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What is your biggest demotivation when it comes to projects?

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Sometime I think to myself that people will never give my comic or future game a chance

That no matter how much I try people just won't care enough to give my works a look...but then I remember that I literally just started my comic this year and that my game hasn't even entered the illustration stage yet, like duh no wonder they don't have an audience yet

Join the Death Note Collab!!!...If you wanna...○ × ○

Mine's "no one's going to see this" when it comes to what I do for work. I'm a concept artist that works on smaller projects for small studios; most of their projects fail, and if any of them do well, my stuff is preproduction work under NDA, so the general public still isn't going to see it. I spend most of my time drawing things for people with ideas that don't excite me, which will never be seen outside of a single boardroom.

The thing about being demotivated in that way is that when it's not a hobby, you still have to do it whether you feel like it or not. Working without (creative) motivation is practically my default at this point.

At 12/13/23 08:02 PM, VanVeleca wrote: Sometime I think to myself that people will never give my comic or future game a chance
That no matter how much I try people just won't care enough to give my works a look...but then I remember that I literally just started my comic this year and that my game hasn't even entered the illustration stage yet, like duh no wonder they don't have an audience yet

you can counter-act this by saying "That's showbiz baby!" to yourself everytime something underperforms.

tries too hard to be edgy and is blocked by many because he acts rude towards others to feel better about himself.

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Not being able to draw what I have in my mind.

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

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At 12/13/23 08:02 PM, VanVeleca wrote: Sometime I think to myself that people will never give my comic or future game a chance
That no matter how much I try people just won't care enough to give my works a look...but then I remember that I literally just started my comic this year and that my game hasn't even entered the illustration stage yet, like duh no wonder they don't have an audience yet

I used to think that way, until I realized that the only one deciding how succesful is my work gonna be is me. Of course you still will receive criticism on many ways, and of course you'll do better or worse sometimes, but there's always someone, at least one person rooting for us, as they like what we do (or like us directly). also, with a bit of dedication, polish and faith, everything could be awesome.

At 12/13/23 09:20 PM, Skoops wrote: Mine's "no one's going to see this" when it comes to what I do for work. I'm a concept artist that works on smaller projects for small studios; most of their projects fail, and if any of them do well, my stuff is preproduction work under NDA, so the general public still isn't going to see it. I spend most of my time drawing things for people with ideas that don't excite me, which will never be seen outside of a single boardroom.

The thing about being demotivated in that way is that when it's not a hobby, you still have to do it whether you feel like it or not. Working without (creative) motivation is practically my default at this point.

Dude, I don't think you should be doing that, one of these days you'll lose motivation at all and will either want to quit art or kill yourself. Maybe is just my preference, but if I had to choose between doing what I like or surviving, i'd prefer doing what I like. I hugely prefer to live 30 years and have fun all those years, even in my lowest points

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

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Sometime I think to myself that people will never give my comic or future game a chance
That no matter how much I try people just won't care enough to give my works a look...but then I remember that I literally just started my comic this year and that my game hasn't even entered the illustration stage yet, like duh no wonder they don't have an audience yet

Same, ik that that doesn't matter, yet at the same time i feel like everything i do is very underrated, like, no matter how hard i try i'll be a nobody. And seeing the attention i got in Twitter really says it.

Cool, wild and Groovy beat.

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I always compare my writing to other things I love. Whenever I try making jokes for comics and things I always just think things like “This show wouldn’t make that joke” or “This game wouldn’t do that”. It’s like, if the things I love wouldn’t do it that means it’s bad or something. I sometimes have the thought that I’ll never be as funny as these things.

But I’ve gotta remember to just write what I like. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t hit very well, that’s not even my end goal. I just want to make funny things that I enjoy, and that’s all that matters in the end.

Plus, I’m very new to comic-making, so it’s pretty much guaranteed my first projects won’t be perfect.

Wacky characters and groovy patterns

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I've been working on 3 stories for almost 2 years now, the main things that demotivate me are these:

  1. Trying to start a project only to realise you haven't made anything other then two or three characters without any motivations
  2. not being able to come up with ideas as fast as you want to
  3. simply not being able to hit your bar of quality when creating something about the stories

If anything can be taken away from these it's this, Don't try to rush you ideas and learn how abandon ideas for ones you like much more.

those two things should be obvious but it wasn't for me when I started to try do creative things (◕‿◕)

Is currently making something with high amounts of GAMER ENERGY'S

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I sometimes might do something putting a lot of work into it just for nobody to see it, but oh well, it is what it is.


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At 12/14/23 12:24 AM, EmsDeLaRoZ wrote: Dude, I don't think you should be doing that, one of these days you'll lose motivation at all and will either want to quit art or kill yourself. Maybe is just my preference, but if I had to choose between doing what I like or surviving, i'd prefer doing what I like. I hugely prefer to live 30 years and have fun all those years, even in my lowest points

Not for nothin, maybe your bills can get paid with good vibes, but mine only accept money, so I have to go and make it. I need a roof over my head and the lights to be kept on if I'm going to do what I like when work's over and I have the time for it. If you want to see people that chase a good time above a sustainable life, go look under a bridge.

Dream jobs don't exist unless you dream of labor, which I do not. There aren't any options available to me that I'd prefer to do over what I do now, and the fact I get to make and throw art into a pit for a living is a privilege not many have. Why would I quit art over it? I don't blame it on art, it's capitalism's fault. The ones that burn out are the ones that got into it thinking it'd be fun the whole time; I'm not that naive.

My biggest problem is being too focused on the goal and not thinking nearly enough about the process. The process, of course, is an absolute necessity if you want to obtain the goal - no one's going to come up with ideas, make sketches and draw the art if you don't do it yourself. But my brain works in a strange way that I'm not sure I can fully explain. I will often have a goal in mind - an idea I'd like to see realized - and all I can see is the current moment, and the point in the future when that goal is achieved. But everything else in between feels like this strange, unfamiliar haze, and for some reason I feel deeply uncomfortable stepping into it. It's usually at this point that the demotivation kicks in: I think of all the time and effort that would be necessary to bring the idea to fruition and tell myself that I'm not capable of doing it, so I never even begin. I've had this happen in the middle of projects I'd been working on for years up to that point - it's one of the things I like least about myself.

These days, I'm making an effort to finish things. Focusing more on stand-alone pieces or shorter stories that can be realistically completed in a reasonable amount of time. Newgrounds has been a big help with this, actually. I've probably drawn and finished more things in the four-ish months I've been here than in the three years before I joined.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

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Not so much of the tech but how much people who don't understand the process of making art value it above actual people who spent years of their life perfecting their craft.

I guess the thought of "someone's already done this and done it better"

I would go outside and touch grass, but unfortunately there's an obstacle known as

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probably feeling like the thing I'm working on is too boring, and I get worried I'm "falling off" which makes me not wanna draw. there's nothing to fall off FROM, and honestly, numbers on twitter shouldn't matter (I got inactive so I don't get much engagement anymore). I think I REALLY want to feel like I'm actively improving and when I draw something I think is boring, I feel like I'm stagnating and it really demotivates me

I feel like I've gotten better at not caring and just having fun again, and I have to trust that this will lead me to improve as long as I don't get too afraid to experiment

Art Thread, Animation Thread


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Mine's that if my work is gonna suck after all of my hard work without caring its quality. When I check out of what I've done so far, I cringed at any part of it and it takes a while for me to figure out on changing it.

Sometimes i feel like im not good enough

When the project I did before it gets no engagement. It's pretty hard to dismiss an "I'm not worth anything." mentality when you have actual evidence to back it up.


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At 12/13/23 08:02 PM, VanVeleca wrote: Sometime I think to myself that people will never give my comic or future game a chance
That no matter how much I try people just won't care enough to give my works a look...but then I remember that I literally just started my comic this year and that my game hasn't even entered the illustration stage yet, like duh no wonder they don't have an audience yet

This is going to piss someone off I'm sure because of how nonsensical this logic is, but I've been wanting to animate something for years. Animation is such a huge undertaking that when I sit down to get started on a project, and it really sinks in how long it's going to take to get this thing off the ground, I get overwhelmed and fall out of it. My fear of putting time in without seeing it through is ultimately what causes me to lose motivation and leave projects.

Trying to work on this by starting with something small and forcing myself to see it through.

Not having enough energy after work to draw, but during my days off I have no focus because I just wanna polish off my video games backlog when I'm at home.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

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My biggest roadblock is coming up with new ideas that I want to jump on immediately, whilst already working on other things. I'm very impatient, and am always starting new projects thinking 'this time... this time I'll get it done!'. So, in a way, too much motivation for new ideas and to start new stuff, affects my motivation to complete unfinished things!

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For me it's just general sense of overwhelm and wondering if the thing will even pay off, overwhelm definitely takes priority. Once one realizes just the sheer amount of effort and time it takes to complete a project - that motivation wanes, suddenly you lose interest, because it's hard, very hard, whatever it is you want to do.

Speaking of motivation... I personally am quite tired of relying on inspiration or motivation, those things are inconvenient, way too fickle and unreliable. Discipline is where it is at, pure and simple. An individual will have to push themselves beyond their usual limits and grow some figurative balls if they truly want to achieve what they are passionate at. The former two things are more like boosters that can help along the way, but one's entire workflow shouldn't revolve around them. I just wish I didn't waste a good portion of my youth being impulsive and dependent on inconsistent cope strategies to make me work on something once a month. But I am not exactly an old person either, so things aren't too bad lol. Just too bad I lost my chance to be a young genius with good skills in 4 different professions who bought a house in their early 20's :D


At 12/13/23 08:02 PM, VanVeleca wrote: Sometime I think to myself that people will never give my comic or future game a chance
That no matter how much I try people just won't care enough to give my works a look...but then I remember that I literally just started my comic this year and that my game hasn't even entered the illustration stage yet, like duh no wonder they don't have an audience yet

Trying to make music. I'm not even an amateur on FL Studio, I am below an amateur. I don't even know how to add layers, its complicated.

Lack of time and ressource.

Time is necessary for any project.

Ressource is like having the gear and the tools that are primordial for any successful project.

But without this two things, your castle is fated to crumble.

I know that personaly.

I lately restarted to fix my schedual into making shorter ideas, and I begun to like it more this way.

Since I can do it faster, post it here and call it a day.

Yet, my bigger projects are still put on hold for the time being.

Which I am not proud of.

When the stars will align for me, maybe I will have the courage to finish everything I started.

Well, I mean if the time come to terms in my personal agenda of course.


I checked out some of your art and I think your art is good enough. Just try to assess what it is you want to improve in your art, and go from there. Another trick is looking at some of the art that you made a couple years ago and compare it to what you make now.

Don't give up!

I can definitely relate to the "nobody sees my artwork". I used to struggle with that mentality a lot early on, and It can be very discouraging for sure, but you can't give up just because of a small view count. if you only ever focus on the end result, you wont enjoy the process nearly as much (and it may show in what you make). Just have fun making your art, and if it doesn't get a ton of attention, don't sweat it!

thinking on it :3

infrawash, the person lazy but is not lazy

not finding the right show or song that fits my mood which results in a huge ass art block that could last for up to 2 months

its a scary world for me :O my mood for projects changes a lot

𝓰𝓻𝓲𝓶 𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸𝓮

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That nobody will see my projects and interact with them. But I've learned that most of it is luck based anyway, so it doesn't get to me as much as it did before. I don't truly know when a project of mine will blow up compared to previous output. It's happened in the past, and it might happen again in the future. All I can do for sure, is have fun making the projects :]

My biggest demotivation tends to be that I just fall out of the flow at some point, and then getting that flow back becomes like trying to find water in a desert while being thirsty and hungry with 0 hours of sleep.

Projects tend very long, so if I am working on a project, and the project needs to be entirely completed by the time it's posted, eventually it becomes tortuous.

If I can post it as I go, the moment I lose my flow, the project basically falls into hiatus.

It's more of an ADHD thing than anything I'd imagine.

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