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Axioms of Reality Crew: People need you!

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DISCLAIMER: Due to the lack of a general forum, and the public limitations of Supporter party, this seems like the most appropriate forum for this propossal. If someone has something to argue about this decision, let me know right away: the important thing is, this needs to get to as much people as possible

NOTE: In this thread I will refer to the word "art" as art in general, not only drawings or similar works

Do you want to help people? Do you need advice for life? Do you have thoughts, ideals or mindsets you'd like to share? this is the thread for you, and for everyone who are either in search of help or with a will of helping out others.

What's all this about bozo?!

Allow me to explain myself...

Quite a time ago, I started a series of art called "Axioms of Reality". You can see it right here:

The objective for these, is to share knowledge i've gathered about life so far, accompanied by an art piece that can represent it. My past self would've loved to know everything I know now, and i'm totally aware some people (either younger or older) will appreciate all these advices, or at least, the ones that actually help them with the struggles of their life right now (we all confront problems at different times and rates). This is one of the best and most ambitious ways I have for sharing help to people, and I'd like we all could contribute to this initiative.

Wait, contribute? what do you mean?

I want you (yes, YOU) to contribute with your knowledge

Here's how things will work in this thread:

Have any knowledge you know can be life changing? Share it!

An "Axiom of reality" is an idea you think could apply for every type of life, independently of how different our lives are. Of course, some of those axioms will fall in the category of subjectiveness: if that happens, I suggest you to write in absolute neutrality, so you don't give misunderstandings or misguided advice (example: love is in finding company. This can be right or wrong depending on who you ask and what they consider love is exactly).

Once you've shared your "Axiom", we all can discuss it right here, and decide as a mass if it can be considered as a general advice for everyone, even if it beholds subjectivity at some level (consider that what can be useful for you might not be for everyone, but it's worth to try anyway). That way, not only will we possibly change others points of view, but also change ours by reading various opinions (remember, there's no wrong opinions, just wrong attitudes).

Once the Axiom is accepted, you can redo the axiom in the form of art you like the most: the important thing is your work must resemble the axiom you want to represent. Once you've finished, you can share it in the corresponding portal, and reply me so I can include it in the playlist shared above (it would be egotistic to share thoughts of my pure mind). You can either Pm me or reply to me in this thread. You can also share the art in the thread so everyone following it can see it directly and share their opinions.

Do you want help? don't be shy, and open your heart!

People always needs help, and this is not the exception. If you're passing through hard times and none of the things in the Axioms of Reality playlist can help you, please come to this thread and express your situation, so everyone else can give their opinions. Various responses can happen there, but sometimes, something might come to a conclusion, and that could allow to create a totally new axiom. In that case, anyone can take the responsibility of making art for that axiom by themselves.

What type of art is allowed?

Drawing, animation, game, audio, and every type of art allowed by Newgrounds (this means photography is not allowed, unless you photograph something you did in real life). Of course, doesn't matter what the real meaning of the art is, if it includes something prohibited by the site, i'm not gonna take that art in consideration.

Which ratings are allowed?

E and T only. I know that art made with and M or A rating can be helpful too, but consider this playlist is meant to reach as many people as possible: people who might not like mature art at all, or why not, minors who also need that advice for their lives (refering mainly to teenagers, as some of these axioms could be somewhat complex for kids).

Can I do art of an already represented Axiom?

Of course you can, but it's preferred you do something different. However, if your work compliments something made by someone else, is totally welcome to the playlist.

Do I need to follow a specific format for this?

No. Work however you see fit. My recomendation would be you write "Axioms of reality: small description of the axiom" in the title, and add the axiom deeply deconstructed in the description of the submission (check the one's uploaded in the playlist so far). Aside from that, do whatever you want however you want.

Another recommendation (for artists and animators) is that you use characters with no-meaning designs in your work. This means using characters who have no remarkable characteristics and can be threated as vessels for anything and anyone (notice how I tend to use totally black collored characters with little to no detail in these works). However, if you think a given character fits the art that you're doing, or you really just prefer to work with developed characters, go ahead with that.

Before closing...

Even thought is possible not every thought becomes an axiom, there's still the possibility that your opinion ends up helping someone else, so don't feel bad about sharing your thoughts: we are a community, and as a community, we care for everyone's success in their careers.

Without further addition, I end this part of the thread. Hope to see your contributions to this project very soon, and remember: always with fun, health and passion, as everything should be done.

- Emiliano

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

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