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How's your webcomic?

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-04 17:15:20

i've had my webcomic going for a while now and im pretty confident with it! i know its probably not the best out there but the fact that i even made it makes me feel proud of myself, and i really just make it for fun anyways, i dont care if the story is dumb or the writing is bad. ive gotten myself a pretty small fanbase and made some good friends from it too, so that makes me happy ^^

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-04 18:12:51

It's funny, I'm trying to figure out how to continue it. I started it as a little thing to do for Inktober, but now it's over I'm wondering if I should stay with the same ink on paper look for it.

The pages are canon in universe, 2 unseen people are printing them off for physical records of the events shown. But now I don't need to do that gimmick, I can do anything. "Camera Screencaps", artistic renditions due to corrupted footage (Storyboards), etc.

I'll go back to making it soon enough, just want to finish off this little animated thing first, and get the Tapas/Webtoons pages up and running for easy readingiu_1125151_6561348.webp

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-04 23:08:53

I'm planning to do one. Yesterday I got a crappy but funny idea. It might work

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-07 19:16:35

Fuuuuck, I caught a pretty bad cold last week and it made it so hard to finish this chapter

I have only 3 days left until my monthly deadline and haven't even started coloring!!!


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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-07 20:47:00

my web comic...hmm welp i have inspiration problems...ok The truth is that I am procrastinating a lot and idk if traslate to english

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-07 21:12:54

It's coming along. I'll have new pages hopefully soon. I work on it between other projects (but I do make a lot of side art and comics XD ).

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-08 18:23:02

Phew, managed to finish quicker than expected after a bit of a meltdown


This is like, a big deal to me personally

Because this is my first personal milestone of actually managing to stick with a project for THIS long, even when I was working on comics as a kid I would get bored after a few weeks and start something else entirely

I hope to continue stick with it until the finale!

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-08 18:57:58

after like a year of worldbuilding and changes to characters, settings and stuff i finally started writing, finished the prologue and drew the 1st page... yeeeaaahh, i got a long way to go.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-08 19:06:45

At 12/8/23 06:57 PM, FunnyPlush wrote: after like a year of worldbuilding and changes to characters, settings and stuff i finally started writing, finished the prologue and drew the 1st page... yeeeaaahh, i got a long way to go.

Lmao that's totally fine bud!!! When you start a comic, it's always rough because you want it to be PERFECT

The start is where most readers will begin after all and if your start SUCKS they're probably not gonna stick with it, so you can't help worrying if you should start at all or continue planning

You just eventually gotta DO IT, that's the only way you'll improve and get more confident in your art and writing

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-09 10:17:10

I've been working on a comic for a while now, but haven't published anything yet because I want the first arc to be just right. Feels more like doing storyboards for a 90 minute movie and since I rely on a lot of non-verbal body language my chapters end up having 25-30 pages each.

Right now I have chapters 2-5 completely sketched out. Chapter 2 used to be chapter 1, but I drafted up a new chapter 1 for a better introduction to the world and its characters.. I also got feedback from a good professional friend that I want to incorporate.


At 11/18/23 08:24 PM, Tenebrare wrote: upgraded my windows and deleted 4 months of work with one move.

That must've been soul-crushing! I hope you are back on your feet and more happy with your art than ever.

At 11/20/23 11:46 PM, TingSing wrote: Unfortunately I've seen many times that you don't want your huge passion project to be your first webcomic, since its your first time and you'll be testing your limits and patience with it. The thing is though, I don't want to make a comic about anything else lol.

I feel like this works for some people, but not for others. Some of us are the more animalistic "just do it" artists who can't help themselves, while other artists require a more rational, academic approach that necessitates taking on gradually more challenging ideas. It may all come down to focus and discipline, or a rabid drive to create.

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-09 12:01:54

At 11/18/23 08:24 PM, Tenebrare wrote: upgraded my windows and deleted 4 months of work with one move.
That must've been soul-crushing! I hope you are back on your feet and more happy with your art than ever.

It did make me ponder about things- 'is it sign from above to quit?" . But then I thought, "or is it sign for me to practice more?". So Inktober delayed it "5th month" and then we have December where no one ever gets any work done for various reasons. And so Instead my winter show-off, was postponed to next year if at all.

I also rewrote part of the story, been practicing doing more details with less time, and am spending this month trying some techniques to get more towards style I love to look at myself.

regarding passion project and being a freshman. Well if I do not do my passion project, i'd give up - especially looking at the setbacks I have had, or the re-learning some things I have forced myself trough.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-10 12:46:12

I tried counting all the pages for RMM I have made so far, more than 150+ pages...holy shit

I mean most of these aren't quite as polished as my illustrations and some are just shots of their faces but even then, wow

150+ images in half a year...even more than that if I count my illustration work and animations...

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-10 16:45:58

At 11/20/23 11:46 PM, TingSing wrote: I've had a story in my mind that I've wanted to turn into a webcomic for many years now. Unfortunately I've seen many times that you don't want your huge passion project to be your first webcomic, since its your first time and you'll be testing your limits and patience with it. The thing is though, I don't want to make a comic about anything else lol. I also see "just do it" when it comes to finally uploading that webcomic you've always wanted to make. So I'm a bit torn on what I should do :l

Literally in this position last year. I really wanted to do something before my main passion, but i managed to get a lil notebook full of one alternate idea and a ton of characters and antagonists, the whole works.

But i couldnt bring myself to start it, and so it just sat in that notebook while i did one-offs and even started redesigning "main series" characters (for like the 4th time but first time making them digitally felt like a good time to make adjustments), but then that SweetSixteenComic caught my eye. It was like early November so i knew i couldnt come up with an idea fleshed out enough in time, but i already had an idea.

So i used social pressures and a tight-deadline to force myself into doing what is essentially practice. Im not in it to win it, but im here to fuck up and learn. I want lots of criticism cuz i know for all that i learned in this (fairly intense) art-sesh i have 10x more to learn.

No fear. No pain.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-10 22:22:42

I'm working on a 3 page comic about a Spider-Man villain who goes to hell. If people like it, I'll continue it

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-14 10:20:30

going slow but steady

writing all the script down before getting on the artwork

i think my writing is much better than my art so i REALLY wanna get the writing right

i have the first bits of the script finalized though, so i should really just start on drawing it....

i wanna do some smaller comics first though. Planning on making some smaller comics for, like. Some Destiny lore cards

Just to practice

they told me it would eat my thoughts and leave me full of light

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-14 16:36:56 (edited 2023-12-14 16:44:11)

For about a month and a half, I have been hard at work on my entry to the Sweet Sixteen Comic contest, which I had completed almost a week ago. Here it is:

The idea came to me last Christmas, and before I discovered the contest it was originally going to be a bit longer. Maybe some day I'll remake this... But for now, I already have another comic in mind featuring the same characters, which I will spend more time making. And it'll be a longer story too. Chronologically, it will take place before the events of Twisted Nativity. I've recently started studying up on the Japanese narrative structure kishotenketsu and I'm inspired! So I shall incorporate kishotenketsu into my next comic's storyline (with 4 acts), given that anime is one of my influences.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-14 22:56:32


Personally I feel pretty great about it, I've managed to keep a somewhat consistent schedule and overall feel like I've gotten faster at drawing ever since I started Rockerella Meets Merman

Not too good, but that’s mainly due to exam season lol (also I’m lazy and tend to edit dialogue over and over during the script-to-comic process.

Once exams are over, I’ll make a rush to finish the first chapter for Christmas (its only 16 pages and was for the sweet sixteen contest— I completely forgot about for several months and started on it late!!)

I have a lot of other webcomic ideas and stuff, but those can wait.

small pic of personal manga


Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-16 05:20:08


lol not really but I am basically rehauling all of the previous designs I had but thankfully, I'm working with two good friends that are handling the writing side while pitching in some drawings here and there, so overall I'm doing pretty good. rn I've got 6 episodes scheduled and ready for next year! (although with the old designs but I can work around that lol) I plan on making weekly shorts before getting to THE BIG ONE, so I'm really looking forward to that.



Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-17 08:55:17

So i finished The Sweet Sixteen comic and i feel really happy with it in terms of my art, and paneling and all that fun stuff, but going forward idk i wouldnt mind having a partner that i can bounce ideas off of or at least to help with writing dialog lol.

Its sortof a catch 22 because I want my characters and story intact but i really wanna collab and share the load kinda deal. I know it probably wont be 100% my vision if i do that, and im not very adept at networking so im def held back by that. Luckily i dont have any sort of deadline, and im just going to keep doing what ive been doing and pumping out character sheets for the project till i run outta those, at the same time i'm worried that doing that will spoil character reveals? Or will it be so long between concept and reveal that the context being so different will hit in a new way.

I think for the time being, my best course of action is to keep doing what im doing, and just reach out on forum posts like this for advice/collab opportunities. I dont wanna lock a rando into a really long-term commitment, and dont wanna ruin a personal relationship by pestering with a bunch of lore and character motivations so Im just going to ignore the more complex stuff and focus on what i can do.

No fear. No pain.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-22 10:17:44

Currently debating with myself if I should start doing Chapter 11 now or take a break for the holidays...I wanna expand my story but I also wanna sleep and eat ice cream all day

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-27 04:04:14

At 11/22/23 07:27 PM, InkBlotCartoons wrote: Right now, I'm feeling excited, but also nervous because of how experimental the comic I plan on making is. It's mostly how the story will be told with no dialogue and how my protagonist will traverse the areas of the comic that's making the process of bringing it to life very slow.

There are also other things going on in my life that's making the process a snail's pace, but because of how much concept art and character designs are done for the comic, all that's really left to do are the location designs as well as some mapping.

I really can't wait to show off more of my upcoming adventure webcomic. The experiment is that it's told in a first-person POV through the eyes of the protagonist.

A synopsis of sorts for my webcomic Blot

you know how eggman almost blew up the earth in sonic adventure 2 i get the feeling la critters would be no different

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-27 23:29:53

Currently I am trying to get the "prologue" done by the middle of January. I had many things come up in life that has made me delay on getting it done sooner. I guess life is just like that. On top of that I made several realizations on my comic and my art, that has made me think of it all in a better and more positive way than before. I have been asked if I needed help on coloring, BG's, lineart, and etc. As much as I would love the help I would like it to be a personal comic for myself and for others to read and enjoy. Work that I am proud of sharing then later bitching of how I messed up one pixel of a panel. This project has been an idea I've been working on since I was 9, so its a bit of a personal goal in life, and a goal for my art to get better and, hopefully, finish.

Besides that I have been on a different thread on NG and talked a bit of my comic. Again its a slow progress, due to life taking up my free time and the job I am currently working for. Some really old panels have been posted on my account, they are old and have been "redone" to my liking.... for now. And there is one panel that I posted that shows what I want all my panels, scenes and overall general look of my comic to be. I am not the best artist but I am proud of what I got done so far, and I can see the improvements over each new panel that I finish.

[Small Note] In the future, if I get more people who want to help, I'd like to make a new series that is more ambitious and mixes up art styles in a way that makes sense. A project where all artist who helped will be credited and shouted out for their hard work. If I do plan on it I'll announce it in the future, I do have a job and a life that I have to take care of. The time will come when I have time to help work and manage it. This will also be a non-paid collaboration sadly, but hopefully it will help those to get or start in an artistic industry of any kind.

Sorry for the long rant, I have no friends to tell this stuff too, let alone art friends around my age that think of big, dumb, ambitious projects that they are passionate about. Thanks for the reads.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-29 21:05:12

Just 5 strips of the most unfunny jokes I could come up with, worst part is, I tried really hard with each one. I am not a fan of situational comedy, it is too easy nor I like current events comedy, people will look at old stuff and forget the context or it will age poorly. I love to make comedy from zero, an actual setting and a punchline, either visual or through dialogue, but it is too hard without resorting to random Internet humor or the other two conventions I mentioned previously.

Not a single new entry since January...


and I have a bunch of unfinished ones cuz I realized that it is either:

one - too much work when it comes to backgrounds since I love being EXTRA

or two - it is just not fun. Sometimes both. I feel burnt out.


Overall, I ask a lot to myself and I don't let myself experiment too much, I must have everything in a perfect state or just NOT do it at all, which I feel it is hurtful for my craft in general... I really wanna try make more comics next year, simpler and maybe just give up and try what others do.

In all honesty, if anyone is up for some feedback regarding these comics, my DMs are always open. I want to improve in any way possible.

Tits dude

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-30 15:16:33

Disclaimer - all my stuff is NSFW

Currently done chapter 0 (like a test shot for how it would look like in comic),

One piece of shit that need to be remaked and expanded (becouse it was made in a fucking rush),

1 short prequel about 2 main characters (just 15 pages)...

Now I'm on page 31 of actually telling a story

Still struggling with text and delivering...

Also with being consistent in artstyle and time scheduling -_-

...one more idiot with graphic tablet...

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-30 15:45:07

I have a project on hiatus, the backstory of my D&D character. That's the first wepcomic/manga I want to publish. I also have two original stories I want to draw. I have been very busy GMing a couple of D&D campaigns

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-12-30 16:22:40

Still in me 'ead

ich mag katzen

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2024-01-12 10:25:37

I really wanna make a video someday talking about BTS of my comic

What the initial concept was, how I came up with each character and what their first role was before I tweaked the story...but at my upload speed it will probably take a while before I hit enough chapters to talk about that stuff


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Response to How's your webcomic? 2024-02-13 05:25:25

finally fuckin finished chapter 11 hell yeaaaaaaa, I finally got a trio of chapters that I could post here with Bando :D

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2024-02-13 22:11:00

iu_1162024_10218409.webpCurrently done with the first 10 pages.

I'm working on the next few pages, among other projects.

To comic ---> https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/benjidoodl3s/hero-pages-1-10

Response to How's your webcomic? 2024-02-13 23:00:03


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