really rings "community" to me. With no way to send private messages afaik and how often they tweak the ToS it feels like they actively don't want there to be one.

I think I said it last thread and the opinion's still firm. Youtube is for "content" and Newgrounds is for art.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

BBS Signature

At 3/17/24 02:28 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote: consider this as a sequel to my post called "WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds"

I find content best tailored to me on Youtube, at least when it comes to certain special interests I have, but there is no comparison when it comes to the communities. There are of course loads of fanbases to be in when it comes to Youtube, but the sense of interactivity with the fans and content creators just feels so different. It feels more personal on Newgrounds in a way, like there's more of an indie touch to things I suppose. The kind of content is vastly different too in my opinion, I feel like artists shine in a way on here that they can't quite do in terms of youtube....But I think that mostly has to do with the kind of people that choose to use Newgrounds over Youtube

I've posted before that I feel like YouTube is filled with "nothingburgers" now. I'm not a big fan of this statement I made. I feel like it's hypocritical, easy to counterargue, bashing for people who do have in interest in video production, etc. However, every time I simply gaze at a clickbait thumbnail, or watch some kind of review about some infamous media that everybody already knows is terrible, or see commentary on a pretty obvious clout chaser that doesn't deserve a lambasting spotlight at all, it just confirms my thoughts I have on YouTube.

The reason I prefer the Newgrounds community is because creativity is actually desired here. People here aren't just focused on making stuff for numbers or works that's there just to pass time for others like a mediocre TV show. On YouTube, it doesn't seem like anybody cares about getting together with friends and make works for the sake of having fun or creating something that'll last for months or years to come anymore. Even if that friend group did today, they'd probably make something that you'll forget in a week like "We SURVIVED a HUNDRED BuzzFeed Articles!" Like, you could have gone to fuckin' Chili's and just hung out.

Newgrounds wins all battles

Ever since I noticed a huge uptick in drama channels hyper obsessed with Twitter, or tiktok, or gen z, etc. since the late 10s, I've considered YouTube and it community far from saving. The focus on drama in the community has made everyone turn into those annoying people you meet at work who believes everything they see on tabloids and Fox news. It's actually gotten to the point where the drama channels have formed a community in of itself judging by all the super similar thumbnails.

Newgrounds may have its moments, but it's more mellow than YouTube because the community cares more about art. Also, larger and older creators on this site seem more willing to help newer people, I've noticed. Compared to YouTube where reaction channels will just steal people's content.

Ever had to knock on wood? 'Cuz I know someone who had.

BBS Signature

At 3/21/24 10:36 AM, k-cottonears wrote:

:or see commentary on a pretty obvious clout chaser that doesn't deserve a lambasting spotlight at all.

The classic "Twitter is trying to cancel someone" video that breaks one of the golden rules of the internet, "Don't feed the trolls". I had to unsub from a channel because they abandoned their old style of content just to make these videos.

Ever had to knock on wood? 'Cuz I know someone who had.

BBS Signature

If I wanna watch other kinds of content, moslty Youtube. Though any creator that posts on Newgrounds, I normally just watch it on Newgrounds, Animators an stuff. But yeah for community I go for Newgrounds, its just better for that and a-lot more open for everyone.

Youtube is a bit too different to Newgrounds to be super comparable.

Hi :)

BBS Signature

IMO, Youtube is way too over-saturated to have a definitive community. Newgrounds is more niche and focused in this regard. This will also vary from person to person and what their preferences/experiences are, but I've personally found that the coolest parts of Youtube hardly match up to the appreciation I have for even the lamest parts of the NG community. Hell, a lot of people I admire on Youtube are also here on NG, or started out here, or even vice-versa. Of course, anywhere a large amount of people flock has the full potential to become a toxic wasteland. I think that Youtube is merely more accessible to the masses, and as much as I want more folks to love NG as much as I do, I'm not necessarily complaining about this.

The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.

BBS Signature

Brah, fuck youtube. They suck ass and just treat you like a dog bitch. Also You need to pay like 13 dollards

Compared to here which is 2.99 $.

And the people are real in here mostly and when they act stupid its for good laughs.

Nothing will make me change my mind.


dumbest question i've ever heard,

of course newgrounds

Best regards

BBS Signature

There's literally no interaction on YouTube outside of comments and that can be 50/50 most of the time. Here i had some pretty nice and chill interactions with people other than posting my art and watching videos.

At 3/17/24 02:28 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote: consider this as a sequel to my post called "WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds"

Although Youtube has many of my favorite vids to watch, NewGrounds is way much better in community no question.

Doesn't help that Youtube since either 2015 or 2016 has been going down the shitter with the terrible choices from the terrible CEOs. And it's not just the CEOs making YT worse, Content Farms, Annoying content creators who constantly advertise on advertisement, and Clickbaiters have been my biggest annoyance of how youtube content evolved overtime.

At 3/17/24 02:28 PM, SuperGibaLogan wrote: consider this as a sequel to my post called "WHICH ONE DO YOU PREFER: youtube or newgrounds"

I watch YouTube way too much. But for posting stuff I prefer NewGrounds

neither of the two

Newgrounds community is much better, because it is somewhat consistant, while yt community depends heavily on trends, how particular influencer behaves etc.

BBS Signature

I doubt you’ve posed this question to anybody on the “YouTube community” and whatever their equivalent to a forum is supposed to be.

BBS Signature

Not even a debate. Newgrounds got the most chill community there is :)