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<Siclanez>'s Music Thread

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<Siclanez>'s Music Thread 2023-11-12 13:32:38

So uh, I saw this and thought "that sounds like a good idea to promote my music to scouters"

If I did anything wrong pls tell me so I can tackle it :)

Basically, I got the cave story deluxe package thingy off their website in 2020 and messed with OrgMaker 2.1.0 making tracks. I made a playlist of 6 of them and called it an "EP".

In 2023 I revisited it and changed the tracklist a bit and released it privately on Discord but thought "I want to upload it somewhere public" so I arrived here. I modified three of the EP tracks to comply to the Audio Guidelines (they used text-to-speech for vocals, which aren't allowed), I made one of them instrumental and recorded my own vocals for the other two.

I uploaded said EP today but only the first four were made public tracks due to being limited (the two that failed to publish are the two which have vocals btw). I also have a different song I made back then uploaded here.

Musical Background? Well I don't really know how to make music, I just dabble with OrgMaker and now also Pxtone and make whatever I think sounds good, and give it a touch or two in Audacity to make it sound better. As for music I listen to, pretty much everything that isn't reggaeton or hard metal.

When I write lyrics (and also poetry) I mostly think of pop and pop-rock but I also write more calmer stuff sometimes. The other day I wrote a song and made it in pxtune (will edit or make a reply when I upload it here, it's already finished).

As for software, I mostly use Pxtune and Audacity as I mentioned earlier. I tried other software but they were too complicated for my understanding.

If anyone wants to show feedback I'll gladly take a look on it :D

PSA mentioned showing at least three tracks so here's two (1, 2) that sound different to the ones I linked earlier (they're more chiptune-y I guess?) Any further music I post here should be newer stuff rather than remasters of tracks made years ago.

Response to <Siclanez>'s Music Thread 2024-01-13 15:39:39

New songs: Bubble and 112.