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How's your webcomic?

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How's your webcomic? 2023-11-18 18:54:20


Personally I feel pretty great about it, I've managed to keep a somewhat consistent schedule and overall feel like I've gotten faster at drawing ever since I started Rockerella Meets Merman

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-18 20:24:18

I have this OCD alike issue in my head that i do not want to publish anything before I have most of it done. Good for me, but then I managed accidentally presume that i had backed up all on external drive, when I upgraded my windows and deleted 4 months of work with one move.

So now I am back in somewhere start again, but casually working on it as it is mainly a therapy for me and posting it has become irrelevant goal, I just want it done to keep my sanity.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-18 21:16:06

I'm not very good with schedules, but in my defense, I feel like all the time it takes me to draw more chapters helps to naturally brew some nice ideas for it.


BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-18 21:53:13

I have one webcomic that I'm seriously considering giving some kinda soft reboot or something to that effect. I've been trying to get chapters out in decent time, which I think has led to the story and characters being rushed and not as defined as I'd like them to be. Not to mention I think I started with too broad a scope and have made such slow progess on it that I feel I'd be better starting over and seeing where I can refine things to make it more concise/elaborated where needed. Kinda ended up burnt out and have taken a hiatus from it for the time being. I don't wanna completely scrap it but I'm also not ruling that possibility out just yet

I am planning a second webcomic, much smaller in scale with a story that I hope won't take longer than a year to finish. Still in the early stages of planning out the story, drawing up concept art and character designs. I wanna make this one a shorter, but much more focused effort. At the very least, I'll have finished a comic and can get that pill swallowed to make future projects feel less like an insurmountable task

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-19 02:05:18

I'm practically always planning on doing a comic, it's just a matter of whether I have enough time and motivation to put the plans into action. Back in July, in a stroke of inspiration, I wrote the full script for a six chapter comic that I would really like to finish at some point because the story is very meaningful for me. But my first attempt to start it didn't go well so it's on the back burner for now.

I used to play the webcomic game from 2016 to 2019 - one of my series ended up on indefinite hiatus, the other was completed. All things considered, it could have been worse.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-19 04:54:09

I've finally started working on my first comic after planning it out for so long. All the comic is is just various episodic comedies that are only 10 pages long, but my perfectionist and procrastinating brain makes me take way longer than I should to actually finish one.

I'm probably not gonna upload this first one when I finish it, I'll start uploading it when I've made at least 3-5 issues. I won't feel as pressured to make them faster then.

Wacky characters and groovy patterns

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-19 05:04:28

Progress has been inconsistent but it's slowly coming together. I'm up to the last third of this chapter (finally)

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-19 08:49:33

I think this one is doing Alright, considering the amount of experimental things I did: Rise of Prom is based on a older comic I did, but I kinda altered details and the story.

What's left is a slice-of-life that can get very sarcastic or..cynical or both? But not all the time. As for uploading; it's HECTIC, it has been a MIRACLE that I've uploaded everyday. It's supposed to be a short thing, but it takes so much time somehow

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-19 20:38:06


Personally I feel pretty great about it, I've managed to keep a somewhat consistent schedule and overall feel like I've gotten faster at drawing ever since I started Rockerella Meets Merman

Well I have a few, either discontinued, on hiatus or still being worked on. Discontinued is my old Eddsworld au comic called Boredworld. On hiatus is an old furry webcoimic called Sheezer and the ones being still worked on are two comics. Ones called Took of the Kreigs and the other is called Parklife. I can't say or show much of Parklife but I can about the rest. Boredworld got discontinued due to me wanting to move away from the Eddsworld fandom and not being satisfied with a lot of things relating to it like story, direction, jokes and so on. A lot of it being attributed to me being a dumb 14 year old who had no idea what the hell he was doing when making the thing. Sheezer is in limbo as I'm trying to branch out and do animations for it and not really having the motivation to make comics for it, I wanna do those single page joke comics but i run out of ideas for jokes very easily and I cant think of proper stories for the series that could work and that would be actually funny. As for Took of the Kreigs thats been in the works for a year now and I have a lot planned out for it ahead of time and I'm getting ready to finally draw the damn thing. The first issue is already planned out, I have an arc in mind, everything is in the clear I just need to find the time to actually draw it. It's been on my todo list for a while now. So yeah that's how things have been for me at least.

Ayo, my name is Dorfde. I do things on the internet.

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-20 07:11:07

At 11/19/23 08:38 PM, DorfdeDoesStuff wrote:

Personally I feel pretty great about it, I've managed to keep a somewhat consistent schedule and overall feel like I've gotten faster at drawing ever since I started Rockerella Meets Merman
Well I have a few, either discontinued, on hiatus or still being worked on. Discontinued is my old Eddsworld au comic called Boredworld. On hiatus is an old furry webcoimic called Sheezer and the ones being still worked on are two comics. Ones called Took of the Kreigs and the other is called Parklife. I can't say or show much of Parklife but I can about the rest. Boredworld got discontinued due to me wanting to move away from the Eddsworld fandom and not being satisfied with a lot of things relating to it like story, direction, jokes and so on. A lot of it being attributed to me being a dumb 14 year old who had no idea what the hell he was doing when making the thing. Sheezer is in limbo as I'm trying to branch out and do animations for it and not really having the motivation to make comics for it, I wanna do those single page joke comics but i run out of ideas for jokes very easily and I cant think of proper stories for the series that could work and that would be actually funny. As for Took of the Kreigs thats been in the works for a year now and I have a lot planned out for it ahead of time and I'm getting ready to finally draw the damn thing. The first issue is already planned out, I have an arc in mind, everything is in the clear I just need to find the time to actually draw it. It's been on my todo list for a while now. So yeah that's how things have been for me at least.

I know the feel of wanting to work on like 5 things at once and the realizing you only have the energy for like 1 one of those things

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-20 08:46:38 (edited 2023-11-20 08:47:24)

So far i havent really started my webcomic but its in the works. Im having some people help me in terms of writing while i design my characters and get constructive feedback. I have the main lore already written on my notepad so thats set. Now its to work out the prolouge, setting of the world and the chapters of who to introduce first and writing said characters. I still have some more characters to work with but for now i got a concept sketch of my characters i spent working on so far along with some others already finished in their seperate references.

I'll only show the concept sketch dump that i recently made (and im proud of)iu_1117094_8595296.webp

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-20 14:06:30

I've had this concept for about a year now and still haven't uploaded yet. I've had the first episode done for a year now and am almost done with the second but I want to wait until its perfect. I want to have at least three episodes complete before I release but it's daunting. Plus the second is already over 50 pages so I'm considering splitting up into parts. I've only published one other webcomic when I was much younger and it still remains incomplete, the concept was a little to big and ambitious for the time(though I still feel myself wanting to revisit it at times). The one I'm working on now is called Allstar Rivals (ASR) and is a lot simpler in scope and plot. It follows a villain/monster of the week formula, it's basically my excuse to come up with a bunch of gimmick characters and put them in a story. There's gonna be three parts i total but hopefully it's a lot less taxing than the first series I came up with.



Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-20 15:36:22

At 11/20/23 02:06 PM, Plaguejpeg wrote: I've had this concept for about a year now and still haven't uploaded yet. I've had the first episode done for a year now and am almost done with the second but I want to wait until its perfect. I want to have at least three episodes complete before I release but it's daunting. Plus the second is already over 50 pages so I'm considering splitting up into parts. I've only published one other webcomic when I was much younger and it still remains incomplete, the concept was a little to big and ambitious for the time(though I still feel myself wanting to revisit it at times). The one I'm working on now is called Allstar Rivals (ASR) and is a lot simpler in scope and plot. It follows a villain/monster of the week formula, it's basically my excuse to come up with a bunch of gimmick characters and put them in a story. There's gonna be three parts i total but hopefully it's a lot less taxing than the first series I came up with.

La critters? Average I guess could be better could be worse enough said

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-20 17:22:05

Well, i'm doing one for the Sweet Sixteen thing, but i've thinking the idea of doing more, but idk.

Bad news is... I only got one page done!

Cool, wild and Groovy beat.

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-20 21:17:36 (edited 2023-11-20 21:18:04)

Only have 3 more pages to go for one I'm working on. I don't expect much from it in terms of the Sweetsixteen contest. But it was a good enough excuse to flesh out Mortem's story from the notes I've written on the curse's nature. Comic format isn't really a forte of mine despite all comic shitposting I've done in some threads.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-20 23:46:12

I've had a story in my mind that I've wanted to turn into a webcomic for many years now. Unfortunately I've seen many times that you don't want your huge passion project to be your first webcomic, since its your first time and you'll be testing your limits and patience with it. The thing is though, I don't want to make a comic about anything else lol. I also see "just do it" when it comes to finally uploading that webcomic you've always wanted to make. So I'm a bit torn on what I should do :l

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-21 00:10:37

Thepixelizer bytes, as the name intended started out as joke comic, because my persona is one of the weakest supers my brain has ever concocted.

It’s about me and my insane robot pal as we go on misadventures in a digital realm.

So far people actually want to see more, and are favoriting it. At launch it’s getting way more views on Comic Fury than my other comic Shuttle Switcher did when I first launched it.

So far I’ve winged up to this point with no real plot written down.

I only upload when I feel like it. No real schedule.

For crying out loud I don’t know how I do it this is the second comic I’ve winged in a row with a good amount of success the other being Shuttle Switcher Dimensional Disaster (r.i.p I took it down and deleted the backups)

As for Shuttle Switcher Sshuttle Switcher classic not Dimensional Disaster) it’s not doing so hot.

And I can’t really make any more 3d issues since my pc broke down.

It makes sense it’s in this condition since it has no story or context like thepixelizer has. Not to mention there’s no familiarity since I never stick to any character for long.

Just incase you wanted to know it’s a gag comic crossing over characters from my comic universe of 20 or so comic series.

I am plotting out an actual story for it again like it did in Dimensional Disaster just this time I’m writing it first, in fact it will be a reboot of Dimensional Disaster.

But it’s still in its alpha and I haven’t finished even a single panel yet. I already tried doing it before with Shuttle Switcher Ghost Galaxy but I put that one on the chopping block at issue 3, so hopefully I can actually put something together worth reading this time.

I make comics checkout my Shuttle Switcher comic series ! And Ghost Galaxy as well!

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 11:57:55

I started writing it late last year, but my nerves and lack of focus keep putting the script on hold. I know exactly what I want to do, but I'm worried it won't be good enough and my lack of confidence kills my drive. Hopefully it'll be finished by next year. I'll either be a good enough artist by then to draw everything myself or I'll find one that I can afford who has the style I'm looking for.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 12:04:08

At 11/22/23 11:57 AM, AldilusRex wrote: I started writing it late last year, but my nerves and lack of focus keep putting the script on hold. I know exactly what I want to do, but I'm worried it won't be good enough and my lack of confidence kills my drive. Hopefully it'll be finished by next year. I'll either be a good enough artist by then to draw everything myself or I'll find one that I can afford who has the style I'm looking for.

That's totally understandable, people migh tell you "It's ok if it's not perfect, you gotta start something to get better at it" but it really isn't that easy.

If you care about the story you want to tell you WANT it to be PERFECT so goddamn badly, even if you know you can never achieve the true "perfection" you want for it by yourself.

If you're still unsure I'd reccomend doing a smaller project comic first, something between 20 ~ 40 pages. Layout, paneling, text bubbles, dialogue, overall aesthetic and drawing speed can be difficult to figure out without some experiementing beforehand.

You shouldn't be too harsh on your skills, but you should also take your time until you feel ready to tell the tale of your dreams.

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Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 12:24:41

At 11/22/23 12:04 PM, VanVeleca wrote:
At 11/22/23 11:57 AM, AldilusRex wrote: I started writing it late last year, but my nerves and lack of focus keep putting the script on hold. I know exactly what I want to do, but I'm worried it won't be good enough and my lack of confidence kills my drive. Hopefully it'll be finished by next year. I'll either be a good enough artist by then to draw everything myself or I'll find one that I can afford who has the style I'm looking for.
That's totally understandable, people migh tell you "It's ok if it's not perfect, you gotta start something to get better at it" but it really isn't that easy.
If you care about the story you want to tell you WANT it to be PERFECT so goddamn badly, even if you know you can never achieve the true "perfection" you want for it by yourself.

If you're still unsure I'd reccomend doing a smaller project comic first, something between 20 ~ 40 pages. Layout, paneling, text bubbles, dialogue, overall aesthetic and drawing speed can be difficult to figure out without some experiementing beforehand.

You shouldn't be too harsh on your skills, but you should also take your time until you feel ready to tell the tale of your dreams.

I'll probably give the small project thing a shot. The paneling and text bubbles are the most intimidating part for me as far as the drawing goes.

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 16:00:24 (edited 2023-11-22 16:03:00)

OH SHIT thanks for reminding me!!

what I did so far is have a stupid Idea and make it cool like the characters, setting and plot. then I draw a rectangle for every page, then sketch what I think what is going to be on that page and after that... idk I need to work on it

GRR <-- that's my signature

Pretty ironic how I draw cowboys even though I'm First nations ;)

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 16:10:10 (edited 2023-11-22 16:13:24)

At 11/20/23 07:11 AM, VanVeleca wrote: I know the feel of wanting to work on like 5 things at once and the realizing you only have the energy for like 1 one of those things

or skill and time only for one of those things. Somewhere in my chaotic madness I thought - cool I have this chapter almost done, I could do now with some animated banner, this be great. Only 2 problems.

-I had never animated a thing in my life

-Making assets to animation takes time - like me doing test clip with 200 drawings. After that i thought maybe I'll just animate in 3D. It's not that building 3D assets takes any less time...

And then i think maybe I should just scrap whole story in doodles idea and just make some refined illustrations. Once I settle that idea, then someone goes like, "OMG cannot wait for your story" and I am back at it again until I while sitting in toilet think that maybe I have bitten too much and I really am going to choke on my ambition.

Then some point later I think - having goals and ambitions are good motivation to learn and improve, finding myself back at square one - with all the 10 things I want to do, and being able to do 1 thing at time.

Maybe I should just bloody-post-what-i have already done and do all the rest later, but then voice inside me starts nagging, "no, no you said you do not rush and make it the way you'd want it to be!"

I think my soul is cursed. I am like the main-character of my story - messed up and confused:


Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 16:23:34

I think it's going p good, like... it's not making high numbers or something but people are giving positive feedback to it and showing genuine interesting sooooo everything i could say is that i'm happy for the reception my comic is having, it's not a high reception but i'm glad most of people liked it.

Only problem is... that i'm slow asf lmao

soooo i'm trying to figuring out how to draw faster and more efficiently (although that's not a big problem at all nowadays bc i think i'm doing things faster than before, dunno if it's a placebo effect or something but yeah, not a big problem as before)

But welp, to summarize, i'm so happy for the reception is receiving my comic and honestly can't wait to show all the cool stuff that is coming, laughs, tears and surprises are in the order of the day with ever chapter! ;D

Sooo if you want to give it a shot, go ahead buddy, you won't regret it!


(and of course... trying my best to be better every day in everything soooo don't get surprise if the art gets improved a lot out of nowhere with every chapter (?)

The goofy ahh penguin, creator of Deep Sea Prisoner! ;D

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 16:31:22

I've got a pretty big project! I'm currently working on the design of the one who will be my lead character.iu_1118346_9937559.webp

I've also made a short comic that's not really part of the narrative but that's set in the same universe:

To be honest, I'm not going to start the real thing for a while, I've got a story and a deep lore in my head, but i believe I still need to improve a lot before getting it started for real !

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 17:06:14

I have been working on Black Friday since July of 2021.


As of right now, I have 13 completed comic issues (with one issue I’m trying to complete right now.) and 2 that are incomplete.

There were times I had hiatuses that lasted for months, but I am trying to stop doing that.

It kind of has a small following. I had 1 or 2 fans make fan art of my characters at one point, but that’s it.

It’s basically about this supernatural serial killer by the name of Tommy Newell (the one in red), who goes on misadventures with his friends. It has a lot of edgy themes and dark humour and sometimes tackles serious topics like depression.

BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 17:29:07

It’s going pretty slow there’s always something something stopping the progress


Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 17:48:05

Its hard to start it.



BBS Signature

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 18:16:14

I have like two going at the same time and feel pretty good about both of them honestly. One of them is being made with my spouse so its double fun

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-22 19:27:35

Right now, I'm feeling excited, but also nervous because of how experimental the comic I plan on making is. It's mostly how the story will be told with no dialogue and how my protagonist will traverse the areas of the comic that's making the process of bringing it to life very slow.

There are also other things going on in my life that's making the process a snail's pace, but because of how much concept art and character designs are done for the comic, all that's really left to do are the location designs as well as some mapping.

I really can't wait to show off more of my upcoming adventure webcomic. The experiment is that it's told in a first-person POV through the eyes of the protagonist.


A synopsis of sorts for my webcomic Blot

Response to How's your webcomic? 2023-11-23 00:36:56

I'm already on my second one and I'm going to cut out a lot of things to finish it before the end of 2024, it's a lot of burnout to make a weekly comic book. 

I'm going to start making in paper to be able to get enough to eat.
